Douluo Dalu: Origins

Chapter 4: Cryptid Academy

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After his brief conversation with his roommate, Cheng Tian continued his business at Cryptid Academy, returning to his classes.

He was an earthling in this strange world, someone who definitely had things to learn. After all, no matter how much he had read Tang San's stories, a story could not compare to real life.

Cheng Tian knew about the Grandmaster's fundamental theories, but was that enough? He had no way of knowing. So, since he was in that academy, he took his time to attend classes and use the services available to students.

Cryptid Academy was not a large institution compared to Spirit Hall Academy, Star Lou Imperial Academy, or Shrek Academy post-Tang San. But still, this place had graduation for spirit masters considered to be of good quality in Heaven Dou Empire.

There was an extensive library with the primary contents for spirit masters, teachers from the different systems to take questions from students, and places for training.

And as someone sensitive to his needs, Cheng Tian quickly learned more about this new world he was in. In particular, he put special attention into learning about the beasts of this world and how to evaluate their age and characteristics.

At the same time, he worried about the beast's hunting areas and the geography of this world, which would be necessary for the adventures he might have in the future.

His predecessor had many valuable memories regarding several of these points. But even so, it was undeniable that for one who had the theories of the Grandmaster, some problems could not be solved by the mere knowledge of a 15-year-old individual.

Thus, he spent the next two days within the premises of this academy, learning things and ignoring the nasty comments in his surroundings.


"Student Cheng Tian, come with me." One of the teachers in the young transmigrator's class called him after a class ended.

Upon hearing that, the black-haired, good-looking young man followed in the footsteps of the middle-aged, tall, strong man, who was already walking out of the classroom.

"Tian, let me warn you since no one else will do this for you..." He said in a serious tone, looking sideways at the young man following him. "The academy is giving you one last chance. Suppose you don't reach level 30 by the end of the semester in 2 months. In that case, you don't have to worry about returning after vacation."

"Level 30, huh? What about this training that will take place in the next few days? Aren't you people going to evaluate me on that too?" He asked.

"Of course not." That man laughed. "That test is for your teammates, who may have a chance to get on the reserve team that we will send to the continental competition that will take place in less than three years."

"The next edition of the tournament is still years away, but since teamwork makes all the difference in competitions like this, the group will already be formed."

"With that, this test won't worsen your situation if you don't do well..."

"That is already expected to happen." He said in a disappointed tone.

This teacher had helped Cheng Tian's predecessor get into Cryptid Academy. So, naturally, he had some concerns about this young man and was giving him advice again.


He stopped in the middle of a long hallway and placed one of his hands on Cheng Tian's right shoulder. "Tian, do your best. But if you fail, remember that there are still many options for you in this world."

"Spirit Masters are definitely the most powerful and respected professionals on the continent. But that doesn't mean you can't live any other way."

"I'm sure you can get a comfortable position even if you can't continue here after these two months."

"Hmm, I understand." He made an appreciative gesture to that man. "Thank you for the guidance, Professor Jin."

"Now go. You need to try harder."


After a few more days at Cryptid Academy, Cheng Tian had advanced to level 26 when it was already time for the scheduled training for his group.

By the time he finished yet another cultivation session in his room, Mo Jiayi was waiting, sitting on his own bed. 'This idiot will soon be out of my way!'

'Not only are you going to get kicked out of the academy today, but I'll be able to get rid of you, scumbag!' He smiled with his eyes closed, visualizing what his future would soon be like.

'Ah, Gong Xiu...'

'You will soon be mine...'

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"Mo Jiayi, I am ready. Will we go now?" Cheng Tian's voice broke his roommate's fantasies, but it did not irritate such a young man for it. On the contrary, the sooner they left for today's training, the sooner Mo Jiayi could get rid of Cheng Tian, this nuisance who had lived with him for over two years.

"Come on. Our group should be assembled by now."


They followed the academy halls until they came to a courtyard just outside the men's and women's dormitories.

"Hey, what took you two so long?" A short young woman, 1.4 meters tall, fluffy cheeks like children's, said this as she swung her ponytail.

"Shen Mei, what are you complaining about? Aren't we on schedule? There are still a few minutes until the start of our training." Mo Jiayi replied that person, who seemed the youngest there.

Cheng Tian then observed that group. There was his ex-girlfriend, who was ignoring him, Shen Mei busy with Mo Jiayi, a couple who were in their own little world, and finally, the last of them, Lin Long, silently looking in his direction.

"Brother Tian, did brother Jiayi talk to you about our battle strategy?" Lin Long asked after the group headed toward the battle area where their training was to take place.

"Hmm, he did. I hope I don't get in your way too much..." He commented while considering that he should keep his Madara-related abilities a secret from these people.

Meanwhile, Gong Xiu was watching him from the side, remembering the strange look on his face the last time they had seen each other. 'What was that? Is he by any chance having a problem with his eyes?'

'But those eyes are terrifying!'

'I hope this will be of some use in today's training... Maybe he won't just be a burden during the battle against our competitors.'

The group followed for several minutes until they reached an area filled with trees, where there was enough space for over a thousand people to sit in the surrounding hills.

On the other side, another group of seven people was already waiting for them, while three teachers were watching them from afar in the hills.

"Well, since everyone is already here, we will give you five minutes to prepare for this exam. But, in the meantime, I must remind you that this training lasts until dawn, so you had better have prepared properly."

"First, we will start with a common battle between your groups, and then we will see how you survive the night in this place."

"The goal of a spirit master is not to learn how to fight matches but to survive the variables in their fate. So, while we won't tell you about the final part of the training, you must prepare yourselves for everything."

"That's all."

"Are you ready?" This man from before asked as he looked both ways, seeing that the groups were already in their respective combat formations.

After the 14 youths nodded in agreement, that man looked at the other two teachers and indicated the start of the fight.


With that warning, each of the 14 youths between the ages of 13 and 16 activated their martial souls, causing their spirit rings to appear around their bodies.

Seeing that, Cheng Tian realized that he was the only one with a Ten Years Spirit Ring and the only one with only two spirit rings.

Other than that, each of those people had the best possible combination for three spirit rings, two Hundred Years and one Thousand Years Spirit Ring.

He then noted that over 80% of the people there had weapons or beast spirits. But there was one person with a food spirit in the enemy group and a plant spirit in his group.

"Ten Years?" Some of the people in the opposing group looked in Cheng Tian's direction with funny expressions on their faces.

But he just ignored that while holding with his two hands the guitar-shaped fan, which was as big as his own body.

He stepped back, standing behind Lin Long, as had been arranged. Then he saw his group advancing against the opponent, running and attacking with everything they had already at the first moment of the battle.


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