Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 22: CH 22

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The ingredients in the hotpot were all pretty much eaten. Ning Yi threw aside her chopsticks and turned to hug the plate of muskmelon, munching madly.

With every bite, she pretended she was biting Lu Xu Nan, eating in a way that could be called lively.

“Hello, your total is $534, cash or card?” While the server stood by the table waiting for the payment, she gave Ning Yi several glances, and finally asked, smiling, “Do you really like to eat this muskmelon?”

Ning Yi, biting into the melon, nodded, “En, very sweet.”

Hearing her, the server smiled splendidly, “Then please wait a moment, don’t be in a hurry to leave yet~”

“Ah?” Ning Yi didn’t know what she meant. She wanted to ask, but the person had already run off. She could only continue to sit there and silently gnaw on the melon.

Soon, that server ran back, and with a huge muskmelon in her hands. It looked to be at five or six jins 1.

“Thank you for your patronage, this melon is for you to take home to eat~”

Lkdt Zk’p qkapv alynvksd oyp vs alflnv, cwv vbl plahla oyp alyzzu vss ldvbwpkypvkn. Rv qlzv zkjl kq pbl eked’v ynnlrv vbkp xlzsd, kv xlydv pbl oypd’v pyvkpqkle okvb bla plahknl. Lkdt Zk nswze sdzu vyjl kv.

Nw Dw Lyd tzydnle yv bla swv sq vbl nsadla sq bkp lul, pbl zssjle zkjl y alnjzlpp rldtwkd nyaaukdt vbyv xlzsd. Tl nswzed’v blzr fllakdt, “Ohld vbl plahla pyo vbyv usw lyv y zsv yde tyhl usw psxl vs vyjl yoyu.”

Lkdt Zk oyp pvwqqu okvb ydtla yde pzydvle y qklanl tzyal yv bkp cynj. Fsxlbso, bla zlqv qssv clnyxl ldvydtzle okvb bla aktbv qssv kd y pvwxczl. Ekvb yd “ykuy”, pbl yzxspv qlzz esod. Wsavwdyvlzu, bla cyzydnl oypd’v cye, pbl pbyjkzu pvyckzkgle blaplzq yde eked’v qynlrzydv kd qasdv sq lhlausdl.

Tlyakdt bla nau, Nw Dw Lyd vwadle cynj, kxryvkldvzu qasodle, yde oyzjle cynj kd vos pvakelp. Tl vssj vbl xlzsd qasx bla yaxp yde lypkzu oletle kv wdela bkp yax. Gp bl vwadle yaswde, bl pnsadle, “Uyd’v lhld oyzj, vaswczlpsxl.”

Lkdt Zk saktkdyzzu oydvle vs vbydj bkx, pllkdt yp bl nyaakle vbl xlzsd qsa bla, cwv blyakdt vbkp, pbl qklanlzu oyhle bla vktbvzu nzldnble qkpvp yv vbl cynj sq bkp blye kd ydtla.

Jsvb sq vblka qktwalp olal swvpvydekdt, sdl oyp elzknyvl yde clywvkqwz yde sdl oyp vyzz yde bydepsxl, hlau lul-nyvnbkdt yxsdtpv vbl nasoe.

Gzz vbl rlsrzl vbyv rypple cu vblx nswzed’v alpkpv vyjkdt ydsvbla zssj.

Nw Dw Lyd oyzjle kd qasdv. Tl pweeldzu blyae vbl uswdt tkaz vbyv cawpble cu dsv qya yoyu nshla bla xswvb okvb y zktbv zywtb, pyukdt vs bla qaklde kd y zso hsknl, “Mbl zkvvzl tkaz kd vbl cynj kp ps nwvl, bla qwxkdt yrrlyaydnl kp zkjl y zkvvzl rwqqlaqkpb, uswvb alyzzu kp tsse~”

Lu Xu Nan couldn’t help raising his eyebrows after hearing this.

Ning Yiyi cute?

He looked back. Her face really was still puffed.

She seemed not to have expected him to suddenly turn around because she froze on the spot like she’d been caught red handed, her little fist clenched in midair, neither up nor down. Two seconds later, she lowered her eyes and hit her shoulder to cover it up.

Lu Xu Nan came to a conclusion in his heart–


In the end, the melon gifted by the hotpot restaurant was personally carried by Lu Xu Nan and sent back to the Ning residence with Ning Yi.

That night, Le Baiqiu who found out about how this melon came about let Auntie Lan cut it and told Ning Yi to send half of it over to the Lu family.

