
Chapter 2: Drachenmagd #2

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Dear Dairy

“Hrrrnnn... haaaaaaaah... mmmmm...?”

What happened yesterday? Hrrrgghh... wh... why was his mind so fragmented?

“Haaaaaah... hrrmmm... I... Ig...”

Oh yeah, now he remembered. The plane ride, the train ride... haaah... arriving at Faust Estate, coming in contact with Igrene, reading his father's will, coming to bed to finally rest and... right... he and Igrene.

Oh. Oh! Oooohhh... now Sebastian remembered.

Back home with Aunt Rita and Uncle Jack, his bed was small and simple. He couldn't move all that far before hitting the wall to his left, or his desk to his right. Yeah, he's woken himself quite a few times by accidentally hitting his head against something... much to his displeasure.

But now he found himself resting in a bed that he could only compare to the size of an ocean. It was large enough to dwarf the size of his aunt and uncle's bed, and that one was meant for two people! This one was meant for, what, three people? Perhaps four? Maybe five!? But the previous night, he did not go to sleep alone, did he? No, when the moon was high and the stars were bright, he remembered falling asleep right in Igrene's arms. But now?


One thing was certain; aside from his confused state of mind upon waking up, that was one of the best sleeps he's ever had. Maybe having sex with Igrene helped in those regards? No, no! He couldn't be thinking about that right now, especially with his morning wood standing so proud! But how could he not think such thoughts when he just lost his virginity? And, and, and...

Where was Igrene?

“Huh? What?”

Eyes opening wide, Sebastian stared first to the canopies of his grand bed. He then looked around, noticing that, yes, he was all alone in this massive mattress of his. The curtains that hung from above were also covering him completely, while the glowing lights of the morning sun beamed through on the other end. He stared towards the them, his hands gripping the blankets beneath him... while the illustrious silhouette of a woman could be seen on the other end.

She moved around silently whilst owning a height that was far taller than Sebastian was. Not to mention this voluptuous figure, one that exuded a sense of beauty even though all he could see was a shadow. He also notice a slithering tail extending from her backside, one that swayed hypnotically in the air. Seeing all of this, Sebastian naturally found his mind centering on one person, and one person alone.

“Igrene... is that you?” Sebastian muttered as he grabbed the seams of his bed's curtains, pulling them aside, “Igrene...?”


“Huh? Ah!”

First it was the bright beam of sunlight that came cascading into his eyes; it blinding him before his eyes started to relax. Next it was the woman before him, and the realization that she was not Igrene.

She stood before Sebastian, staring down upon him with such illustrious purple eyes. Her height – much like Igrene's – towered over him, though he'd argue she was probably an inch or so shorter than the house maid. Unlike Igrene however, this woman didn't exude the feeling of an older sister, instead coming off as being a tad bit more motherly in style.

Perhaps it was thanks to her figure, which was so voluptuous. Where as Igrene was statuesque in her beauty, this woman held more femininity. More curves, particularly along her hips and waist, and especially along her chest. Igrene was busty, this woman was bustier. Incidentally, Sebastian found his eyes focusing on this area of her body in particular!

But it's not like she was trying to hide this, not with the clothes she was wearing! Where as Igrene was dressed like a maid in red, this woman had a more... oriental style to her. Instead of being dressed like a typical French maid or servant of any kind, she instead wore a black and red kimono... he thinks? Look, Sebastian's not the most knowledgeable on clothing!

It was elegant however, carrying with it a floral pattern along its seams and edges. The blackness of it was opaque like the night skies, the whites and reds standing in stark contrast against its smooth surface. The top of this kimono was also cupped and parted like the bodice of a dress, flaunting this woman's rather... well... amazing cleavage and chest. The bottom of it was parted as well, either to flaunt her beautiful legs, or to give room for her slithering tail.

Matching with her overall color scheme of black and red, her tail too was black and red. Primarily black, with red highlights running along its sides, and even some white along its bottom. It was thicker than Igrene's tail and lacked her forked tip, but that didn't stop it from moving about skillfully either.

And alas, there was her head. Flowing from her head was long black hair, but it was tied back into an extravagant ponytail. She lacked bangs that fell before her face, giving an unrestricted view of the mature, womanly beauty that was this woman. From her alluring purple eyes to her pointed nose, her plump lips, and even to the beauty mark beneath her lip that just heightened her age a tad bit more. And to finally tie it all together, there were her unique horns that jutted from the top of her head. Curved horns like those of an ox, onyx in color, but with crimson tips.

