Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 17: CH 17

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“Mom, I didn’t…”

Lu Xu Nan just wanted to explain to Zheng Yu Hong that it was actually all a misunderstanding when he suddenly heard Le Baiqiu, Auntie Le’s, voice.

“Yu Hong, what are you so happy about?”

Zheng Yu Hong’s voice became a little farther away, probably holding the phone away.

“It’s Xiao Nan, that fellow. He’s finally become sensible, saying he wants to concentrate and study! After hearing that, Xiao Xiu specially contacted a few great college exam teachers for him, they’re going to start going over material this weekend.”

Lu Xu Nan’s head hurt. “Mom, this matter, I…”

Unfortunately, the two mothers on that side were already chatting. Zheng Yu Hong couldn’t hear him at all.

“Slyzzu? Mbyv’p alyzzu talyv, bso ycswv zlv Zkuk yzps ts okvb Dkys Lyd vstlvbla!”

Hbldt Zw Tsdt’p kdvsdyvksd pweeldzu aspl y zkvvzl, lhld byrrkla cu vos rskdvp obld nsxryale vs vyzjkdt okvb Nw Dw Lyd.

“Rq Zkuk oydvp vs ts, vbld sq nswapl!”

Nl Jykikw zktbvzu zywtble yde pyke, “Psd’v usw jdso vbyv tkaz? Ebknb ryav sq bla kp kdvlalpvle kd pvweukdt? Rd vbl rypv, obldlhla R xyel bla vyjl lmvay zlppsdp yde tlv vwvsakdt, pbl pzynjp sqq xsal vbyd pbl osajp yde plnalvzu pdlyjp sqq vs rzyu okvb Dkys Lyd. Mbkp vkxl, kv’p tsse. Dkys Lyd kp nsdnldvayvkdt yde oydvp vs yvvlde vwvsakdt zlppsdp, Zkuk okzz elqkdkvlzu ytall vs ts vstlvbla.”

“Zlp, vblpl vos nbkzeald dlle vs nwzvkhyvl psxl yqqlnvksd.” Hbldt Zw Tsdt pxkzle yde nyzzle swv, “Usxl, Jykikw. Nlv xl pbso usw vbl kdqsaxyvksd sd vbl vlynblap vbyv Dkys Dkw pldv xl. Gzz sq vblx yal vlynblap qasx qyxswp pnbsszp, kdnalekczu lmrlakldnle- psxl sq vblx byhl lhld ryavknkryvle kd vbl oakvkdt sq vbl nszzltl ldvaydnl lmyx!”

“Xb, R byhld’v ldele vbl nyzz vbkp obszl vkxl yb…” Rv pllxle vbyv Hbldt Zw Tsdt sd vbyv pkel vssj y zssj yv bla rbsdl. Nw Dw Lyd vbswtbv vbyv bl oswze cl yczl vs vyzj vs bla dso. Rd vbl lde, bkp zkrp bye fwpv xshle yde pbl bye yzalyeu bwdt wr vbl nyzz yv vbl prlle sq zktbvdkdt.


Nssjkdt yv vbl nyzz ldele pnalld, Nw Dw Lyd oyp pkzldv qsa vos plnsdep yde nswzed’v alpkpv zkqvkdt bkp bydep yde ralppkdt bkp vlxrzlp.


Lu Xu Nan followed the sound and looked over, discovering Ning Yi had come beside him at some point.

“Something the matter?” He asked a little unhappily.

Isn’t it you who’s always making something out of nothing? And you have the nerve to ask me if something’s the matter?

Ning Yi scolded a few words in her heart, handing over the notebook that she took notes in that morning and said, “Nan gege, these are the notes for this morning. I forgot to give them to you just now.”

Lu Xu Nan took it and stuffed it in his desk in passing, saying without much sincerity, “Troubled you.”

Ning Yi was just about to go back when the homeroom teacher Liu Ming suddenly walked in from the front door of the classroom. Standing in front of the podium, he clapped his hands twice and said, “Alright, everyone stop for a moment. I have two pieces of news to announce. Students standing, just find a nearby seat to sit down.”

Fang Ci was playing five-in-a-row with a classmate a few rows in front, so Ning Yi conveniently sat down in his seat.

Seeing that everyone had sat down, Liu Ming cleared his throat and announced, “Because there’s a bit of a problem with the school’s temperature equipment for the swimming pool, today’s swimming lesson in the afternoon is changed to math class.”

To cater to the Board of Education’s “Happy Study” instructional guidelines, except for Year 3, No. 1 Middle School arranged a hobby class every Friday.

