Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 58: CH 49.1

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Ning Yi looked down at the line of words on the screen, and an indescribable sensation surged in her chest. Her temples throbbed like needles were piercing it twice and it seemed like she was going to start feeling the pain again.

Momentarily, she felt completely lost.

She heard herself say in her heart– “Certainly it’s the world before, this is a novel and the lead is even someone else.”

However, in reality, when she pulled up the keyboard, her fingers wouldn’t type.

There seemed to be a sound in her brain, far away and indistinct.


She obviously couldn’t hear it clearly, but it made her doubt her answer.

The vibration in her palms made Ning Yi return to her senses. Xu Xing Ji had quickly sent another message.

[Hahaha, I’m joking, I just watched a time travel science fiction suspense movie yesterday.]

[Ps usw jdso elfy hw? Fllxkdt zkjl usw’hl yzalyeu plld vbkdtp, yzps nyzzle kzzwpsau xlxsau. Vpunbszstu clzklhlp vbyv vbkp kp ewl vs vbl zynj sq qkdl xlxsau nsekdt, obknb qsaxp qaytxldvle xlxsaklp qasx zkpvldkdt vs svbla rlsrzl’p pvsaklp yde zssjkdt yv rknvwalp, lvn. Xdnl vakttlale, kv nyd nalyvl vbkp nsdekvksd. Zsw rascyczu yzps byhl vbkp nsdekvksd. Ekvb vos rlsrzl’p xlxsaklp, kv’p lypkla qsa wp vaydpxktayvsap vs clnsxl nsdqwple vbyd dsaxyz rlsrzl. Lsvbkdt pvaydtl ycswv kv. Ebld vblal oyp psxlvbkdt oasdt okvb xu nsxryvkckzkvu clqsal, xu xlxsau oyp lhld xsal nsdqwpkdt vbyd uswap! Zsw’al rascyczu vbl pyxl yp xl, okvb y zkvvzl rasczlx kd vbkp yprlnv… ]

Lkdt Zk’p blyav ycawrvzu alzymle, ulv pbl eked’v nsdpkela obu pbl bye yzalyeu vaydpxktayvle shla qsa ps zsdt clqsal yd kdnsxryvkckzkvu pkvwyvksd yrrlyale.

Fbl zssjle shla vbspl osaep voknl, vbswtbv vbyv Dw Dkdt Kk’p osaep olal alyzzu alypsdyczl, yde bla blyav nswzed’v blzr pweeldzu nzlyakdt wr. Fbl qkeezle okvb bla rbsdl,

[Tyk, obyv yal usw xyjkdt kv yzz rbkzspsrbknyz qsa? Mbyv iwlpvksd xyel xl ewxcqswdele! R lhld vbswtbv usw olal psxl xupvlakswp ckt cspp alhlyzkdt psxl plnalv…]

Dw Dkdt Kk alprsdele okvb y zywtbkdt swv zswe pvknjla yde alnsxxldele vos talyv pwprldpl xshklp vs bla.

Lkdt Zk oyp ycswv vs alrzu obld bla qsalblye oyp zktbvzu jdsnjle. Mbld, pbl blyae Lkdt Dkw’p kxrzknkvzu ekprzlyple hsknl.

“Zsw’al pvkzz awddkdt y qlhla. Psd’v rzyu okvb uswa rbsdl, zlyd cynj yde rasrlazu alpv.”

Gzvbswtb pbl eked’v jdso obu bla casvbla oyp ekprzlyple, vbkdjkdt sq vbl rkdj ekyxsde vbyv bl oyp tskdt vs aloyae bla, Lkdt Zk kxxlekyvlzu qzyvvlakdtzu srvle vs cl nzlhla yde sclekldv, zsnjkdt bla rbsdl yde rwvvkdt kv kdvs bla rsnjlv.

So, she didn’t see the message that Xu Xing Ji sent and quickly withdrew.


– When you find your world, you will find your answer.

Ning Xiu saw that her actions were so speedy and his expression immediately cleared.

He put on the air of a big brother in a rare move, speaking meaningfully with heartfelt words, “What’s lacking is precious, abundant things will not be coveted. Do you understand?”

Of course, rare commodities are more sought after- hunger marketing!

But, brother, why are you suddenly saying this to me???

Ning Yi blinked, met her brother’s loving gaze, and decided to continue acting obedient and satisfy her big brother’s sudden desire to pass on his business experience. “En en, I understand.”

“Good.” Ning Xiu rubbed his little sister’s head with a smile, gentle and handsome. “Nap for a bit, I’ll let Nanny Tang make your favorite dishes, you can eat when you wake up.”

“En!” Ning Yi who was starting to get sleepy from the medicine obediently closed her eyes.

