Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 74: CH 62

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Ning Yi didn’t reply in the end and Lu Xu Nan thought about it all night, did she fall asleep? Or did she think he was rash? So once he got up in the morning, he ran over to the Ning family. In the end, this Cheng Yaojin by the name of Ning Xiu came out of nowhere and eliminated any chances of getting close to Ning Yi.

Now that he had finally escaped his older brother-in-law’s surveillance, Lu Xu Nan hurriedly caught up to Ning Yi. He wanted to ask but was embarrassed to do so, thus he sneakily approached Ning Yi, thinking to use his mindreading ability to secretly feel her out.

Hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron, carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon…

Lu Xu Nan blanked: ?

Lu Xu Nan who thought Ning Yi was seriously studying didn’t dare speak rashly, he pursed his lips and silently followed behind her the whole way. Until they were almost at the floor where the classroom was, he heard Ning Yi finish reciting the periodic table and began reciting it backwards, and he reacted.


It turns out she was doing this on purpose to prevent him from hearing her thoughts!

Lu Xu Nan reached out and tugged the ponytail at the back of Ning Yi’s head. A little upset, he said, “Ning Yiyi, last night, you…”

What little darling?? I didn’t hear it! I didn’t hear anything!!!

Nw Dw Lyd obs oyp saktkdyzzu tskdt vs ypj obu pbl eked’v alprsde vs bkp xlppytl pbwv wr. Tl zssjle yv Lkdt Zk obspl nblljp olal schkswpzu iwknjzu qzwpbkdt ale okvb zsolale lulp. Fweeldzu, bl wdelapvsse.

Tl zsolale bkp blye yde, pvalvnbkdt bkp osaep, bl rasckdtzu nyzzle kd y pxyzz hsknl: “Nkvvzl…eyazkdt?”

Rd vbl czkdj sq yd lul, Nw Dw Lyd pyo bla vos nblljp yzz vbl oyu vs vbl cynj sq bla lyap yde lhld vbl qyka yde pzldela dlnj wdela bla poyukdt rsduvykz olal eule rkdj.

Lkdt Zk’p valxczkdt lulzypblp aykple. Wllzkdt bwxkzkyvle yde ydtau, pbl tzyale yv Nw Dw Lyd yde pyke qklanlzu, “Psd’v nyzz aydesxzu!”

Nw Dw Lyd sdzu qlzv yp kq vbl vkr sq bkp blyav oyp pnayvnble cu y dlocsad jkvvld. Lsv sdzu eke kv dsv bwav, kv lhld kvnble y zsv, yde xyel bkx wdyczl vs blzr cwv vlypl kv ytykd.

Nw Dw Lyd’p Geyx’p yrrzl csccle yp bl lhkzzu kdhlavle czynj yde obkvl, “Tso eke R nyzz aydesxzu? Xchkswpzu, obld R nyzzle usw zkjl vbkp zypv dktbv, usw eked’v alqwvl…”

Lkdt Zk: …

“R’x dsv vyzjkdt vs usw!” Fbl vbalo esod vblpl osaep, ynvkdt pvasdt vbswtb olyj kd alyzkvu, yde prllekzu nzkxcle vbl zypv vos pvlrp, awddkdt yoyu yp iwknjzu yp y aycckv.

Lu Xu Nan leaned against the wall, his gaze following her figure, until her ponytail mischievously swung and also disappeared through the front door. The corners of his mouth hooked as he touched the tip of his nose. Using his shoulders to shrug open the back door, he walked in.


“Why don’t you respond on WeChat? What do you mean by sending me that in the middle of the night yesterday…” Fang Ci held up his phone. In the middle of asking, he noticed Lu Xu Nan’s expression and raised his eyebrow, asking instead, “Oh! What kind of heat are you in this morning?”

Lu Xu Nan nimbly hooked Fang Ci’s neck from the back with his arm, putting him in a headlock. Fang Ci pulled at his hand, his face red from choking. “I was wrong, I was wrong. Brother Nan, I’m the one in heat, okay?”

Lu Xu Nan let him go in satisfaction, he tossed his schoolbag on the desk and sat down.

Fang Ci rubbed his neck and nosily drew closer, “Looking at your appearance of rippling spring, there’s progress on The Little Strawberry?”

