Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 20: CH 20

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Lu Xu Nan was stunned. He felt like this username was a little familiar, like he’d seen it somewhere before.

He instinctively moved closer, hoping to see more clearly…

At this moment, a slender white hand reached over from the side and covered the phone.

“What are you doing in my room?” Ning Yi put the hand holding her phone behind her, vigilantly watching Lu Xu Nan.

F*ck! Did he see the PK notification from Quiz King?

Even though Lu Xu Nan didn’t intentionally move toward her phone, he really was caught in the act while looking at her notifications. His face couldn’t help blushing slightly in shame.

He took a step back and placed the thermos on the desk, putting it between them, and said, “Nanny Tang told me to bring you chilled pear soup.”

He shouldn’t have seen it.

Lkdt Zk oyp alzklhle. Fbl tzydnle yv vbl vblaxsp obkzl dseekdt, “Vzlypl vbydj Lyddu Mydt qsa xl.”

Nw Dw Lyd: “Od.”

Mbl vos rlsrzl pvsse qynkdt lynb svbla, dlkvbla sq vblx pyukdt yduvbkdt lzpl.

Jwv Nw Dw Lyd nswze pvkzz blya Lkdt Zk’p vbswtbvp sq ekpzkjl yzz vbl obkzl.

Ebyv? Fvkzz dsv zlyhkdt? Ps usw oydv xl vs vlzz usw vs pvyu qsa ekddla?

Mbkp kp y tkaz’p cleassx, sjyu? Rd ydnkldv vkxlp, kv’p nyzzle y csweska. Rp kv y rzynl vbyv swvpkel xld nyd ldvla? Psd’v usw byhl ydu pldpl kd uswa blyav?

Twaau yde tlv vs jdso yde xwvwyzzu qyzz kd zshl okvb uswa Yw Eydikdt, R fwpv oydv vs iwklvzu pvyu kd y nsadla cu xuplzq aktbv dso.

She was that angry?

Lu Xu Nan tsked, deciding to be very merciful and personally explain it to her: “Ning Yiyi, there isn’t any relationship between me and Mu Wanqing, you don’t need to…”

Hearing this, Ning Yi straight up laughed. She directly cut off Lu Xu Nan’s words, asking him back, “What are you saying this to me for? What does it have to do with me who you have a relationship with? Sss–“

She pressed her throbbing temples with her hand and refused to accept defeat. She grit her teeth and firmly said, “My head really hurts right now, please leave me alone to rest for a while.”

Seeing that Ning Yi wasn’t hiding the dislike on her face one bit, Lu Xu Nan’s face also sank.

He obviously kindly came over to explain to her because he was worried that she was crying, the result… she really can’t differentiate between good and bad!

“Whatever.” Lu Xu Nan humphed, immediately turning around and walking out.

Leaving the Ning residence, all the way to his own home, he felt extremely stuffy with anger. He pulled out his phone and sent a message to Fang Ci.

[L]: I have a friend, he was misunderstood by his childhood friend. To prevent his childhood friend from feeling sad and crying, out of kindness, he personally went to explain to his childhood friend. The result was that his childhood friend treated him with cold ridicule, fussy and finding fault. You say, isn’t this childhood friend really too much?!

Fang Ci replied instantly.

[Ci ge, , handsome]: What happened between you and Ning Yi? You got scolded by her?

[L]: …

[L]: What are you talking about me and Ning Yi for? We’re talking about my friend and his childhood friend.

Fang Ci immediately adapted.

[Ci ge, , handsome]: Oh, how did your friend’s childhood friend mock him?

[L]: Said it doesn’t have anything to do with her who he has a relationship with, told him to play with other people, shut up and don’t talk, and also told the friend to leave, leave her alone.

[L]: You say, isn’t she unable to tell good from bad?

[Ci ge, , handsome]: …

[Ci ge, , handsome]: Then what did your friend do?

[L]: Of course he said “whatever”, turned around and left, would he stay there and be mistreated?

[Ci ge, , handsome]: ………

[Ci ge, , handsome]: No, brother, the little girl obviously cares about you…r friend playing with other people ah.

[Ci ge, , handsome]: The mouth says yes while the heart says no, do you understand? When they say “Leave, whoever you play with has nothing to do with me”, they’re actually saying “I’m very mad that you played with other people, stay and coax me” ah! Throwing down ruthless words, then turning around and leaving- aren’t you just making them super angry?

[L]: …

[Ci ge, , handsome]: Don’t…Brother Nan, does your friend still want this childhood friend? If he does, then apologize and go coax.

Lu Xu Nan looked at the message that Fang Ci sent, feeling even more uncomfortable, so much that he felt that he was simply strange.

For such a trivial thing, he actually effeminately ran to Fang Ci to complain??? He’s been possessed!

Lu Xu Nan swiped up twice. Feeling that the conversation above was offending to the eyes, he directly closed the chat window, locked the phone, and threw it onto the sofa. Out of sight, out of mind.

“Oh? You didn’t play ball with your classmates today? You’re back so early.” Zheng Yu Hong walked in from outside.

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Lu Ting followed behind her, holding a women’s handbag. Rather surprised, he said, “Really turning over a new leaf? I still didn’t dare believe it when your mom told me!”