She stared at Sebastian with her eyes wide, he staring back with mouth agape, equally as surprised. That is until he looked down, realizing the fact that he was still naked following yesterday's events... and, yes, his morning wood was indeed standing proud for her to see.

“Um... Master...?” said the woman.

“GAH-HAH!? I-I'M SORRY!!!” he shouted as he quickly pulled over bed sheets, covering his manhood as his head turned a hot red.

Well... this was the second time he's bore his cock before a beautiful woman. Most people would see this as an absolute win! Sebastian? He was still struggling to get a grasp on everything.

“Dauh? Guh huh... wh-who are you?” he asked as he drew his eyes back to the woman, “Y-you're not Igrene!”

“Huh? Oh! Right... well... obviously,” replied the woman in a snarky manner as she stood up tall, her eyes closing before she performed a bow before him, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Sebastian. My name is Selene.”

“Se... lene...?” he repeated, remembering something Igrene said yesterday, “Selene? Y-you're the Chamber Maid, right? Chamber Maid Selene?”

“Indeed, you are correct,” the woman confirmed, her hand shifting straight towards her bosom.

Eyes wide – not to mention entranced – Sebastian watched as Selene placed her hand betwixt her bosom, where she pulled out a pair of glasses. Red, bottom-rimmed glasses that shined in the sunlight. Placing them upon her face, it gave her a rather studious look along with her mature vibes.

“I am Chamber Maid Selene,” the woman announced in a bombastic and bright manner, even shooting Sebastian a wink as she did so, “And it is my duty to keep the bedrooms of the estate at tip, top shape! In particular, your bedroom, Master Sebastian.”

“Uh-huh... oooh...”

Why did she put such emphasis on 'your'? It made Sebastian shiver, his eyes even looking elsewhere while memories of what he did with Igrene started to play in his mind. But, right, that was just a one time thing, right? The fact that he slept with Igrene was still impossible to believe, even if he lived through it! Maybe his mind was thinking so heavily about it because he lost his virginity so suddenly.

Although, it brought to Sebastian memories of yesterday.

No demand is too outlandish, no order too extreme. Even if their Master desires their body, a drachenmagd will give it to them.

He still couldn't wrap his mind around such a thing... though his baser instincts led him to draw his eyes back towards the alluring image of the woman before him.

Selene exuded exuberance and maturity, something that was a bit different to Igrene. Sure, they were both older than him and carried with them this sense of majesty and allure to them, but Selene's was just more... how you say... overt. She seemed to be far more assertive in her femininity, compared to Igrene.

It was alluring...

“Oh? Has my beauty ravished you, Master Sebastian?” Selene suddenly said, calling him out on his rather blatant lecherous gaze.

“Ah!? I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that!” he said as he covered his face with his hands, causing her to laugh.

“Ohohohohoho~! It's okay, Master Sebastian, honestly,” she said whilst walking towards, her hips swaying hypnotically, “I am nothing more than your humble servant. However...” she started twirling one of her hair curls around her finger, “I'd be remiss if I said I didn't enjoy your seductive eyes.”

“S-seductive...?” he repeated, his face burning red with blush, “Oh... oh dear...”

Well, he couldn't really deny the fact that he was looking at her in that sort of way, even if he felt ashamed of himself for doing so. He didn't even know this woman; he couldn't start thinking about the bed already! What sort of guy was he?

“Oho... you look so young and cute... just as I remember you,” Selene suddenly quipped, much to Sebastian's confusion.

“Wh-what...?” he replied.

“Oh, it matters not; you have such a busy day before you, Master Sebastian!” said Selene as she turned around, “Igrene already got me up to speed on your situation; you're not yet sure if you wish to become Earl of the estate, right? Well I must do everything in my power to make up your mind on such a decision! We wish to keep you here with us forever, Master Sebastian.”

“Forever... well... you're dragons so...” 

“Nuh uh uh! We're drachenmägde, my Master~” Selene corrected.

“Uh... right...”

She did bring up a good point though; had he yet decided what he was going to do with the Estate. The will effectively made him master of this land as well as the Faust name, though he wasn't sure if he'd go so far as to start calling himself 'Sebastian Faust'. No, that seemed like too extreme a jump.