Lu Xu Nan withdrew his peering gaze at Ning Yi, saying with some dissatisfaction, “Don’t call her so intimately!”

Fang Ci: …

He was silent for a moment, then cooperatively changed his address, “So you and Ning Yi…”

Lu Xu Nan’s eyes were smiling as he put his arm around Fang Ci’s shoulders, he said, “The move last night was pretty good. Didn’t you want the S9’s limited edition champion skin? I’ve gotten it all for you.”

“Ah!” Fang Ci’s eyes lit up. “You’re my real brother!”

Laying on his desk behind Lu Xu Nan, catching up on sleep, Xu Xing Ji’s ears moved. Lifting his eyelids, he glanced at the desk in front and twitched his lips, turning to lay down facing the wall. He muttered, dejected and alone in his misery, “You’re sure happy while I pitifully stayed up all night writing the program to deal with the aftermath you left behind… Ah, I really hate bugs!”

“Yiyi.” Ju Meng gave Ning Yi a push under the desk.


Ning Yi suddenly came back to her senses and looked at her somewhat blankly.

Ju Meng motioned to her with her eyes, “The teacher called on you to answer a question, the third one on the projector.”

Ning Yi immediately stood up, quickly read the question and reported the correct answer.

After she sat down again, Ju Meng stealthily came closer, pointed at the workbook in front of her, and asked in a small voice, “What’s going on with you? You were staring at this page in a daze for half a day, did you encounter a difficult problem?”

Ning Yi glanced at the workbook that wasn’t that difficult and closed it, tossing it aside. She rubbed her swollen temples and said, “No, maybe it’s because I didn’t sleep well last night, I’m sleepy.”

Ju Meng replied with an “oh” and didn’t mind her, she softly said, “Sunday is Chen Tingting’s birthday. She bothered me for several days, saying that I have to let you know that she wants to invite you to her birthday party.”

Ning Yi wasn’t very familiar with Chen Tingting so she asked, “En? Why so enthusiastic all of a sudden? I seem to recall that she didn’t invite me last year, right?”

Ju Meng laughed and said, “She’ll have face if she can get Number 1 God to attend!”

Ning Yi wasn’t too interested.

Ju Meng saw this, she poked her, saying, “Just go if you have nothing to do and take it as keeping me company, okay? Her family and my family have some dealings in business, my dad told me to interact with her more whenever I have the time. I don’t know many people in her circle, if you go, I won’t be so bored~”

Seeing that she said this, Ning Yi thought that she didn’t have much going on that day anyway, so she agreed. “Okay.”

Ju Meng happily said, “Love you~ I’ll prepare the birthday present! When the time comes, I will directly come and pick you up! The ride to and from is on me, you just don’t make our driver wait too long~”

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Ning Yi naturally wouldn’t let Ju Meng prepare the birthday gift. She directly sent a message to Ning Xiu asking him to help her bring one, but she didn’t reject the ride. After all, it was more convenient to share a car.

But she never expected that this insignificant little detail almost caused her to lose her life…

Time abruptly passed. In the blink of an eye, it was Sunday.

Ju Meng came in from the gate. Seeing Le Baiqiu in the garden, she beamingly greeted, “Aunt Le, good afternoon!”

Le Baiqiu returned the greeting. She looked like she was about to throw the gardening scissors into the basket. She said, “Mengmeng, you’re here? Yiyi, hasn’t woken from her noon nap yet. Are you thirsty? Auntie will make you a cup of juice.”

Ju Meng quickly waved her hands, saying, “Not thirsty, not thirsty. Aunt Le, you do your thing, no need to mind me. I’ll go up and wake Yiyi up, we won’t make it to the birthday party if it gets any later!”

Le Baiqiu nodded, “Alright, then you hurry. It’s not good to be late to a friend’s birthday party.”

Ju Meng arrived at Ning Yi’s bedroom with familiarity. She knocked several times, but didn’t get a response. Raising her voice, she shouted, “I’m coming in,” before opening the door and walking in.

Just as she got to the bed, she heard Ning Yi cry out in fear, scaring her so much that she also trembled.

“Gosh, you scared me.” Ju Meng sat down on the side of the bed. Seeing Ning Yi’s forehead full of sweat, she asked, “Did you have a nightmare?”

