Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 53: CH 45

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[“Yan Ziyun” withdrew a message]

But this was already useless, and even made people think it was more obvious. Perhaps it had to do with no anonymity, or the impact of Yan Ziyun suddenly being exposed was too great, no one spoke in the chat for a moment. As a result,the remaining gray system notification was even more dazzling.

After a while, Lu Xu Nan suddenly came out.

[L]: Sorry, I still don’t really understand how the admin privileges work, I accidentally turned off anonymity. How about I turn it back on for everyone again?


No one would believe these words. To turn off anonymity, you had to go into the group settings and uncheck the box in the options page. There were so many actions, it’s not something you can do with a slip of your hand! He clearly turned anonymity off on purpose!

Those in the group that saw his message were probably all silently criticizing, but they also couldn’t say anything. They were only grateful that the chat history before anonymous was turned off would not show the true identities.

And amongst them, the owner of the group, the class monitor who was swayed by Lu Xu Nan into making him an administrator scratched his head, feeling like he was about to worry away all of the ten plus years of his life!

Slnldvzu, vblal oyp xsal yde xsal bspvkzl ekpnwppksd kd vbl taswr yde bl bye yzalyeu oydvle vs rasbkckv ydsduxkvu, cwv bl oyp yzps osaakle vbyv kv oswze nywpl bkp nzyppxyvlp’ ekpzkjl. Ebld Nw Dw Lyd caswtbv wr vbkp xyvvla, bl yzps vbswtbv vbyv bl oswzed’v byhl vs es kv bkxplzq. Ebs oswze’hl jdsod vbyv vbkp rlapsd oswze ekpyczl ydsduxkvu okvbswv y oyadkdt!!!

Nwnjkzu, vblal oypd’v y zsv sq eyxytl, svblaokpl bl obs tyhl swv yexkdkpvayvkhl aktbvp oswze rascyczu cl yvvynjle qasx yzz pkelp…

Rd vbl lde, vbl ydmkswp zssjkdt nzypp xsdkvsa pvkzz nsdnzwele vbkp nsxrzlvl qyanl kd y hlau sqqknkyz xyddla: “Gv vbl cltkddkdt, ydsduxswp nbyvvkdt oyp ldyczle yv lhlausdl’p aliwlpv vs xyjl vbkdtp xsal kdvlalpvkdt. Gp y alpwzv, vbl qszzsokdt elhlzsrxldv pllxp vs byhl plakswpzu yqqlnvle vbl wdkvu yde byaxsdu sq vbl nzypp, ps ydsduxswp nbyvvkdt kd vbkp taswr okzz cl ekpyczle qsa vbl vkxl clkdt. Ebld kv okzz cl alpvsale kp wdjdsod.”

Fvweldv G\\J\\U\\P: Bb, yp zsdt yp Nw Dw Lyd kp yd yexkdkpvayvsa, kv’p clvvla vs dsv alpvsal kv kd vbkp nbyv…

Zyd qyxkzu, plnsde qzssa cleassx.

“Uaypb naypb naypb.” Tlyhu scflnvp bkvvkdt vbl qzssa pswdele. Mbl zkhl-kd dyddu blyae vblpl pswdep, yde, yqayke vbyv bla xypvlap oswze czyxl bla qsa clkdt nyalzlpp kd bla osaj kq vbl uswdt zyeu bye yd ynnkeldv obkzl vblu olald’v bsxl, bwaaklezu jdsnjle sd vbl essa: “Ykpp, obyv’p tskdt sd? Pke usw qyzz?”

“Jydt!” Fsxlvbkdt oyp vbasod yv vbl essa, tkhkdt vbl dyddu obs oyp zkpvldkdt qsa xshlxldv vbaswtb vbl essa y talyv qaktbv.

Followed by Yan Ziyun’s shrill voice passing through the door: “Scram! Go away–!”


The nanny patted her chest, curled her mouth at the door with some displeasure, and left shaking her head.

