
Chapter 16: Drachenmagd #16

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Steampunk Castle























Ah... no splat. A miss.



“Three strikes, Master. Impressive.”

“Yeah but... haaah... not good enough...”

The musk of a shotgun was something Sebastian was not yet used to. It carries with it this thick odor of gunpowder, unlike using a rifle or a pistol. Why is that? Because of all the pellets that splinter and break apart? Or was his mind working over time right now, replaying the events of a day go, over and over in his head.

The rabid wolf, his failure to put it down, and Rodeline's arm.

It was rather windy this gray morning, and he stood on seemingly endless green fields outside of his estate. He could feel the hems of his jacket fluttering slightly in the wind, though said wind did very little for him. Perhaps he could have blamed his miss on it, but no, that would be wrong. He missed, plain and simple.

In Sebastian's arms laid a shotgun; a twelve-gauge lever-action shotgun to be exact. It had this lovely wood furnish, and its metallic parts were all meticulously cleaned to the point that he could see his reflection in it. Due to its similar shape and size to that of a rifle, Sebastian handled it surprisingly well for his height. More importantly, it seemed to imbue him with a sense of nostalgia that did not exist when he used any other weapon. Why is that?

Because – according to the drachenmagd – this was his father's favorite gun.

Looking over his shoulder, Sebastian's gaze befell both Emiline and Carmeline, standing near a peculiar machine. It was black, had two wheels, was somewhat small (though everything looks small when his drachenmagd are standing beside it), and it was loaded with about twenty or so of these strange, orange disk-shaped objects. They were clay pigeons, and it was a clay pigeon thrower.

“You know Master, you don't have to push yourself too hard,” Carmeline said, her voice ringing with concern, “Rodeline and you are okay. You don't have to keep workin' on your aim cuz of one rabid wolf.”

Because of one rabid wolf,” Emiline corrected as she leered at her sister, who leered back in equal annoyance, “I swear, over two hundred years and yet you still let your tongue slip...” but then her gaze traveled over to Sebastian, giving him a similar look of concern, “But Carmeline is right. While I'm proud that you're dedicating yourself to mastering firearms, doing so in some vain attempt to rewrite what has already happened won't help anything, Master Sebastian.”


He looked down towards the shotgun in his hand, frowning as if he had somehow disappointed his drachenmagd. Emiline was right and he knew she was right, but that did not change the resolve he had in mind. In the future – whether it be some rabid wolf, some home invader, or an entire demon! – Sebastian would not falter when doing what needed to be done.

“I know, Emily,” he said whilst shooting her a smile as he casually loaded shells into his shotgun, “But... that still doesn't make me feel any better. I want to know that – if something were to happen next time – I won't close my eyes like I did yesterday...” he looked back into the distance, as if he could visualize the prison around him and the wolf in front of him, “I never want to feel hopeless again. Never... so uh...” he looked back at her, “Could you please launch another pigeon?”

“Are you sure you don't want to switch out your shotgun, Master?” Emiline asked, “A lever-action shotgun is not the best fit of clay pigeon shooting like this.”

“Yeah but...” he looked down at it whilst raising it up, “You said my father could shoot out multiple pigeons out of the air with this, right?”

“Yes. Yes I did.”

“Well then...” he looked back to the skies as he readied the rifle in his hand, “I won't stop until I'm as good at this as he was. Maybe even better. Even if it takes me decades...” he gaze tightened, “Decades...”

“Haaah... if you say so, Master. Now then... PULL!”





There was a renewed energy now that Zeit was here. I had noticed the workers putting in double, if not triple the work in creating our laboratory. The large gears they were setting up were finally starting to be put into motion, working the machines around the lands.

At the risk of coming off foolish, I was never much of a mechanic. Machines and the like had the tendency to go over my head, unfortunately. I was more of a theologian, an alchemist, an astrologer... and yes, I may or may not have dabbled in the arcane arts of magic every now and then. May God forgive.

So to see all these machines working in tandem was a work of art that even I could appreciate. Gears turning here would activate gates over there, and vice versa. The ground seemed to be a platform in and of itself, one that would slide up and down, allowing one to descend into levels deep into the ground.

And deep in the ground we would go.

The lands above was nothing more than a gate, like the entrance to a cave filled with gold and diamonds. There were staircases all around that would lead to the lab, though there was a supposed 'main entrance' if you could call it that. You'd walk to the gate after activating it by turning gears that would in turn open the sliding doors in the ground. It was all so very... very... clock-like. Yes, like clockwork. In fact, the circular shape of the ground reminded me of a clock, and the way you had to turn the dials – one little, one big – in order to open the door, further reminded me of a pocket watch. Do to his name and his adoration for clocks, I wonder if Zeit was related to the inventor of the clock. It would explain where he got all the money for this from.

Zeit himself continued to be an elusive and mysterious man. He typically didn't answer many questions, some times when I asked him questions, Oskar would interrupt me, and the few times I did ask him questions, his answers would only produce more questions. Once I asked where he hailed form, he told me a land named Mordredus. Mordredus? Where is Mordredus? My knowledge on worldly affairs may have been comparatively small, but I knew not of this 'Moredredus' he spoke of.

'Mordredus? As in the nephew who betrayed King Arthur?' I asked.

I will never forget the smile that laid on Zeit's lips.

“Jaaaaaaack! Stop it! Don't over extend yourself!”

“Heh heh... you weren't saying that yesterday, Rita...”



Pulling his head up from Heinric's Records, Sebastian shot his aunt and uncle a disturbed look. On one hand, he was happy to see his Aunt Rita appear so lively again. The way she tugged at Jack's arm, giggling like a blushing schoolgirl; it was a side of his aunt he'd never seen before. And, really, he didn't think he'd ever want to see it. Especially with the knowledge of what they'd done last night thanks to that aphrodisiac.

Once again; gross...

Uncle Jack himself had recovered a fair bit following his 'sparring match' with Carmeline. At the very least, he tore through his breakfast earlier that day, cleaning his plate whilst shooting these bedroom eyes at Rita. Once again, once again, really gross, because aphrodisiac!

Well... at least they were married. What excuse did he have for fucking his maids?

Still, with Uncle Jack's injuries, it was decided not to go visit Schonheit today, since Sebastian feared agitating his uncle's pains. Rita agreed, so it was fortunate that even with all the time they've spent at the Faust Estate, they still had so much space yet to uncover. Today's quest took them out to the estate's courtyard, walking beneath the cloudy gray skies above as they traveled along the stone walkway.

“Look at all these statues,” Jack muttered as he looked around in a circular manner, “All of them are lizards too.”

“Dragons,” Sebastian corrected as he stuffed away his ancestor's biography, “They're all dragons.”

“Right, right, dragons,” his uncle replied with a chuckle, “This place really loves its dragons, Sebastian,” looking at his nephew, he raised an eyebrow, “They're everywhere! In the walls, as random little figures around the place. Hell, I noticed some paintings of them too! Your family really loves dragons!”

“Yeah, I've noticed,” Sebastian replied with a sarcastic chuckle, “Dragons and the Faust family go hand in hand. I've gotten used to all the dragonic iconography, so I don't really notice it as much any more.”

“I... iconography?” Jack repeated in a confused manner.

“Uh... Dragonic imagery. Does that help?”

Jack chuckled at such a statement and Sebastian did likewise, though Aunt Rita remained a bit passive. Talk about dragons reminded her of Igrene obviously enough, and made her want to ask Sebastian if he knew of his maids... demonic side.

She was still questioning herself mentally over what happened, and how her conversation with Igrene ended. If Sebastian lived here, then he must know of the their horns, eyes and tails, right? Or was Igrene somehow special in those regards; she is the Head-Housemaid, after all. Perhaps it was a secret, one she was unfortunately forced to live with.

Rita didn't know what to do... but was far too defeated to put up a fight.

“You're not afraid of this place, right, Sebastian?” Rita asked as she looked at her nephew, taking him aback.

“No... why would I be? I live here; it's my home,” Sebastian said, with his uncle nodding.

“Yeah, oooh boy, if being afraid of this place means I get to live here, then I'm freakin' horrified,” Jack added on, garnering a pinch from his wife, “Hey! Watch it there, Rita!”

“Hrrng... Jack...” his wife groaned before looking back at her nephew, “I was more so worried about... well... living out here all by yourself. You're far away from Jack and I and the rest of your family...” she shook her head, “Even if it is small. I suppose... ah...” cocking her head, she frowned for a few seconds, only to smile, “If you are afraid Sebastian, it's okay. You know we'll only be a phone call away.”

He smiled back at Rita, before walking up to wrap his arms around them as best he could. It took Rita off guard, who found his hug to be surprisingly strong. Far stronger than it had ever been in his youth. There was a conviction there in his hug now, and a deep, compassionate and respectful love. Rita and Jack hugged him back, a lovely little moment for a family.

“You know you guys can visit whenever you want, right?” Sebastian stated amid the hug, “And I'll always be there to lend a helping hand if you just ask for it. Money is... of no object to me.”

“If so, I'd love a billion dollars,” Jack said with a snarky grin.

“Jaaaaaack...” Rita growled as she gave her husband yet another pinch.

Sebastian laughed as their hug ended, before pointing forward so that they may continue their trek. Aunt Rita and Uncle Jack would not be here for much longer, for they would be leaving the next day. And while it was a shame they couldn't go back to Schonheit, Sebastian wasn't going to let that stop his aunt and uncle from having a pleasant evening. Who knows when they'd next see each other after this?

Whenever that may be, he knew that when next they say him, he wanted to be the best version of himself he could possibly be. Ever in pursuit of bettering himself.

Continuing on, Jack started beguiling his nephew and wife about some escapade he went on in his young adult life. It was mildly embarrassing for Rita, who was actively in said memory about a certain beach trip gone wrong, but so long as Jack left out the more... 'compelling' parts, then things wouldn't get too bad. This is her nephew, after all.

