Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 49: CH 41.2

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On the other hand, Fang Ci similarly brought food for Lu Xu Nan. Because he saw that Lu Xu Nan was spread out on the bed playing games, he didn’t pay much attention, closed the door, and brought the bag over to place on the bedside table so that Lu Xu Nan could eat once he sat up.

Seeing two nearly empty bottles of mineral water, Fang Ci picked them up and threw them in the trash can by the bed in passing, making a clanging sound.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xu Nan suddenly straightened up like a carp, tossing his phone aside. He threw himself to the edge of the bed, reaching out and quickly fishing the two bottles back out.

Fang Ci was taking out an iced drink from the back and saw his series of actions and was startled. Looking at him with complicated feelings, he said, “That’s not right, why do you suddenly not mind things being dirty? If you’re thirsty, you can drink the one I brought back. I just took it out of the refrigerator, it’s very refreshing! Do you still plan to keep these empty bottles to sell?”

They had just checked into the hotel so the trash can was actually still empty, not dirty.


But Lu Xu Nan still pulled two tissues, wiped the two bottles, and placed them back on the bedside table. Those who don’t know would’ve thought he was fiddling with a piece of art!

“You don’t understand.” He said displeased.

Fang Ci thought, I truly do not understand the thinking of a young man in love. He shook his head, tossed himself onto his bed, and played with his phone.

“Mpj vpj, vbl taswr byp yzalyeu clnsxl y zyatl-pnyzl pvya nbypkdt pnldl. Ebu eke Zyd Hkuwd pweeldzu nsxl esod vs vbl xsavyz osaze vs nbyv okvb wp xsavyzp?”

“Rv’p ds osdela pbl’p y vsr pvweldv! El nyxl swv vs byhl qwd yde pbl’p pvkzz nsdpvydvzu vbkdjkdt ycswv pvweukdt. Ts! Gdsvbla alnsae casjld, R vbkdj svblap pbswze pvsr vbkdjkdt sq vyjkdt vbkp vkvzl sq rasczlx-pszhkdt jkdt, pbl xwpv byhl ps xydu rskdvp!”

Nw Dw Lyd saktkdyzzu oypd’v ryukdt yvvldvksd vs bkp xwvvlakdt, cwv blyakdt vbl zyvla ryav sq bkp zyxldvyvksd, bl nswzed’v blzr qasodkdt yde ypjkdt, “Ebyv alnsae?”

Wydt Uk srldle yde pbsole bkx vbl pnalldpbsv qasx vbl taswr. “Mbl alnsae qasx Gzxktbvu Cwkg Ikdt, oblal lzpl? Pslpd’v lhlausdl zkjl vs es rasczlxp sd vbyv dso? Zsw esd’v pyu, R wple vs vbkdj Zyd Hkuwd oyp ayvbla yaastydv, cwv vseyu kv pllxp zkjl pbl’p ayvbla lypu vs tlv yzsdt okvb. Gald’v xkevlaxp nsxkdt wr? Fbl’p pbyakdt pvweu vkrp kd vbl taswr yde lhld vsze lhlausdl vs nsdvynv bla yduvkxl kq vblu byhl iwlpvksdp!”

Ekvb y tzssxu qynl, Nw Dw Lyd oydvle vs alqwvl bkx, cwv vbld vbswtbv vbyv Lkdt Zk eked’v pllx zkjl pbl oydvle vs zlv lhlausdl jdso yde poyzzsole bkp osaep. Tl nswze sdzu pdlla yp kq bl eked’v wdelapvyde, “Fbl byp iwkvl psxl qynl.”

Mbl qynvp byhl rashld vbyv Zyd Hkuwd kp kdelle iwkvl nyryczl sq psxl vbknj pjkd.

Fkdnl yexkvvkdt vs vbl vkvzl sq Lwxcla 1 Qse sd vbl qklze vakr, pbl pllxle vs cl qalle sq alpvaykdvp.

Lsv zsdt yqvla lynb vkxl Lwxcla 1 Qse lpvyczkpble y dlo rasczlx-pszhkdt alnsae, pbl oswze rspv psxl kelyp qsa pszhkdt vbl rasczlxp sa ynjdsozletlxldvp yde vbydjp. Ebld nzyppxyvlp nyxl vs ypj qsa twkeydnl yqvla nzypp, pbl oswze yzps tldlaswpzu ydpola iwlpvksdp yde nzyakqu. Vaykpl qsa bla okvbkd vbl nzypp aspl y zsv kxxlekyvlzu yde pbl lhld vssj yd kdvlahklo qasx vbl pnbssz dlopryrla.

First Middle School has always paid great attention to the comprehensive development of its students’ character, intelligence, and physical well-being. This could be seen from the establishment of elective courses such as swimming.


Therefore, the school not only didn’t object to students running a newspaper, they even supported it very much. Teachers were also very cooperative and didn’t interfere with the selection of materials and content. This greatly enhanced the students’ creativity.

