Douluo Dalu: Origins

Chapter 6: Night and Beginning of the Plan

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After using her third ability, Shen Mei controlled the branches of her fern to trap two opponents at once, forming a web of branches around those people.

Upon realizing their leader's movement, Mo Jiayi and Gong Xiu did not miss the opportunity she created and used their third skills.

"Third Skill: Furious Tails!"

The nine tails on Gong Xiu's buttocks began to spin rapidly as she mentally controlled them, gaining momentum before attacking one of those tied people.

"Third Skill: Twin Spears!"

Mo Jiayi spun his Two-Headed Spear, dancing as he made a series of complicated movements. After that, two identical spears appeared in his hands before he finally threw them toward the other opponent.

Seeing this, the two people trembled with fear, feeling that it would be their end if no one intervened in their disadvantageous situation.

However, no one would come to save them, as their three remaining companions standing were at this instant entertaining the other three individuals in Cheng Tian's group.

As much as this number was equivalent, the combat proficiency was not. Furthermore, due to Lin Long's earlier intervention, none of those people had gotten the meatballs they desperately needed.

Therefore, the moment the two tied individuals fell unconscious, the battle quickly moved towards its end, with Team Shen winning!

"Very good!" One of the teachers in the surrounding area rose from his seat and applauded the performance of those youths. "Very good, Team Shen started this training with an advantage, but we saw great skills from both sides."

"Hmm, teacher Feng is right. So, don't blunder or get overconfident because of this confrontation. We still have several hours ahead of us, and nothing is absolute in this life."

"Then take the next two hours to rest before we continue with this event."

"Hmm." The third teacher merely nodded while scratching his chin in interest for what he might see later.

Upon hearing the words of these teachers, the 14 youths soon began to meditate in the middle of that area, regaining their energy to head towards the interior of that forest area.

As for Cheng Tian, he was the most exhausted of all those people, having also received internal injuries from the previous attack.

'I have to get used to the struggles of this world as soon as possible...' He thought about it silently, remembering how hard it had been to withstand the attack of the level 31 young man.

But he was not entirely disappointed in the situation. After all, he had managed to fend off an opponent of a higher level than his with fewer spirit rings.

That was no small thing!

Moreover, he had not used his primary skills. So, Cheng Tian was not so upset about his defeat, despite the worry in his heart.

'In any case, I will recover and prepare for the rest of this training!'


After a while, the groups finished meditating and took two different paths through that forested area, each accompanied by an academy teacher.

But those teachers were merely watching them from afar, running above the level of the trees, while the youngsters followed the uneven terrain of that area.

Cheng Tian's group had been the first to leave the site of the previous fight, so it was the one that was advancing the furthest within that area, where there were low-level beasts.

With this in mind, Shen Mei, the group leader, had ordered them to follow in formation, with Lin Long and Cheng Tian in the rear, her in the center, and the rest in the front.

After walking for almost half an hour through that place, Mo Jiayi looked in Lin Long's direction and saw this secret subordinate waving in his direction. 'I hope you will do what is necessary.' So he thought, hoping that person could understand the meaning in his eyes.

'Don't worry, young master, if plan 'A' doesn't work out, I still have 'B' and 'C'.' Lin Long smiled before taking a glimpse at Cheng Tian. 'You hardly expect what was going to happen next...'

Meanwhile, Cheng Tian was ignorant of his 'good' teammates' plans and the fact that his roommate was standing next to Gong Xiu, talking intimately with her.

He was just observing the surroundings with his sensory ability while pondering his plans for the future.

'Uh?' He looked in a particular direction and saw a powerful energy source quickly approaching where his group was.

'Is that a beast?' He prepared to summon his martial soul but said nothing to his group.

After a few seconds, since he noticed one creature, two others appeared in his field of vision, when finally the group leader warned them to get ready.

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"Something is approaching us. Get ready!" Shen Mei said as she stopped walking.

At that instant, three spiders, as big as people, jumped out of the side trees toward them, each coming from a different point in that area.

'Thousand-year-old beasts!' Cheng Tian was able to identify the age of those beings by using the knowledge he had already acquired during his first week on the Douluo Continent.

But before he could think much about those beings, one of them headed towards Lin Long, who was just ahead of Cheng Tian.

Realizing that the creature's claws would strike his groupmate if he stepped out of its way, Lin Long activated his martial soul, causing wings to appear on his back.

After he raised himself a few inches, enough for that spider to pass by him without hitting him, he suddenly shouted. "Damn it! Cheng Tian, jump!"

But by the time Lin Long alerted Cheng Tian, that young man had long realized all that and taken two steps back, while his second spirit ring glowed on his back.

"Second Skill: Chaotic Winds!"

A powerful wave of wind blew that beast away from Cheng Tian, causing both Lin Long and Mo Jiayi to open their eyes in surprise at this target's responsiveness.

'How could that be? Was he just lucky? Or did he simply not trust Lin Long?' Mo Jiayi clenched his teeth in anger but immediately set about helping his companions at the front to get rid of those beasts that had been lured into that area...

As for Lin Long, he immediately decided to follow his second plan to deal with Cheng Tian after this situation failed.

"Brother Tian, it's a good thing you were prepared! I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you!" He said in an emotional tone, running towards Cheng Tian to help him.

At that time, each of the previous spiders had already escaped from Shen Mei's group, something possible only because this group's couple, the Headless Mule and Unicorn, who could do the rare and powerful spirit fusion.

"Thank you, Brother Long." Cheng Tian cleaned his clothes and said this in a sincere tone but with a bad feeling in his being. 'Did he just dodge that beast because he thought I wasn't behind him? Or is there something else?'

But with no evidence, he just kept his suspicion in mind as he continued on his way to the camp they would be staying at for the night.


After a while, six of the seven students were already in their tents, while the seventh kept an eye on the surroundings.

This seventh student was none other than Lin Long, who had been first in charge of this procedure. Coincidentally, Cheng Tian had been left with the second shift.

But with no more problems like the previous spiders, a full hour had passed since the establishment of that small camp when Cheng Tian left his tent, opening his mouth in sleep.

He then took a bottle of water from his things and sat down not far from Lin Long. "Brother Long, if you want to go to sleep now, I will stay here for my shift." So he said amid the sounds of crickets and leaves swaying with the night breeze.

But Lin Long had a different idea in mind. He was silent for a moment and saw that their teacher seemed to have gone out to urinate. He then put something on the floor. 'Good.'

He then said. "Brother Cheng, earlier, I was impressed with your technique and responsiveness..."

"Can you show me that? I feel like I didn't have the best reaction because we lacked more connection. If we want to pass this test, each of us will have to make a difference..."

"Oh?" Cheng Tian's eyes sparkled due to the memories of his predecessor, who had only heard such kind words in his first days in Cryptid Academy.

Since his talent had proven to be below average, he usually only heard unfriendly comments and suffered from pressure from students more talented than him.

So, he was genuinely happy to hear Lin Long's interest.

Cheng Tian then said. "What do you want me to do, brother Long?"

Lin Long smiled and said. "Why don't you unleash your second ability against me? I want to feel how powerful it is so I can better use my skills in conjunction with yours."

"Oh? Fine!"

After that, Cheng Tian released his martial soul and activated his second technique, as requested by Lin Long. However, when he did so, a blade on the ground suddenly rose with the wind and headed towards the body of the brown-haired young man.


"Cheng Tian, you..."

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