But her mind and eyes wondered, once more looking at all the statues around them. Dragons, wyrms, serpents, wyverns; though she couldn't really tell you the difference between them. Some had wings, some had arms, some didn't. However, one statue stood out to her, not because of the creature resting on it, but the name resting upon its stone platform.

The dragon itself was a serpentine in body, though with two arms and no hind legs. The reptile had what she would call 'hair', but due to the colorless features of the statue, she couldn't really tell what it was supposed to be. However, the details the statue did have were immaculate, exposing rather familiar looking curved horns and split tail.

You are so... pathetic.

Even though your sister has been dead for six years now, you still compare yourself negatively to her.

Face it, Rita. You were never Sebastian's mother.

Sebastian no longer needs you, Rita.

Do you understand?


Gazing away, her eyes fell on her husband who continued regaling his nephew about the admittedly embarrassing moment in their life. While Jack being a smiling, grinning fool was the norm with him, Sebastian brightly smiling like he did was still so fresh and new to her. She'd spent this week alongside her nephew and husband, having witnessed the positive change the Faust Estate has had on him. And while it hurt her to admit it... yes, Igrene was right.


Snizzle... snizzle... snizzle...

The sound of nails being filed echoed out into Rita's ears, making her turn around. However, no matter where she looked, she couldn't tell where it was coming from. When she looked to her left towards her husband and nephew, they were still talking, either ignoring the noise or not hearing it outright. Was Rita merely being targeted?

Snizzle... snizzle... snizzle...

That's when her gaze traveled up towards one of the estate's many and massive windows. When she did, it was almost by fate that she noticed Igrene in the far, far distance. Standing there at a window, watching the three of them walk through the courtyard. And even though the distance was great, Rita could still see the Head-Housemaid's extra appendages: her horns, tail, and sharp eyes. No longer could Rita blame it on hysteria or even insanity; Igrene was directly flaunting her paranormal status in front of her. Rita felt her heart drop at the sight of it...

But what could she really do? And with those words replaying in her head endlessly...

Do you understand?


“Huh? Rita, did you say something?” Jack asked as he faced her.

She looked back, once more reading their faces of concern. It jabbed at Rita, who often felt like the downer of trio since their arrival here. Jack certainly had no qualms falling into the lavish lifestyle this vacation afforded him, and Sebastian clearly had too with his choice to live here permanently. Meanwhile she had spent a majority of her time either moping about, trying to convince Sebastian to leave, or begrudgingly admitting that things were indeed better here.

“S-sorry. I was... haah... my mind went elsewhere,” Rita claimed, causing Jack to grin.

“Trying to ignore what your little role in this little story is, Rita?” asked her husband in a teasing manner, “Or is this the part where I should start calling you 'Polly'?”

“JAAAAAACKKK!” she growled, “Absolutely not; you won't tell Sebastian that part of the story!”

“Oh c'mon, Rita! I'm sure he wants to hear it!”

“No... I'm sure I don't,” Sebastian stated, agreeing with his aunt, because he really didn't want to know where this 'Polly' came from.

Jack laughed hardily, but no matter how loud and boisterous his laughter was, the sound of nails being filed continued echoing above it. Rita stuck closer to her husband in some attempt to fight off the sound, but that did nothing to stop it. Instead she looked back up and over, gazing in the direction of Igrene.

She was still there, still looking at them, and still filing those perfect nails of hers. Why? Had Igrene not had her fill in defeating her? Even the few times they've come in contact with one another following their conversation, Rita could tell there was this soullessness in Igrene's eyes. It wasn't as if the Head-Housemaid was looking at her, but more so she was looking through her, ignoring her. In Igrene's eyes, Rita was indeed nothing. Did she share the same look with Jack? Knowing her husband, if Igrene had gazed at him in a dismissive manner, he would have been far too ignorant to notice.

Snizzle... snizzle... snizzle...

“Hmm... uh... s-sorry, but... I need to use the bathroom real quick,” Rita lied whilst pulling back, “May I be excused?”

“Uh... yeah, sure, Aunt Rita,” Sebastian said with a smile, “You know where to find it, right?”

“Yes... ah... okay then!”

She quickly scurried off, but not before hearing Jack say something about her retreating so that she wouldn't need to hear her embarrassing role in the story he was telling. And... yeah, he was partially right, but that's not why she was running away either.

Upon entering the estate, Igrene's nail filer sounded louder. It drew Rita in, bringing her deeper into the halls and upstairs. The closer she got, the louder the noise became, and whenever she strayed too far, it would grow softer. By now, Rita had no doubt in her mind that Igrene was calling her. And like a moth drawn to a flame, she approached her without hesitation.

And then... here she was, in this spacious hallway that overlook the courtyard. The sound of Igrene's nail filing was both the loudest and the most natural sounding since this all started. Rita stopped and paced herself, while her brown eyes gazed ahead to the elegant woman who stood at the window side.

Igrene wasn't even bothering to hide her dragonian appendages.

Like a snake in its own right, the Head-Housemaid's tail slithered about, while the sound of her nail filer finally came to a halt. Stuffing the filer away, the Red Serpent turned to face Rita, an affable smile resting on her lips. But those green, serpentine eyes continued holding that blatant indifference aimed towards her. Normally, Rita bent and broke beneath such a gaze, and yes, she wanted to do so right now. But she'd come all this way already, and it was clear Igrene called her thanks to that filer, so the woman stood her – admittedly shaky – ground.


“Ehehe... Mistress Rita,” said the Head-Housemaid, “Are you enjoying your time with Master Sebastian?”

“I... I tried to ignore what you showed me,” Rita responded instead, “Your horns, your tail, your eyes. I convinced myself that I was just going crazy, or that I drank something weird that morning... or whatever! But...” she took a few steps towards her, “You're not even bothering to hide it now. Why? Do you enjoy torturing me like this?”

“Me? Torture? Of course not, Rita; I'd never do such a thing,” Igrene stated, her tone lacking any malicious infliction, “You are Sebastian's beloved aunt; he cares so deeply for you. In turn, I would never allow any harm to befall you whenever your in my presence. Least of all, would I myself pain you.”

Yeah right; after what she said to her that morning, Rita wasn't convinced. However, here she was once again, standing face to face with Igrene after a resurgence of courage... a resurgence that was starting to erode. Rita wanted to leave this place immediately, but the desire to know why Igrene called her here kept her in place.

The Head-Housemaid slowly approached her, her green eyes alluring and her smile so beautiful. Rita stiffened as fear drifted through her; yet another power play by this elegant dragoness. Was this really all necessary? Had Rita not already showed cowardice and defeat in admitting how this place was better for her nephew? What? Did Igrene want to rub it in?

“What... what do you want?” Rita asked as she closed her eyes, her expression indignant, but not really doing much against the Head-Housemaid.

“I could sense your apprehension, Rita,” Igrene stated as she placed her hand upon the woman's shoulder, “Even though you've accepted Master Sebastian's choice to stay here with us, I can tell you fight against in your heart. That's not good for you. The future may not be set in stone, but the past is. You cannot change it.”

“I-I know that!” Rita said as she swatted Igrene's hand from her shoulder, “Now... why did you call me?”

Igrene didn't answer right away however, drawing Rita's eyes back up towards her. She read the affable and kind smile on her face, the one that beamed as it was given from a woman who had mastered the art of elegance. Rita's heart continued building up in pace, replaying the events of that morning once more in her head.

“I just wanted you to know that me, nor my sisters, nor anyone else will ever bring harm to Master Sebastian,” Igrene stated as her hands once more rested on Rita's shoulders, “He loves you dearly, Rita, even if he does not show it much. And we all love him ever so much.”

“You... love him...?” Rita repeated.

She opened her mouth to speak, only to stop as she remembered when the Tailor Maid – Adeline – road in his lap on the way home. Rita thought it was odd that they'd do such a thing, and it made her wonder if she was in some sort of relationship. Just what was the relationship between Sebastian and his maids?

“Does... does Sebastian know about...” Rita muttered as she reached up to touch Igrene's horns, “This? He... he must know this...”

Igrene didn't answer right away, instead letting her smile grow.

“You already know the answer to that question,” the Head-Housemaid replied, “Years ago, I know... I can feel it. Haaah... Mai already told you, did she not? Go ahead, Rita; tell me. You know what a drachenmagd is, don't you?”

How did Igrene know these things? Haring the term 'drachenmagd' leave her lips reminded the woman of a conversation she had with her sister over a decade ago. Sebastian was nineteen now, right? When Rita heard of a drachenmagd, he was probably six, maybe seven. The word was so distant and so alien, Rita had honestly forgotten it, thinking it was nothing more than Mai sprouting nonsense. But rehearing it now...

“You're the... drachenmagd...?” Rita asked, to which Igrene nodded.

“Not just me, we all are,” the Head-Housemaid replied, “Mylene, Larsine, Adeline, Nadine, just to name a few. Ehehehe... we all are drachenmagd; every single last one of us. We're eternally sworn to serve the family of Faust.”

“I thought... ah... I thought Mai was just... was just... joking, I...” Rita said as her heart quaked, only to return her gaze to Igrene, “Wh-why are you telling me this?”

Igrene gazed into Rita's eyes, letting her see their slit shape and how clear they were. The Head-Housemaid was hiding nothing, something she was incredibly skilled at. From mere body language alone, Rita would be able to see anything and everything Igrene had to offer.

So why did it all feel so wrong, so sinister? Rita stiffened in place as Igrene once again gave her this look, one similar to how a mother would give their child when scolding them. Further stiffening up, Rita tried to speak, but the Head-Housemaid would talk for her.

“Master Sebastian needs to focus on his duties as an earl now,” she said, “In the coming days, they will become very, very important to him.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“It's simple, Rita. I cannot control what Master Sebastian will do, and if you need help, we will gift you any number of the estate's vast wealth. However – and I want to make this perfectly clear – Master Sebastian's focus must be paramount to the estate and the estate alone. It would be best if he had no... outside distractions.”

