Don’t Be Too Insightful

Chapter 4: 3

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Under the startled eyes of Jerry and Sean, Levi strode up to Laird, grabbed his arm, and dragged him out of the door.


While being dragged away, Laird waved to the two young men, and finally took the initiative to take steps towards the door.


As soon as he turned around, he was pushed against the door by Levi.


Levi lowered his voice: “What are you doing here?”


The blond weirdo pointed to the wooden door behind him with a smile: “Dear old friend, let’s go to your car and talk. Now there are two curious teenagers behind me, they are trying to hold their breath, leaning on the door eavesdropping .”


There was a small voice behind the door, and it was Jerry who stepped back and bumped into Sean.


Levi frowned and got into the car on the side of the road with “Laird”.


At the Cates house just now, Levi couldn’t help but imagine what “Laird” would look like.


Although this imagination was short-lived and fragmented, it was enough to piece together a vivid image: Squirrel Town was home to Mr. Cates, who and his wife had a boy named Laird. Before the boy grew up, he had experienced the blow of his parents’ divorce and his mother’s death. His father soon met a new love and had another child. From then on, the little boy Laird was the most redundant person in the family.


One day, a mysterious incident occurred in his family’s house, and he encountered some unknown horror in the incident… He was greatly affected by it, but no one believed him, and even more sadly, his father and The stepmother not only did not accompany and support him, but also sent him directly to a mental hospital.


Later he grew up and regained some sanity, and even if he had been discharged from the hospital and gained his freedom, he could not come back to this home again…


There is no trace of him at all. Without his room, without his picture, acquaintances in the Cates family had forgotten him, his stepbrother’s childhood playmates had never heard of him, and even the missing puppy had more status than him.


How bitter, so sad, it’s just a little pitiful.


Roughly speaking, this poor little one is just entering the society at this. But can he really go to school or work? Can he really live a normal life?


Levi sat in the driver’s seat, and the blond young man suspected of “Laird” was in the back seat, smiling at him through the rearview mirror.


Levi took off his hat and wiped his face. His guess was right… Laird was indeed in his twenties, he had neither attended college nor had a serious job, and he was indeed not an ordinary person…


As far as he knew, the man was not called “Laird Cates,” but called himself “Master Hopkins” (which Levi knew, of course, was not his real name), a psychic, exorcist, witch Art historian, freelance writers, explorer, occult researcher (Levi certainly doesn’t believe it).


The reason Levy remembers the list of names so firmly is that Hopkins gave him business cards and always emailed him, and every business card and every email had this list of names on it.


Levi calmed down for a while and asked, “Your real name is Laird?”


“Yes, my name is indeed Laird Cates,” said the blond young man. “I can show you your driver’s license if you want. If it weren’t for today, I wouldn’t have told you my real name…then I would have forever been the Hopkins, the psychic master in your heart.”


“Why did you come here?”


“This is my home.”


Levi wanted to say, you’re not living here…but he couldn’t. The “little poor boy” he had in his mind just stopped him from saying anything.


Laird didn’t care much about the overtones in the conversation, he said calmly: “Jerry told you about me, right? I don’t really live here, it was the police who contacted me, so I decided to come back. ”


“Police?” Levi looked suspiciously in the rearview mirror.


“Yes, that’s true. I didn’t come here because I followed you, not this time.”


The reason Laird makes this so clear is because he did track Levi a few times in the past.


Levi has his own information channels and his own informants from all over the world. When he wants to track someone alone, “Hopkins”, who calls himself a psychic master, will always appear, follow him first, and then shamelessly try to share clues with him, and then claim to help him, forcibly become his assistant.


Levi asked, “Why are the police looking for you?”


“They’re not just looking for me,” Laird said. “They’re looking for my father and stepmother. Jerry was young, and when this happened to him at home, the police had to notify his relatives. We don’t have any relatives, and both grandparents died. Now, my father has no siblings, and Jerry’s relatives on his mother’s side all live in Europe… A few days ago, my father came back for a visit, but he left soon. The police also talked to me during this period, so I just heard about it.”


The old acquaintance and the little liar that I knew before have such a deep connection with this incident… Levi shook his head, still feeling that the situation in front of him was indescribably strange.


He asked: “So, on the surface, you are coming back to see your brother, but in fact, you are also looking for the missing student?”


” That’s right. I came here to find something. ” Laird said.


“It’s not about who went missing, or how they disappeared…it’s where they went.”


Laird was clearly referring to the door. Of course he knew that what the teenagers saw was real, he had seen it when he was a kid.


This time, Levi didn’t look in the rearview mirror, but turned his head and stared at Laird.


And Laird misunderstood Levi’s gaze: “Honey, what I said is true! Jerry is the witness, I can’t lie to you. I didn’t want to expose my real name and childhood experience, and you only got to know about it today. It’s all coincidence… You have no reason to accuse me of anything this time.”


