Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 45: CH 38.3

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“Ah?” Ning Yi was stunned silly.

“If you didn’t have to take me back to get stomach medicine, you wouldn’t have fallen. I’ll piggyback you back.” Lu Xu Nan said. He slightly turned his face to the side and said, “Don’t tell me you want me to carry you?”

Ning Yi thought of that scene and couldn’t help shivering. “There’s no need…”

Lu Xu Nan’s head turned around, seeming a little impatient. “Then why aren’t you getting on? Or are you going to crawl back yourself? You can walk now?”

Ning Yi was already used to his “ivory doesn’t come from a dog’s mouth” behavior, so she automatically filtered away the other person’s words. She took half a step forward on her tiptoes, then hesitantly said, “But isn’t your stomach hurting…”


Lu Xu Nan urged, “I’m not a girl…Hurry up, stop dawdling.”

“Then okay, if you don’t feel well, don’t force yourself ah…” Ning Yi said and didn’t make things difficult for herself, circling his shoulders and climbing up.

Lu Xu Nan slightly stiffened for a moment when the other person’s warm body got on. Immediately after, he very quickly stood up, telling Ning Yi to report the situation to Liu Ming and have him help contact the school doctor with the group while piggybacking her to the hotel with quick steps…

Mbl esnvsa sd vbl vakr okvb vblx vbkp vkxl oyp vbl sdl vbyv blzrle Nw Dw Lyd awc skz zypv vkxl. Fllkdt vbl vos sq vblx yv vbl bsvlz zsccu, pbl nswzed’v blzr lmnzykxkdt, “Ebu kp kv vbl vos sq usw ytykd yb? Ebyv kp kv vbkp vkxl? Eblal eke usw tlv bwav?”

Xb! Nypv vkxl kv oyp nyaaukdt, vbkp vkxl kv’p y rkttucynj. Zswvb dso byhl ps xydu rspkvksdp yb~

Nw Dw Lyd obs qlzv zkjl vbl svbla rlapsd pllxle vs cl eakhkdt, cwv eked’v byhl lhkeldnl qlzv bkp lyap blyv wr: …

Lkdt Zk ryvvle Nw Dw Lyd’p pbswzela, oydvkdt vs tlv esod.

Mbl zyvvla eked’v zlv ts, kdpvlye pbkqvkdt bla wr vs nyaau bla xsal pvlyekzu. Tl rszkvlzu pyke vs vbl pnbssz esnvsa, “Xzela pkpvla, nyd R vaswczl usw vs vyjl y vakr vs bla assx? Rv’p sd vbl plnsde qzssa, pbl vokpvle bla ydjzl ps kv’p dsv nsdhldkldv.”

Mbl pnbssz esnvsa vbswtbvqwzzu zssjle yv bkx.

Mpj vpj, zssj yv vbkp zkvvzl csuqaklde rasvlnvkdt bla zkjl rasvlnvkdt y nyzq~

Nw Dw Lyd zssjle yv vbl xsdlu vall sd vbl pkel okvb ale lyap.

Hahaha, I didn’t even say anything ah. Why so shy? Indeed a pure and innocent boy~


“Of course I can.” The school doctor resisted smiling and nodded.

Ning Yi felt awkward for some reason, but she didn’t know exactly what was wrong. She could only thank the person, “Trouble you!”

Students sustaining injuries was a big matter. Liu Ming followed the whole way back to Ning Yi’s room. After hearing the school doctor say there weren’t any serious problems after taking a look, he was finally relieved. When the doctor finished treatment, he warned her to properly rest again and to call immediately if anything happened before he left.

The faint smell of medicine permeated the room. Lu Xu Nan stood beside Ning Yi’s bed, suddenly feeling like he didn’t know what to do.

He licked his lips, looking for something to say. “Do you want to drink water?”

Even though the temperature wasn’t particularly high on the way back, she was indeed a little thirsty. Ning Yi nodded her head.

Lu Xu Nan went to the food cabinet, retrieved a bottle of water, twisted open the cap, and gave it to her.

Ning Yi drank two gulps and suddenly remembered that she still hadn’t found stomach medicine for him yet. She hurriedly placed the bottle on the bedside cabinet. Pointing at the wardrobe opposite, she said, “Is your stomach okay? My bag is in there, the medicine is in the pocket on the right side. You should hurry and take one.”

Lu Xu Nan only remembered his stomachache after she reminded him. Before, because Ning Yi got hurt, he forgot all about this situation. Now, the pain had actually already passed and he didn’t feel much.