Rita repeated what she heard to herself, specifically about the 'outside distractions'. It didn't take her long to realize that she herself was the 'outside distractions' Igrene spoke of. Was it merely a suggestion? No, the way Igrene said it, it came off more as a command, a demand.

“You don't want to see me again, do you?” Rita replied, though the Head-Housemaid shook her head.

“Ehehehe... that's not what I'm trying to say at all,” Igrene replied, “Besides, it's... more important than that.”

Her movements were quick; much like a slithering viper that can dart around its prey with speedy ease. Suddenly Igrene was right behind Rita, her hands resting on her shoulders as she squeezed them. Pushing her forward, the Head-Housemaid led her to stand right in front of the window, gazing out the courtyard before them. And, yes, Sebastian and Jack were still out there, having apparently been join by Carmeline. Whatever they were talking about, it seemed to bring out smiles and laughter among them all, Rita could see that much herself.

“Do you know what Master Sebastian went through to get the herb for Jack's body?” Igrene whispered into Rita's ear, “He is a dutiful earl. We are so thankful to have him. You should be proud; Master Sebastian proved how courageous he can be when those he loves are suffering.”


“It would be best to not bother him with trivial needs in the future, would you not agree?”

Rita's head held low and her eyes closed, a defeated sigh leaving her lips. What? Had she and Jack become a burden to Sebastian now? That's what Igrene seemed to imply. Strange how things can change in such a short amount of time.

“Why did you bring me up here?” Rita asked, he breathing audible as she gazed down towards Sebastian below.

“I just wanted to placate any fears you may have. That's all. You'll never need to worry about him ever again. We're so thankful you've taken such good care of Master Sebastian. But now, we'll handle the rest.”

Look, Rita's no fool. While she could be overbearing, hysterical, and a tad bit naive when it comes to reading a room, she's not so stupid and blind that she can't decipher what is directly being said to her right here, right now. Igrene's kindness was like sugar; you could easily get addicted to it without realizing what's happened. It helped to soften the blow that her words carried.

Rita got it now. She understood. Igrene was telling her to just get lost.

“I understand...”

“Good... very, very good... ah...”

And then – strangely – Igrene pulled Rita in, embracing her. At first confused, the woman stood still like a statue, the situation being rather awkward form her end. And yet – in spite of that – there was a kindness in Igrene's embrace; it felt genuine. It was genuine. So – and even though it was a bit begrudged – Rita hugged back. It wasn't the strongest of hugs, but it was a hug nonetheless. Igrene certainly smelled nice too. She smelled like... like...


The embrace would not last for much longer, though Rita did feel better after it was over. Turning away, she headed back in the direction she came from in order to return to Jack and Sebastian. There was this bittersweet resolve in her now. It felt both hollow yet happy. Yeah, a hollow happiness... does that make any sense?

That's what Rita felt right now.

She headed down the staircase, and Igrene lingered behind, waving, waving, waving...

Her eyes flashed.

Skkkksssssh! Glunk!


“Ufufufu! You're so tense, Master. Hmm... is that why you called me here tonight?”

A pleasant and relaxed sigh left Sebastian's lips as the water fell upon his body. The lavish backdrop of his Olympian bathroom glowed in the steamy mist of his bathtub, while the waters he rested in were so pristine he could see his translucent reflection in their surface. But of course, if Sebastian's bathing, then is he actually alone?



“Aaah... hmm...”

“Ufufufufu... look at how manly my Master is,” Selene quipped as her hands fell on Sebastian's shoulders, working in the soaps of his bath, “I heard you were practicing with your aim this morning! And though I hate the image of you wielding a weapon of any kind, I dare say the idea of you acting like our knight in shining armor... hm.... carries with it a certain lovely feel.”

“Seleeeene,” she groaned, a blush forming on his cheeks along with a sheepish smile, “It wasn't much of anything. Ah... I just... didn't want a repeat of what happened at the prison the other day with Rodeline. That's all,” Skkkssssshhh! “Hmmm... aaaah...”

“Mean, terrible, rabid wolf,” Selene growled into his ear, as if the beast was just a few feet away, “If you asked me to, I'd eradicate every lupine in all of Schonheit, just for you, Master!”

“That's... that's a bit overkill for one rabid wolf,” Sebastian replied, though he shook his head in a dismissive manner, “But even if you did, that wouldn't make me feel better. I don't want to rely on you girls so much to handle my problem. Haaaah...” he closed his eyes and groaned, “I know my father didn't...”

“Oh Masterrr~! You shouldn't compare yourself to Master Klaus; you're amazing in your own right!” Selene said as he pulled him back, resting him against her, “Ufufu! I think you're perfect just the way you are!”

Though he was sure her statement was just another example of Selene being overly dramatic, it felt nice to be praised by her nevertheless. So much so that – without hesitation – Sebastian pursed his lips as he looked up at the Chamber Maid, a kiss she gleefully shared back. It didn't last long, though it didn't need to; it was more just a hint at what was to come.

“Well if you are so tense, Master, why don't we retreat to bed?” Selene asked as he broke off their kiss, her hands rubbing his shoulders, “You must be up earlier than usual tomorrow to see off your family, do you not?”

“Right... heh heh.”

Standing up together, Selene pulled over a nearby towel, using it to dry off of Sebastian's body. As usual, she did so thoroughly, but also with that stringent touch of hers that showed her more extreme adoration. And somehow Katherine's more possessive than she is? Not really something Sebastian wanted to test... though he'd be lying if he said it didn't feel good.

“Ufufu! I'll be right behind you, Master,” Selene said as Sebastian stepped out the tub, “I'll just clean up first. Oh! And I may make a request...”

“Huh? What is it, Selene?”

“Ufufu! Could you wear your black pajamas tonight? I think I prefer those over all your other ones.”

Black pajamas? Is that because she's the Black Dragon? Sebastian thought about teasing her for that, only to decide against it. Instead he nodded, making Selene giggle to herself as he exited through the bathroom door. His eyes locked on his closet soon after, though his mind began wondering elsewhere.

As he found his black pajamas (black and gold to be exact... and so snugly warm too), Sebastian thought about his Aunt Rita and Uncle Jack. After she returned to the courtyard, it seemed as if his aunt was more accepting of his choice to stay at the estate. At the very least, she was laughing more at Uncle Jack's jokes. It made him happy to know that, finally, his aunt wouldn't beat herself up over his decisions.

Now was only a matter of if he himself was ready to say goodbye.

Rita and Jack did their best to take care of him following his mother's death, something he was infinitely thankful for. He wasn't sure if he had enough time in this world to properly thank them for all they had done. With the money of the estate though, he could help Rita's bakery whenever she needed it, or help buy equipment for Jack... if that's how contractor businesses work. At the very least, any vacations they wanted to go on – whether it be back here to Schonheit or otherwise – perhaps he could pay it off for them? It was quite honestly the least he could do for all the years they spent taking care of him.

It did scare Sebastian a little bit. Even when he originally agreed to be earl of the estate, he did so with this niggling belief that he could always return to Riverside if he wanted to. Was it childish? A little bit, but it did help him get through his earliest days here. Who'd a thunk being gifted a big home, endless money, and beautiful woman, would be so damn difficult to accept? Guess that's just Sebastian's own inhibitions at play.

But when he looked at himself in the mirror and saw how supposedly 'manly' he looked, Sebastian would be a fool to deny the positive change this place has had on him. Even in his... admittedly childish pajamas, he carried with himself this new regal attitude and look, as if the drachenmagd were all rubbing off on him. Deep down inside, Sebastian wasn't sure if he was quite that regal and mature yet, but he was working himself there, day by day.

What had he said earlier this day to Emiline? Oh right...

I won't stop until I'm as good at this as he was. Maybe even better. Even if it takes me decades...

Yes... better... ah... where were Heinrich's Records? Oh! There they were!

Whenever I activated the dials that opened the gates to the laboratory, it would always shake everything in the lands around us. The lab stretched that deep underground, and its plentiful gears seemed to all turn at once, all the time. The dials necessary to open the gate had a specific code that only the heads of the project knew; Oskar, Zeit, and myself of course. I was the one who chose the code in particular when the gates were first crafted and the doorway as well.


The sound of the gears turning still make me shiver, no matter how many times I've heard them. And yet, I'm still amazed by technological wonders that is the laboratory proper. Like clockwork itself, the gears that turn endless all worked in tandem to bring order to the chamber far below the ground. And as I take the steps down, I see--



“Ah!? Hoh!”

His eyes wide, Sebastian quickly looked over towards the bathroom door, expecting to see Selene. But, no, that's not Selene's voice; how childish of him. Instead he looked over towards the main entrance to his bedroom, his eyes befalling--

“Igrene? Oh... man... you startled me,” he stated, bringing a smile to the Red Serpent's lips.

“Fufufu, my apologies, Master,” she said whilst approaching him, “I didn't mean to... however...” her eyes looked at Heinrich's Records, causing her smile to grow, “It makes me so happy seeing you learn about your ancestors.”

“Well... not as happy as I am,” Sebastian replied as he closed the book, “Learning so much about Heinrich... it fills me with pride,” he blushed after admitting such a thing, before returning his gaze to her, “Ah... but what are you doing here, Igrene? Is something wrong?”

“Oh... fufu, of course not, Master. I was more concerned for you,” Igrene answered as she walked up to her Master, “Mistress Rita and Master Jack leave tomorrow. I can tell this... weighs heavily on your mind. Master...” placing her hand on his cheek, she rubbed it gently, “It's okay to be sad, you know.”

