Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 32: CH 29

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Fang Ci was silent. He thought in his heart, what ears do you have? Your focus is too off, no!?

He sighed. “Emmm, it’s just a form of address, it doesn’t matter what you’re called, right?”

Lu Xu Nan was at a loss for words.

Right? What did it matter? Ning Yiyi didn’t call him “Nan gege” all lovey-dovey anymore. In the past, he wouldn’t have been happy soon enough.

But… but the white cut chicken just came and she immediately stopped calling. Wasn’t this just too fickle? So fast, it simply made people furious!

“Up to you.”

Lu Xu Nan forcefully pushed the schoolbag into his desk.

Fang Ci’s eyelids jumped. He stroked his chin and stared at him for a while.

Tl sdzu pyo Nw Dw Lyd ayrkezu qzkr vbaswtb vbl cssj sd bkp elpj okvb y eyaj qynl. Mbl rasczlx oyp vbyv vbl cssj oyp lhld wrpkel esod… Tkp qkdtlap eawxxle sd vbl elpj, vbl qypv vlxrs rashle vbyv vbl sodla oyp lmvalxlzu kxryvkldv kd bkp blyav yv vbl xsxldv.

Nssjkdt yv vbyv bydepsxl qynl ytykd, qswa caktbv osaep “R yx dsv byrru” olal oakvvld sd kv, yde vbl jkde vbyv oyp rwdnvwyvle okvb vball lmnzyxyvksd xyajp.

Wydt Uk rsdelale qsa y ckv, y vbswtbv pweeldzu rsrrle swv qasx vbl csvvsx sq bkp blyav. Tl oldv shla yde ypjle kd y pxyzz hsknl, “Jasvbla Lyd, es usw zkjl Lkdt Zk yb?”

Nw Dw Lyd pzyxxle vbl vlmvcssj nzsple, yde bl zlydle cynj, raynvknyzzu pvwnj vs vbl oyzz. Rv zssjle zkjl bl bye clld pnyale.

“E-obyv dsdpldpknyz fsjl yal usw xyjkdt?!”

Xdnl bl prsjl, bl lhld pvwvvlale qsa y ckv. Nw Dw Lyd ellrzu qlzv bl’e zspv psxl qynl. Gv Wydt Uk’p blye vbyv bye pvwnj shla, bl tyhl y pzyr dlkvbla blyhu dsa zktbv. Uszezu, bl pyke, “R zkjl Lkdt Zkuk? Gal usw eawdj sa es usw byhl y qlhla? Gzps, kq usw byhl vs prlyj, esd’v usw jdso bso vs prlyj rasrlazu? Ebu eke usw pweeldzu nsxl shla? Zsw pnyale xl!”

Wydt Uk pyo vbkp yvvkvwel sq bkp yde vbl twlpp kd bkp blyav clnyxl y zkvvzl xsal nlavykd.

Tl vswnble vbl cynj sq bkp blye vbyv bye clld pzyrrle yde eked’v tlv xye. Tl nyzxzu oldv “sb”, yde pyke, “Fkdnl kv kpd’v Lkdt Zk, vbld usw zkjl Yw Eydikdt?”

Lu Xu Nan’s entire face scrunched up. This time, he was full of confidence. “I say, what’s wrong with you today? Why do you keep talking rubbish?”

“Where is it rubbish ah?” Fang Ci reached out and tapped his desk, analyzing, “Did I not see you accept Mu Wanqing’s present, and even nicely put it in your bag? In the past, when have you accepted a present from a girl ah? They were all fed to the trash can.”

Lu Xu Nan replied very quickly, even carrying the intent to explain, “What present did I accept from her? Mu Wanqing said she was giving me and Ning Yiyi each one of these.”

“Wow! So you want to have a couple item with Ning Yi ah?” Fang Ci narrowed his eyes like a fox.

“Nonsense!” Lu Xu Nan’s eyes widened, “What couple? I say, are you itching today ah?”

Fang Ci hurriedly shrunk back, staying farther away from him. He smilingly said, “Aiya, am I not just speculating based on facts! You said it yourself ah, Mu Wanqing said she was giving one to you and one to Ning Yi, so then you accepted it. So it wasn’t because of Mu Wanqing, but because of Ning Yi~ Moreover, she didn’t call you gege, and you’re not content. Logically speaking, it’s not like Ning Yi doesn’t have her own older brother. There’s also not much wrong with not calling you, right?”