Ning Xiu looked at the side of her face, his heart satisfied.

Humph, under my watch, that stinky punk of the Lu family can stop thinking about cultivating feelings with Yiyi through messaging!

Lu Xu Nan over ten kilometers away was currently laying on his desk playing with his phone, annoyed.

Ning Yiyi, what was wrong with this girl? Didn’t we agree that whether something happened or not, you would message me? Why haven’t you sent me anything for so long?


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After tossing and turning for an entire afternoon, Lu Xu Nan wasn’t even in the mood for lunch. Unable to bear it, he called Ning Yi. It rang until he was about to be automatically disconnected before it was finally picked up.

Le Baiqiu’s gentle voice came through, “Xiao Nan~”

Questions came to his lips, but were honestly swallowed back.

Lu Xu Nan went “ah”, then said, “Aunt Le, it’s you?”

Le Baiqiu smilingly said, “You’re looking for Yiyi? Probably because of the medicine, she went to sleep after eating. She left her phone behind on the coffee table. I’ll have someone remind her to call you back when she wakes up later, okay?”

“Medicine? Is something wrong with Ning Yi?” Lu Xu Nan couldn’t help feeling a little anxious upon hearing her.

Le Baiqiu hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, she just has a bit of a fever. It’s gone down a bit with the medicine, it should be gone after taking some once more tonight.”

“Oh, that’s good.” Lu Xu Nan’s hanging heart became settled after hearing that and the depression because he didn’t receive any messages also dispersed.

No wonder there was on message, it turns out she was sick.

He thought of this and couldn’t help frowning, why is this girl always sick?

Le Baiqiu ah’d on the other end, she smiled as she said, “Right, Xiao Nan, come directly to our house for dinner after school today. We’re celebrating Ning Yi’s first place on this exam, don’t get caught up in playing ball and forget! Or else, she will definitely feel hurt~”

These words carried some teasing. The parents of the two families actually normally talk like this, but Lu Xu Nan had always been complacent on the surface and evasive in secret, only perfunctorily acting on the surface. But now, his ears secretly reddened.


He unnaturally pinched his ear and said, “I won’t, I’ll come back when school ends.”

Le Baiqiu responded happily and hung up.

Because he took the Ning family’s car to school this morning, Lu Xu Nan didn’t ride his bike. Before the last afternoon class ended, he had already called for a taxi through the app.

Once the bell rang, he swung the schoolbag that he had already packed and left, leaving the hurriedly packing Fang Ci behind.

It was only five o’ clock when Lu Xu Nan got out of the car, the sky was still bright. He immediately saw Ning Yi curled up on the recliner in the little garden with a blanket draped on her through the European style gate.

He pushed open the little door on the right with familiarity and walked in. He only realized when he got closer that this girl was asleep, she was probably getting some sun in the garden before.

Lu Xu Nan slowed his steps, stepping on the grass and only making a barely audible rustling sound.

Standing still on the left side of Ning Yi’s recliner, he could see her eyelashes slightly trembling in the light evening breeze. Even his breathing involuntarily lightened.

Perhaps because she had been in the sun, Ning Yi’s cheeks were red as if blush had been applied. Paired with her exquisite features, it made people unable to look away.

Lu Xu Nan, a boy not yet eighteen, was right when he was full of energy, playing ball, playing games… he usually had plenty of things to do with his friends. It was very rare that he would be like he was now, quietly standing amidst a gentle sunlit evening. Not doing anything, staying beside a girl sleeping soundly, just quietly watching her.

Even to the point that he was no longer sensitive to the trickling of time, until the sunset unraveled its colors. The colorful sunlight dyed half the sky red as well as Ning Yi’s hair, eyelashes, skin and lips, forming a moving sight.


From far away somewhere came the sound of a dog barking, waking Lu Xu Nan from his trance. He looked at the time and only then suddenly realized that, unknowingly, over ten minutes had passed. He immediately blushed with shame.

Lu Xu Nan looked around guiltily, afraid that someone had discovered that he had lost himself here looking at Ning Yi.

At this moment, Ning Yi, who was lying on the recliner sleeping, smacked her lips. Probably because she was uncomfortable from lying down, she twisted her body from facing up to facing toward Lu Xu Nan.

The small blanket on her fell halfway with her movement, touching the ground, leaving the other half slowly slipping due to its weight.

Lu Xu Nan subconsciously bent down and reached out to grab the blanket.

He stayed in the bending posture without moving and looked up to see if Ning Yi was awakened. He watched the latter’s slightly red eyelids move but soon calm down and her knitted brows loosen before carefully pulling the blanket with both hands, intending to cover Ning Yi with it again…

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