Douluo: Capture the Goddess Zhu Zhuqing at the Beginning

Chapter 689: 685: Earth Dragon King Sacrifice

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Lightning flashes!

This lightning is not the lightning attribute of them, but is produced by the violent extrusion of airflow and space.

It was also Yun Yun's sword that split the space, and lightning escaped from the crack in the space.

Then, another roar resounded through the sky.

Terrorist energy exploded!

Blood red, black, cyan and other energies form a turbulent flow, which shoots out and stirs the entire space.

The explosion produced an extremely strong, overwhelming shock wave!

"Ah! What is this... Save me..." Xue Beng was caught off guard, and the shock wave spread out instantly and hit him. He couldn't stand, and his body was thrown and rolled, like a drifting duckweed, unable to help himself in the rushing waves. .

No one would have thought that the aftermath of a match between peerless powerhouses would be so powerful that with the strength of his Soul King, he couldn't bear it, and he was so embarrassed.

Ironically, Avalanche also claimed to want to help.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were relatively calm, seeing that the situation was not good, they quickly hugged a big tree beside them.

That's right, the Soul Emperor couldn't stand the aftermath.

They were shocked at the moment!

When the plain-clothed woman launched an attack that looked like the sun was falling, the black tornado instantly vanished, and everyone's vision was no longer blurred, and was clearly illuminated by the rays of the sun.

The King of Slaughter, who was considered invincible by Tang San, actually took the defensive and threw out a giant shield for defense.

He didn't dare to attack, his momentum was lowered a little.

The sword of the woman in plain clothes.

Before hitting the giant shield, the space was split first.

It can be seen how terrifying the power is.

And when the space was split, a sword like the sun came down and hit the dark red giant shield.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the giant shield was carved with a deep scar and cracked open.

The King of Slaughter was obviously unable to withstand this terrifying attack, and he was forced to back ten meters with a giant shield with cracks before he stabilized his body.

It can be seen that the feet of the King of Slaughter plow a deep trench on the ground.

Obviously, at least in this one-trick duel, the King of Slaughter was at a disadvantage.

The invincible myth of the King of Slaughter was shattered in Tang San's heart.

At this time, the ground shook again.

This time, it wasn't just a violent earthquake.

And it seems that the whole world is shaking!

It was caused by the space crack created by Yun Yun's sword.

The miraculous world created by this **** is not a natural formation, and is inherently unstable.

Spatial cracks lead to more instability.


The big tree that Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were hugging couldn't bear the hurricane-like impact, another violent earthquake, and broke.

In their screams, they rolled into a ball, as embarrassed as an avalanche.

the other side.

Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, etc., had Liu Erlong to help stabilize them, but their bodies swayed a little, and no one fell.

They were amazed.

There are doubts in his eyes, but more joy.

First of all, of course, because Lu Feng was fine.

Then the plain-clothed woman sent by Lu Feng actually beat the King of Slaughter to the point of defeat.

The scale of victory is in their favor.

This plain-clothed woman has a stunning appearance and amazing attack and killing strength.

He seems demure and indifferent, but once he starts, he is extremely domineering and fierce, one move after another, so that the King of Slaughter can only defend.

I really don't understand, where did Lu Feng get this woman under his command.

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But they are not surprised.

Previously, Divine Sword Douluo Xiao Yan, Divine Sword Douluo Li Xunhuan, and the black-robed mysterious female peerless Douluo Ziji were all under Lu Feng's command.

It's just that this peerless powerhouse is different from the previous three. She has no soul power fluctuations in her body, and her attack skills are not like a soul attack.

And all things in the world are amazing.

They only live in a corner of the vast continent.

What's more, Lu Feng said that there are two other continents in this world, and the ocean occupies three-quarters of this continent.

At the same time that they felt small, they also looked forward to exploring the wonderful and unknown world together with Lu Feng in the future.

Now, in addition to paying attention to the battle situation, they are still concerned about why Lu Feng hasn't come out yet.

In the underground space created by the Earth Dragon King.

Lu Feng was very anxious at first, and wanted to go up.

But seeing Yun Yun repelled the King of Slaughter, the girls were safe and sound, so they felt a little relieved.

In addition, the Earth Dragon King also asked him to stay.

The Tulong King thought that he did not have much time, and he did not want to be captured by the Shura God and imprisoned in the Dragon Prisoner Array.

Therefore, he will sacrifice the remnant soul of the Dragon King to Lu Feng.

Only then did Lu Feng know that the remnant soul of the Dragon King could also be sacrificed.

The Earth Dragon King, who controls the earth element, possesses the power of the ultimate earth with both offense and defense.

In the heyday of the Earth Dragon King, it was equivalent to the strength of a second-level god.

The power left behind by his remnant soul is coveted by even gods.

The Shura God slaughtered all the dragons, leaving only the remnant soul of the earth dragon king, hoping that the remnant soul of the earth dragon king would one day be willing to sacrifice to him.

In this way, God Shura can obtain the power of the Dragon King, which is full of the ultimate soil.

The attribute power of the ultimate soil of the Earth Dragon King is extremely pure and special, and is closely related to the earth.

The owner, the dirt and rocks are no longer obstacles to him, but help.

Not only can it draw strength from the earth, but it can also travel underground at will.

If he successfully absorbs the power of the remnant soul of the Earth Dragon King, the Shura God will become the strongest among the God Kings.

At that time, as long as he moves his divine thoughts, the miraculous space of the Slaughter City will become more stable and expand even more.

There is a more important reason, which is of great help in restoring the channel between the God Realm and Douluo Star.

Obviously, Shura God failed.

The Tulong King would rather be beaten to pieces than to sacrifice to the mortal enemy of the slaughtering dragons.

Thus, the Tulong King was imprisoned for millions of years.

Asura God returns to the God Realm, without access, he cannot return to Douluo Star.

But he left behind the will of the gods, guarding the capital of slaughter, and selecting the suitable heir to the throne.

God Shura certainly did not expect that the heir he chose by his will would be offered sacrifice by the Tulong King.

Lu Feng's Dragon God bloodline has its own hidden function.

Only dragons can sense it.

As for the will of God, it can only be found that the blood of the dragon family is flowing in him.

It is normal for humans to have dragon blood.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, etc., are all humans with dragon blood.

As long as Lu Feng is a human being, he is eligible to accept the inheritance of the divine position.

"Do you really want to sacrifice? We are meeting for the first time."

Although Lu Feng can understand the mood of the Tulong King, he doesn't quite understand such a move.

He had never heard of the sacrifice of the dragon king's remnant soul, and he didn't know what the result would be.

"Lord Dragon God's choice of you is enough to explain everything. I'm lingering on here, and it's useless. Every moment I think about is the scene of being slaughtered and exterminated. Every moment is an extremely painful torment. Having my power on me means that I continue to fight for the Dragon Clan! It also means that I exist in another way! Please master!" The Earth Dragon King was very firm, showing that he had made up his mind.

"If that's the case, then fine."

Lu Feng agreed.

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