He handed the handbag over to a servant, changed his shoes, and walked into the house. Patting his son’s shoulder, he continued to speak, “Studying is important, but essential exercise is necessary as well. Although you have to take supplementary lessons tomorrow, there’s no need to give up your hobby!”

Lu Xu Nan heard his dad say “supplementary lessons”, then remembered that he still hadn’t told his family that he wasn’t doing it. “Mom, I…”

But as he was about to say it, he thought of what Fang Ci said in his messages.

Apologizing was impossible, it’s not like he did anything wrong! But Auntie Le seemed to have said before to have Ning Yiyi take supplementary lessons together…

Zheng Yu Hong waited for a bit. Not hearing him continue, she asked, “What do you want to say?”

Lu Xu Nan collected his thoughts and asked, “Is Ning Yiyi taking lessons together with me?”

Zheng Yu Hong nodded. “En, your Auntie Le signed her up. The learning institute is a little far, don’t bike and take the car together with Yiyi tomorrow. You two know each other, you have to take good care of your Yiyi meimei outside, understand?”

Lu Xu Nan pursed his lips. “I know.”

Whatever, their families had already signed up for the class. If he doesn’t go tomorrow, he, as a man, will seem petty and narrow-minded.

After making a decision, the dejection in Lu Xu Nan’s heart also dispersed a lot. He fished up the phone on the sofa and saw new notifications from QQ popping up nonstop. In just a moment, it had already reached 99+.

He unlocked it, opened the app, and saw that there was a lively discussion in the groupchat.

[Duan Beilei]: [QuizKingRecord].jpg

[Duan Beilei]: @Y Another record broken! Yunzi is awesome!! Do you have to work so hard ah? Continuously doing problems even though you’re recovering from surgery, how do you want us poor students to live ah 1551

[AAA]: F*ck, do top students not need to rest?

[BBB]: Except for awesome, what else can I say? They say that they added a PK system in today’s update, don’t know if anyone challenged Number 1 God ahhhhh

[CCC]: Finally waited for Friday to arrive, wanted to binge dramas and read novels, rest a bit, and continue tomorrow. Seeing this screenshot, I silently turned off the iPad. Those more awesome than me are working so hard, how can I shamelessly continue being lazy? Going to do questions, goodbye everyone!

[Duan Beilei]: [PKVictory].jpg

[Duan Beilei]: @Y Wow! This xxj007 appeared last night, and even broke your two Comprehensive Sciences records from before, didn’t expect them to look for you to PK today. Ziyun, you’re the most awesome as expected! Demolish him!!!

[DDD]: I only saw one hundred accuracy and a record of 30 minutes and 12 seconds… The world of top students, as expected, I have no hope of reaching it [Shiver]

[CCC]: @Y Big brother, eight o’ clock tonight, round one of Quiz King’s million dollar prize money is going to start! How about you livestream doing questions in the group at that time for everyone? We’re all students, let’s share the prize money together [Shy]

[AAA]: +1

[GGG]: +2


Lu Xu Nan swiped the screen, going up and reading the messages that Duan Beilei sent again.

It really was xxj007.

Wasn’t this the username that he saw on Ning Yi’s phone when he delivered the pear soup to her before? He tapped to open the screenshot above–

[Announcement] Congratulations user Y_N0.1 on winning in the <National Mathematics Mock Exam 35> PK with user xxj007, and setting a 100% accuracy record with a time of 30’12” [Flower][Flower][Flower]

Lu Xu Nan finally recalled why he felt it was familiar when he saw the app notification on Ning Yi’s phone.

A few days ago, Fang Ci had mentioned to him that a Quiz King appeared in class, Yan Ziyun was currently called “Number 1 God” on <Quiz King>, incredibly awesome. He even showed him the screenshot of six consecutive broken records, it was precisely this nickname that started with Y.

Lu Xu Nan had downloaded the <Comprehensive Quiz King> app by a curious coincidence at the time when he was keeping Ning Yi company at the hospital. He discovered only after downloading it that it wasn’t his cup of tea. He hadn’t even registered an account before he deleted it.

But now, he suddenly discovered that this so-called Quiz King was actually Ning Yiyi???

How many points did she score on the finals for the last term?

Lu Xu Nan’s lips were slightly open because of excessive shock, they didn’t close for a long long time.

This news was even more of a fantasy than him suddenly having the ability to read minds.

The Ning Yiyi who ranked at the bottom in the whole school was the Quiz King that the groupchat was lauding? She was able to finish a National Mathematics exam in half an hour, and with full marks?

Even in his dreams, he wouldn’t have been able to dream of this kind of situation!

If he’d only seen Ning Yi’s username in the app, Lu Xu Nan could still tell himself that he had misread, but now both of the two usernames matched. This username, “xxj007”, was really too easy to remember. Whether it was ‘xiao xue ji1‘ or 007, both left a deep impression on people.

In addition, calculating the time between when he left the Ning residence and now, it was about thirty some, almost forty minutes. Just right in matching Y_N0.1’s record time…

So Ning Yiyi was pretending to be a mediocre student all along? But why was this ah?!

Lu Xu Nan really couldn’t think of her motive for doing this.

[1] 小学鸡: lit. “elementary school chicken”, can mean little kid or describe someone or something as immature and childish

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