Douluo: Capture the Goddess Zhu Zhuqing at the Beginning

Chapter 30: 30: Zhu Zhuyun, if you don't admit it, I'll hit you to admit it

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Zhu Zhuyun's body was tightly bound.

Lose all mobility.

Can't move.

Being tied and hanging from a tree, no matter how hard you struggle, it is useless, you can only sway at most.

The color of Zhu Zhuyun's flower complexion was pale, and the scalp was numb.

Terrible...Is this the power of a god-level martial spirit?

Finally got to know it.

The spirit power was several orders higher than his, and the agile attack system that won the speed with all his strength, he couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes, and he couldn't even run if he wanted to.

Zhu Zhuyun could better understand why Emperor Xingluo and his father Zhu Yan attached so much importance to Lu Feng, and the Spirit Hall Chrysanthemum Douluo had to fight for Lu Feng when he changed his face.

She was also fortunate in her heart that Lu Feng was not the real enemy.

Lu Feng walked slowly into the bamboo forest, raised his hand slightly, and the roots and branches of the surrounding plants shrank back obediently and returned to their original state.

Only the blue-gold vines stretched out from the star tree were tied to her flamboyant body.

The touch on the vines came.

Seeing her somewhat unhappy Lu Feng, his heart swayed.

This woman's body is really too surnamed.

Born stunner.

Her size is probably horrific, F.

The last test was not very accurate after all.

Previously in the Black Forest, when Zhu Zhuyun was spying, he also used the roots of trees to entangle her.

But there is no full-blown solid winding like it is now.

And through the tactile sharing of external plants, there is a difference between the tactile sensation given by one's own martial spirit.

With the growth of soul power, this touch is also clearer.

"You... let me go!" Zhu Zhuyun's eyes flashed a trace of panic, but his attitude was still tough and his eyes were stubborn.

In this respect, she is very similar to Zhu Zhuqing.

They are all women who stood out through brutal competition. They are not so weak, and their minds are extraordinarily strong.

Lu Feng laughed and walked around Zhu Zhuyun, as if he was admiring a piece of sculpture.

That fair and beautiful face, seductive red lips, proud breasts, round buttocks, long legs with tight leather pants...

Due to the squeezing and deformation caused by the binding of the vines and whiskers, the curve is not so regular, which produces a kind of strange feeling, but it is a more deadly temptation.

Lu Feng had to secretly take a few deep breaths before speaking.

"Let go of you? It's just a bet, and you dare to do something to me. I'm so angry, I'll take some interest back and talk about it."


Lu Feng stretched out his hand and slapped her buttocks hard.

The feeling and the tremor that bounced back made Lu Feng's heart tremble.

"! You really hit me!" Zhu Zhuyun was embarrassed and angry.

There was a burning pain in her buttocks, indicating that Lu Feng was working hard.

She doesn't care about her eldest sister and the identity of the future queen.

"If you don't let me down, I'll call someone!"


Lu Feng slapped hard again.

"You scream, scream, I hate people threatening me the most."

Of course Zhu Zhuyun did not dare to call.

Someone came over to see her like this, and it was her who was embarrassed, and her reputation was damaged.

"You are shameless!"

Zhu Zhuyun cursed.

"I'm shameless, you're not ashamed, don't think I don't know, you were the one who messed with me under the table that day." Lu Feng said.

"...It's not me." Zhu Zhuyun was stunned for a while, before denying it.

"You don't admit anything anyway. But I have a way for you to admit it."

Snapped! clap clap clap...

"If you don't admit it, I'll hit you to admit it."

clap clap clap...

Zhu Zhuyun was able to persevere at first, but soon his body began to tremble.

Lu Feng didn't use her soul power, so she wouldn't be hurt if she hit her plump buttocks, but that sense of shame shattered her inner persistence.

In fact, even if she admits it, the situation will not be much worse than it is now.

And this kind of wave after wave of shame, she couldn't stand it.

Hitting her thin leather pants was the same as hitting her skin.

Zhu Zhuyun gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I admit it, I admit it, what do you want."

She posed as if a dead pig was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

The implication is that you have been beaten by you, so what else do you want, what else can you do.

The small punishment has played a role, but it will not achieve a better effect if you fight it again.

"I'm still stubborn." Lu Feng controlled his martial soul, and his mind was condensed.

