Don't Move, I'll Be Right There!

Chapter 5: 5

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Fell in Love With Her After She Left…

Jiang Yan was very happy spending time with Xue Hangyi and as the days passed by she rarely came online.  Her weight also increased dramatically all thanks to frequent outings with the man.

On Labor Day, a friend of hers came down to Imperial Capital to participate in a cosplay dubbing contest. As a good friend, she naturally received him and helped all the way (till the end).

On the day before the competition, in the afternoon, Shi Qiu sent her a message:

【Ling Guang will also attend the competition tomorrow. I’m stuck working overtime. You take care of him for me, thank you.】

Jiang Yan:【OK. Ping-Ning and the others are here too, and they just happen to be together.】

Ping Ning was Jiang Yan’s friend who had come to compete.

Shi Qiu:【I’ve troubled you, thank you.】

Jiang Yan:【You are welcome.】

On the day of the competition, Jiang Yan came to watch their performance. Xue Hangyi’s company was working overtime on a big project, so he couldn’t come with her.

Ping Ning and Ling Guang are both ranked lower. The match ended at 5 p.m. Jiang Yan was hungry and exhausted. When Ping Ning came over, she hurriedly pulled him for dinner.

“Ginger.” Ling Guang also followed, waving to her. “We meet again.”

Ping Ning snorted and he glanced over to both of them. “Something happened between you guys!”

She quickly dismissed him. “Don’t talk nonsense, I have a boyfriend.”

Ping Ning only knew that she liked Ling Guang but nothing about the existence of Xue Hangyi. So he was a little shocked as he patted her on the head. “When did it happen?! Why don’t I know?!”

Jiang Yan smiled. “Last month.”

Ling Guang’s eyes sank. Suddenly thinking of something, the corners of his mouth moved. As he was about to speak, someone interrupted.

“Ling Guang!”

A vigorous and clear voice drifted, and everyone looked in the direction only to find two men- one fat, one thin, walking towards them.

Although they called out to Ling Guang, Ping Ning also seemed to know them. He saw them and laughed. “Ah, isn’t this Dugu Dada and Qingyun Dada1!”

Ping Ning’s words reminded Jiang Yan that Dugu and Qingyun were good friends of Ling Guang and natives of the Imperial Capital.

They greeted and introduced one another. After getting into the car to go to the restaurant she began to wonder. Since Dugu and Qingyun were both here, and they were more familiar with Ling Guang than she was with him, why did Shi Qiu send her a message to take care of Ling Guang? It’s totally unnecessary.

As she pondered about this in the front passenger seat, Ling Guang sitting in the back answered a call.

“Well, the game is over… On the way to dinner… Well, it’s okay… I see… Also here… No… En? What?!” His voice suddenly rose as if the other party said something that shocked him. After a moment, he continued, “Okay, I’ll send it to you. Well, I’ll see you later.”

After hanging up the phone, he looked up and said, “Xiao Qiu is here. I will find you guys to eat together later.”

Dugu said meaningfully, “Oh,” and laughed. “You both are really like glue, she chased after you even after being apart for a while. Really makes us single dogs envious (of your relationship)!”

He frowned slightly and glanced over at Jiang Yun, who was looking down and texting someone. “Xiao Qiu and I are not what you guys think,” he said suddenly, “we are just friends.”

Qingyun laughed three times and slapped Ling Guang on the shoulder. “Come on, you! There’s no one who doesn’t know that you two have JQ2! She has done so much for you, what you are saying isn’t kind!”

“I’m just telling the truth.” He frowned.

“Don’t be shy as if you don’t know anything, you kid!” Dugu and Qingyun both smiled, they didn’t believe him.