Over time, First Middle School’s school newspaper was passed down year after year, becoming a rather prestigious creative press.

The school newspaper had a persons feature column that usually featured school leaders and teachers or some outstanding students who have won awards.

<Almight Quiz King> was popular on campus. The school newspaper wanted to interview the “King of Problem-solving, Number 1 God”, but were tactfully rejected by Yan Ziyun when they contacted her before. This time the other party suddenly took the initiative to contact them to accept the interview, the school newspaper was immediately onboard.

The interview was arranged for an afternoon and the location was the classroom of Class 1. In addition to the student responsible for interviewing, there was also one responsible for taking pictures. It looked quite official.

As a result, everyone knew that Yan Ziyun was going to be interviewed by the school newspaper. In a flash, the students even skipped lunch. Either sitting or standing, they crowded around Yan Ziyun’s seat, watching the liveliness with a sense of honor.

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Ning Yi sat just behind Yan Ziyun. Seeing the other person kick up such a big fuss, she actually didn’t know what to say at the moment.

Was this person addicted to being an imposter? Really not afraid of being exposed?

She was muttering in her heart when Yan Ziyun spoke first: “Yiyi, Ju Meng, I’m going to be interviewed by the school newspaper and they’re going to take pictures. It might not be very convenient for you guys to be in the frame, can I trouble you to move somewhere else for a while?”

She said it would affect her, but all the other surrounding students were all sitting without moving nor did she mention any inconvenience. She had asked only the two of them to leave, wasn’t this just purposely embarrassing them? Making it seem as if the two of them wanted to ride on her coattails!

Before Ning Yi could speak, Ju Meng was already jumping with anger. She sneered, “Who cares for that? Isn’t it just a school paper interview? She’s making it seem all like an exclusive celebrity interview, really?!”

The school newspaper staff that originally opened their mouth to say that other classmates being in the frame was okay felt somewhat offended upon hearing her words and shut their mouth.


Mu Wanqing who sat a few rows back stood up suddenly. Due to the excessive movement, the table and chair made a noise, causing everyone to look over.

Ning Yi saw her face flushed red, and her hands pressed on the table were clenched into fists, obviously furious.

Seeing her rush up front aggressively from the back, opening her mouth to speak, Ning Yi quickly grabbed her wrist and said, “I happen to want to go buy something to eat, you guys accompany me.”

Mu Wanqing didn’t understand.”But Number 1…”

Ning Yi pinched her wrist, indicating for her to stop talking, and urged Ju Meng to go together.

Yan Ziyun watched this, bent her lips in a smile, and said insincerely, “I’m really sorry, Yiyi.”

Ning Yi raised her right eyebrow, smiled, looked down at her, and spoke casually, “I’m also playing Almighty Quiz King. So you really are Number 1 God. I remember when people asked you before, you never responded. I even thought you didn’t dare admit it because you had been mistaken!”

Yan Ziyun’s face sank, but then very quickly became normal again. She smiled as she said, “The real can’t be fake and the fake can’t be real. Why would I not dare admit it?”

“It’s true, the fake can’t be real.” Ning Yi repeated her words in a low voice. Suddenly, her lips hooked into a brilliant smile. “Since you’re Number 1 God, then this midterm exam is already in your pocket, right? But if you don’t rank first, then…”

A harsh light flashed across Yan Ziyun’s eyes. She swept a glance at Mu Wanqing beside Ning Yi, and looked at Ning Yi again as if making fun of her, scoffing as she said, “Of course! You wouldn’t be thinking of having Mu Wanqing help you out, right? She can’t beat me in Quiz King and she naturally won’t be able to on the midterm exam. Besides, I know you don’t like to hear it, but studying is a personal matter, you should still study more and do more problems. Study well, Yiyi.”

“Yeah, Number 1 God’s score is so much higher than Mu Wanqing, how can she not be able to beat her?”

“Xu Xing Ji might still be possible, Mu Wanqing… probably won’t work, right?”


“Although Mu Wanqing was first in finals, Yan Ziyun wasn’t that many points behind her. She’s so much better than before after participating in the training camp, how can she be second again this time? You’re thinking too much…”

“What’s wrong with Ning Yi? She has the worst grades. What does it have to do with her when other people get good grades? You can side with her on something like this? Damn funny, I really don’t understand what’s inside the head of a person with princess disease.”

“It’s not like it’s strange for Mu Mu to test better than you, weren’t you second last semester?” Ning Yi didn’t pay attention to the whispers of the surrounding students. Facing Yan Ziyun’s unsightly face, she gently shook her head, lifted her finger, and pointed at herself. Her tone was indifferent, but the words she spoke were like a grenade thrown into the classroom, causing a commotion–

“But, what I’m saying today is- on this midterm exam, my, Ning Yi’s, rank will definitely be higher than yours.”

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