The roots began to shrink instantly.


Tearing sounded.

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The leather jacket and trousers couldn't stand the tightness of the rattan, and because Zhu Zhuyun's figure was too plump, it burst open.

The snow-white skin wrapped in leather was exposed to the air.

The needles on the vines pierced into her skin and injected paralyzing toxins.

This kind of paralyzing toxin is very special. Only Lu Feng can completely remove it, and it can also strengthen each other with the corrosive toxin of Green Light.

Zhu Zhuyun's fair skin turned green, and the whole body was in a negative state.

Paralyze, slow, corrode, devour soul power, steal vitality...

The latter two are absorbed into the martial spirit, which can nourish the martial spirit, and can also be used by Lu Feng, increasing the power as the quality of the spirit power or spirit ring improves.

Lu Feng didn't use all his firepower today. After all, he was a sister-in-law, and a lesson was enough.

Zhu Zhuyun's whole body is not well, especially when he sees the changes in his skin.

Beautiful women are particularly concerned about their appearance, and Zhu Zhuyun is no exception.

She didn't expect Lu Feng to be so strong and dare to do anything, feeling like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Under the extreme insecurity, fear rose inside.

And this, it was Lu Feng who came to provoke her, and she was the first to do it.

Zhu Zhuyun was about to cry, and quickly said: "I surrendered, surrendered, you can do whatever you want, be your slave girl for three days, or three months, please let me go."

"It would have been easier to say this earlier."

Lu Feng pouted, put away the vines, and put Zhu Zhuyun down.

Zhu Zhuyun fell to the ground, and with a charming look, he gave Lu Feng a blank look.

"Don't give me the antidote yet."

A needle appeared in Lu Feng's hand, and smiled: "The antidote is here, put your **** up and take a shot."

"Hit, take a shot?"

Zhu Zhuyun was a little confused, but he still did as Lu Feng said.

The beard pierced her round buttocks.

"Hey~" She grinned, trembling all over.

The pain was nothing, but when I watched the long needles pierce into the back, I felt an uncomfortable feeling of twitching in my heart. I couldn't describe that feeling.

Fortunately, it was not inserted whole, but only punctured her skin.

Sure enough, it worked.

The numbness in her body subsided immediately.

Zhu Zhuyun: "Do you have to stick here?"

Lu Feng: "Anywhere, it depends on my mood."

Zhu Zhuyun: "..."

Girls really can't do whatever they want.

As soon as it is casual, it is casually taken by others.

"The toxin of your second soul skill is not going to be an injection, right?"

Zhu Zhuyun had a feeling that his body was being played badly, and asked a little weakly, his tone no longer as domineering as before.

But she didn't feel that Lu Feng was bullying her.

She was instilled in the concept of the law of the jungle from a young age.

You are strong, obey you.

You are weak, dominate you.

Of course, strong people are not necessarily always strong, and weak people are not necessarily always weak.

"No injections, just eat my bananas."

The white light in Lu Feng's hand condensed and instantly condensed into a fruit of life.

When Zhu Zhuyun heard the first half of the sentence, he was relieved, and when he heard the second half of the sentence, his heart tightened again.

She knew that Lu Feng was a tree spirit, so he could condense the healing effects of the Light of Life into fruits, bananas.

But when he said that, there was an inner taste.

She also knew that Lu Feng treated her with white light, and she should be able to recover. Why did she have to condense it into bananas for her to eat?

But she didn't say it.

Everyone said it, it depends on the mood.

Zhu Zhuyun honestly took the banana, peeled it and ate it.

All negative effects are removed, and vitality is restored to its original state.

Zhu Zhuyun felt relieved: "Don't say it, your bananas taste so delicious, what is your third soul skill?"

"Do you want to try it?" Lu Feng smiled a little evilly.

"Forget it, talk about it next time, why are you laughing so strangely?"

Zhu Zhuyun followed Lu Feng's gaze and saw that the black leather jacket and trousers on his body were shattered in many places, and the scenery was infinite.

Zhu Zhuyun quickly covered the exposed position with his hands, but there was no way to cover it.

Fortunately, her most private position was not exposed.

"It's all your fault. How can I meet people like this, and it makes my body dirty and itchy. I want to take a bath in your house. Go and get me a set of clothes."

Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but run into Lu Feng's room.


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