Just as Levi was about to respond, Laird rushed ahead of him and continued: “I promise, I will never cause you any trouble… In fact, I have never caused you any trouble before, but you are always reluctant to trust me. In short, this time we can justifiably join hands to investigate, you must accept me, otherwise…”


“How about otherwise?”


“You must be pretending to be a TV reporter or something… right?”


“Well, I’m from the “Deep Quest” program group.”


“Hehe, if you insist on getting rid of me, I’ll tell Jerry that your identity is fake.”


Levi laughed: “What kind of threat is this? Even if he knows it’s no big deal.”


Laird leaned into the front seat: “You don’t know my little brother. If he knew you couldn’t make him money or TV, he would refuse to let you investigate. He would kick you out and go find real reporters and show Producers.”


Levi looked at him coldly. In this way, Laird and Jerry are indeed related by blood. There must be something wrong with the Cates family’s genes.


“Okay,” Levi said, “after all, you are involved in this matter, and I can’t get rid of you. By the way, I just want to ask you something…”


Before he could say what he wanted to ask, Laird responded instantly: “I did live in a mental hospital. That place is right by Lake Gellar.”


“Who asked you that,” Levi said, “I just wanted to know, you…”


Laird quickly answered again: “I’m cured. No, I mean, I’m not sick at all. Don’t think I’m a psychic because I’m mentally ill, don’t make any mistake. You absolutely can’t because My childhood experiences discriminated against me and despised me.”


Levi wanted to hit him badly. In the past, he also wanted to beat people several times, often and frequently, when dealing with this “spiritual medium”. Fortunately, he had good self-control and suppressed the impulse every time.


With patience, he spoke again: “Listen, I have indeed always despised you. What I despise is your taste and way of doing things, not anything else. Well, you listen to me first. I just listened to what Jerry said, he said, you saw that ‘door’ when you were a kid.


Laird didn’t respond, but gave a positive answer: “Yes. Is it about the day Tangtang disappeared?”


Levi nodded: “I heard that your reaction was very violent, and you eve pushed the nanny.”


Laird nodded. There was still a smile on his face, but Levi noticed that his hands were clasped together and clenched.


Levi recounted what he had just heard, and Laird said that was the case at the time, and that Jerry’s account was correct.


Finally, Levi asked, “What did you see then?”


“I didn’t see it,” Laird’s tone was unexpectedly calm, “I just felt…”


“Feel what?”


“The dog is running this way panting.”


“And you want to close that door?” Levi asked.




“That is, you didn’t think once it gets in, it can’t come out?”


“No, Tangtang could of course come back…” Laird lowered his eyes, “but I don’t think the thing running back was Tangtang.”Under the startled eyes of Jerry and Sean, Levi strode up to Laird, grabbed his arm, and dragged him out of the door.

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While being dragged away, Laird waved to the two young men, and finally took the initiative to take steps towards the door.


As soon as he turned around, he was pushed against the door by Levi.


Levi lowered his voice: “What are you doing here?”


The blond weirdo pointed to the wooden door behind him with a smile: “Dear old friend, let’s go to your car and talk. Now there are two curious teenagers behind me, they are trying to hold their breath, leaning on the door eavesdropping .”


There was a small voice behind the door, and it was Jerry who stepped back and bumped into Sean.


Levi frowned and got into the car on the side of the road with “Laird”.


At the Cates house just now, Levi couldn’t help but imagine what “Laird” would look like.


Although this imagination was short-lived and fragmented, it was enough to piece together a vivid image: Squirrel Town was home to Mr. Cates, who and his wife had a boy named Laird. Before the boy grew up, he had experienced the blow of his parents’ divorce and his mother’s death. His father soon met a new love and had another child. From then on, the little boy Laird was the most redundant person in the family.


One day, a mysterious incident occurred in his family’s house, and he encountered some unknown horror in the incident… He was greatly affected by it, but no one believed him, and even more sadly, his father and The stepmother not only did not accompany and support him, but also sent him directly to a mental hospital.


Later he grew up and regained some sanity, and even if he had been discharged from the hospital and gained his freedom, he could not come back to this home again…


There is no trace of him at all. Without his room, without his picture, acquaintances in the Cates family had forgotten him, his stepbrother’s childhood playmates had never heard of him, and even the missing puppy had more status than him.


How bitter, so sad, it’s just a little pitiful.


Roughly speaking, this poor little one is just entering the society at this. But can he really go to school or work? Can he really live a normal life?


Levi sat in the driver’s seat, and the blond young man suspected of “Laird” was in the back seat, smiling at him through the rearview mirror.


Levi took off his hat and wiped his face. His guess was right… Laird was indeed in his twenties, he had neither attended college nor had a serious job, and he was indeed not an ordinary person…


As far as he knew, the man was not called “Laird Cates,” but called himself “Master Hopkins” (which Levi knew, of course, was not his real name), a psychic, exorcist, witch Art historian, freelance writers, explorer, occult researcher (Levi certainly doesn’t believe it).


The reason Levy remembers the list of names so firmly is that Hopkins gave him business cards and always emailed him, and every business card and every email had this list of names on it.


