Don’t Look Back

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Kai

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The morning was one of the worst of Kai’s life. The only competitor perhaps was their first morning at camp or even the day they went there. They stood up and stretched, Becca had stayed awake faithfully throughout the entire night, keeping watch. Raelynn had kept Kai’s left side warm- but now Kai’s shoulder was infinitely sore.

“You kay?” Becca asked as they started to hurry through the forest (hopefully where there would be some sort of civilization)

Kai stretched again, “Yeah-” They winced at the gruffness of their own voice, “Just a little sore from sleeping upright.”

Becca’s eyes glinted, “Yeah and I bet Raelynn sleeping on your shoulder didn’t help with that!”

Kai sent them a half-hearted glare as they continued to trudge through the trees.

It was relaxing in a strange way- the way the trees closed into them and covered them safely with their dense branches and large leaves.

Raelynn made it to Kai’s side at one point, slipping her own delicate hand into Kai’s cold hand. Kai turned and caught a glimpse of a little smirk on Raelynn’s lips, but it quickly turned into a softer smile. Kai faltered at this, making Raelynn snicker.

“It was about three more hours of walking before they caught even the faintest sound of cars. Becca immediately became more spirited and started to run. Raelynn picked up speed too, dragging Kai, whose hands were still attached to hers, along after her. This made Kai laugh uncontrollably, almost making it impossible for them to run while trying to gasp in the air between the breaks of laughter. Raelynn looked at them strangely at first, but it quickly developed into a hysterical giggle, and soon all three of them were full-blown belly laughing as they tripped over their own feet to reach the road.

It was a dirt road, that only had the occasional car, but it was something. And it lifted all their spirits immensely.

“Almost free!” Becca yelled gleefully, collapsing on the edge of the road and banishing the rest of her giggles.

Raelynn leaned heavily on Kai, “Ye-yeah” SHe too had stopped laughing and was now trying to catch her breath.

Kai smiled and took Raelynn’s hand again, “Does anyone have any idea as to why we were laughing?”

“You started it!” Becca pointed accusingly at Kai. “So don’t ask me! I just start laughing when someone else is laughing, okay??”

Raelynn shrugged and smile good-naturedly, “Yah. Becca’s right! YOu started it. Kai? What do you have to say for yourself?”

“Okay fine! I started it,” Kai shrugged, “It was probably adrenaline or something.”

They all smiled at each other, thrilled to be out of the camp and the forest before a car roared to a stop beside them. They all jumped as a man’s voice washed over them. “You girl’s alright?” He asked, concern lacing his eyes, “Teens don’t usually hang around over here.”

This seemed enough to bring all of their spirits down, reminding all of them of why they were out here. “Y-Yeah…” Becca stuttered, “W-We’re fine..” Tears were starting to appear in the corners of her eyes.

This made the man more concerned, “You sure… You don’t seem fine.”

“No!” Becca started full-on sobbing, “We just ess-escaped and now- now we’re broke and have no where to go! ANd my parents hate me! And we’re going to die! THey’re going to kill us if we go back!”

The man’s eyes softened, “Escaped? You mean from that crazy Christian conversion camp?”

Raelynn and Kai both looked to the ground, and nodded warily. The man laughed, a dry, broken laugh, “They sent my sister there. Elise. Her name was. SHe-” He too started to cry, “She didn’t make it out,” He turned to them again a warm smile on his face. “I’m glad someone was helped.”

Kai looked up, stunned, “Elise?” They looked at their hands, “Maybe it is working… maybe it just led me to safety…”

Raelynn nudged Kai’s arm and whispered in their ear, “DO you think it’s that ghost, Elise?”

Kai shrugged, the man was trying to comfort Becca so they had a few minutes to discuss, “I dunno. Seems a little too.. coincidental. A lie maybe? Or maybe Elise actually gave me a gift of good fortune or something…”

Raeylnn nodded but still marched up to the man confidently, “Me and my friend Kai,” SHe gestured at Kai, “Have been stuck in there for a year. And probably would be for at least two years more. Becca here had just arrived. We escaped last night. And now we’re here”

The man stared at them, probably wondering about what sort of sin they were involved with. “How old are you? If you don't mind my asking.”

