Doomsday Game

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: My Name Is…

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“Are you going back home now,
Doctor Williams?” asked a nurse in green scrubs to the man, who looked like he
was in his late 30s.

The man smiled. He was tall
and lean and had that kind of open and gentle face. Everyone who saw him couldn’t
help but have a good impression of him. “Yes. Good work today.”

After he said that, he
continued on towards the elevator.

“Doctor Williams is really a
good catch, don’t you think?” the nurse who talked to the said doctor asked
another nurse who was standing beside her. “He’s young, but already on the path
of becoming the next chief of surgery. He’s not only a very talented doctor,
he’s also very gentle. Not only to his patients, but even to other staffs
working here at the hospital. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s also very

“I suggest you stop
daydreaming,” the other nurse said dryly. “As you’ve said, Doctor Williams is a
very successful doctor. He’d definitely pick a woman who could match his
status. And haven’t you heard the rumors? He’s been going on dates with the
daughter of the hospital president.”

“Hey, could you not please
ruin my daydream?”

The topic of their
conversation, Doctor James Williams, was now getting into his car. He drove his
black BMW out of the parking area. Once he’s out, instead of driving in the
direction of the city where his condo was located, he drove in a completely
different direction.

After an hour of driving, he
finally arrived at his destination. It was a cabin in the woods near Henry Hagg
Lake. The cabin looked unassuming. Like it was owned by a simple family man in
his 50s or 60s who occasionally visited here to go fishing and hunting. It’s
definitely not something one would expect from someone of James Williams’

He parked his car beside the
cabin and went down. He raised his head and looked at the night sky. There was
a cube shaped object hanging near the big full moon. This cube was not alone,
there were three other more just floating outside the Earth’s atmosphere. 

These four unidentifiable
objects appeared almost six months ago. Scientists and many other experts went
ballistic over these cubes’ sudden appearance. And programs to study them
sprouted like weeds. But half a year later, none could still find out what
exactly these cubes were. 

But James was not interested
in these things. Right now, all his mind could think of was the toy waiting for
him inside the cabin.

He unlocked the door and
walked inside. The moment he went in, he immediately locked the door again. The
inside of the cabin was almost bare. There was hardly any furniture, most were
kitchen tools. 

He entered the only room
inside the cabin. Then he kneeled down and lifted a part of the carpet covering
the floor. What it revealed underneath was a hidden door. James opened it and
stairs leading down appeared. There were lights attached to the wall beside the
stairs. They were all giving off bright rays of light. That’s why coming down
the stairs was easy. 

At the bottom of the stairs,
it opened up to a whole new room. Unlike the room above, this one was not

Different things were hanging
on the wall—whips, handcuffs, belts, shackles, mouth gags. There was even some
bondage furniture lying around. Like A-frame, an inversion table, and a
sawhorse. At the very center of the room was a huge bondage bed. And lying on
it was a very naked teenage girl.

Her hands and feet were tied
on the bed. She was blindfolded and her mouth gagged. Her white skin was filled
with marks and wounds, old and new alike. Her nipples were clamped and there’s
something questionable moving in between her legs.

The gentle smile on James’
face disappeared the moment he saw the girl. Something akin to pleasure
replaced it. He sauntered towards the bed. 

When his voice sounded, the
girl on the bed trembled. She wanted to move away but couldn’t because of the
things tying her limbs. 

James picked up a whip. His
breathing became faster. He couldn’t even hide the excitement on his face. When
he was about to raise his hand and swing down the whip, another voice suddenly
spoke in the underground room.

“Nice digs you have here.
Truly deserving of a pervert.”

James turned back sharply. He
almost let go of the whip because of the shock of hearing another person’s

And there, standing just
behind him and lazily leaning on the wall, was a teenage boy about 17 or 18.
She was wearing an all black—black shirt, black pants, black trench coat, and
black boots. A delightful contrast to his porcelain white skin. One could see
from his facial features that she’s of East Asian descent. The only thing not
Asian about her was the color of his eyes. 

He had messy short black hair
and his eyes were the color of the palest gray, that it almost looked silvery
white. It was truly eye-catching. Another eye-catching feature of his was a red
tear mole at the corner of his right eye. 

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When James saw that pale gray
eyes, as well as that red tear mole, he immediately knew who this teenager was.
His whole body suddenly trembled. His heart beat wildly in fear. “P-patient

“I really hate to be called

Before he could react to what
the other said, he suddenly dashed forward at a quick speed that almost seemed
invisible to the naked eye. Of course, that illusion was mostly just caused by
James’ fear. Then his hand grabbed his neck, quickly making it impossible for
him to breathe.

“I think you already know why
I’m here. So just tell me what I wanted to hear and all of this will be over,”
he added with a sweet smile on his lips.

“I—I d-don’t k-know wh-where
he i-is,” James barely coughed up. 

The grip on his neck tightened
even more. He felt like his lungs were burning—a sign that he badly needed air.
Patient Zero just tilted his head and continued to stare at him, as if trying
to get a read on something. Then he suddenly threw him like some kind of rag
doll. His back hitting the wall quite hard. But he didn’t have time to take
care of the pain because all he could think of was that he needed air. 

“Since you seem to tell the
truth, then I have no need for you anymore.”

James immediately sobered up
when he heard that. Because what the other said could only mean one thing in
his mind–he’d be killed! He tried to retreat when patient Zero walked towards
him. But sadly, there was only an icy wall behind. 

“P-please, don’t kill me. I- I
promise I’ll do anything you want me to. I could also give you money. No matter
how much I will give it. Just, p-please…”

“As I’ve said, I have no need
for you, much less your money. But don’t worry, I won’t kill you,” the young
man said with that same sweet smile.

Before James could even feel
relieved, he suddenly drew a Katana sword from its sheath that was
hanging behind his back. Because of immense fear, he didn’t even notice that
the other was carrying a sword. 

He swung her sword and both
his arms were cut off like a piece of tofu. James didn’t even have time to
scream in pain because Patient Zero swung his sword again and this time; the
target were his legs. He fell to the ground, blood splashing around. His severed
limbs scattered around him. 

James screamed and screamed
until he felt like his vocal cords were damaged. He couldn’t even describe the
pain he was feeling. He just knew that eventually, if no one attended to him,
he would die of blood loss.

He raised his head and glared
at the boy, his eyes full of hatred.

“Hey, don’t look at me like
that. I didn’t kill you, did I?” he said and acted like he was extremely
offended.  “It’s your punishment for calling me in that atrocious name.”
He bent down and made a gesture as if whispering. “Didn’t you know? My name is

Rei only chuckled. Then he
stood up and walked towards the bed. With a few swings of his sword, the
bondage tying the girl’s hands and feet was broken. He removed the blindfold
from the girl. Confusion and fear filled her eyes. But they were not
dead. Which meant that despite what James had done to her, she still
hadn’t given up. 

Rei took the dagger attached
to one of his boots and gave it to the boy. “Avenge yourself.”

The girl looked at the dagger
lying in her palm, then at the teenage boy in front of her. Finally, her eyes
settled on the limbless doctor lying in the pool of his own blood. A vicious
light suddenly flashed in the girl’s eyes.

Rei no longer cared about them
and just climbed up the stairs. As he did so, he could hear the pig like
screams of James Williams. Ah, those screams were definitely music to his

Once he was out of the cabin,
a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Master, where will we go

[To a restaurant, I’m
starving.]—he replied.

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