But so right now – as far as materialistic goods go – this was a deal made in Heaven! The seemingly endless estate to be his home, the vast fortune that makes up the Faust family's money, and of course the drachenmägde who will obey his every command; he'd be a fool to give all of this up! But there was this heavy weight that came with such a status, one Sebastian could feel even if he didn't understand it.

What does it mean to be the Earl of the Faust family?

“Master Sebastian~! Over here!” Selene suddenly called, snapping him from his thoughts and drawing his eyes over towards her.

She was gesturing towards a door on the left side of his bed, causing him to rise up... only to keep those blankets to cover his manhood. He swore he went to sleep last night with some modicum of clothing, so why was he naked now? Unless... did Igrene undress him? Did Selene undress him? Or did he undress himself and he just couldn't remember it? They all sounded so likely now.

Regardless, Sebastian walked up to Selene's side, his drachenmagd opening up the door to reveal--


The greatest bathroom he had ever seen. A bathroom fit for a king and queen! No, a bathroom fit for a Roman god!

And that's not exaggeration in the least bit.

The room was wide open and spacious, lacking the baroque styled architecture the rest of the estate had, instead having pristine white, black and gold walls and floors. Things like wash clothes and towels were hanging on gold-colored bars, the shower stall itself stood tall and was cutting edge, with a bathtub resting beside it that also was on the steeper end of prices. It left Sebastian gawking in utter disbelief. He was used to a simple bathroom, with the most extravagant one's being from slightly high-end hotels. And even they paled in comparison to this!

“What am I looking at...?” he muttered aloud with his jaw open wide.

“This, Master Sebastian, is your humble bathroom, of course!” Selene announced gleefully.

“Yeah... humble,” he repeated, as if anyone could call this 'humble'.

He took a step forward, but Selene quickly walked ahead of him, moving towards the windows at the back of the bathroom in order to pull apart their curtains. In doing so, she revealed the beautiful green fields beyond the walls of his estate, as well as the glowing morning sun up above.

Perhaps if he was back home, he'd be a tad bit hesitant to bare his body before a window like this. But here in the Faust Estate, he had as much privacy as he could possibly want. Well, save for the prying eyes of his drachenmagd, of course.

Speaking of which, Selene turned to face him, her eyes running up and down his body. He stared back, a bit flustered by the growing smile upon her face. He opened his mouth to ask what she was looking at, before drawing his gaze down towards himself.

And the tower that was still showing itself down below.

“Uh... I-I swear, it's just morning wood!” Sebastian claimed, trying to defend himself from her gaze.

“Oh? Is that so? Merely morning wood?” Selene asked whilst approaching him, “Is that to say then that you find my appearance displeasing?”

“W-WHAT!? N-NO! O-of course not!” he snapped back... and rather quickly at that.

Was that a good thing or a bad thing? Let's face it, Selene was relentlessly beautiful in his eyes, but... wasn't it wrong to admit to such a thing in front of a lady? Yet from the look in her eyes, that's exactly what she wanted to hear. It made him wonder if he was merely playing into her hand.

“Hmmm... okay!” she suddenly said in a chipper manner, “Then if that's the case, you should have no problems disrobing before me, right, Master Sebastian?”

“D-disrobing? I-I uh...”

His eyes locked on her naturally, while Selene started to bend over ever so slightly. In doing so, Sebastian's babbling voice was cut short, his eyes locked on his drachenmagd's prominent bust. Such lovely large breasts, ones that practically strained against the bodice of her kimono. If he just... asked her if he could touch it, she'd let him do so, right?

No! He wasn't a pervert! Had to get these thoughts out of his head!

“S-Selene!” he suddenly shouted, causing her to straighten up.

“Yes, Master?”

“Could you... um... r-ready the shower for me, please?”

“Oh! But of course, Master~!”

She turned around to face the shower stall, walking towards it with her hypnotic hip movements and swaying tail. Having her back to him was enough to give Sebastian a moment of brief reprise, his body even lurching forward in a vulnerable manner.

What was he going to do with these girls? Urgh... why was he even thinking like that right now?Maybe Selene was just the overly affectionate type? Perhaps playful? Even lustful? Or was he just starting to think with his dick now that he was no longer a virgin? Did all men get like this after their first time? Fuuuuck, what the hell is wrong with him?


Huh... the sound of rushing water. Certainly a nice, hot, steamy shower will help settle his nerves.