Ping Ning silently listened to all of this, then texted Jiang Yan on QQ3:

【Why do I feel that your male god likes you a little?】

Jiang Yan: 【How could it be? Even if he doesn’t bother me, he will have to give face to Little Fish.】

Ping Ning: 【No, when he was talking just now, he kept peeking at you.】

Ping Ning: 【You can’t hide it, Xiao Jiang! Get the male god silently!】

Jiang Yan: 【No, I don’t like him anymore.】

Ping Ning: 【What happened? Tell me the full story!】

Jiang Yan:【I don’t like him. I just don’t like him!】

Ping Ning:【Sweats.4】

Jiang Yan:【Hmm… perhaps because my boyfriend is so excellent that you all turned into slag in seconds!】

Ping Ning:【Holy shit! You really have a boyfriend! Come! Show me the photo! I’ll help you keep an eye on him!】

Jiang Yan: …2333333333333

Ping Ning:【Come on! Come on!】

Jiang Yan considered for a moment before sending a picture of Xue Hangyi that she had secretly taken before. Half a minute later–

A group of Jiang Yan’s relatives and friends came lively… Ping Ning sent the photo to the group of relatives and friends and exclaimed:

【Hurry! Come take a look at Jiang Yan’s boyfriend @everyone】

She often chatted with this group of friends and relatives, everyone was familiar. So as soon as Ping Ning posted the photo, all the lurkers dove in and the chat blew up. They all called Xue Hangyi a “fry guy”.5

Her relatives and friends bombarded her with questions and she replied to some, such as when they got together and so on, then she texted Ping Ning and went offline.

Ping Ning held his phone and kept laughing. Ling Guang, who was sitting next to him, glanced at his phone and asked, “What are you doing, laughing so happily?”

Ping Ning let out a cry and quickly pressed the lock screen button, looked up at Jiang Yan in front of him, smiled, and said, “Just chatting.”

Ling Guang also smiled, and said, “I saw Jiang Weibo before, you guys have a group chat, right? Give me the group’s number or you guys can just add me.”

Ping Ning coughed slightly. “I have it in my profile, and I don’t remember the group number either. You can add it yourself.”

Ling Guang nodded, took out his phone, and added Ping Ning’s family and friends.

Ping Ning poked6 Jiang Yan privately:

【See, I told you he likes you.】

Jiang Yan:【… It’s just joining a group chat, you’re thinking too much about it.】

Ping Ning:【Impossible, then why didn’t he add it long ago?】

Jiang Yan:【Yes, why didn’t he add it earlier?】

Ping Ning: 【Face palm emoji】

Jiang Yan: 【Ghost Face emoji】

She took them to a restaurant in a mall, which was beneath Xue Hangyi’s workplace. Speaking of which, this mall was also invested and opened by his company. She brought them here not because of that but because she had a VIP card here, had discounts on meals, and was also familiar with the restaurants.

They waited for Shi Qiu at the entrance of the mall. A few minutes later, she arrived.

Jiang Yan had picked a restaurant that suited everyone’s taste. A few people were already seated inside, and they too got to their seats. Soon a waiter came over to take the order.

The waiter seemed to know her, so he called out “Miss Jiang” and passed the menu directly to her.

She was a little surprised because the last time she came to this restaurant with Xue Hangying was the only time she came. So, she didn’t expect a waiter would remember her, but after little thought, she came to the conclusion- Xue Hangyi was the boss, and she was by his side, so it’s not hard to remember. After the slight surprise, she waved her hand and motioned to show the menu to Ping Ning and the others first.

He took the menu and said with a smile, “Ginger sure does come here often.”

Jiang Yan smiled. “I’ve been here just once before.”

He ordered two dishes, and when he heard her reply, he chuckled.  “So that person remembers you after seeing you once? Isn’t it worth it to be pretty?

As he said, he passed the menu to Dugu.

She simply smiled without arguing.

After ordering the meal, they all chatted while waiting for the meal. Suddenly a small figure rushed over and jumped into Jiang Yan’s arms.

“Sister-in-law!” Xue Cheng hugged her arm and began to climb on her lap.

Jiang Yan reached out to put her on her lap. Looking around the restaurant, she asked, “Xiǎo Chéngzi7, why are you here? Who came with you?”

Xue Cheng hugged her arm and giggled a couple of times, then looking up at her said, “Mommy asked my sister-in-law to go home to eat at night!”

Although Xue Cheng was a child, her words were very clear, and everyone in the room could hear it clearly.