“Haaah... heh... I know, Igrene, I know,” Sebastian replied as he looked away, “But... I'm not sad like that. I'm more... I guess I'm happy sad? Like... hm...” he sucked in a deep breath, “I don't know when I'll see Aunt Rita and Uncle Jack again. It could be during Christmas or... perhaps they'd like to visit for Summer. I don't know when, and that makes me feel a bit uneasy... yet excited. I lived with them for six years straight. Some people would argue they're more my parents than... than... well... you know. Haah... I don't know if I'd go as far as to say that but... that doesn't mean I love them any less.”

Turning to face the windows of his bedroom, Sebastian let out a sight. It was hard to formulate his words when it came to the love he had for his aunt and uncle, always fearing that his restrained emotions somehow made him come off as being disrespectful. And now that they'd go for an unknown period of time without seeing one another again, Sebastian wondered how that would affect their relationship.

He stiffened up, a few dry tear leaving his eyes. And yet – in spite of this – he'd be lying if he said he wasn't excited in some strange way. It was akin to how some of his fellow classmates felt when they left their homes to live on college campuses. Once Rita and Jack left, that's it; he would be his own man officially.

And just thinking about that suddenly made all the wealth he had seem like nothing. But... this feeling did not last long.

Igrene's hands fell on his shoulders, squeezing them as she pulled him in, resting his head against her bosom. Smiling, the young earl snuggled back against the Head-Housemaid whilst realizing something. He may have been leaving his aunt and uncle, but he wasn't alone. The halls of the estate were filled with the drachenmagd; his girls. The love and warmth he felt from them alone would easily make up for any bouts of homesickness he may come across.

“When Mistress Rita and Master Jack leave... do you know what you want to do, Master?” Igrene asked, to which Sebastian nodded in an affirmative manner.

“Yes. Yes I do,” he said with a pump of his fist, “I will locate my father's dairy. I want to know everything he did in his life, everything that lead to him finding out about me to his death. I just... I need that closure to know why he abandoned my mother and I, and why he didn't help when she was sick. I've been held back by that for too long. Hmm...” he turned to face Igrene where he smiled, “After that... well... I'm not sure what. But with the wealth of the estate and my family, and with Heinrich's example... maybe I should be a doctor, and choose a major in something important to me. Something like... like...” he closed his eyes, “Hmm...”

“You don't need to try and make any decisions so hastily, Master,” Igrene said as she rubbed his shoulders, “But do know that I and my sisters support you. 100%.”

“Hmm... thanks, Igrene...” he said as he leaned in close and closed his eyes, “Thank you so very, very much. I'm so happy you reached out for me.”

“I am too, Master. Me... too... mmmfff...”

When their lips met, Sebastian kissed her deeply, a hum even leaving his lips. Unlike her sisters, Igrene lacks a noticeable taste and odor. She smells and tastes good, mind you, he just couldn't equate it to anything like he could the others. She and Selene were a lot alike in those regards. Speaking of the Black Dragon...

“Oh Maaaastterrrrr~! Are you ready for-- BLAAAH!?”

Steam came flowing out of the bathroom, Sebastian's eyes snapping over towards it like lightning. As one would suspecting, there stood Selene, dressed in a black and red bathrobe with eyes wide and expression shock... though it didn't take long for her to become annoyed and angry.

“Igreeeeenneee!” the Chamber Maid growled, “What are you doing? Muscling your way into my night with Master Sebastian!? Aren't you being greedy!?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, I was merely checking up on Master Sebastian,” Igrene replied as she pinched his cheek in a showing of possessive affection, “Don't you know? Mistress Rita and Master Jack are leaving tomorrow. I'm sure such a thing is emotional for our Master.”

“I know, and I've already consoled him for it,” Selene replied whilst placing her hand on her presumptuous chest, “For a change, our darling Head-Housemaid is late! I've already beaten you to the punch!” she then reached out for Sebastian, grabbing and pulling him straight to her chest, “Now – as Mylene would say – why don't you back off.”

“Girls, uh--” SNATCH! “Whoa!?”

“Master Sebastian can make that choice if he pleases,” Igrene replied as she pulled him back towards her bosom, her green eyes locked on Selene, “If he wants me to leave, he can order me to leave. Until then, I think I choose to stay.”

“Oh!? Ohohoho! Tell her to leave, Master!” Selene said.


Look, Sebastian's no idiot, having been pinned between the likes of Emiline and Carmeline many times before. But even then, the Marshal and Groundskeeper knew when to stop before things got too heated... well, usually. But Igrene and Selene?

Their eyes were glowing, reminding Sebastian of Rodeline's eyes at the prison. Only her eyes were directed at a rabid wolf; their eyes were directed at one another! And seeing as how scary Rodeline looked when she was trying to protect him, he didn't want to risk the chance of the two going to blows in his bedroom.

Even if the image of two dragons fighting does sound admittedly cool. Still, he didn't want these two fighting, and especially not in his bedroom!

“Girls, please, calm down!” Sebastian said whilst weaseling his way between the two, “Heh heh, it's okay, really! Uh... umm... Igrene...”

He looked up at the Head-Housemaid, whose green eyes lost their glow as she looked at him. At first, he was aiming to do as Selene pleased; sending Igrene away so that he could share his night with the Black Dragon as originally planned. But how could he do that when he found himself gazing so deep into the Red Serpent's eyes? Yeah... he couldn't.

Though... maybe it was a bit more selfish than that. While he did originally intend to merely share the night with Selene alone, why not add Igrene in the mix? Was that too greedy of him? Maybe... but, hey, greed is a sin for a reason; it feels so good to have more! And, look, if he can handle Emiline and Carmeline on a daily basis, it wouldn't be too hard to handle Igrene and Selene together, right?


“I mean... if you want...” Sebastian murmured with a blush on his cheeks and his smile in a sheepish smile, “I-I'd love to have you over for the night.”

Selene's eyes bulged, then slide into icy daggers as she glared up at Igrene... who was now smirking. Guess the Head-Housemaid can lose her elegant visage for a little while, if it means being a bit snarky and even bitchy with one of her sisters. Let that sit in your mind for a little bit.

“You heard Master...” Igrene said as she released her grip on Sebastian, something Selene quickly seized upon by bringing him in close once again, “I'll change into something more fitting myself. Fufufu!”


Hearing Selene's growl made Sebastian shake... but, strangely, that only served to arouse him.

As Igrene sauntered over towards the closet in order to change her clothes, Selene brought Sebastian over towards his mattress, sitting down on it with him. Due to her height and his shorter stature, she easily held upon him like he was a doll, squeezing his head against her breasts while her purple eyes leered at the closet in an indignant manner. The squeeze was tight to the point that Sebastian was struggling to breathe...

“S-Selene... ach... a... a little... aaahh!”

Okay. Either this was a bad idea, or Selene was punishing him for allowing Igrene to stay. His eyes were beginning to comically bulge as the Black Dragon held him tighter and tighter and tighter, until...


The door to the closet opened and... yeah, worth it.

The only thing better than Igrene in her red dress, and Igrene in no clothes at all? Igrene in ruby-red babydoll lingerie. Its brassier clung to her bosom, covering them from just halfway down. Its straps were thin yet strong, reaching around her shoulders to give her firm chest a comfortable lift... as if they needed it. The cups of the bra were opaque, its edges etched with a reptile running along it. The negligee of the babydoll meanwhile was translucent and parted, allowing Sebastian to gaze upon her tight midsection. And, yes, the hem of it had a serpentine design to it as well. Igrene's panties meanwhile were nothing more than a shapely triangle to cover her womanhood, its waistband a thin string that wrapped around her hips.

Brushing up some of her hair, the Red Serpent gazed at her master with a sensual gaze in her verdant eyes and a seductive smirk on her lips. Her arousing aura dominated Sebastian's senses; sight, sound and smell. Taste and feel? That would come later.

“Ara ara, Master. You're staring rather hard,” Igrene said a flaunting manner, which only further angered Selene.

“Hmph! We get it, Igrene,” she snarled with noticeable spite as she pulled Sebastian closer.

He tried to speak, but with Selene's bosom to the side of his head, he found his voice getting caught in his throat. Didn't matter, because Igrene was coming closer and closer, getting upon the bed where she crawled up to join him and Selene. Sitting up on her knees before her Master, Sebastian found himself stuck between two amorous and rivaling dragon maids. And while Emiline and Carmeline had prepared him for this situation, Selene and Igrene gave off a completely different vibe.

But uh... certainly had his body stirring. That heat of arousal, lust and desire flowed through Sebastian, forming an obvious tint in his pants. With Igrene's firm breasts cradled in such elegant lingerie in front of him, and Selene's more busty yet malleable breasts resting beside him, how could he not get hard under these conditions?

He could smell it. Slowly, bit by bit, the room was starting to mix with their combined heats and odors. Was he already this hot?

Reaching his hand out, Sebastian unconsciously and silently grabbed a hold of one of Igrene's breasts, his fingers sinking into it. Yup; just as firm as he remembered it to be, though comparing to another drachnemagd with firm breasts – a certain Orange Wyrm if you will – Igrene's weren't as firm.


“Aaah!? M-Master!?” Selene shouted, her eyes wide.

What, was she already losing to Igrene? Why? Cuz she was in that damned babydoll! Selene had her own she could wear; it would knock Sebastian's socks off!... if he were wearing any. But if she left to put it on, there's no telling what Igrene would do! She's a sneaky and quick serpent; she'll have Sebastian snug around her finger in no time!

You are reading story Drachenmagd at novel35.com

Ah-ha! She knew what to do!

“Move over, Igrene!”

“What? Selene!?”

Like a blur, she moved to be beside Igrene, her purple eyes glaring at Igrene, who glared back. However, she pushed out her busty chest, flaunting their shape and curves as they were held cradled in her bathrobe. While Sebastian was astonished by the amazing speed Selene exhibited in that moment, he was far too enthralled by the two sets of lovely tits that stared him directly in his eyes.