Lu Xu Nan was actually momentarily unable to retort, and was even a little unhappy when he heard the last part.

Fang Ci saw that he said so fiercely, but didn’t have the intent to do so at all in actuality, and was immediately even more certain.

He cleared his throat and got close to Lu Xu Nan’s ear. Although his voice was small, it was directly giving a strong drug.

“Brother Nan, no need to hide it. You like Ning Yi!”

Lu Xu Nan froze for about two seconds. Looking at Fang Ci’s expression of “I saw through your little secret”, he raised his hand and choked Fang Ci’s neck, “I like my ass. It seems to me you like getting a beating! Your skin itches if you’re not beaten up for a day, right? You don’t think before you speak!”

“Hey hey hey! Brother Nan, please be lenient! You don’t like her, I like her. I like Ning Yi, alright?” Fang Ci grabbed Lu Xu Nan’s arm, begging for mercy.

Who knew, once Lu Xu Nan heard, the strength in his hand became even greater.

Fang Ci was simply wronged to no end.

My Brother Nan, if this isn’t like, then what is like ah? Why can’t this get through to you?!


A muffled sound suddenly came from behind the two of them, cutting off their ruckus. It was Xu Xing Ji carrying a large pile of new textbooks and heavily placing it on the desk.

Xu Xing Ji saw that the two of them suddenly stopped and turned to look at them. He casually twitched his lips and said, “Sorry, carrying books pulled on the injury on my arm. Did I disturb you guys? I’m sorry, you guys continue, just pretend I don’t exist.”

These words were said strangely, as if he and Fang Ci had some improper relationship.

Lu Xu Nan not very politely glanced at Xu Xing Ji and ignored him. He loosened the hand choking Fang Ci and warned, “Speak nonsense again, I’ll really beat you up ah!”

Fang Ci felt like he was angry out of being ashamed. He touched his neck that really didn’t hurt, shrugged, and mumbled to himself, “Sigh! This matter, if I don’t speak of it, will it not be…”

Lu Xu Nan glared at him. “What are you mumbling again?”

Fang Ci tsked and shook his head while standing up. Pointing at his heart from afar, he said, “Brother Nan, please face your heart!”

After saying this, while Lu Xu Nan hadn’t reacted yet, he quickly escaped like the bottom of his feet were oiled.

With the start of class approaching, there were more and more people in the classroom.

Lu Xu Nan was uneasy because of Fang Ci’s words.

He likes Ning Yiyi? Simply a joke!

How could he like Ning Yiyi? He felt annoyed by her to no end! If not for considering how much she did for him, he certainly wouldn’t…


It was Xu Xing Ji suddenly standing up. The sound of the pushed chair interrupted Lu Xu Nan’s thoughts. He subconsciously raised his head to take a look and discovered that the other person actually directly went in the direction of Ning Yi’s seat.

F*ck! What did this white cut chicken want to do now?!

Lu Xu Nan practically stood up on a conditioned reflex. Seeing Xu Xing Ji was going to reach Ning Yi, he randomly grabbed a test paper at his desk and ran toward the front row.

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Ning Yi was currently laying on her desk, resting. Ju Meng reached over and poked her twice. “Yiyi, that new student is coming over!”

Ning Yi turned her head and just happened to make eye contact with Xu Xing Ji in the aisle.

The smile on the other person’s lips immediately grew a lot larger. Ning Yi saw his lips move, seeming like he was going to say something, and sat up and turned to face him.

“Ning Yiyi!”

A blank test paper suddenly covered the front of her eyes, blocking her line of sight.

At the same time, Xu Xing Ji’s voice also came.

“Classmate Yan Ziyun…”

Lu Xu Nan suddenly paused.

F*ck, so the white cut chicken wasn’t coming to look for Ning Yi?

Ning Yi lifted her hand and pushed the test paper in front of her down a little. She looked at the person who came, puzzled. “What?”

Lu Xu Nan thought Xu Xing Ji came to look for Ning Yi, momentarily got caught up, and rushed up. He hadn’t thought of what to do afterward at all.