Ning Yi didn’t really want to move.

Le Baiqiu said, “Xiao Nan carried this back for you from so far away.”

Ning Yi thought in her heart, the driver picked up and dropped us off the entire way, okay? But the great mother had commanded, and she could only take the plate next door.

Lu Xu Nan wasn’t in the living room, Zheng Yu Hong and Lu Ting were sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Ning Yi’s wholehearted sincerity immediately upped several levels. She sent the plate of fruit into Zheng Yu Hong’s hands, stabbed a piece, sending it to the other person’s mouth, and intimately said, “Auntie, this melon is super sweet, Auntie Liu just took it out of the fridge and sliced it, and I brought it over for you right away! Quickly have a taste, it’s sweet and cooling!”

Zheng Yu Hong took it with her mouth at once, then hugged Ning Yi and praised her from head to toe and let Nanny Tang take some of her favorite foods to bring back.

Thus, Ning Yi delivered a plate of melon and came back carrying big and small bags filled with lots of food.

Zheng Yu Hong split the melon and delivered a small plate to Lu Xu Nan’s room.

“What are you doing holed up in your room the moment you come home?” Zheng Yu Hong placed the plate on her son’s desk.

Lu Xu Nan glanced at it. Just as he was about to say he didn’t want to eat anything, he heard Ms. Zheng continue, “The melon that Yiyi just brought over, it’s pretty sweet, have a taste.”

Thus, Lu Xu Nan’s words of rejection rolled by his lips and were swallowed back, and he said, “Eat it later.”

Zheng Yu Hong looked at the textbook next to his hand and happily said, “And I thought you were hiding in your room playing games. Not bad, keep it up.”

It would have been better if she hadn’t said this. Once she did, Lu Xu Nan felt a little depressed.

Actually he originally agreed to play games with someone, but after playing two rounds, he felt it was very meaningless. Hearing Fang Ci talk in the game about how Yan Ziyun had set several records in a row again in Quiz King, he was immediately more depressed.

He thought, how is that problem-solving king Yan Ziyun ah, it’s obviously Ning Yiyi, okay? You don’t even know anything, you’re only groundlessly yapping.

But he told Ning Yi he wouldn’t speak of it, he could only smother it in his heart.

It was just that, at the moment, he didn’t feel like playing the game anymore and quit. He entered the app store and redownloaded the <Comprehensive Quiz King> that had been deleted.

After Lu Xu Nan registered an account, he couldn’t resist giving “Y_N0.1” a search.

Tapping into the page, he indeed found a line of little gold trophies on the page, all of them given by the system for setting a record.

Thinking about the reason for Ning Yiyi hiding her ability, Lu Xu Nan’s depression became even greater.

Needing a little girl to secretly protect him in such a roundabout way, what man was that ah?

Thinking this, Lu Xu Nan tapped on a mathematics mock exam, then…

He discovered that he couldn’t do a lot of problems. Not to mention a record, even finishing a set of problems was hard.

Thus, Lu Xu Nan could only take out his Year 1 math textbook to flip through. Now, hearing his mom’s praise, he immediately felt like he had absolutely no face to see people…

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Monday morning, Ning Yi was sent to school by Ning Xiu.

Not far after the car had left the villa district, the brother and sister saw Lu Xu Nan who was squatting by the side of the road looking at the tire of his mountain bike.

Ning Xiu stopped the car by the side of the road, honked the horn, and lowered his window.

“Xiao Nan? What’s wrong?”

Lu Xu Nan lifted his hand and wiped his forehead. He pushed his mountain bike as he walked over. He glanced at Ning Yi first, his tone a little gloomy, “Punctured tire.”

Ning Xiu opened the trunk and said, “Get on, I’ll leave your bike at a garage for a tire change later and bring it back in the evening.”

There wasn’t any reason to reject this, Lu Xu Nan folded the mountain bike and tossed it in the trunk at once. He opened the back door and got on.

When they got to school, “old lady” Ning Xiu naturally gave Ning Yi another round of nagging.

Lu Xu Nan got out of the car first and stood by the car, waiting.

Ning Xiu narrowed his eyes as he looked out the window, handing over the bag with the backup uniform, “Okay, get off, remember to properly eat your meal at lunch and don’t always think about other people.”

Ning Yi was dizzy from his long-windedness and didn’t carefully think about any implied meaning at all. She vaguely cheated her way out and hastily jumped off the car.

Ning Xiu held the steering wheel, watching his little sister’s quick and nimble action. His heart was so sour, it was straight up bubbling.