Kai stepped forward this time, needing to say something, and maybe that would give them a sign as to whether or not they should trust this man. “I’m 16, Raelynn is almost 17- or will be in a few months. And Becca is.. 14?”

Becca nodded, “Yep! Turned 14 a few months ago! But. Raelynn, you’re almost 17? I thought you had literally just turned 16 last month. That’s what Kai said.”

“Yeah…” Raelynn kinda shrugged, “it’s embarrassing really. My parents got my birthday wrong. In camp, I just go by the month they think it is because if I say otherwise I would be punished for lying… but. Yep. Almost 17.”

Becca leaned over and hugged her, “Honestly, that’s harsh. Especially since you would have to stay at camp longer just because your birthday was wrong, and you can’t even say anything about it!”

Raelynn blushed a little and nodded, a little satisfied smile on her face. “Yeah- but I wouldn’t mind staying for Kai!”

Becca gagged, “Get a room! Aro-ace girl here!” She pointed at herself and just continued to point until Raelynn rolled her eyes.

“Okay! Okay!” Raelynn said, “I get it! You can put your fingers down now!

The man seemed intrigued “They locked up an aro-ace girl?” he asked, “I didn’t think they would do that!”

Becca snorted, “If their parents wanted to they would lock up a hetero girl, to be honest. And just pretend that she’s gay. They are so bloodthirsty!”

Kai snorted, “If they had a straight girl, they would treat her like a god or something. Honestly.”
They all snicked at this, it sort of felt like an inside joke, the camp.

The man actually looked sad as he shook his head, “I’m truly sorry that you girls had to go through that. For my sister- do you guys need anything?”

They all looked to one another, “Well…” Kai started, “We need food, clothes, and money…. Walking around in this-” They pulled at the hem of their shirt, “Is a little bit of a giveaway in case the consolers come and see us while shopping or something..”

The man thought about it, “You could come to my house… I could give you something, but not for long, I was planning on leaving the state soon.”

“Why are you leaving the state?” Raelynn asked slowly. The man just flashed her a wicked grin and continued with what he was saying.

“What do you think?”

Becca crossed her arms and turned to the other two, “Should we trust him?” She hissed.

Kai looked at him warily, “We don’t have much choice… either way we have a chance of dying. So. Let’s take the chance- we don’t have much to lose.”

Raelynn nodded, but a worried look still covered her face. They all turned back to the man in sync. “Okay,” Kai said loudly, “We’ll come. If we get your name.”

His grin widened, “Jay. Hop into the car girls.”

All three of them clambered into the back, Raelynn clearly putting her hand on the hilt of the knife in her pocket. “Just in case,” She whispered when Kai shot her an inquisitive look.

The car ride was long and silent, nobody speaking, Jay not even bothering to try and make conversation when he saw the poisonous expression on all of their faces.

Apparently, Jay lived in a large house in the middle of the farmland all by himself. He had two horses, grazing in the field, and a large booming dog that ran out of the house as soon as the car pulled into the gravel driveway. Kai, Becca, And Realynn left the car instantly after it was in park.

Jay got out too, the dog running over to them and jumping on Becca. Jay pulled the dog back, “Sorry. This is Holly. She's a Great Dane., and very friendly.”

Holly was as tall as Kai’s waist at least and was white with large splotches of black all over her body. Becca Smiled and crouched down to pet Holly, cooing about how cute she was.

Kai looked back at the horses in the field, “Who are they?” They asked, “They're beautiful.”

Jay grinned, “The black one is Raven, my Friesian, and my pride and joy. And the buckskin is my quarter horse, Flickers. She's lovely too. Do you like horses?”

“Yeah,” Kai said, a little breathlessly, the horses were too wondrous. “I do.”