Facing Ning Yi’s question and the gossipy looks from all the surrounding classmates, he waved the test paper in his hand, hardened his scalp, and opened his mouth, “There is a problem I want to ask you…”

Ning Yi: “…”

Your brain is probably filled with water again?

The surrounding classmates: “…”

Asking the lowest ranked student in the whole school about homework, are you for real?

Only the newly arrived Xu Xing Ji didn’t find anything strange about this, he continued to say to Yan Ziyun, “Classmate Yan Ziyun, you are Number 1 God in Quiz King, right? I am xxj007.”

Once these words came out, they immediately attracted everyone’s attention!

Number 1 God and 007, the two great PK kinds were going to PK offline?!

An undisguised surprise flashed through Ning Yi’s eyes that looked toward Xu Xing Ji.

Yan Ziyun who was originally watching Lu Xu Nan also suddenly looked at Xu Xing Ji, her face showing shock and a slightly flustered expression. But it was very quickly suppressed.

So what if it was 007? It’s not like it was Number 1 God, no one knew that the person who won against 007 wasn’t her.

007? Xu Xing Ji is actually 007 ah! Too much of a coincidence…

Wow, looks are good, personality is good, and grades are also good, this is too excellent! Just what can Dog Lu use to compete with him ah… tsk.

Lu Xu Nan gripped the test paper til it crunched: “…”

Yan Ziyun cleared her throat and calmly said, “Hello.”

Xu Xing Ji nodded, smiling as he said, “You’re really awesome, but I definitely won’t lose next time. I very much look forward to PK-ing in the future, whether in Quiz King or in school.”

Facing his declaration of war, Yan Ziyun had a moment of panic, she quickly glanced at Lu Xu Nan and found that his gaze wasn’t on her at all.

Thinking of Lu Xu Nan running over to actually ask Ning Yi about a problem, the disdain and anger in Yan Ziyun’s heart all came out.

She took a deep breath, raised her chin, and deliberately raised her voice, “You’re also very awesome, but I won’t go easy on you just because you’re a classmate.”

“Wow! Yan Ziyun really is Number 1 God ah!”

“So strong ah! A top student is different, full of confidence!”

“Damn, I can already foresee terror of the mid-term exams!”

Yan Ziyun straightened her back in the midst of the students’ discussion, her eyes brightly looking at Lu Xu Nan.

“Nan gege, what question did you want to ask Yiyi ah? How about I just tell you, Yiyi, she… Oh, might not know.”

“Hey, Yan Ziyun you… ” Ning Yi hadn’t spoken, Ju Meng instead was the first to jump up in displeasure. “God Lu hasn’t even asked yet, how do you know Yiyi won’t know ah? That fill-in-the-blank function question on the math homework last time, two thirds of the class all got it wrong, but Yiyi got it right, okay?”

Duan Beilei heard this and also attacked Ju Meng for Yan Ziyun. “What are you arguing noisily for? The grades have it all clear, Ning Yi’s rank in the school is really very low ah… Besides, Ziyun is Number 1 God…”

“Beilei.” Yan Ziyun tugged Duan Beilei, shaking her head at her, indicating for her to stop talking, but there was arrogance that could not be concealed on her face.

She glanced at Ning Yi, and then raised her head to look at Lu Xu Nan. Smiling, she said, “What question is it, Nan gege? Ning Yi and I can listen together, if it’s a rather difficult question, we can even discuss it together…”

“Pfft, Number 1 God’s words are really too polite, is Ning Yi’s math passing?”

“Ju Meng still had the nerve to bring up last time’s math homework, I watched both her and Ning Yi copied the class monitor’s, okay…”

“So funny, I suspect before Ning Yi can even finish looking at the questions, Yan Ziyun would have the answer already figured out.”

Wave after wave of mocking laughter came. Lu Xu Nan’s temples straight up jumped from listening. He glanced at Ning Yi, saw her looking like it had nothing to do with her at all, and was even more angry.

“Che.” He suddenly laughed coldly. Looking arrogantly from above at Yan Ziyun, he scoffed, “Am I asking you? And you want to teach? You’re also worthy?”

Yan Ziyun’s face immediately became completely red.

Lu Xu Nan looked away nonchalantly. He lifted his hand, used the test paper to knock on Ning Yi’s head, and said, “Forget it, class is about to start. I’ll go to your house to ask you in the evening.”

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