Was it to avoid making Lu Xu Nan wait any longer?

Ning Yi naturally didn’t know what her family’s big brother thought in his heart, she didn’t even look back.

Lu Xu Nan naturally kept pace and the two people walked toward the school entrance, their distance slightly staggered.


A clear and bright girl’s voice came from behind.

Ning Yi stopped, looking back. She saw Yan Ziyun running over in little steps.

“Such a coincidence, it’s my first day back and I ran into you just as I arrived at school.” Yan Ziyun paused, turning to look at Lu Xu Nan, and smiled gently, “And also Nan gege.”

Seeing her, Lu Xu Nan immediately thought of the matter of Ning Yiyi’s account being falsely adopted by her, his eyes darkened. He ignored her and switched to look toward Ning Yi.

Ning Yi’s eyes met his for two seconds. She actually felt like she could read the meaning in his eyes.

Yiyi, you’re still playing with her?

Ning Yi actually really didn’t want to, but she also didn’t want other issues to keep occurring.

She thought for a long time during the past two days at home. Although she didn’t know the reason, she hadn’t fallen to ruins after Lu Xu Nan found out about her account, but she was still worried there would be effects to rashly making it public.

Thinking that one less problem is better than one more problem, before confirming the disappearance of the power of the plot, she would temporarily keep things as they were originally.

Thus, Ning Yi looked like she didn’t understand and greeted Yan Ziyun, “Really such a coincidence, good morning.”

Yan Ziyun silently took in the gaze between the two people. Curving her lips, she asked, “How come you guys came to school together today ah? I remember Nan gege seems to usually ride to school on his bike?”

Ning Yi replied, “Yeah, we ran into him with a broken bike on the way, so my brother brought us together.”

“Oh, so it’s like this.” The smile on Yan Ziyun’s lips grew a little deeper.

Lu Xu Nan suddenly coldly opened his mouth, “It’s better for you to stop calling me ge, I remember that you seem to be older than me.”

As his voice fell, the smile on Yan Ziyun’s face immediately stiffened.

She was indeed a little older than the both of them, but it was only by a few months.

Since they were young, Lu Xu Nan was a king amongst children. In the group that they played in together, even some that were one or two years older than him still called him “Brother Nan2“. Clearly, she had always followed Ning Yi and called him like this before, however he was suddenly unhappy with it today.

Thinking about just now when Ning Yi and Lu Xu Nan exchanged looks, Yan Ziyun’s hand that was holding the straps of her bag tightened.

Ning Yi was rolling on the floor laughing in her heart.

Hahahahahaha! Dog Lu, you’re really the number one steel straight guy[3] in the universe, is there anyone that talks like you? Look, you’ve angered the girl, even her face is going to be green!

“Ziyun! Wait for me!” Duan Beilei’s voice shattered the brief awkwardness between the three people. She ran over to Yan Ziyun’s side, looping her arm, and said, “You were really too awesome yesterday, six consecutive PK victories, simply a PK King!”

She didn’t lower her voice, and even raised her voice, looking as if she was part of the glory.

The surrounding students, one after another, looked at them. There were even people saying with a small voice on the side–

“It’s her ah, the Number 1 God on Quiz King! That one that’s ultra awesome at doing questions!”

“I’m crying, she’s not only pretty, she’s also a great top student!”

“Really so awesome, the number one student from our class said they went to PK her and suffered a crushing defeat. Afterward, they posted eight words in Moments: overestimated myself, continue to work hard.”

Again and again, the sound of envy and discussion drifted over from time to time. Even though Yan Ziyun didn’t say anything, her back couldn’t help straightening and the expression on her face was rather good.

She pretended to be reserved, glancing at Duan Beilei in displeasure, and ambiguously said, “Beilei, lower your voice, it’s not like it’s anything big.”

Duan Beilei radiated with delight and said, “So awesome and you’re not letting people talk? Whoever can surpass your record can come and tell me to stop talking!”

Yan Ziyun smiled as she patted her arm, soon after lifting her eyes to glance at Lu Xu Nan looking a little embarrassed.

Lu Xu Nan suddenly sneered, neither light nor heavy. He lowered his eyes and looked at her, his tone was cold as he asked, “That Number 1 God in Quiz King, is it really you?”

[1] 1 jin is about 500g or 0.5 kg

[2] The brother here is 哥 (ge, older brother) and Nan 哥 is the same way Fang Ci calls Lu Xu Nan.

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