“And there,” said Selene as she turned to face Sebastian with an honorable bow... one that rather prominently flaunted her cleavage, honestly, “You're shower is ready, Master Sebastian. I hope it is to your liking.”

“R-right...” he muttered, though he kept his grip on his blanket, keeping it up, “Umm... Selene...?”

“Hm? Is something the matter?”

“Could you... please turn around while I, uh... disrobe?”

“Huh? Oh! Right! Of course, of course!”

She turned around, giving Sebastian the privacy he wanted... or, well, not exactly; he'd be happier if she left fully, but that's besides the point. The drachenmagd here were rather affectionate, weren't they? Between Igrene and Selene now... huh... were the rest like this too?


Letting his blankets drop, Sebastian slowly made way for the shower stall, seeing so much steam rising from it. Entering into it, the hot waters fell upon his form, coaxing a pleasurable groan from him. He was all hot and sweaty yesterday, thanks in part to the vigorous activities he and Igrene took part in. Feeling the hot waters of the opulent shower clean away his sweat felt so good. It helped relax him, calm him even.


What was he going to do? All this money, these riches, this power... did he even want it? Sure, everyone dreams of having big money in their day, but he was taking things simply at a time. He thought he'd get money by, ya'know, working hard for it. He didn't even believe in the silliness that is lottery tickets, despite his Aunt Rita doing so. But now he had all this money, with it seemingly falling out of the skies and into his lap.

Anyone would be taken for a whirl by such a thing.


All the soaps here were so elegant, resting in jars as oppose to bottles with named brands. Popping the tops of of them, he took his time getting a good whiff of each and everyone. This one smelled like apples... sniiffff... mmm... this one smelled like cherries... sniiiiffff... haaah... this one smelled like cinnamon. Mmmm... he loved cinnamon!

Grabbing a nearby hand towel, he applied soaps to it, causing it to become frothy and white with suds. Once pressed to his chest, he let a soft sigh escape him as he started washing himself off the previous days events. Relaxing, bathing, washing... thinking. Thinking... thinking...

What was he going to do?


“Huh, what!?”

“Master Sebastian? Is everything going well in here?” Selene suddenly called.

He turned around, his hands rising up to cover his chest while his wide eyes fell on the sight of Selene at the shower's entryway. And the fact that she was completely naked. Full, flawless flesh stood before him, belonging to a woman many years his senior, and rivaled only by Igrene in terms of beauty. The differences they had came down only to preference, with the house maid being statuesque, while the the chamber maid was more feminine.

Any other differences would need more thorough examinations.

But, wait, why was he thinking like this!? He was coming off like some lecherous pervert! And... what the hell; why was she in here in the first place!?

“S-S-S-S-Selene!” he muttered, the drachenmagd merely cocking her head.

“Hm? Is something the matter, Master Sebastian? Does my body displease?” she inquired, being in complete odds with him.

“What!? N-no!” he answered.

“So it's okay if I join in right?”


“Right!? Right!”

“Selene I--”

He couldn't bring himself to push her away, merely walking backwards until his back met the wall. With skilled usage of her tail, Selene casually closed the shower stall behind them, locking them in this tight compact place with one another. Babbling still, Sebastian looked up towards Selene's face, then down towards her bosom, only to snap his vision back up towards her face again.

That smiling... smiling face.

“Selene I...”

“Shhhhh... Master,” she replied, her slender fingers gently laying upon his cheek and chin, stroking him, “Please, allow me to wash you. It is your maid's duty.”

“Really? Is it?” he muttered back in disbelief, “I feel like this is an... invasion of one's privacy.”

“Ohohoho~ maybe for regular maids, but never for a drachenmagd. Watch.”

Raising her hands, she attracted Sebastian's gaze, her fingers dancing about in the air. And then – FWA! – a flourish of her fingers, and she seemingly produced a wash clothe from virtually nowhere! But that's not all, for with another – FWA! – flourish of her fingers, she produced a hand towel with her other hand as well.

Dragons... magics... guess this is to be expected.

“Selene I-- ah...”

Her tail came slithering, wrapping around his torso then pushing up under his hands, taking away his own soapy wash clothe. He watched her do so, his gaze returning to her face soon after. She was still smiling.

“Master Sebastian... come here...”