Wow... Igrene on the right, Selene on the left, the both of them on their knees on his bed as their breasts were at perfect height with one another. They were the first drachenmagd he slept with, and the ones he... unintentionally compared the others to whenever they got intimate with one another. He remembered before questioning to himself whose cup size was larger, something he'd immediately scold himself for doing. But now as Igrene and Selene practically flaunted their bodies in front of him, well, it's only natural that he'd think such lewd thoughts now.

Igrene or Selene; whose larger? From where he sat, Selene's chest certainly looked larger... but he'll need a more thorough examination to be completely sure.

Such lecherous thoughts...

Sebastian was hesitant at first, moving forward slowly. He feared what their reaction would be, thinking they'd be put off thanks to the entire situation. Fear of being reprimanded kept his head down, but it didn't actually slow his lustful hands. They reached out further and further, clawing at the air; the right hand aiming for Igrene's right tit, his left hand aiming for Selene's left tit. When he was just a few inches shy, he felt the warmth of their bodies resonate like some sort of barrier. Or more accurately, like a magnet.

Plap! Plap!

Sebastian jerked his head up, brown eyes relaying the sight of what his hands felt. One of Selene's breasts in his left hand, pressing against his hand on the other end of her bathrobe. And on the right hand, Igrene's breasts pressing into his right hand on the other end of her lingerie. His fingers sank in, then his gaze traveled up towards their faces.

Their lustful... amorous faces.

Breathing out loud enough that he himself heard it, Sebastian stared between the two, over and over again. Green eyes looking at him from Igrene, purple looking at him from Selene, and both with these very... hungry expressions. He opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was the sound of him swallowing his spit.

His fingers meanwhile sank in deeper into their breasts, pressing into them. He lifted the both of them, feeling their weight push back down. So far, Igrene's breasts felt heavier. He just needed to apply more strength when it came to pushing up her tits, in comparison to the Chamber Maid's body. Though Sebastian wondered if that was more because of how firm Igrene's bosom was, where as Selene's were more pliable. His breathing echoed out as he casually groped them, his body leaning up so that he could come closer.

Selene met him.



Her lips pressed to his in a soft kiss, once, twice, thrice, only for the forth kiss to be a deeper one. Her tongue came slithering into his mouth, their eyes closing shut as their kiss intensified. Naturally, his lecherous fingers grew slack, leaving Igrene's bosom as the make-out session took over.

Though it wouldn't be that way for long, not when the Red Serpent grabbed Sebastian by his shoulders, pulling him away from the kiss. His eyes widened and he heard Selene scoff in annoyance, but he couldn't focus on either of that when his lips met Igrene's suddenly.



Selene was Selene, meaning she was hungry and forceful when it came to her kiss, pressing her tongue deep into her Master's mouth. Igrene was her polar opposite; being far slower yet still the lead in this sensual kiss. Sebastian performed better with her than he did with Selene, capable of keeping up with her kiss as their lips audibly smacked against one another.

Much to Selene's chagrin.

She glared at the two, well, she glared at Igrene more accurately, annoyed by the Red Serpent's brazen kiss. Wasn't it clear she was kissing Master Sebastian first? The nerve on her! Well... fine, okay, so be it; she can have him up here, Selene will have him down there!

Selene pressed her hands upon Sebastian's shoulders, but instead of pulling him back towards her, the Black Dragon laid him down upon his bed. Igrene's kissing assault continued, but the young earl grunted as he felt Selene maneuver his body. Just what was she up to?

Her fingers moved with purpose, grazing Sebastian's sides as they traveled down towards is night pants. Hooking into them, Selene slowly pulled them down, taking her time enjoying the sight of his flesh being exposed to her, bit by bit until--


“Aaah... ufufufu!”

Such virility and stamina. Had she not already satiate his desires in the bathtub not too long ago? No? Well, what kind of Chamber Maid would she be if she did not quell her Master's lusts? Not a good one in Selene's book!

Chu... chu... chu...

Her plump lips pressed to the head of Sebastian's cock, making it and him quiver from the sudden touch. He may not be able to tell whose breasts were bigger, but he certainly could tell whose lips were pressing to his cock, even if they blindfolded him!

Those plump lips of hers continued kissing along his dick, starting from the head before moving to the sides. Tongue sliding out, she dragged it upon his veins while her lips continued kissing him, and her purple eyes gazed up to his face. He broke the kiss he shared with Igrene briefly, just to look down at Selene's slutty expression as she pleasured his dick.

But this is Selene; a woman who took a mere blowjob as an invitation to worship it! She could never just kiss, could never just suck it; she needed to make sure Sebastian knew that – in her eyes – it was the greatest penis ever. It was both needlessly extreme, pointlessly overt, yet so fucking amazing.

Though Sebastian's far too meek to admit to enjoying such a thing.

“Mmmffuaah... mmmffuaah... mmmfuaaah... haah... chu... chu... chu...”

The sound of Selene's kisses only grew more and more audible, just as the pressure of her lips on his cock. The way she kissed his dick from the shaft, to the glands, on his head, and back again, all with increasing fervor and need. His cock was quickly stained red thanks to her lipstick, and this was only growing more and more overt the longer this went on.

Selene kept kissing his cock, then smelled his cock, before finishing things by merely rubbing up against it. Seeing her perform her act of devotion, and feeling it as well, had Sebastian's toes curling fiercely as that pleasure threatened to explode all over her. He restrained himself however, indulging in the feeling next of Selene's cheek as she rubbed against his cock, smiling blissfully as if there wasn't a care in the world.

“You're milking this...” Igrene groaned, causing one of Selene's eyes to open, shooting the Head-Housemaid a teasing stare.

“Mmmm... oh I'll be milking something soon, be sure of that, Igrene,” the Black Dragon replied, making the Red Serpent roll her eyes in annoyance.

Nevertheless, Selene continued her enjoyment of Sebastian's body, groaning and moaning like a cat in heat as she snuggled against his length. Igrene meanwhile grabbed their Master's hand, bringing it back over towards her bosom. He reacted accordingly; clinching upon her firm tit and squeezing it tightly. Feeling his palm press against her chest coaxed a moan from her lips, her grip on his wrist tightening further. In turn, Sebastian began rolling her bosom around and around, faster and stronger at that. His fingers sank into her flesh, drawing out moans that mixed with Selene's own, whilst causing their heats to further mix and combine.

Leaning in, Igrene lips pressed to his lips. He moaned softly as her tongue came slithering inside, coaxing moans from the both of them. Hearing it – or, more accurately, hearing Sebastian – was enough to make Selene look up at them, an annoyed pout forming on her lips. How dare Igrene try to muscle in on her oral; she'll snap Sebastian's attentions right back. He may be enthralled with the kiss he was sharing right now, but the young earl could never fight off her immaculate fellatio skills.

Selene's hand came over, sliding under Sebastian's cock and lifting it up. He felt her gentle hand stroking him, but Igrene's lips and tongue kept him tied for the moment. Not for long...

Mouth opening wide, the Black Dragon's tongue slithered out, saliva oozing down her maw. With movements all its own, the lithe, pink muscle swirled along the head of his cock, breaking Sebastian from his kiss as he moaned. Grinning as she did so, Selene's tongue continued dancing along the head of his penis, lathering it in her glistening spit before finally retreating with a parting flick. Her hands meanwhile reached forward, massaging and stroking his balls in order to keep him on edge.

“Haaah... hoooh... S-Seleeeeennneeee,” he groaned, bringing a cocky smile to her lips.

“Oh, Massterrrr~” she replied whilst shooting him a sly wink... before leering at Igrene with her other eye.

Said Head-Housemaid glared and scoffed, while Selene began to descend with her open mouth. Eyes once again locking back on Sebastian, the Chamber Maid watched his every reaction as his cock sank right into her wet maw. It was simple at first; a quickening of his breath and an increase in heart rate, though he retained control over himself. That is until Selene delved down even deeper, guiding his cock straight into her throat.

Her tight, wet orifice clenched around his length, squeezing him like her pussy, while her plump lips pressed to his pubic hairs. Such a thing would be so difficult for a normal woman, but here Selene was, smiling with her mouth full of dick as her purple eyes watched Sebastian's every twitch, and her ears heard his every, cute moan. And that tongue didn't remain idle either, coiling around her Master's length even as it laid in her mouth. Stroking it, squeezing it, feeling it throb and pulsate, tasting its sweat and precum.

It was perfect; he was perfect, and Selene would have been pleased to service this cock for the entire night if given the chance! But uh... right, there's an elephant in the room... or, more accurately, a Red Serpent.

“Alright, move over!”





Selene fell from Sebastian's cock, laying flat on her side as her eyes were wide with shock. Meanwhile, Igrene had taken her place, her hand reaching down for Sebastian's cock and grabbing it. Gently she stroked his wet length, drawing out his moans as he looked at her with wobbling lips. Igrene looked back, giving him a sensual glare... only to herself be pushed to the side.

“Darnit, Igrene! He was about to cum; you robbed me!” shouted Selene as the Red Serpent glared at her.

“You were hogging Master all to yourself. He wants us both here, remember?” Igrene replied, making the Black Dragon only angrier.

“Du schonde Schlampe!” Selene shouted back.

Whoa... the drachenmagd could curse? Well, outside of sex, that is. Color Sebastian surprised! Perhaps he should, ya'know... stop them? Or, well, he should, but... he didn't. Well, not right away. His brown eyes darting between Igrene and Selene as they glared at one another, Sebastian couldn't help but to enjoy the sight of these two beautiful woman about to fight one another for him. Really did give a kick to his self-esteem in some strange way. But uh, best not to go overboard. He still didn't want them fighting in his bedroom!

Though the idea of them wrestling in the gymnasium...

“Hey, girls,” Sebastian called, drawing their eyes back on him.

He smiled back sheepishly, about to ask them to stop, only to notice their gazes both traveling down towards his cock. Standing proud with spit oozing down it in this cool room, Sebastian's length throbbed, right and ready for more attention. And it would get it soon.

“Really, Master,” Igrene said as her hand wrapped around the shaft of his cock.

