Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 25: CH 25

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Lu Xu Nan suddenly regretted it a little.

If he knew Xu Xing Ji went to the second group just because it was more suitable for him and Ning Yi to “exchange loving looks”, then he shouldn’t have prevented Xu Xing Ji from sitting behind him.

He and Ning Yi sat in the same group. There were so many students blocking in the front that normally even he had a hard time seeing the back of Ning Yi’s head.

If Xu Xing Ji was behind him, even if Ning Yi turned around, he would be blocking him completely. How would they be able to stagger between the groups just right like now? Able to make eye contact through the gap with just a slight turn of the head.

Lu Xu Nan felt like his heart was terribly choked up. He anxiously drummed his fingers on his desk for a while. Suddenly, he had an idea. He pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Ning Yi was currently listening to Ju Meng chatter.

“Wow~ The two most handsome people are both in our class, our eyes are really blessed ah~

“I’m betting one spicy stick1 that starting tomorrow, the girls coming to our class to borrow books, borrow homework, and look for friends will be two times as much as before!”

“Nstknyzzu prlyjkdt, kq uswa qyxkzu’p Nw Dw Lyd kp nssz yde okzezu shlaclyakdt, vbld Dw Dkdt Kk kp vbl kdhktsayvkdt yde tldvzl vurl yb…”


[Pst Nw ossq ossq ossq [Vss]]: Ebyv es usw jllr zssjkdt cynj qsa? Tyhl usw esdl vbl dsvlp vbyv usw rasxkple xl zypv ollj? Rv kpd’v clnywpl R eked’v alxkde usw, ps usw rwarsplzu ralvldele vs qsatlv, aktbv?

Lkdt Zk nbsjle qasx ydtla.

Nypv vkxl, pbl saktkdyzzu vbswtbv Nw Dw Lyd’p qllzkdtp vsoyae Yw Eydikdt bye xyel psxl rastalpp, ps bl oswze elzkclayvlzu saela bla vs qlvnb xlyzp, rswa oyvla, yde vyjl dsvlp vs hldv ydtla qsa bla.

Bdvkz pbl pyo bkp yvvkvwel vsoyae Yw Eydikdt okvb bla sod lulp zypv Wakeyu. Fbl vbld jdlo vbyv vbkp twu oyp y czsnjblye. Llhlaxkde rastalpp, kv oyp zkjl qyddkdt y qkal okvb y aszzkdt rkd– bl eked’v tlv kv yv yzz.

Ebld bl saelale bla yaswde yv vbl vkxl, kv oyp rascyczu rwalzu clnywpl bkp caykd nayxrle yde bl oydvle vs rknj sd bla.

Ekvb vbyv lmnwpl sq clkdt kzz, bl bye ynvle y obszl yqvladssd cu bkxplzq. Lso, bl bye y prypx yde vbswtbv sq “clkdt pknj” ytykd? Tlyzvbu yde ynvkhl ewakdt vbl vos eyup sq vbl olljlde yde obld bl oyp lyvkdt bsvrsv. Tso nsxl bl oypd’v pknj vbld?

Really indulging these stinky habits of his!

After the forum matter, the plot’s effect on her lowered a lot.

Right now, she wasn’t the Ning Yi whose head hurt like it was going to crack all the time because of her character that said one thing and did another anymore!

Even the Quiz King account had been discovered by Lu Xu Nan and nothing abnormal had happened. The reason she didn’t want to let everyone know yet was only because the safest method was to keep her own variability to a minimum as much as possible with the current situation. As long as she respectably completed it according to her character when it was her “scene”, even if changes occurred in the storyline, her share in it would be very little.

This way, no matter how it turned out in the end, she probably wouldn’t be punished like the first time.

And the other changes that didn’t hinder the plot were completely within the extent of her control.

Didn’t it only slightly hurt for a bit when she pointed at Lu Xu Nan’s nose and told him not to stay in her room that night? Why would she still need to cautiously flatter Dog Lu like before ah?

Ning Yi humphed, grabbed her phone, and replied—

[Don’t gain ten jins, not changing profile picture]: But aren’t you already not sick? If you want to take notes, you can take them yourself, no?

Lu Xu Nan read the message that Ning Yi sent five times and finally confirmed that she was really refusing him.

Huh, not long ago, she was still stickily giving him those little cakes that were sweet enough to make people thirsty every day! Now that a white cut chicken had just joined the class, she refused to help him take notes?

She, the nuisance that had chased after him calling “Nan gege Nan gege” for more than ten years, had a change of affection just like that? Isn’t this affection of yours a little too casual?!

Don’t think he didn’t know. This girl even told other people they were betrothed as children behind his back all the time!

She had a marriage and she still dared to climb the wall? If this was in ancient times, it would warrant drowning in a wicker basket2!

Fang Ci, sitting in his seat, only felt that the air pressure around his Brother Nan was getting lower and lower.

Obviously, they were still in a hot spell during the fall, but sitting beside him was like sitting under an air conditioner. Cool air poured over him.

Fang Ci looked at the notification on his phone and still decided to face the difficulties.

“Brother Nan, you weren’t here Friday and those guys from Class 3 won. It made He Bing even more arrogant, just like he was going to play in the NBA! Those in our class couldn’t accept it, so we agreed to have another match after class. Beat them to death…”

In the middle of his talk, Lu Xu Nan suddenly turned around.

Coming in contact with the other person’s hot-tempered gaze, Fang Ci licked his lips and said in a small voice, “Um, I see you don’t seem to feel like playing today. I’ll reschedule with them.”