She didn't give him much chance to argue really, for she approached him first in this cramp shower stall. Both hands worked together, pressing first upon his shoulders, while her tail came up to gently rub against his chest. All three rags worked soap into his body, causing him to groan as his back flattened up against the wall behind him. The cool surface one way, Selene's wet body the other, the hot waters falling upon the both of them, the steamy fog that surrounded them; it was all so very elating.


Her voice sounding like the tones of music; it further calmed Sebastian down.

“Come here, Masterrrrrr~!”

Huh... this happened yesterday, didn't it? With Igrene... it...

“Maaaasssstteerrrrrr~~” Plap! “Ah... there you are... this is where you belong...”

Gently Sebastian hugged up towards Selene, his arms wrapping around her waist to bring himself into a tight embrace. In particular, his head snuggled up against her breasts, his mind mentally comparing her chest to Igrene's. Her breasts were firmer, though still so soft pliable. Selene's breasts however, were far, far softer to lay his head against. Snuggling up against her larger breasts was like snuggling up against a pillow. He groaned against her as well, his cheek's rubbing along her tit flesh as he snuggled his face deeper into her cleavage.

And a stirring began to ruminate through his loins.

His mind as foggy as the steam around them, Sebastian held onto Selene tightly, the drachenmagd using her wash clothes to gently lather his body with soap. He didn't even realize she was doing it, for time seemed to be nothing more than a word for him.

His body felt so warm and hot beneath her touches, of which were so skilled. The way she stroked his body with her hands and tails showed such great care and dedication. How many times has she done this with previous Earls, he wondered. In fact... just how old were the drachenmägde? Oh, it's impolite to ask a lady her age... hm... maybe there were males among them he could ask?

Hrrgh... hooooh... this felt so nice...

Selene's hands continued to feel so soothing, so warm, so loving. In a way, it was less like she was cleaning his body, but more like she was worshiping it. Cleaning away all of his troubles to make him good as new.

But her movements did not stay chaste forever. At some point, she laid the wash clothes in her hands upon nearby bars, freeing her of them. Sebastian was still too enamored in her warm embraced to care about such a thing... until her hands came around to cup his face and cheeks. Bringing him out of her bosom, Selene tipped his eyes towards her purple ones.

How cute... his brown eyes were so glossed over.



“Yeeesshhh...?” he replied cutely.

“Mmmm...” her head moved in closer, “Come here, Maasssteerrrr~

“Oh... ohkaaaahhy... mmmmmmfff...”

Through her guidance, his lips met Selene's lips in a warm kiss. He was so slow though, lacking speed, pressure and power. That's okay; Selene more than made up for that with her own amorous lips. How they press hard against his, kissing, then kissing, then kissing again. She was so needy, so hungry, and he felt it from the way she overpowered him.

Her kisses brought something out of him however, with Sebastian clinging even harder against Selene out of desire and need. Groaning hungrily as well, the pleasure of making out with such a skilled beauty. She didn't desire much from him, being more than capable of guiding him along in this dance. Her tongue eventually came slithering inside, swirling along his tongue. It too was like Igrene's tongue, being thinner than a humans, yet forked like a snake.

Right, right... dragons... haaaaah...

Regardless, the brief makeout session had its desired affect on Sebastian; leaving him even more hazy in the mind, not to mention wobbling with his footsteps. It made it hard to think, with the smell of cinnamon and Selene's body only adding to this intoxicating feeling of it all. Eventually she pulled back, the sound of their lips parting sounding off between them while her purple eyes looked gazed at him with a sensual smirk on her face.

“Selene...” he whispered weakly.

She said nothing, instead shaking her head as her purple eyes leered at him even sharper. Moving in, her plump lips pressed to his cheek, giving him a soft kiss... then another kiss... and another kiss. Sebastian shuddered under her kisses, while her hands continued to hold his head in a slant manner. Those kisses of hers slowly traveled down upon his body, moving towards his neck, kissing him there. Oh, he never thought merely having his body kissed like this could feel so good. It sent thrilling bolts of pleasure through his body, his cock in particular being rock hard to the point that it was painful.

But Selene continued her silent and slow appreciation of his body, kissing towards his chest. She lathered him with her smooches, while Sebastian leaned against the wall for support. His body just wasn't working anymore; it was like Selene was in complete control of him.

But he wanted this.

She continued kissing along his body, further and further and further down. Kiss... after kiss... after kiiisssss... along his chest, his stomach, and down towards his groin.