“You're enjoying this far too much,” Selene added on, finishing Igrene's sentence while her hand wrapped around the upper-half of his cock.

Together, the two drachenmagd stroked his dick, building his pleasure higher and higher as their eyes remained trapped on his face. Sometimes he'd look away, moaning as he was overwhelmed by it all. Most of the time however, he'd keep his eyes trapped on their eyes, as if a magnet was keeping him in place. His brown eyes would dart between the Chamber Maid and Head-Housemaid randomly, while his open mouth oozed with spittle that ran along his lips. Breathing rising higher and higher, Sebastian struggled to keep his voice in.

They both still looked annoyed, but now that annoyance was shifted upon him. Why did that only serve to make him harder? Doubly so as his cock throbbed, precum spurting out over their hands as he gave an audible--


They looked down at the pre that fell upon their fingers in unison, then gazed at the moaning young man they had in their midst. Naturally, it was Selene who grinned first, followed by Igrene. Grabbing her robe by the sash in the middle, the Black Dragon undid it, freeing her breasts of their confines. Igrene followed suit, using her tail to unhook her bra, dropping it from her chest so that her firm breasts were freed as well. Sebastian looked at the two of them baring their chests before him, his cock once again twitching with excitement.

He opened his mouth, but all that came out was babbling nonsense. That's okay; they could already read the pleasure that was dripping down his face.

Moving down in unison, the two drachenmagd positioned themselves on both sides of his cock. Together their tits surrounded his length; Igrene's firm breasts to his right, Selene's more malleable breasts to his left. Tits pressed together, the two amorous dragonesses stroked their breasts along their Master's cock, surrounding it in soft, warm, smooth flesh.

At first their movements were mirrored. Igrene would move up, Selene would move up; both at the same time. His body jolted as he felt their breasts stroking along his cock, the feeling being enough to finally snap his gaze from their eyes. Sitting up on his elbows, he grabbed tightly upon the bed sheets beneath them, bawling them into his fists as he watched their breasts move about his body.

The fair skin of Selene's body... the darker shade of Igrene's... mixing together. Ahhh...

Then they began moving at alternating paces. Igrene would go down, Selene would go up. Igrene would speed up, Selene would slow down. But they wouldn't keep this up either, for suddenly, it would be the Chamber Maid who sped up, and the Head-Housemaid who slowed down. Over and over again, assaulting his dick to a titjob he'd never experienced before! Every now and then he'd see the head of his cock poke through the valley of breasts, just enough to see the head of it getting bigger...

And bigger...

And biggerrrr!

“Girls, I-- haaaah! G-girls! Nmmmghghh! S-Selene? Iiiigreeenneee... nngh! Haaah! I... Hoohh... I... Gah! AAHH!”

Everything happened far too fast to keep up... but even during his climax, Sebastian saw it all coming.

Igrene and Selene, their eyes glowing, their arousal and desire exploding to such extreme levels. The Black Dragon looked down towards his dick, while the Red Serpent looked straight towards his face. They both dove at similar speeds, though their destinations were different. Mouth opened wide, Selene quickly pushed his cock straight into her mouth, moaning around him. Igrene's meanwhile pressed her lips straight to Sebastian's lips, kissing him.

His reaction was instinctive, his arms wrapping around Igrene's shoulders, deepening the kiss further as his human tongue wildly thrashed about with hers in a hungry display. Feeling his dick being surrounded in Selene's mouth, and feeling Igrene's lips press up to his, Sebastian's climax was a rightfully explosive one.




Their muffled mouths and moans filled the air, while Sebastian gave Selene what she so desperately desired. His cum – spicy, hot and virile – filled her mouth, making her moan when the first blast struck her lithe tongue. Sinking deeper, she made sure none of Sebastian's cum could escape her greedy maw.

Sebastian's kiss went at the same speed as his orgasm; being fast in the beginning, but slowing up towards the end. Igrene's kiss followed suit, letting her Master dictate the pace as it all slowed down. He pulled his lips away first, breathing heavily as the rush of lust started to subside, but only briefly.

Much to Igrene's surprise, Sebastian began kissing her again, his lips pressed to her cheek, before moving down to her neck. Her body tasted... sweet. And like a drug, the more he indulged in it, the more his blood began to pump. Kissing, kissing, kissing, making Igrene moan as her arm wrapped around his neck.

“Koooh... Masterrrr~” her moans filled the air, while Selene continued sucking his dick dry.

Swallowing down the spunk he gave her, all the Black Dragon could taste and smell was her Master's seed. Her tongue even licked along her lips, a pleased, orgasmic smile resting on her face. Sebastian's length started to grow flaccid, but no one in the room was looking for things to end so soon. It didn't take Selene long to start kissing the side of his penis again, while Sebastian himself continued kissing upon Igrene's body.

The delirious rush of sex was no longer something he was alien to, allowing it to drive his body through shear instinct. Kissing towards her breasts, he caused Igrene to push out her chest more, right until his hot breath fell upon her hard nipple. He just...


Captured it into his mouth, sucking it hard. His lips pumped as he slurped on Igrene's flesh, tasting her delicious nipple. Every time his tongue swirled along it, he swore he felt it get even harder. Then he bit on her tit and pulled back, feeling the surprising elasticity of her firm breasts. Pull... pull... pull... until...



“Oh! Fufufu, Master,”

Watching her breasts spring back, then jiggle, slowly and sensually... oh... that was good enough to help make his dick get rock hard again.

“Hmm? Ufufufufu! My my, Master,” Selene said as she stroked his stiffening cock, feeling it come back to life in her hand, “Your youth is showing. Look at how grand your penis has become! Ufufufufu!”

“Master Sebastian is such an energetic young man,” Igrene commented next, her tail slithering over to stroke his cock as well, “Fufufufu... you've grown so much in such a short amount of time. Fufu! I remember you barely held it together when I stroked you off with my hand! Now look at you... handling the both of us at the same time.”

“A-am I really?” Sebastian muttered with a sheepish smile, “If you girls wanted to use me as your own personal toy, I know you could do it.”

“Weeeell... fufufufufu!”

Both Igrene and Selene looked at one another, trading knowing glances before gazing back at Sebastian. Seized under their combined gazes once more, the young man attempted to speak, only to stifle his voice as the smooth scales of Igrene's tail clenched his dick.

Yup, he was their plaything. Guess she was just reminding him of that...

“We only play with you because you like to be played with,” Selene stated as she sat up, though her tail came slithering over to his night shirt, “Personally, hearing you moan and watching you quiver with desire...” her eyes glowed, “Haaaahnn... it's the most beautiful thing in the world. I want to just eat you up.”

Sebastian didn't say a word; he couldn't say a word. Not with how Selene's tail had slithered under his shirt, unbuttoning it one by one. The smooth scales of her tail stroked along his chest, drawing out harder and heavier breaths for air as his shirt grew loose on his body. And once his upper-torso was revealed to them, both Igrene and Selene's eyes glowed again.

The beautiful body of their immaculate Master...

Together their hands fell on his chest, gently stroking his body. Sebastian first stiffened up, before groaning out loud as his hands fell beside his head. Open up to their assault, he allowed the two of them to touch, grope and tease him to their pleasure. Igrene's hand moved down, stroking along his stomach before poking his navel. Selene's hand continued fondling his chest, before sliding over to stroke one of his nipples.

All the while, Sebastian moaned and groaned under them, struggling to keep his voice form getting too high a pitch. The sounds he made in turn emboldened his two drachenmagd, who looked at one another briefly, before moving in.




Igrene's lips pressed to his navel, kissing him and even pushing his tongue inside. Selene kissed his nipple, her tongue too sliding out to tease his body. Trapped between their bountiful bodies, Sebastian could do nothing more than moan out lustfully, spit oozing along his cheeks as he looked to the ceiling of his bedroom.

Their kisses, their slurping, their suckling, all worked in tandem to throw him over into the well of ecstasy. And with Igrene's tail still stroking his cock, there was nothing stopping him from leaping over the edge himself!

Nothing but Igrene herself.

Seeing him nearly cum on the spot, the Head-Housemaid's tail retreated, freeing his dick though it continued bobbing up and down. He stared at his dick too, a dissatisfied groan leaving his lips. He was so close!

“You weren't going to climax so soon, were you, Master?” Igrene asked as she looked into his eyes, “Fufufufu! You would disrespect Carmeline and Emiline by doing such a thing!”

“Ufufufufufu! Master Sebastian wants to cum? He should work for it this time!” Selene added on.

Hearing their voices tease him so, Sebastian gritted his teeth and straightened up. He was so close to climaxing, but here they were, taunting him. He could merely order Igrene to keep going until he came... but he didn't. Because, really, Igrene was right. If he blew his load so soon, it would be disrespectful to all the hard work Carmeline and Emiline did to make him stronger.

Besides... they were taunting him! Cheeky dragons; didn't they know who the Master here was! Fine! If they wanted him to work for it, then he was going to show them what for!

“Okay...” Sebastian groaned, his sexual frustrations blatant in his tone, “But first...” he pointed at Selene, making her tense up, “Take down your hair, Selene!”

“My... hair?”

Reaching her hand over, the dragoness tugged at the extravagant ponytail her hair was always done up in. Her purple gaze returned to Sebastian, who merely nodded back; yes, that's what he was talking about! Even when bathing and showering, Selene typically kept her hair done up in a bun or ponytail. He couldn't remember a time she'd ever let her hair down!

But an order is an order, and no drachenmagd could ever deny their Master. Fingers sliding up towards the needles that kept her hair bound, Selene pulled them out without a moment's hesitation. As if held up by ghosts, her ponytail remained still... but only for a few seconds before--



Sebastian's no idiot; he knew ponytails and the like was a way to keep one's long hair out of the way. But of all the drachenmagd who had long flowing hair – Igrene, Mylene, Rodeline, Emiline, and Adeline – he didn't count Selene as being one of them. It fell along her back and sides, jet-black hair that was still as elegant now as it was when tied into her ponytail. And with it parted in the middle, he continued to have an unrestricted view of her face.