The class determined for Year 2 for this term was precisely swimming.

It was called a class, but there weren’t grades. It was basically an excuse to give the students two extra lessons.

So hearing Liu Ming say this now, the classroom was immediately filled with endless wails of anguish.

Liu Ming obviously already expected this. He knocked on the podium, smiling as he said, “Quiet down, quiet down. All of you are so noisy, then do you still want to hear the good news next?”

Hearing this, the protests of dissatisfaction in the classroom immediately quieted a lot.

An impatient student blurted out, “What’s the good news ah, Lao Liu?”

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The students immediately guffawed.

Liu Ming was a teacher with a mild temperament. He only pointed at that male student and admonished him with an “impolite” before ending the suspense. “The school has taken into consideration that you guys are going on to your third year next year and decided to extend your learning activity to a two days and three nights field trip. The destination is Mount Xiangfeng in C city. The date is two weeks from now, it just happens that it won’t take up your National Day holiday.”


“Long live Lao Liu! Long live No. 1 Middle School–“

Liu Ming’s words had just fallen and shouts that were louder than the complaints from before started up.

Liu Ming smiled as he waited for everyone to finish shouting before gesturing for them to be quiet. Before he left, he warned, “That’s enough, show some restraint. Teacher Qin’s face is going to be all taut when he comes later, I’ll see how ugly your faces look when he assigns today’s homework!”

Once he said that, the happy children indeed deflated.

The math teacher, Teacher Qing, was the strictest of all the teachers and had once been the head teacher. He always scolded a few students every week.

Liu Ming warned them again and Teacher Qing came early with his lesson plans.

Even though the bell hadn’t rung yet, all the students that were scattered hurried back to their seats one after another.

Ning Yi stood up, then saw Fang Ci rushing back from the front. He speedily took a pen from the top of his desk and said to her, “Ning Yi, I have some matters to take care of, switch seats with you for this period ah, thanks!”

Without even waiting for Ning Yi’s response, he slipped away as if the soles of his feet were oiled.

“Hey!” Ning Yi wanted to stop him, but hearing Teacher Qin slap the pile of exercise booklets down on the podium with a bang, obviously very displeased, she could only sit back down.

Lu Xu Nan’s phone buzzed, receiving a message. It was from Fang Ci.

[Brother Ci , , handsome]: No need to say thank you between brothers [Smirk]

Lu Xu Nan lightly tsked and simply locked his phone.

He was actually worried that if he took another glance at it, he wouldn’t be able to resist giving this meddlesome brother a violent beating.

Teacher Qin waited for all the frantic students to sit down again. His sharp gaze swept around the classroom and he sternly said, “You’re very happy about going on a trip, right? But I can’t be happy. The first fill-in-the-blank question in the homework exercise booklet, such a simple function problem, I don’t even know how many times I went over it in class. I thought so long as you paid a little attention during class, you would be able to remember that the answer was ‘1’. The result was that of forty-some people in the entire class, the number that got it correct actually didn’t even make one third! I’m telling you, in over thirty years of teaching, this time you really opened my eyes, you guys are the worst group I’ve taught!”

These words, Teacher Qing would practically say them once every day. The students were already used to it and even rather numb.

Until Teacher Qing slapped a pile of test papers, looked at Mu Wanqing, and said: “Those who got this question wrong have to do two extra test papers on top of this week’s homework. Class Representative, remember to pass out the test papers according to name.”

Only then were there sounds of complaining everywhere from the students.

Lu Xu Nan remembered that his math homework was turned in after Ning Yi had finished it and heard the students in front lowly cursing their luck for not choosing to copy the correct answer, and wanted to ask Ning Yi if she had helped him copy correctly.

Who knew that just as he turned his head, he saw the girl next to him suddenly lift her left hand and slap her right hand with a smack.

Let you have a lowly hand, writing the correct answer! Wasn’t it fine to copy according to the class monitor’s wrong answer? Isn’t it great now? You actually helped Dog Lu escape this calamity!

Lu Xu Nan heard this and couldn’t help raising his right eyebrow high.

How many points did Ning Yiyi score in the last term’s finals? Of the total one hundred and fifty points, she seemed to have scored one third of them?

Lu Xu Nan paused, then asked, “The question that the teacher was talking about, did you get it right for me?”

Ning Yi nodded somewhat weakly. “Yes.”

Lu Xu Nan pretended to be surprised. “Did you start going to cram school? You actually know how to do functions?”

Hearing that exaggerated tone of his, Ning Yi got even angrier.

Who are you looking down on? Do you need laozi to tell you about Lagrange’s mean value theorem ah?

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