“Oooooh~ there you are!” Selene whispered.

My my... for such a cutie, he certainly had a burly cock. Nice and big and thick... mmmm! And with a musky scent to it too! Rather at odds with his overall appearance but... well...

Like father, like son.

Looking down, Sebastian watched as Selene's tender hands gripped his cock, angling it to the side. Her purple eyes meanwhile looked up towards his face, a teasing smirk adorning her lips. But she didn't say anything, instead pursing those plump lips of hers to kiss the side of his cock. The mere touch of her lips along his sensitive flesh coaxed a moan from him, but he didn't say anything. Instead he curled his toes, fighting off the tension as best he could.

But Selene wasn't finished; she kissed his cock again, pressing her lips hard against him before pulling back with an audible smooching sound. Again, and again, and again, she assaulted his dick with kisses, threatening to make him fall over from the overwhelming power behind it all.

How strange... so much power in her movements, enough power to make him fold. Yet she didn't use that power to break him, to bend him to her will. No, she used that power to praise him, showering him and his body with worship like he was some sort of idol.

Treatment like this went far beyond Sebastian's understanding, and left him quivering about on the wall in a confused heap. Should he fight her off? Why in hell would he do that!? It felt good to be treated in such a way!

And yet, it also felt wrong? A confusing mess of thoughts swirled around Sebastian's head, the pleasures of sex making him fear he'd become stupid from it all. Nothing more than a sex addict who indulged in sordid acts with his maids. Huh... most men would call this paradise, wouldn't they? Maybe he was a fool to try and fight it off.

Granted, he was certainly failing in those regards...

Selene didn't seem to care, not as she sat on her knees before his throbbing penis. Kissing his cock again and again, listening to him as he filled the air with his rather girlish sounding moans. He was so cute! Such a cute Master; she already loved him so much! She just wanted to hug and hold him and protect him forever!


But she was more than fine being down here between his legs. Purple eyes glowing, Selene looked up towards Sebastian's face, attracting his vision back down. He opened his mouth to speak to her, but was silenced as she moved her head to face the end of his throbbing penis. Eyes wide and mouth agape, he watched as she tipped his cock towards her welcoming mouth, her hot breath standing out against the warm waters around them. Breathing over and over again, before eeeeevveerrrr sssooooo sloooooowwwwlllyyy...



Selene's mouth wrapped around his cock, guiding it through her teeth to rest upon her tongue. If it was possible, Sebastian's mouth grew even wider with shock, amazed to see a woman doing such a thing to him of all people. First Igrene gave him a handjob and took his virginity, now Selene was sucking his cock? Women who he just met!?

Well... he thinks he just met them... m-maybe he has in the past? It's weird...

Regardless, Selene was starting to suck his dick, her plump lips pursing over his length over and over again. Pushing down then pulling up, lathering his cock with her spit. The warmth of her mouth was without compare, being so hot, but not to the point that it burned. No, it was like being cradled in a sauna all it's own.


“Mmmm... mmmmm... mmmmmm...”

Selene's oral continued to overwhelm Sebastian, but his body no longer felt the need to fight her off. No, his face grew more accepting of such pleasure, a kooky smile even spreading out over his lips. He leaned over as well, hands wrapping around her horns like they were some sort of handlebars. Selene stopped briefly... only to continue her audible fellatio.

Sucking and slurping, tasting his cock. Mmmm... and what a taste it had. Huh... what a familiar taste.

Selene's tongue did not stand idly by either. It wrapped and coiled around Sebastian's cock, squeezing it and holding it hostage. He grunted and Selene smiled, before her fellatio really began to ramp up. What was at first gentle quicken in pace and power, pumping up and down at a heightened speed. The young master groaned and shuddered, his head tipping skyward while his balls drew close. Selene was really working him over now, and considering his status as a virgin, he couldn't last long! Wait... no, he wasn't a virgin anymore... still, he lacked a strong stamina!

Or so he himself thought.

Time went on longer than the both of them realized as Selene subjugated his cock to her powerful blowjob. Sucking and slurping along his dick, keeping him pinned deep without escape. His pre cum oozed along her tongue without end, gifting her such an intense taste of his virile seed. Ooooh, so hot, so heavy, so randy, so spicy! And to think this was his pre alone; what would his cum taste like?

Well... only one way to find out!