“Oh Master~! You're staring too hard; it's embarrassing!” Selene dramatically said with a blush, her hands resting on her cheeks.

Sebastian continued being astonished by how different she looked with her hair down, having quickly lost the aura he had as a Master. Even when he tried to regain it, he came off more like a child demanding candy than someone of power. Nevertheless...

“Okay, Igrene,” he said as he looked at her, “Lay on top of Selene.”

“What? On... on top?”

“Yes! Uh... on top! Chest to chest!”

The Chamber Maid and Head-Housemaid looked at one another, wondering what exactly their Master was planning. Lay atop one another? Chest to chest? Why would they-- oooooohhh! They get it now! Selene was first to giggle, and Igrene merely smiled. Together, they did as they were told, with the Black Dragon laying on her back, and the Red Serpent laying atop her.

Their breasts pressed up against one another, with Igrene's arms pinning Selene to the bed, and Selene herself wrapping her arms around Igrene's shoulders. For added affect, the two hooked their legs together, with the Black Dragon's legs hanging over the Red Serpent's. More importantly...

Their sopping wet pussies were on full display, glistening in the light of his bedroom as they kissed one another. Though Sebastian ordered them to do it, actually seeing this sight before him blew his mind. Such tight cunts, such beautiful woman, such a hot sight. And all for him.

But not even that was the icing on the cake. No... that would be what his drachenmagd said.

“Do your best, Master~!” they cried in unison, jolting him to life.

Though he attributed that phrase to Carmeline and Emiline – seeing it as their personal mantra for him – hearing it come from Selene and Igrene carried with it the same affect. Sebastian was spurned to move, reaching his hand out for them where he palmed Igrene's buttocks. Squeezing her posterior, he gazed down to his throbbing cock, the odor of their sexes flowing into his nostrils. He looked at their pussies, then back to his cock, back to their pussies, and back to his cock. The wet folds, his hard length, the rising desire. Higher... higher...

But first...



Sebastian didn't dive in with his cunt, no. He dove in with his mouth. Without hesitation or warning, his mouth pressed up to Selene's cunt, his nose diving into Igrene's pussy. He tasted the Black Dragon, his tongue slicking along the lewd shape of her twitching womanhood. His nose meanwhile, got drowned in the scent of the Red Serpents body, intoxicating him further.

He moaned as he indulged in their bodies, his tongue delving into Selene's cunt and riding along her folds, before retreating to slide up towards Igrene's pussy. Licking her caused her body to twitch and jolt, hips shaking softly as her Master courageously explored her depths with that hungry tongue of his.

But he'd never remain for too long. Tasting from Igrene's body, then switching back to Selene, only to double back to the Head-Housemaid; over and over again like an indecisive child. How could he choose when they both tasted so amazing?

The swelling rush of arousal surrounded Sebastian, dominated him... and further spurned him to act on his baser instincts. So once his face was drenched in the juices of his drachenmagd, he arose from their bodies, panting softly as a lost expression adorned his face. What was he doing again? Oh, right; he was going to claim what was rightfully his.



“Kah!? Master?” Igrene cried as his hand slammed on her ass, fixing her in place.

Looking down towards his dick, Sebastian gripped its base, lining things up with the Head-Housemaid's cunt. By now, he knew exactly what to do, so he just...


“Khaaaaahhh! Hooooohh!”

Just one thrust, penetrating her deeply as he pressed his body up close to theirs. Sebastian's length slid inside her, filling her with very little space in between. He grabbed Igrene by the hip as well, further forcing her in place as he began thrusting. Just one, solid--








Only to...


“Ahh? Ohh...”

Pouting in annoyance, Igrene felt Sebastian's cock slide out of her pussy, a sight that had Selene giggling. But not for long, before--



Much like his lips before, Sebastian adopted an alternating approach to pleasing his drachenmagd. His cock, hard and turgid, pushed into Selene's cunt, spearing it and feeling her tight, bumpy folds clench around his dick. She wasn't clenching as hard as Igrene did, meaning his thrusts had a easy time flowing in and out of her. But like her fellow drachenmagd, Sebastian did not remain for long.

He'd slide out, angle his cock up, then thrust into Igrene, taking her off guard as her eyes bulged. Thrusting, thrusting, thrusting, and after a few – maybe seven, maybe more, maybe less – he'd pull out, angle with Selene, and then thrust inside of her next.

Over and over again, Sebastian constantly switched between the two, pounding his cock into their cunts to his own hims. So wild, so rough, lacking the refined movements he'd mostly try to employ. Not right now, when he was so over the moon he couldn't do anything but fuck mindlessly.

Not like his drachenmagd cared that is.

Whenever he pushed his cock into them, their eyes would widened and their voices would be heard moaning without shame. Igrene's face would contort, her teeth grinding against teeth, as if the pressure in her tight cunt was too much to bare. Selene's mouth would open wide instead, letting her womanly moans freely fill the air without hesitation. Sebastian meanwhile would pant, moan, groan, and thrust, all building the heat higher and higher and higher.

His thrusts grew in strength, sending waves that pounded through their bodies. The way Igrene's body bounced, flowing from her buttocks up to her hair. Likewise for Selene, whose hair began fanning out around her on the bed. And his cock would run so deep, soooo deeeep, pushing and kissing up to their wombs. Had he always gotten this deep? Or was he just insane? Or... fuck, why was he even bothering to think this? Just fuck!

And fuck!


Grabbing Igrene's ass tight, his thumb tugged on her anus, making it gape, while he pushed his cock deep into Selene's greedy cunt. The two of them moaned, their tails slithering and coiling around Sebastian's body as they pulled him in close. He was reaching his zenith; once again rushing towards the edge he was about to throw himself over. His balls felt so heavy and so tight, he knew he was going to give both of his girls a load they wanted.

“Nhaaaahhhnnnn!!! Maaasshtaaaaah! Ish toooohh muuuusshhhh!” cried Selene as his cock pounded into her pussy.

“Khnnnghh! Its big! Kooooh!” Igrene moaned next when he slammed his dick into her cunt.

When he felt their pussies twitch, they did so in that telltale manner that meant one thing; they were about to cum. Even in his lust addled mind, Sebastian seized upon this, thrusting hard against them as he leaned against Igrene's body. But this time, he had just enough mental power to abuse their g-spots. His cock – hard and rigid – slammed against their rough hoods, abusing the bundle of nerves that sent maximum pleasure to their brains.

Their heat had combined into fuel for their continued lusts, and that fuel finally exploded into a raunchy fire of orgasmic bliss.


Igrene came first, juices squirting from her cunt as her Master slammed his dick as deep into her pussy as it could possibly go. It spurted down her pussy, poured over Selene's own, before staining the bed. But hers was soon followed by Sebastian, who's dick launched deep globules of seed into her greedy pussy. Unlike Selene's mouth, there was so much seed, it came spurting out of her pussy and came sliding along his dick.

But Sebastian wasn't done. Cumming though he was, he still had enough hardness in his length to pound the Black Dragon as well. So he pulled back, an audible Schwap! noise echoing from Igrene's pussy as he angled down, and--



Now it was Selene's turn, cumming the moment her Master's cum-stained cock slammed into her pussy. All the way to the hilt – just like Igrene – and without any space to spare for the deep shots of spunk. It spurted out along the walls of her cunt, staining all of it milky white as her orgasm triggered. Flowing along her cunt, mixing with his seed and staining her master's thighs. All as she accepted every bit of his spicy spunk she could take.

Slowly retreating, Sebastian continued spurting his seed inside of Selene until he finally pulled out. But he couldn't retreat, not when Igrene's tail wrapped around his dick. Jerking him off, she drew out his orgasm just a tad bit longer, causing his dick to spurt cum over their cunts, further staining them with their Master's seed.

Resting up on his knees, all Sebastian did was watch, his ears twitching from the panting moans they were all giving. Then he gazed up, looking at Igrene and Selene as they looked back at him; Selene's mouth in that panting 'o', and Igrene's teeth clenched. The heat in the air was still so strong, now combined with the odors of their mixing orgasms. Igrene's, Selene's, his own, spinning, spinning and spinning.

All Sebastian saw was stars.



Falling back on his mattress, Sebastian gazed up at the ceiling as he panted for breath. He clenched out to the air, but his grip fell on nothing. That is until Igrene and Selene suddenly fell to his sides, like red and black blurs respectively. It took him by surprise, but considering how quickly all the drachenmagd can rebound after sex, he wasn't that shocked.

They pressed their bodies into his, snuggling under the warmth that brought a groan to his lips. Hugging back, the young earl further enveloped himself in their arousing odor; the sweat, the musk, the heat, the everything. It placated him and calmed him down, hell, he even pursed his lips to plant brief kisses to the sides of their bodies. Ultimately however, he laid out between them, once again painting to catch his breath as they hugged him dear.

“Can... can drachenmagd fall in love?” Sebastian suddenly asked, taking them off guard.

Where had this come from so suddenly? Even he wondered that. Must be the post-nut clarity.

But the question reminded him of what Nadine said, about how she'd never felt love for anyone outside of the family. That had to mean she has shown love for someone in the family, right? But did this love go beyond the love of duty? Or... whatever you want to call the drachenmagd's devout worship of the Faust family. Had she – or any of them – ever fallen in love on a more romantic level?

And... why did he remember Katherine's words about his mother?

Fifteen years ago... a mysterious woman and her son came to the Faust Estate. I had never seen someone like her before. She and her son were the most amazing and beautiful people I had ever seen outside of the Faust family.


“Love among the family... is strictly prohibited,” Igrene answered, drawing Sebastian's gaze towards her.

She looked a bit disappointed in her choice, but it also seemed like something she had made peace with many, many years ago. It surprised Sebastian nonetheless, and he pressed the issue.