Ning Yi saw her and let out a long breath, she nodded with lingering fear, “I dreamt that I fell off a cliff.”


Unperturbed, Ju Meng said, “It’s a good thing, my grandma said this means your body is growing and you’re getting taller!”

Ning Yi rubbed her sweat with the back of her hand. She replied, still frightened, “I hope so.”

Speaking of which, it was weird. Since the nightmare from the other day, she will start dreaming once she lays down in bed. The plot in the dreams will even connect and pick up where they left off, truly like a serialized drama. As for when she wakes up, she always vaguely feels like she’s living in another world after she falls asleep.

Because of this, she even specially searched online about it and then discovered that this doesn’t only happen to her alone. She was finally a little more relieved.

The dream just now finally drew the ending to the “chain of dreams” of these few days.

[With the help of the Lu family, Ning Xiu’s case would very soon be re-investigated and the verdict reversed; the her who suffered the torture of depression in the dream, through her own untiring efforts and Lu Xu Nan’s steadfast and loyal company, slowly took a turn for the better.

On the second day that Ning Xiu was released on bail from prison, Lu Xu Nan prepared a grand surprise marriage proposal. Under the witness of her friends and family, she put on the engagement ring that he handed over.

Everything was developing in a good direction, but half a month before the wedding, she went to a mountain in the suburbs to tour and draw under the invitation of a friend and accidentally lost her footing and fell off a cliff…]

Even though it was just a dream, Ning Yi still faintly felt uncomfortable…

Ju Meng saw that she didn’t look very good and asked, “How about I just go by myself? You stay home and rest for a bit?”

Ning Yi lifted her quilt and got out off bed. “No need, I keep dreaming these two days. I might sleep better if I go out and play and relax for a bit.”

Ju Meng thought it made sense, so she didn’t stop her.

The birthday part was taking place at a high-end clubhouse downtown. When Ning Yi and Ju Meng arrived, most everyone was already in the private room.

The birthday star, Chen Tingting, enthusiastically welcomed them each with a hug when she saw them and even intimately looped Ning Yi and called everyone eating and playing to a stop, “This is Number 1 God Ning Yi, if you want an autograph or a picture or whatever, you have to grasp this opportunity!”

It made it seem like this was some celebrity fan meeting or something, making Ning Yi feel very embarrassed, feeling like she as a guest was upstaging the host.

Ju Meng quietly said, “She told me to get you to come just to show off like this! Don’t take it to heart.”

Ning Yi relaxed after hearing this, but she couldn’t relax for long. Because all her social media was set to be unable to add friends, so right after she sat down, people one after another came to ask for her contact information. Chen Tingting also kept enthusiastically introducing new friends to her, leaving her stressed.

Just like this, she “forcefully socialized” for several hours. Ning Yi felt more tired than she would feel if she completed ten sets of International Mathematical Olympiad problems. After dinner, she felt a little dizzy so she brought up that she wanted to leave early.

Ju Meng had just agreed to play Fight the Landlord with someone. Hearing Ning Yi’s words, she hesitated a bit, but still decided to leave with her.

Ning Yi was naturally unwilling to make things difficult for her. Moreover, it was still early, not yet nine in the evening, so she said, “It’s okay, you play here, I can just go downstairs and get a taxi.”

Ju Meng had a lively personality to begin with and was very quickly persuaded, but she was unwilling to let her get a taxi no matter what. “I said that your ride to and from is on me!”

She pulled out her phone and called her family’s driver. After hanging up, she said to Ning Yi, “Okay, he said he’ll be at the main entrance soon, remember to message me when you get home!”

“En, en.” Ning Yi responded. She then publicly said goodbye to the birthday star and took the elevator down.

Coming out of the entrance of the clubhouse, she saw Ju Meng’s car parked there as expected and directly opened the back door and got on.

The car went around the circular flowerscape as it left the clubhouse, turning onto the road and converging with traffic.

Ning Yi smiled at the driver in the driver’s seat and said, “I’ve troubled you, Uncle Chen.”

“Click!” The car doors locked, the normally amiable Uncle Chen didn’t respond…

A quarter of an hour later, Ju Meng received her driver’s call.

“Miss, has Miss Ning come down? I’ve waited for over ten minutes at the door and I haven’t seen her!”

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