Listen to this liveliness, there was definitely no injury to her person, just don’t know what happened to provoke this great miss…

As a matter of fact, Yan Ziyun was going crazy from anger!

She paced back and forth across the floor barefoot, staring fixedly at Lu Xu Nan’s message in the chat while harping on: “He did it on purpose! Definitely on purpose! He purposely baited me into talking and disabled anonymity to dig a pit for me for Ning Yi! How can he do this?!”

She completely forgot that at the very beginning, it was she herself that jumped out to offend people with a group insult after seeing and being unable to accept the scores.

“449? How is that possible! Ning Yi is a moron! Her math wasn’t even passing before, how can she suddenly get full marks?! It’s impossible for her grades to be better than mine, impossible! She definitely cheated! That’s right! She must have! I won’t recognize the results of this exam!” Yan Ziyun’s eyes bursted into an abnormal brilliance, talking to herself to persuade herself.

At this time, the phone that had automatically locked suddenly lit up, indicating a new notification.

It was a male student from another school that had added her not long ago. He would send messages from time to time as if he had very good feelings for her.

Normally, Yan Ziyun would still be perfunctory for a while, but now she was completely not in the mood. She frowned in annoyance and was about to blacklist this person, but saw that person’s messages show up one after another.

–Yunyun, have you looked at your school’s forum?

–Are you okay? Don’t be mad, I know those posts must be nonsense!

–Moreover, what you said was right to begin with, are all your classmates brainless? Someone who was last place suddenly got full marks and they aren’t skeptical of her but doubt you instead?


–As for grades, isn’t physics not out yet? Don’t rush to be angry, besides, humans can make mistakes, who won’t make mistakes? It’s all understandable, those people who rely on cheating are the disgraceful ones!

Yan Ziyun’s hand paused, then she replied: “What post?”

The other side replied immediately.

–You still don’t know yet? It must be someone in your class who is jealous of you that posted it, don’t be sad [Hug] There are also many people who stood up for you!


Yan Ziyun clicked on it and was immediately stimulated by the title into smashing the only remaining lamp on the desk.

[Humongous melon! Passerbys don’t miss out! Ning Yi beat Number 1 God on midterms & Yan Ziyun messes up with anonymous chat, a proper two-faced white lotus]

0L: First, I must unfortunately announce that with the former bad student vs top student battle poll, everyone is most likely going to be slapped in the face. OP also originally voted for Yan Ziyun, after all, it’s Number 1 God that’s super awesome, right? But the facts have proven that bad students can completely and utterly counterattack! Ning Yi scored a total of 449 in Chinese, math, and English this time, completely dominating Yan Ziyun by a solid 13 points, stepping on Yan Ziyun, and bravely seizing first place for the time being! I reckon physics won’t be much worse. Don’t say that I’m starting groundless rumors! I’ll post pictures below, don’t interrupt me. In addition, what I mainly want to talk about today is Yan Ziyun’s mess up. This is really too entertaining hahahahaha! Enjoying things alone is not as good as enjoying things together, so OP will tell everyone below for everyone’s entertainment.

1L: Lurking.

2L: No pictures, where’s the proof?

3L: I told you not to interrupt… [Screenshot].jpg

4L: Damn, awesome! Full marks in both math and English, one point off in Chinese? This isn’t a top student, it’s a god of studying!


5L: Does Ning Yi have a plug-in? How did she get such a score…

6L: Logically speaking, this is actually not very possible, right? What level Number 1 God is should be obvious to everyone who has used Quiz King during this time, this Ning Yi really used to be last in the entire school… Anyway, I think there’s something fishy about these scores…

7L: I don’t agree, I don’t care about grades, but mess up or something…Crack, crack, sounds of eating melon [seeds].