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At this time, Jiang Yan happened to see Xue Hangyi’s mother, who was sitting and talking to the other person at the table, she got up and picked Xue Cheng, and walked over there.

The two tables were not far apart, there was only one table in between.

“Uncle, Auntie.” She greeted the second elder of the Xue Family and put Xue Cheng down.

Mother Xue was still the same as the last time, she happily took her hand and asked her to sit down and join them together for a meal. Jiang Yan pointed to her table and explained that she was with her friends today.

Mother Xue took the opportunity to ask, “Then, will you come home for dinner?”

She smiled. “Let’s see when Hangyi gets off work. If he gets late, I’ll eat with him outside.”

Mother Xue nodded. “Alright, you two will have dinner together, it’s okay.”

She nodded and was about to return to her table, Mother Xue suddenly held her hand. “Xiao Yan, Hangyi has been busy recently, but he loves you a lot. Don’t be mad at him because he has no time to accompany you.”

Mother Xue looked nervous as if Jiang Yan would break up with him because he had no time to accompany her. She patted the back of her hand. “Don’t worry, Auntie, it won’t be possible.”

However, Mother Xue still felt uneasy. So she held her to say a few more words before letting her go back to her table.

Returning to her seat, Ping Ning sighed, leaned closer to her, and said jokingly, “You met your mother-in-law?”

Shi Qiu also quipped: “Why don’t you feel nervous?”

Jiang Xiu glanced at the Xue family, then looked at Shi Qiu. “What is there to be nervous about, I am so cute, my uncles and aunts like me very much, they treat me well and there is nothing to be nervous about.”

Shi Qiu glanced at Ling Guang and faintly said, “You are so lucky. Ling Guang’s mother is so damn serious, she makes me so nervous.”

He frowned slightly while Dugu, Qingyun, and Ping Ning let out a sigh.

Jiang Yan smiled faintly but said nothing.

The dishes were served one after another. At this moment, the waiters in the restaurant suddenly dash towards the door.

Jiang Yan was shocked before she realized something and glanced at the Xue family. Sure enough she saw Xue Cheng running towards the door.

“Brother!” Not only did the childish voice attract a lot of attention but the man who appeared at the door also caught people’s eyes. One could say his appearance caught the eyes of many, more than the childish voice.

The waiters lined up and shouted in unison, “Welcome to Mr. Xue.”

Picking up Xiǎo Chéngzi8, Xue Hangyi nodded slightly and walked straight into the restaurant.

Xiǎo Chéngzi waved her little arms and beamed. “Sister-in-law’s over there!”

When he looked at the direction Xue Cheng’s little arm was pointing, he met Jiang Yan’s eyes, the corner of his mouth formed an arc. Then he sent his sister to his parents and went to her(JY) table. The waiter consciously added a chair and he sat directly without hesitation.

“Hello everyone, I’m Xue Hangyi, Jiang Yan’s fiancé.” He introduced himself as he sat down.

Jiang Yan almost choked on her breath. Fiancé… fortunately he could say it without changing his face…

Shi Qiu was not as surprised as the others, because she had seen him during the November holiday last year, and just smiled. “Mr. Xue we meet again, you guys are fast enough to get married soon!”

Xue Hangyi smiled slightly, his eyes fell on Ling Guang before turning to Shi Qiu. “It’s okay, I don’t know when you guys will get married too. Otherwise, when that time comes, won’t we be the same?”

Shi Qiu’s expression slightly stiffened, then she glanced at Ling Guang and laughed. “Well, it depends on him. Haha.”

Xue Hangyi nodded in response then looked at the dishes on the table. With a ‘tsk!’, he put his hand on Jiang Yan’s shoulder and asked, “Why did you order so little? Will it be enough?”

She looked at the table full of dishes, and looked at him. “Less?” Then she looked at everyone and said, “Isn’t this enough?”

Xue Hangyi chuckled, while waving at the waiter, he sighed. “You, how can your friends have too few dishes? It’s not easy for everyone to come together, so what if you have more? It’ll be my treat. “

Jiang Yan sighed. “I just swiped the card.”

He looked at the waiter who came to the call. “Serve a few more dishes. Include the signature ones.”