Levi calmed down for a while and asked, “Your real name is Laird?”


“Yes, my name is indeed Laird Cates,” said the blond young man. “I can show you your driver’s license if you want. If it weren’t for today, I wouldn’t have told you my real name…then I would have forever been the Hopkins, the psychic master in your heart.”


“Why did you come here?”


“This is my home.”


Levi wanted to say, you’re not living here…but he couldn’t. The “little poor boy” he had in his mind just stopped him from saying anything.


Laird didn’t care much about the overtones in the conversation, he said calmly: “Jerry told you about me, right? I don’t really live here, it was the police who contacted me, so I decided to come back. ”


“Police?” Levi looked suspiciously in the rearview mirror.


“Yes, that’s true. I didn’t come here because I followed you, not this time.”


The reason Laird makes this so clear is because he did track Levi a few times in the past.


Levi has his own information channels and his own informants from all over the world. When he wants to track someone alone, “Hopkins”, who calls himself a psychic master, will always appear, follow him first, and then shamelessly try to share clues with him, and then claim to help him, forcibly become his assistant.


Levi asked, “Why are the police looking for you?”


“They’re not just looking for me,” Laird said. “They’re looking for my father and stepmother. Jerry was young, and when this happened to him at home, the police had to notify his relatives. We don’t have any relatives, and both grandparents died. Now, my father has no siblings, and Jerry’s relatives on his mother’s side all live in Europe… A few days ago, my father came back for a visit, but he left soon. The police also talked to me during this period, so I just heard about it.”


The old acquaintance and the little liar that I knew before have such a deep connection with this incident… Levi shook his head, still feeling that the situation in front of him was indescribably strange.


He asked: “So, on the surface, you are coming back to see your brother, but in fact, you are also looking for the missing student?”


” That’s right. I came here to find something. ” Laird said.


“It’s not about who went missing, or how they disappeared…it’s where they went.”


Laird was clearly referring to the door. Of course he knew that what the teenagers saw was real, he had seen it when he was a kid.


This time, Levi didn’t look in the rearview mirror, but turned his head and stared at Laird.


And Laird misunderstood Levi’s gaze: “Honey, what I said is true! Jerry is the witness, I can’t lie to you. I didn’t want to expose my real name and childhood experience, and you only got to know about it today. It’s all coincidence… You have no reason to accuse me of anything this time.”


Just as Levi was about to respond, Laird rushed ahead of him and continued: “I promise, I will never cause you any trouble… In fact, I have never caused you any trouble before, but you are always reluctant to trust me. In short, this time we can justifiably join hands to investigate, you must accept me, otherwise…”


“How about otherwise?”


“You must be pretending to be a TV reporter or something… right?”


“Well, I’m from the “Deep Quest” program group.”


“Hehe, if you insist on getting rid of me, I’ll tell Jerry that your identity is fake.”


Levi laughed: “What kind of threat is this? Even if he knows it’s no big deal.”


Laird leaned into the front seat: “You don’t know my little brother. If he knew you couldn’t make him money or TV, he would refuse to let you investigate. He would kick you out and go find real reporters and show Producers.”


Levi looked at him coldly. In this way, Laird and Jerry are indeed related by blood. There must be something wrong with the Cates family’s genes.


“Okay,” Levi said, “after all, you are involved in this matter, and I can’t get rid of you. By the way, I just want to ask you something…”


Before he could say what he wanted to ask, Laird responded instantly: “I did live in a mental hospital. That place is right by Lake Gellar.”


“Who asked you that,” Levi said, “I just wanted to know, you…”


Laird quickly answered again: “I’m cured. No, I mean, I’m not sick at all. Don’t think I’m a psychic because I’m mentally ill, don’t make any mistake. You absolutely can’t because My childhood experiences discriminated against me and despised me.”


Levi wanted to hit him badly. In the past, he also wanted to beat people several times, often and frequently, when dealing with this “spiritual medium”. Fortunately, he had good self-control and suppressed the impulse every time.


With patience, he spoke again: “Listen, I have indeed always despised you. What I despise is your taste and way of doing things, not anything else. Well, you listen to me first. I just listened to what Jerry said, he said, you saw that ‘door’ when you were a kid.


Laird didn’t respond, but gave a positive answer: “Yes. Is it about the day Tangtang disappeared?”


Levi nodded: “I heard that your reaction was very violent, and you eve pushed the nanny.”


Laird nodded. There was still a smile on his face, but Levi noticed that his hands were clasped together and clenched.


Levi recounted what he had just heard, and Laird said that was the case at the time, and that Jerry’s account was correct.


Finally, Levi asked, “What did you see then?”


“I didn’t see it,” Laird’s tone was unexpectedly calm, “I just felt…”


“Felt what?”


“The dog was running my way while panting.”


“And you wanted to close that door?” Levi asked.




“That is, you didn’t think once it gets in, it couldn’t come out?”


“No, Tangtang could of course come back…” Laird lowered his eyes, “but I don’t think the thing running back was Tangtang.”

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