22L: Everyone, don’t be anxious, I need time to attach pictures! They’re coming right up, let everyone appreciate the entire process of a white lotus messing up. She withdrew it very fast, but couldn’t be faster than the hands of the people taking screenshots [Snicker]

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25L: Chat Screenshot.jpg X5

28L: Oh, forgot to post the old messages, everyone look for yourselves! [Screenshot].jpg X3

34L: Super marvelous! The girl actually has two faces [Laughing Crying]

35L: Compare that to what she said in the school paper interview a few days ago, the effect is even more wow~

36L: Pfft—I almost sprayed a whole mouthful of water all over my phone! What kind of god level move is speaking for yourself using anonymous chat? She even withdrew it hahahahaha, the internet remembers though XD


44L: Upstairs shouldn’t be so proud, even though Number 1 God said ugly things, the improvement in Ning Yi’s score is indeed rather abnormal, no? If the grade that you earned with hard work was suppressed by a cheating dog, won’t you be mad? Too angry to watch one’s words is understandable.

46L: One’s state of mind when taking an exam is also very important, if the state is bad, it will definitely affect the score. Do you really need to knock down a collapsing wall? Even if Number 1 God only has 436 points, isn’t it still more than you? What are you mocking for? I have no words

50L: Let’s not talk about whether Ning Yi cheated yet, Xu Xing Ji has never won against Yan Ziyun, right? This time, he even scored higher than her…

The number of replies under the post were still increasing at an incredible speed. Yan Ziyun scrolled through those ridicules that left no room for error, biting her lip in hatred until it bled.

“She is cheating! How could she get full marks?! Why are you all speaking for her!!!”

Ju Meng finished showering and drying her hair before finding out that she missed a good show.

She laid on her side in bed scrolling through the forum, beside herself with laughter. It was such a pity that she wasn’t able to see the scene of Yan Ziyun being exposed and dejected withdrawing with her own eyes!

Carrying this regret, Ju Meng shared this post to Ning Yi, noisily sending messages and telling her to hurry up and go make her identity known in the group.

However, Ning Yi didn’t reply for a long time. Ju Meng couldn’t sit still and directly called her. The other party didn’t pick up until the third time when the phone was about to stop ringing.

“I haven’t even dried my hair yet, you’re calling me back to back making me… Did something happen?” Ning Yi turned on loudspeaker and asked.

Ju Meng’s excited voice came from the loudspeaker: “Yiyi! Hurry! It’s your turn to perform! Take a screenshot of your account settings page in Quiz King and post it in the group, then I’ll post it to the school forum for you! Let’s expose all of Yan Ziyun’s disguises today!!!”

Ning Yi’s eardrums were almost blasted by her screaming. She backed away with her hands holding the towel in her hair, saying, “My gosh, Mengmeng, lower your voice and speak slowly, I can’t understand what you’re saying…”

Thus, Ju Meng told her about the midterm scores, Yan Ziyun being exposed, and the post in the forum with the lively discussion.

Who knew, Ning Yi’s first reaction was actually: “Ah, as expected, points were taken off in Chinese! Next time, it’s better not to write essays in that format…”

Bad student Ju Meng: ? Big boss, isn’t your focus a little off?

“Hai, that isn’t important right now! What’s important is that we have to hurry and strike while the iron’s hot and tear down White Lotus Yan’s fake mask!” Ju Meng clamped the phone with her shoulder and picked up the iPad beside her to scroll through the chat history. “I’ll help set you up, okay? I remember there were some people suspecting whether Yan Ziyun’s scores were padded in Quiz King, I’ll reply to them. Hm, how should I reply? Stop doubting, this isn’t something that padding points can create, it’s directly jumping into the sea1, okay? She wasn’t Number 1 God from the beginning, she’s simply an imposter! Hahahaha, this is pretty good, right? I sent it, I sent it, you hurry and take the screenshot! My big knife is already thirsty and impatient!”

Ning Yi was already too lazy to say that she still hadn’t dried her hair again. Taking and sending a screenshot didn’t take a full minute’s time anyway. She wiped the drops of water off her screen and said, “If you don’t hang up, I can’t take a screenshot. Then I’m going to hang up first?”