“You can ride them if you want,” Jay said, stepping up next to her, “Just give us an hour to get settled. I’ll let all of you stay for a few days, will that work?”

Raelynn and Becca discussed behind Kai for a few minutes before saying, “Okay. That’ll work.”

Jay smiled, “Great! I’ll show the three of yo to your room.”

They all followed him up to the house (holly included). It was a gorgeous house, with a white glass door and dark blue siding, and white trim. The inside had a sort of old-fashioned feel to it, but also was modern and felt… like… home?

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They traveled up the wooden stairs, following Jay when he opened up a dark red door. Inside was a large room with two beds, one on either side of the room. It had a dusty dresser pushed up against the back wall. “Sorry it’s a bit dusty,” Jay leaned up against the wall as he watched the trio examine the wall. “I wasn’t expecting people.”

Raelynn bounced onto the bed. “It’s great, better than anything I was expecting, really,”

Jay nodded and looked to Kai, “If you want, Kai, when you're settled I can take you to see the horses. Okay?”


Jay was already leaving the room. Raelynn threw her duffel bag onto her bed. “SO!” she declared, “who's sleeping on the floor?”

Becca winked, “Nobody’s sleeping on the floor! Raelynn, you and Kai are going to share! Obviously!”

Raelynn blushed and stammered, “Uh-- o-okay,.... Only if Kai wants. To… d-d-do you want to, Kai?”

Kai smirked, “Sure.” Then they spun on their heel and left Raelynn in a spluttering mess.

Downstairs, Jay was waiting for them. “Ready? He asked.

“Yep, let's go.”

The Friesian, Raven trotted up to the two of them immediately and whinnied.

Jay chuckled and grabbed one of the two halters off the gate and opened it, “I’ll go catch Raven. I’ll be right back.”

Kai nodded and watched as he walked up to Raven and slid the halter over her head. He took the lead rope and handed it to Kai, “here. Walk her up the path, will you?”

Raven was huge, towering over Kai. But she was gentle, loyally following Kai as they led her up the path, Jay hurrying after them.

Kai could soon see what must’ve been the stables. It was empty with no horses in it. But Jay led them in and directed Kai to clip Raven up on the crossties. “I’ll show you to the tack room. C’mon.”

The tack room was a small room at the end of the row of stalls. It held a pile of saddle pads and half-pads, a few buckets of brushes, two saddles, and three bridles. As well as a few buckets filled with boots and polos. Kai shrugged and picked up a set of a light blue saddle pad, ear bonnet, and polos.

When they brought them out Jay let them tack up Raven and lead her out to the outdoor ring. “She’s a really good girl,” He said, “Just let her lead, and you should be alright. Okay?”

“Okay,” Kai nodded, scanning the area around the ring briefly. There wasn’t anything that might spook the horses that they could see. That was good. They were still suspicious of Jay… but they had been longing to get on a horse ever since they had been banned from horse riding a few months ago when they started yelling at another camper for hitting the horse too much.

Raven was really steady, her pace was quick but smooth, and soon the two of them were trotting along happily.

“Do you like her?” Jay asked, his eyes shining.

Kai smiled and leaned forward to pat Raven on her neck, “She’s amazing. No wonder she’s your favorite.”

Jay laughed at this, “DO you know how to canter?” 

Kai nodded yet again, “Yeah, I haven’t in a while though- I was banned from horse riding at camp cause I yelled at a camper that was hitting her horse with a crop… in the face.”

“Why would she do that?!” Jay looked annoyed, “Some people are such idiots. She should be the one getting banned from horse riding! Should she not?”

Kai just shrugged, “I agree completely, but I’m not supposed to… ahem. Show aggression because it’s not lady-like

Jay rolled his eyes. “Anyway. Back to cantering- Raven is slow when it comes to a canter even though her trot is fast. And it is a little rough the first time with a new rider, but I think you’ll be fine.”