“H-haaaah! S-Selene!” Sebastian groaned with legs wobbling, “S-Selene! I-I can't! Haah! I'm gonna! Haarrrgghh! Haaahh!!! HAAAAHHHH!”

His eyes grew wide, his hips shot forward, and his cock launched out a torrent of seed that filled her mouth to the absolute brim. Selene's eyes doubled in size, taken aback by the sheer volume of cum deposited into her mouth! Like... damn! That was a lot of cum! Didn't he just lose his virginity yesterday? Last night even? And yet he already had this much seed?

Oh my... and its taste... mmmmmm... such an overwhelming, overpowering taste. Salty and bitter in all the right ways. Sniiiiiffff! Haaah... and its odor too. This musky, rank odor that was – to her – like the sweetest of fragrances.

Delicious... mmmm... delicious!

Such heavy wads of cum sat on Selene's tongue and mouth, her lips curling into a sensual smile as she pulled back slowly. With an audible 'SLURP!' his cock fell free from her mouth, a bit of residual cum oozing along his length and from her lips. He was left panting, while Selene continued to hold his seed inside. Her eyes closed as she basked in its flavor and warmth, time moving slowly for her, moment by moment until finally...


“Haaahuh? What did you...?”

Sebastian looked at Selene as she slowly rose up, having swallowed his seed down. Her tongue even slithered out to clean her lips of any residing cum, leaving nothing behind. When she stood up fully before Sebastian, she looked at him with a smile on her lips, finding the sight of her dazed Master to be so incredibly cute.

“Ufufufufu~! Come here, Master Sebastian,” Selene said with her arms stretched out.

There was no hesitation. Sebastian walked forward, and--


“Ahaha~! Right where you should be!”

“Ah... where are they...?” she muttered.

There the scarlet serpent stood, her blonde hair flowing behind her as she looked one way then the other. Standing in her Master's bedroom, she saw neither her Master, nor the dragoness who was tasked with cleaning such a place... which naturally got her mind thinking.

Did she? Oh... oh she did, didn't she? Oh! That lecherous lizard! The moment she got her hands on her, she's gonna--


The sound came to her right, head turning to face the bathroom door of the master bedroom. A thick plume of steam came flowing from within, two shadows eventually emerging. First – and as she expected – there was a certain purple-eyed dragoness. Her hair nice and shimmering, her flesh just as bright and lively, she basked in the glory of a wonderful shower, smelling like cinnamon and... hm... slight sweat.

And whose that at her side? Why, Sebastian of course, appearing a bit... dazed. He too was nice and bright from a warm shower, also smelling like cinnamon and sweat. Seeing them – especially Sebastian's state – was cause for alarm for the red serpent.

“Master Sebastian!” cried Igrene as she ran towards Sebastian's side, her arms grabbing him gently to pull him towards her chest “What's happened? Ah?” she then looked at the dragoness beside him, “Kah! Selene! What have you done!?”

“Ufa!? Me? No, I've done nothing to Master Sebastian,” Selene said with a pout, her hand resting on her cleavage, “I merely bathed the young Master, that is all. Promise!”

“You lying hussy; like I'd believe you,” Igrene groaned, her eyes returning to the young man between them, “Master Sebastian, are you okay?”

“I... I'm fine, Igrene...” he answered, his head shaking, “I just had a rather... um... vigorous morning...”

“See? I told you I've done nothing to Master Sebastian,” Selene stated, “I can't believe you'd think I'd do something so heinous to my master! What kind of drachenmagd do you take me for?”

“Tch... I wouldn't push it past you...” Igrene groaned as she released Sebastian to stand up straight.

“Are um... all drachenmägde so... amorous?” Sebastian asked, drawing their eyes down towards him.

They stared at him blankly, Igrene blushing soon after, while Selene merely giggled. Such a brazen question, though considering what they had subjugated him to thus far, it wasn't without reasoning. Sebastian merely looked between the two, before snapping her eyes up towards the giggling Chamber Maid.

“Selene, why don't you go and tell Kitchen Maid Nadine to prepare dinner for Master Sebastian. I'm sure he's hungry after yesterday – and this morning's – events.”

“Mmm... shouldn't you have done that?” replied the Chamber Maid with a smirk on her lips, “That is your duty as Head House-maid, is it not?”

“I had to go and collect something, unlike you,” Igrene retorted, “Now go! Do as I say!”

“Haaaah... as you say, Igrene.”