“Why?” he asked.

“Because we're not like you, Master,” Selene answered, drawing his eyes over towards her as she too frowned in disappointment, “Humans are... fragile beings. For as strong as you can be, time will ultimately be your undoing, no matter what you do to stop it.”

“The oldest a Faust family member has lived was up to, was the age of 107,” Igrene continued, “Mistress Monika lived long enough to meat her great-great-grandchildren. It was amazing. But even then... she is no longer with us.”

“And there's still always the chance that instead of living such as long – an age anyone would be blessed with – you could be be like your father and... die criminally young,” Selene added on, her eyes closing as her expression became forlorn.

“Because of this – as well as our inability to procreate – love between drachenmagd and the members of the Faust family is – once again – strictly prohibited,” Igrene stated, “Master Sebastian... we will outlive you. I'm not saying that to be rude, but that's the way things will end. We're ageless... immortal.”

“Imagine if... you fall in love, knowing you're destined to outlive them,” Selene whispered as she stroked her hand along Sebastian's head, “That's the curse of love for a drachenmagd. We may have our favorite masters and mistresses, but alas, it will not last forever.”

“One day, they'll part from us,” Igrene added on whilst stroking Sebastian's chest, “They've done so many times before. So to avoid such pain, its best if we avoid falling in love whenever we can. Losing a Faust family member is already a great pain to us already. There's no need to compound such a feeling.”

“Ah... hm... I understand,” Sebastian said as he closed his eyes, “I get it now... okay...”

Its a shame... the drachenmagd weren't just all beautiful, but they were so amazing in their personalities as well. Maybe that's just his views on them as their Master, since they clearly treat him with the utmost respect and professionalism, but even then, he'd never seen them act terrible. They were kind, loving and nurturing... who wouldn't fall in love with one of them?

Though, that would complicate things if he fell in love with, let's say Selene, and decided to sleep with another drachenmagd. Knowing Selene... ooooooh... yeah, not the best thing to think about!

“But don't fret, Master!” Igrene said as she kissed his cheek, “You shouldn't think about any one of us hoarding all of your love for ourselves!”

“Ohohohoho! If anyone did, it would be me first!” Selene said as she kissed his opposing cheek, “Girls, I-- nmmnmfff!”

Surrounding him on all sides, Igrene and Selene began kissing him into submission, filling the air with their giggles. Sebastian struggled to fend them off, only to wonder why he was doing such a thing in the first place, and to just allowing them to do as they pleased.

But as they did so – as they showered him with affection – Sebastian's mind continued wondering what love even meant among a harem of drachenmagd. Could he even find love with the endless amounts of pleasure his servants give him? What meaning does something like marriage have within these halls? Were earls known to get married? If they can't have children with the maids, the had to procreate with another human, right?

Is that why his father...?

“I'm going to miss you. You do know that, right?”

“Heh heh... yeah, kiddo. We know. We know.”


The skies were gray, the air lacking a fun, jovial tone to it. All around them in this train station were other people, walking left and right. Some for business, some for pleasure. Some were coming, some were going. Trains were returning, trains were departing, all of it going on and on and on endlessly around them. And they were no different.

Sebastian sighed, feeling a tad bit somber over the situation. He thought he overcame this yesterday, but its clear that he and his aunt were more alike than they'd cared to admit. Even with all the growth, saying farewell to his family visibly tugged at him.

Rita and Jack shared the sentiment, and though his uncle was more forthcoming and even ready to depart – having come to terms with this when Sebastian first left weeks ago – Rita was still on the fence. But in spite of that, she smiled at her nephew, proud of the young man he had become.

Here was her shy, demure nephew, now the earl of an estate. And while she didn't know what tasks he would perform as an earl, it at the very least sounded impressive. Besides, despite how docile Sebastian could be, even back in Riverside, he never gave less than 100%. She knew that – whatever may come his way – he'd be able to handle it. Just like his mother.

Train bound for Katze Station, arriving on Deck 4. Train bound for Katze Station, arriving on Deck 4.

“Ah... that's our train, Rita,” said Jack as he turned to face his wife, who looked back.

“Y-yes, okay! Yes, let's go!” she said, accepting that their time was coming to an end.

“I know I've said it before, but I still want to keep saying it. I really love you two,” Sebastian stated as he leaned in to give them both a tight embrace.

“Hey Sebastian, we're not saying goodbye to one another forever,” Jack said in a reassuring manner, “Maybe we'll visit for Christmas. Or Summer. Or, hell, the Fourth of July! Though... it would be a bit odd celebrating the 4th here...”

“Yeah... heh heh... the gates are always open for you two. Promise,” Sebastian said as their hug ended.

Not too long after, a train came pulling up to the deck before them; the one bound for Katze Station. The pangs of sadness tugged at their hearts upon their arrival, but Sebastian smiled through it nonetheless. In turn, so too did his aunt and uncle, who gave parting waves as they headed for the train's doors. They had the finest tickets for the finest rides to a first-class flight back to Riverside, so at least the ride would be a pleasant one. The least Sebastian could do for them.

Sitting back on a nearby bench, Sebastian continued waving at Rita and Jack, seeing them through a window. The sight of him being so far away must have been intense for his aunt, who suddenly began bawling her eyes out in her chair. Through the glass of the window Sebastian couldn't hear her, but he watched as Jack attempted to console his wife. Sebastian too teared up, but the smile on his face and his waving hand remained, all the way until the train started moving. And even then, he waved it farewell as it drifted through the gates of the station, vanishing in the distance.

Finally his hand dropped, a deep sigh leaving his lips. Rubbing his hand along his eyes, he wiped some tears away as he stood up from his bench. The air was sad but... now that Sebastian thought about it, it was more bittersweet. It's not like he'd never see them again, he will one day.

One day...

“Master...” Larsine's voice rang from his right, making him turn to face her, “Are you ready to return home?”

“Yes. Let's go.”

The rest of the day was more or less a blur for Sebastian. He returned home, ate lunch with the drachenmagd, then headed for his usual exercises with Carmeline and Emiline. Speaking of which, Selene must have blathered about what happened last night, because the two were hellbent on double-teaming him following his target practice. Hey, if all this exercise doesn't bear fruit, at least he can take pride in knowing that his sexual skills are at least adequate.


Perhaps he should have focused more on the day, but he didn't. Why? Well, Aunt Rita and Uncle Jack were gone now, meaning he was free to pursue his goal once again; finding his father's diary. No one to sleep with tonight, no bath, no nothing. After dinner, Sebastian hung out in his private study, waiting, waiting, waiting, until the moon was high and the stars were bright.

When did the drachenmagd go to sleep? Did they all have a specific time? Is that why Katherine only roams about at night, because Igrene would be asleep at this time? Sebastian didn't know, but he was well aware that she only reveals herself at night. So once the halls were quiet and he was sure his drachenmagd were not around, Sebastian reached out for his rotary phone.

You know the number... it ends in zero zero.

The phone rang... and it rang... and it rang... before finally...


“Haaaah... Seeebbaaaaa...” Katherine's voice echoed into his ear like a droning ghost.

“Katherine... I'm ready,” he replied, his eyes leering at the phone in hand.


Though the sound of her hanging up caused him to jerk back in surprise, this did not last long, for through the seams of his door he saw a white light pass by. Called to attention, Sebastian quickly got up from his chair, rushing towards the door and opening it up. The halls were dark, but the white light was still there, traveling in the distance. Nodding in an affirmative manner, Sebastian gave chase.

The light was a quick and flighty thing, being out of reach and nearly out of view, but always bright enough so that Sebastian never lost track of it. It lead him down this hall, up this hall, down these stairs, and alas out into the main courtyard. Standing beneath the stars in said courtyard... huh, Sebastian had yet to do this, hadn't he?

However, the light traveled right up to the central dragon statue; the one depicting a dragon with wings standing all fours... Katherine's statue. Rushing up to it, Sebastian stopped to catch his breath while the light dispersed, revealing the White Dragon in all her glory.

Eyes bound, dress fluttering and wings folded, Katherine slowly descended to the ground, landing upon it. Sebastian tensed up as he reached out for her, only to stop when she raised her hand. Aiming it with the statue of herself, she caused its pedestal to slide part, revealing a stand like a sundial or water fountain.

It was a skinny machine, the surface at the top circular, and it looked to be made of something metallic like bronze but... Sebastian wasn't quite sure. Approaching it however, he stared upon its top, realizing it looked like an ancient watch. It had a short hand and a big hand, each one pointing at 12 o'clock. The gears beneath it were not only silent, but appeared to be covered in dust, like they hadn't been bothered in quite a long time.

Placing his hand upon it, Sebastian gave an audible gasp, not only surprised that it was here, but also because he knew the code already. Call it a hunch but...

“Let's see...” he muttered as he began fiddling with the hands of the machine, “Twenty... thirteen...”

Ga-gun-gunk! Ga-gun-gunk! Ga-gun-gunk!

The gears within this 'clock' began shift and turning, sliding along one another as the ground beneath their feet shook. In front of the machine and Sebastian himself, the earth separated and opened up, revealing a staircase that delved deep into darkness and shadows. A cold draft slid out from the pit as well, flowing all around Sebastian and making him shiver. Whatever was down here... it had not been disturbed in a long, long time.

“I was right... it is here,” Sebastian whispered.

The laboratory Heinrich worked at – the one used to perform Projekt Gottheit – it was right beneath his feet from the very beginning.

Katherine stepped forward, standing on the very edge of the staircase with Sebastian following behind apprehensively. He looked into the shadows and peered into its deep darkness, causing his heart rate to spike. Was he afraid? Oh yes he was. But that fear brought excitement within him, as he was also starting to learn about himself.

However, he wasn't that courageous quite yet. So he grabbed Katherine's hand, holding it tight. He even stuck close to the Housekeeper, his nostrils flaring.

She smelled like vanilla.

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