Raven’s canter was really rough at first, but they soon both fell into a steady rhythm. Kai had completely forgotten about what it felt like to be on a horse like this and just canter around the ring without it being chock full of other people. When they had first arrived at camp, they had tried to fit in and be good. They only wanted to return home then- until they realized what the camp was all about. That was when everything went awry.

When the ride was done, Kai dismounted and helped tack off Raven, before returning to their given room. Once they entered it, both Becca and Raelynn jumped up from where they were sitting. “What happened? Can we trust him?” Raelynn dashed over to Kai and lead them to their bed.

They both sat down. “It was fine,” Kai said, “Really, we just got Raven and rode her around a bit. Nothing extraordinary.

“So he didn’t do anything suspicious?” Becca asked, bouncing on the bed across from them.

“Nope. He actually seems a little bit nice,” Kai said shrugging.

“Hmmm….” Raelynn squinted, “Are you sure he’s not a rapist or anything?”

“Well,” Kai started, “I can’t exactly say he’s not but he might not be.

Becca huffed, “now that doesn’t mean a thing. So basically you gathered absolutely no information on him but don’t want to admit it?”

Kai tried to push Becca off the bed, “No! I gathered some information!’

Becca dodged Kai’s outstretched hands, “Hmhm. Well. Care to enlighten Raelynn and me then?”

“Well,’ Kai shifted uncomfortably, “He has a horse and knows how to ride…”

Both girls burst out laughing, leaving a pouting Kai trying to defend themself desperately, “No! I gathered other information- actually. No no, I did not.”

Raelynn clapped Kai on the shoulders playfully, still snickering, “It's okay, Kai. I think you’re going to find yourself a sugar daddy. Huh?”

Kai’s cheeks burned red as they glared at Raelynn. “No! Raelynn! Shut up! It’s not like that at all!”

Becca pulled a face, “I sure hope so. If Kai’s sugar daddy is Jay… then…” It made all of them dissolve into fits of laughter once again- until they heard Jay’s voice calling up to them from downstairs.

“Raelynn, Kai, Becca! Do you want food or no?” Jay was calling up to them from the bottom of the stairs.

They all looked at each other. “Do we-?” Becca asked hesitantly.

Raelynn pretended to think, “I’m starving. And I like food. Even poisoned food. So I say hell yeah.”

“Fine with me,” Kai shrugged. “Ready?”

“Let’s goooooo!” Becca yelled, running down the hallway and down the stairs. Raelynn adopted a small smirk on her face and chased after her, leaving Kia walking after them much more sophisticatedly.

Jay had made soup- which just made Kai nervous. The soup was one of the best things to slip other ingredients in and the person eating it wouldn’t notice. Raelynn shot an inquiring look at the soup, as if to say, what is this?

Jay answered, “Chedder broccoli. One of my favorites.” As if to prove his point he took a spoonful and sipped it delicately,

The other three gathered around the pot and each put an appropriate amount of soup in their bowl. Jay looked at them funny, “You can take more than that y’know..”

Raekynn glanced down, “Why would we take more than this? Isn’t this a serving size?”

“No…” Jay was starting to look worried, “You each took barely half a spoonful. A serving would be three times that.”

“This…” Becca started uncertainly.

“This is what they gave us at camp,” Kai continued for her.

He merely shook his head and said, “Oh so they were starving you too. Take more. I beg of you.”

Even though this was probably meant to be an action of kindness and concern the trio just got more suspicious at his insisting that they eat more. But they took it nonetheless and were all thoroughly shocked to find that it actually tasted good. And that they didn’t immediately drop dead on the spot, or find their stomachs twisting uncomfortably as poison entered their systems, no it seemed perfectly safe. But- Kai, Raelynn, and Becca stilled clutched on to their suspicions, not willing to let them go so easily just yet. 

They all nestled into their romm that night, buzzing with questions, in just two days, their entire world had turned upside down, and they were now stuck, unknowing what was going to become of them. 

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