After saying this, he unlocked his phone and just as he was going to respond, he saw those things that He Bing sent in the basketball group chat and couldn’t resist cursing under his breath, “F*ck, this b*tch.”

Lu Xu Nan reached out and took Fang Ci’s phone over to take a look. Sure enough, He Bing was incessantly taunting in the chat by himself.

[He Bing]: Are we having this match or not? Why aren’t you replying ah?

[He Bing]: What is it? Didn’t you say that you lost last time because Lu Xu Nan wasn’t there? Is Lu Xu Nan not coming again this time? So in the end, is he busy or scared ah? If he’s scared just say it. A magnanimous man won’t lose face!

[He Bing]: Ai, the ones who lost the match and felt embarrassed and wanted a match were you guys. Now the ones too scared to come up are also you guys. How about this, each member from your class say Class 3 is awesome, then I’ll pretend this didn’t happen. How about it? Ahahahaha

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Lu Xu Nan’s mood was bad to begin with; he was just worrying that there wasn’t a place to vent! And then someone who wasn’t scared of death ran up.

He sneered, returning the phone to Fang Ci, and said, “Tell him, let him wash his neck and wait. I’ll let him know just who is the father3 of No. 1 Middle School’s court.”

Fang Ci’s eyes immediately lit up, “Alright!”

The last class in the afternoon was physical education. Once the bell rang, the students’ hearts had already flown to the sports field.

But because the introduction of a new student took some time before class, the content that was originally supposed to be taught wasn’t taught so Liu Ming extended the class a little. When he closed the textbook and announced “class dismissed”, the bell for starting class was about to ring.

The restless students got up one after another, rushing out of the classroom in groups of twos and threes.

Mu Wanqing wanted to take the opportunity before gym class to give the present to Ning Yi, but when she stuck her hand into her desk, she didn’t feel the gift bag.

She bent down in surprise and earnestly searched around. She confirmed that the gift bag was really missing.

“Xiao Fang, did anyone come to my seat during the break between classes?” Mu Wanqing asked her deskmate, Zhou Fang.

Zhou Fang frowned, thinking, then said, “I didn’t pay attention. What happened?”

Mu Wanqing wanted to say she lost something. She hadn’t spoken yet when she saw Yang Zhenzhen walk past the window, holding the safety knot she personally tied.

She could even hear a few words of ridicule.

“What is this ah? What old antique is this? Tied in such an ugly way.”

“I also think so. This kind of trash should be cut up and tossed in the trash…”

Mu Wanqing didn’t have time to tell Zhou Fang in detail. She shot up and ran over.

When she caught up with Yang Zhenzhen and the others at the stairs, she then discovered that Ning Yi was also standing with Yan Ziyun and the others.

Originally, she was still a little scared from the previous experience. But after seeing Ning Yi, Mu Wanqing’s gaze fell on the safety knot in Yang Zhenzhen’s hand and suddenly felt like she had courage again.

Very sternly, she said, “This is my stuff. Please return it to me.”

Yang Zhenzhen raised her eyebrows. “You say it’s yours, then it’s yours? On what basis?”

Mu Wanqing said, “I personally tied this, there are a total of nine strands for safety at the bottom. If you don’t believe me, you can count them.”

Yang Zhenzhen’s face stiffened, she directly ignored her words and turned around to leave.

Mu Wanqing became anxious. She rushed over in two steps and reached out and grabbed her wrist, wanting to take the safety knot back.

Yang Zhenzhen wouldn’t let go. In the midst of tugging and pulling, the two people’s limbs inevitably touched, and the strength used became greater and greater.

Mu Wanqing was shoved a few times by the other person, but she didn’t return the favor, only tightly grabbing onto the safety knot, not giving way at all.

Yang Zhenzhen glanced at the stairs and a trace of ruthlessness slid across her eyes. She fiercely yanked backwards. After feeling Mu Wanqing tug back, she very abruptly loosened the hand that was holding onto the safety knot…

Mu Wanqing was stunned. Her entire body was already falling backwards because of inertia.

All of this happened too suddenly. Ning Yi didn’t have time to think at all and reached out unconsciously, trying to catch her.

The two people solidly collided with one another in the middle of the stairs. Mu Wanqing used the reaction force of the collision and the force from Ning Yi’s upward push and stopped her tendency to fall downwards. She instinctively set her foot down, using the change in the position of her body to grab the railing beside her.

But Ning Yi wasn’t so lucky.

Because of Yang Zhenzhen and Mu Wanqing’s dispute, the few people in their group were slower than the students in front of them. Now, this section of the stairs was already empty.

Ju Meng also didn’t expect the situation would change so dramatically. When she reacted and reached out to grab Ning Yi, she was already too late. The two people’s fingertips only touched lightly then separated. There wasn’t even a chance to exert any strength.

Just when she was going to scream out of fear, a strong healthy figure suddenly leaped up from the corner of the railing between two flights of stairs.

It was Lu Xu Nan!

Ju Meng didn’t clearly see how the other person jumped up. She only saw that he hadn’t even stood firmly and his arms had already opened, gathering Ning Yi who was falling down into his arms, with his long arm taking the initiative to protect Ning Yi’s head.

In the next second, the two people crashed with a bang, falling on the empty area between the two flights of stairs…

[1] 浸猪笼: In ancient times, adulterers were punished by being tied up and stuffed in a wicker basket/cage usually for pigs and then drowned alive as punishment.

[2] 辣条: a snack that resembles jerky somewhat but it made of bean curd and seasoned (spicy)

[3] 到底谁才是爸爸: lit. who is the father; father in this represents a figure that is above/more respected

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