“Okay—F*ck! No, you wait first, Yiyi!” Ju Meng suddenly urgently told her to stop.

Ning Yi could only take the finger hovering over the disconnect button back, she asked helplessly, “What now?”

Ju Meng on the other end uncontrollably exploded into a curse, and replied, “I really admire Yan Ziyun, really! Isn’t her skin a bit too thick! She actually edited a fake image!”

It turns out that after Ju Meng replied to that message, a student came out and spoke.

–Aren’t all the numerous problems that she’s done in Quiz King honestly done? She already said in her state of affairs post that she had a fever during the exam and her state was bad, she even posted a screenshot of her account settings page. Just saying the truth- for so long, Yan Ziyun’s problem solving ideas on the app has helped a lot of people no matter what, right? Breaking out this kind of dirty water, no need.

Ju Meng clicked on Yan Ziyun’s profile and as expected, saw the long stretch of white lotus words that she had posted.

[Originally, I wasn’t going to say anything before the results came out, but seeing the comments in the school forum, I am very sad. Thank you to the many friends that comforted me through private messaging. For them, I still decided to wipe away my tears and come out to say something.

First, regarding grades on the midterm exam, because I had a low fever those two days and my state wasn’t so good, my grades weren’t so ideal. I will apologize to the students who have always trusted and paid attention to me first.

Next, is the matter in our class group. I know that no matter what I say now, a lot of people probably will not believe me, but “XXX” really isn’t me. I only knew about the discussion of the midterm exam in the group in the middle of it, then I saw those things that “AAA” said and felt very sad. I felt that all my hard work before was denied, so I replied with inappropriate language. On this matter, I have to once again apologize.

But I really work hard at studying every day, the students that follow me should know. I do problems almost every evening, I didn’t even stop during the field trip. Seeing those denouncing and insulting comments about me in the group and the forum, I really can’t stand it. I didn’t control my emotions, I feel very sorry. But I hope that everyone will not invalidate all my hard work and effort from before because of my grades this one time.

Lastly, I will go confirm the authenticity of the exam scores with the teacher tomorrow. Heaven rewards the diligent, I believe the school will give me a fair response.]

Underneath, going along with these words was a picture of the individual user homepage in Quiz King, filled with several rows of record-breaking trophies.

Since Yan Ziyun ambiguously responded that she was Number 1 God, there would be a lot of people adding her as a friend every day. This was even more so after she went public and accepted the interview with the school newspaper.

So once this state of affairs post was posted, it gained a lot of reposts and most of the comments were filled with words comforting her.

“Where did she get the face to say these words? Wipe her tears? For her followers? She even got a fever, I think it’s more like she’s acting out! Fuck, there are actually people that believe she’s not XXX? What kind of extra special fans are these? The smell of these shit white lotus words across the screen is so disgusting, my dinner is going to come up! At the end, she even dares to imply that something is wrong with your grades? She really thinks she’s some great celebrity suffering from dark dealings? No! Even celebrities don’t act as well as she does! Ahhhhh! I’m so mad!”

Ju Meng almost threw her iPad in anger. “I really didn’t expect that she would actually even come up with a fake picture! What should we do now? If you send a screenshot now, will everyone say it’s not believable? Fuck! Ah, how about this! Yiyi, you go make a video, this will be much more believable than that fake one of hers!”

Ning Yi’s tone was indifferent, she said, “Leave it be, pictures can be faked, videos can be too! The people that don’t believe it will still say that I’m fake.”

“Then what? We can’t just let her do whatever she wants, right? Really, if you’re shameless, you’ll be unrivaled in the world!” Ju Meng was going to explode from anger.

Ning Yi suddenly smiled craftily. She said comfortingly, “We certainly won’t. Don’t worry, I have an idea!”

She added, overflowing with confidence, “The kind where I can directly squash her to death with a ‘squish’!”

[1]The points used to pad are called 水分 (water points), so jumping into the sea would mean it’d all be empty points e.g. it’s all fake.

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