The waiter nodded quickly. “Okay, please wait a moment, Mr. Xue.”

Looking at the waiter’s attitude towards Xue Hangyi, Ping Ning couldn’t help but ask, “You own this restaurant?”

Xue Hangyi smiled faintly. “No. “

Jiang Yan could not help but interject, “He’s just a lessee!”

Ping Ning and the few others couldn’t help laughing. Even Ling Guang, who had been frowning, curved his lips.

He(XY) solemnly said, “In order to support my wife, I have to do everything.”

She suddenly thought of their company’s big project. At this time, he(XY) was supposed to be working overtime for a meeting. She looked at him and said, “By the way, why did you suddenly come down, not working overtime?”

He shrugged. “My mother texted me saying my wife was hanging out with a group of men, why the heck should I still stick around my overtime for?”

“Auntie is really….” She was a little dumbfounded. The Xue family seemed to be really afraid that she would leave Xue Hangyi. She wondered if he had some hidden illness.

“I’m kidding!” Xue Hangyi blinked, looking into Jiang Yan’s eyes affectionately and gently. “Actually, I just missed you.”

In such a public place, he didn’t hold back at all and spoke such emotionally strong love words. Jiang Yan couldn’t help blushing.

“Your relationship is really good!” Dugu exclaimed.

He smiled and looked at Dugu and said, “Thank you.”

“Wait!” Qingyun suddenly exclaimed and asked, “What did you say your name is?”

He was startled but then smiled. “Xue Hangyi.”

Qingyun slapped Dugu’s thigh astonished and exclaimed, “Juqi’s big boss?!”

Xue Hangyi nodded. “That’s me.”

“Oh! God!” Qingyun and Dugu were both suddenly excited. “It turned out to be Xue Hangyi! F*ck, I’m actually eating with Juqi’s big boss!”

He smiled faintly. “I’m not that great.You are all Xiao Yan’s friends, so naturally, you are my friends too. No need to be too polite.”

Qingyun and Dugu nodded again and again. “I borrowed the light from Ginger.”9

Qingyun and Dugu were locals, and they had suddenly become so excited when they heard his name. Without needing to ask, the non-locals on the table guessed that he must be a local big shot.

Ping Ning sighed. “It turns out to be the overbearing president ah…”

Jiang Wei chuckled. “I don’t feel his dominance.”

He patted her head and smiled silently.

Dugu suddenly looked at Jiang Yan. “If you can be Mr. Xue’s girlfriend, then that means Ginger’s also a bigshot? What’s your full name?”

She smiled and shook her head. “I’m just a small person, not as good as him.”

“Then how did you meet?” Shi Qiu looked at Jiang Yan and became curious about her profession. “It isn’t an office romance between the big boss and the little secretary, right?”

Xue Hangyi raised his eyebrows slightly, and his gaze fell on Jiang Yan’s face. “Unfortunately, my Director Jiang won’t give me a chance to have an office romance.”

She also looked at him. “I heard that your company seems to… not allow office romances, right? “

He snorted, and said seriously, “If you come, you would be allowed to.”

Ping Ning interjected, “Ah, you’re not from the same company?”

She shook her head. “No, we actually met on a blind date.”

Blind date?! Dugu and Qingyun looked at each other in shock, but it was not easy to directly ask about Jiang Yan’s family background. But they believed that the blind dates were always arranged by people of the same rank, so they assumed she also came from a good background.

The blind date was arranged by Jiang Yan’s distant relative, who was in a political career and possibly had a relationship with a wealthy family. However, Jiang Yan’s family was indeed not a big name, they were just ordinary people.

Xue Hangyi smiled and looked at Jiang Yan. “Blind date is also good…”

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She curled her lips, “Alright, everyone let’s eat. The food’s getting cold.”

Then everyone started eating while listening.

Xue Hangyi had been picking vegetables for Jiang Yan. Anyone could see his eyes were full of love.

Withdrawing his gaze, Ling Guang looked at Shi Qiu, she was picking vegetables for him, and his heart was completely empty.

He actually fell in love with someone when she left…

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