Douluo: Capture the Goddess Zhu Zhuqing at the Beginning

Chapter 231: 231: Train Shui Binger, Xue Wu breaks into Lu Feng's residence

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Haoyue Lake.

The morning sun shines on the elegant wooden house.

Without the discordant sound, the environment returned to tranquility, but the human heart did not calm down.

Shui Yue'er had dark circles under her eyes, got up from the bed, stroked her long fluffy aqua blue hair, walked quietly to the balcony, and glanced at the house next door.

I didn't see Lu Feng, but I could see a rare large blue silver grass on the balcony.

Shui Yue'er heard that her aunt was going to match Shui Bing'er and Lu Feng, and then to avoid suspicion, she did not dare to go to Lu Feng alone.

She grew up under the aura of her sister, thinking that she was inferior to her sister in everything, and felt a little inferior.

Although the two sisters are half mothers and have different personalities, they have always been in love with each other.

Her sister and aunt have always loved and cared for her.

Shui Yue'er was not stupid, she knew that her aunt's actions meant marriage.

Marriage is the consistent practice of large and small families to maintain stable development.

Aunt is also the head of the house, so naturally she has to obey her orders.

Sister and Lu Feng's talents and identities are indeed a better match.

The elder sister is the heir to the head of the family, and has a top-level martial arts ice phoenix that is rare in a century.

Looking at myself again, there is no identity that can be put on the stage, and the strength is not enough, even the vice captain of the school team can't be the vice captain of the school team, and the martial arts is only a Yingyu dolphin.

Therefore, Shui Yue'er's rational idea is to give up her unreasonable thoughts about Lu Feng and bless her sister.

However, Lu Feng's figure and Lu Feng's smile kept circling in her mind and she couldn't let go.

She tossed and turned last night, couldn't sleep, and thought about it all night.

at this time.

She felt the fluctuation of soul power.

Looking out from the side window, I saw a blue-and-white figure coming, it was my sister Shui Bing'er.

Shui Bing'er ran outside Lu Feng's courtyard and called, "Lu Feng, are you there?"

"I'm here." Lu Feng walked out of the house and stretched out, "It's so quiet here, and I slept very comfortably at night, but someone yelled and woke me up just now."

"I'm here to tell you this, please promise me one thing." Shui Bing'er said with a serious face.

"I remember, your rule is to answer a question, and it is considered a promise. I haven't asked it yet, but it doesn't matter, you can say it." Lu Feng said.

"Shangmeng bought the land outside Tianshui College and built a teahouse, gathering a lot of nasty flies. You are a high-level executive of the Shangmeng, and because you won't be bothering you in the future, can you stop building that teahouse? You ask them to count. I will compensate them for how much they lost." Shui Bing'er said.

"Leave the little things to me." Lu Feng walked out of the courtyard and stretched out his hand with a smile, "Let's go have morning tea together by the way."

Seeing Lu Feng stretch out her hand, Shui Bing'er blinked her beautiful sapphire eyes, took out a bag of money from the storage belt, and put it in Lu Feng's palm: "I, this is all I have now."

Lu Feng was speechless, when I reached out my hand, did I ask for money?

Still underestimated how much Shui Binger fell in love with Xiaobai.

Let's start with the basics.

Lu Feng stuffed the purse back into Shui Bing'er's belt, and touched Shui Bing'er's fat-free waist, intentionally or unintentionally.

Then he took Shui Bing'er's hand and said, "We are in love, we need to hold hands."

"Okay...Okay, do you want to hold hands every day?" Shui Bing'er's waist was touched, her jade hand was held, a shy look appeared on her face, Hongyan was better than Chaoxia.

"Of course, as long as you are willing, I will hold your hand forever, even if the world is old and the sea is dead, I will not let go." Lu Feng nodded.


Shui Bing'er's heart seemed to be hit by something, and a strange feeling surged in her heart, warm, sweet, somewhat moved, somewhat joyful, and somewhat happy.

Is this what love feels like?

very nice!

"I do." Shui Bing'er shyly lowered her head and hugged her chest, her hands clenched tightly, and her body was closer to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng was a little surprised when he saw Shui Bing'er's change.

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The old-fashioned love words of past lives are very powerful in Shui Bing'er.

What I said just now was not just a casual statement, but a solemn promise that could be given.

Of course, Shui Binger is such a pure and gentle beautiful goddess, unless she is not a man, who would not want to be with her forever.

Shui Yue'er looked at Shui Bing'er and Lu Feng hand in hand, side by side, walking in the woods sprinkled by the rising light, and she felt envious.

But she knew that her sister didn't know how to fall in love very well.

She sighed and returned to her room slumped, staring blankly at the mirror, Gu Ying felt sorry for herself.

Was he really just joking when he felt his bones to calculate his fortune?

We were very happy during that brief time together.

Does he like me?

Other things can be given to my sister.

But the person you love can make it?

If I let it, I feel that I will never love you again.

Thinking about it, tears blurred Shui Yue'er's smart and beautiful eyes, and two lines of clear tears fell on her cheeks.

When Shui Yueer secretly cried.

The figure of Xue Wu appeared in the courtyard next to her.

Xue Wu thought that Lu Feng had her personal clothes in the courtyard, and she also hadn't slept all night.

He got up before dawn, hid in the bushes near the courtyard, and observed Lu Feng's movements.

Shui Binger called Lu Feng away, and the opportunity finally came.

Taking advantage of this time, she was going to sneak in and have a look.

Regardless of whether Lu Feng found out that she was quietly living here, she had to take away her personal clothes first.

Xue Wu climbed up the second floor lightly and opened the door to enter the master bedroom.

She was stunned.

She thought about many scenes, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

All her clothes, including the pink lace inner and stockings, were neatly folded, sorted, and placed on the side of the big bed.

On the other side of the big bed, the quilt was messy, and there was still a trace of temperature left. It was obvious that Lu Feng had slept.

"God, he he, he slept on my quilt and moved my underwear..."

Lu Feng slept on her quilt and slept with her underwear all night.

This feeling made her feel an indescribable strange feeling in her heart.

Lu Feng violated her innermost privacy, but the reason was her own. She first violated the space that should not be hers.

Xue Wu quickly recovered from the shock, and hurried over to put the clothes, bedding, etc. into the storage soul tool.

She picked up a stack of clothes and folded them neatly.

That guy is a little warm.

Ordinary stinky men, how can they help girls do this kind of thing.


Xue Wu found a threat from the changes in the light and shadow of the room.

Something extended from the window sill behind and approached her at high speed.

Although she is an auxiliary soul master, her years of combat training have made her react extremely fast.

Xue Wu's feet burst out with soul power, and her body jumped up. At the same time, she released Xian Wu Xue Duan's martial spirit, and three spirit rings of yellow, yellow, and purple rose from her feet, and the movements were completed in one go.

She has practiced this evasive action tens of thousands of times.

Escape is an extremely important ability for auxiliary soul masters.

In team battles, auxiliary spirit masters are always ranked first to solve the problem. It is impossible for teammates to be able to protect them all the time. The first time you escape, the game is over.

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