But seeing the other person anxious because of him, he felt very snug in his heart, and obediently opened the wardrobe, retrieving the little bag with the medicine.

Ning Yi received it and pulled open the zipper. Lowering her head, she found the stomach medicine that she used to take. She took a pack from the box, dug a pill out, and gave it to Lu Xu Nan “If I remembered earlier, it would’ve been good to ask school doctor jiejie, but I took this medicine before, so it should be fine. In addition, there aren’t any side effects.”

Lu Xu Nan listened to her nagging, he was very delighted. Probably, if the other person fed him the durian that he hated the most, he would be able to eat it.


He directly took the capsule and tossed it in his mouth. Ning Yi conveniently passed the bottle of water on the bedside cabinet over. “Here, water.”

Seeing the other person’s lips touch the bottle, emptying half of it, Ning Yi suddenly realized.

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This bottle of water…was the one she just drank from…

Ning Yi opened her mouth and wanted to bring it up, but then thought that it was not only useless, it would, on the contrary, also make it more embarrassing. She quietly closed her mouth, pretending she didn’t know anything.

She pulled out her phone and sent a message to Ju Meng, telling her about her and Lu Xu Nan’s situation.

Ju Meng directly made a video call, loudly asking for the details. After knowing that there weren’t any big problems, she was finally relieved. At the end, she suddenly remembered and opened her mouth to say, “Ah, we’re going to see the fireflies at 5~ You twisted your ankle, wouldn’t you not be able to come? I heard it’s very pretty!”

Upon hearing her, Ning Yi immediately also felt a bit regretful and downcast.

Ju Meng hurriedly comforted her. “That’s okay, I’ll take more videos for you, okay? Oh right, I can also directly livestream for you, this way you can also watch together with us!”

This method sounded rather good. It was just unfortunate that no matter how good it was, they encountered a problem with the internet when they put it into action.

Because the location of the biology museum was too out of the way, the signal was too poor. Once the video was received, it froze into a picture, and it even kept dropping because of the connectivity problem.

After a long time, Ning Yi finally received a short ten second video.

Because indoor lighting was blurry and dim, the definition of the short clip that Ju Meng took wasn’t very high, but she could still see the magnificent yellow green dots of light amongst the vegetation that imitated nature.


If the biology museum wasn’t too far away and there were tour vehicles in the inner part of the park, Ning Yi kind of wanted to go see it herself.

Unfortunately, even though she’d rested for several hours and her ankle didn’t hurt that much already, she could only barely move around. Even standing for a little longer was painful.

Ning Yi opened that short clip that Ju Meng sent over with difficulty, letting out a sigh with regret.


A new notification from WeChat popped up.

[Dog Lu woof woof woof [Poo]]: Come to the stairwell.

Ning Yi replied to him with a question mark.

Lu Xu Nan was obviously waiting for her. He replied in a second, but it was only one word.

[Dog Lu woof woof woof [Poo]]: Come.

…You better have something important.

Ning Yi thought as she stood up with the help of the headboard. She pulled open the door and slowly walked out.

None of the students had come back yet, the hallway was extremely quiet. There was also carpet that was sound-absorbing in the hallway, there wasn’t much noise when people walked either.


Ning Yi leaned against the door to the fire escape, looking through the transparent glass on top. Inside, there was only the bit of light from the emergency sign. She could vaguely see Lu Xu Nan standing there with his back to the door.

Ning Yi forcefully pushed open that heavy door. The place where the door connected with the wall, because of rare use, made a creaking noise.

Lu Xu Nan didn’t seem to have expect that she would come so soon, he was frightened by this noise.

His shoulders shook and he turned around, his face still had a bit of an alarmed expression.

Ning Yi walked in and the heavy thick door, because of motive force, automatically slowly closed behind her, shutting out the light from the outside along with it. Her field of vision immediately became dim.

She seemed to hear a “da da” sound. It seemed like something had fallen to the ground and was tumbling down the stairs.

But immediately afterwards, she didn’t have time to think about what that was.

Because she saw ten firefly lights slowly come out from behind Lu Xu Nan. Those beautiful little creatures were like fairies happily moving in front of her, slowly lighting up this small space…

They were fireflies!

Lu Xu Nan actually, in this dim, simple, and crude stairwell, gave her, who couldn’t go out because she was injured, a gift so beautiful it was like a dream.

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