Performing an honorable bow towards her superior, Selene started off for the door... only to quickly turn and face Sebastian one more time. Before anyone could say anything, she moved in and kissed his cheek, causing a blush to spread out over his cheeks, and for Igrene to start fuming. Literally; steam started flowing from her nostrils! Well, she is a dragon, soooooo...

You are reading story Drachenmagd at novel35.com

“I'll see you soon, Master~” Selene said as she pulled back.

“Y-yeah... s-sure...” he replied, imaginary hearts popping around him.

The girls here were really, really amorous... huh... he was starting to like that more and more.

“You uh... don't like Selene that much, do you, Igrene?” Sebastian asked as he watched the Chamber Maid walk through the door.

“Hm? No, I wouldn't say that,” Igrene answered, “Chamber Maid Selene and I have been together since nearly the beginning. She and her personality can get on my nerves, but I still hold nothing but the utmost of trust in her, even if I don't agree with her 100%. She seems to have taken a liking to you though... huff!”

Was that a hint of... jealousy? Maybe, but Sebastian wasn't going to read into it too deeply; he wasn't that knowledgeable on people to do so anyway.

“A-anyway, you mentioned having to get something?” he asked of his drachenmagd, “What was it?”

“Yes, yes, right over here, Master,” she said, guiding him to sit on the edge of his bed.

Turning away from him, she walked over to a drawer, picking up something he hadn't noticed before. It was a small book, its surface a clean and beautiful red and gold, it's pages flawless and white, and it had a lock wrapping around it. It came along with a tiny gold key, one that had – you guessed it – the design of a serpent along its surface.

“Here you go, Master,” Igrene said as she handed the book and key to him.

“Hm? What is this?” he asked whilst looking between them, “A... diary?”

“Ohohoho~! You are indeed correct, Master Sebastian,” she answered, “This is a diary. All earls of the estate own one. As you may know, they use it to record events of significance within their lives.”

“All earls of the estate own one?” Sebastian repeated, his eyes widening.

His father was the previous earl, meaning he had his dairy around here, right!? If he recorded in it significantly like Igrene claims earls do, then what would he find within such a book? Perhaps the answers to his errant questions? Like... like... well simply.



“Yes, Master?”

“My father's diary...” he looked up towards her, “Do you know where it is?”

“Ah? Why yes, of course I do,” she answered, “All diaries of previous lords are collected and stowed away within the estate's library. Why do you ask?”

“Huh... hmm...”

Looking at the diary and key he had in his hands, Sebastian's eyes tightened on them. He'd find those answers he sought; no exceptions. Every secret his father held... he'd learn him. Was that what will make him stay? The desire to just know why his father did the things he did? His will didn't explain it, so perhaps his diary will.

For the first time in a long, long time, Sebastian wanted something. He will get that diary. But first?


Breakfast is in order.

Everything in the Faust Estate exuded opulence. Sitting down at a table was different from sitting at a table at Aunt Rita's house, that's for sure. The fine and smooth surface of the table before him, its elegant clothe, the plushness of the chair he sat in, it all served to remind him of how alien a place like this was to him.

He... he shouldn't be here...

And yet here he sat regardless, his fingers tugging at the table while trepidation fueled him. Igrene had left shortly after bringing him to this quaint dining room, leaving Sebastian to his own devices as he waited for breakfast to be served. About the only thing he had with him right now was his phone, but it had been filled with text messages from his Aunt Rita. She was clearly worried for him, especially since his last text to her was a simple 'I'm tired. Going to sleep'. Which... yeah, probably didn't do much for her psyche. He'd need to properly call and explain everything to her soon.

But he still didn't know what he was going to do. Was he going to rule this estate, or merely go home? Damn, he'd be a fool to give all of this up, even if it made him uncomfortable... for some strange reason. Ah, but what of his father's diary? He still wanted to read it, to get the answers he craved! Haaah, so many choices, seemingly so little time. He really needed this breakfast, and now.

Fortunately for him, he wouldn't be alone for long.

“Ah-ha! There you are! I was looking for you!”


Turning in his chair, he faced where the voice came from, eyes falling on a young woman. She exuded this spunky air about her, being around his age with bright blonde-green hair that was as long as it was stylish. What was that hairstyle called again? Oh yes; twintails! They flowed from her head on each end like tassels; he was sure she could whip him with them if she so pleased.

Her eyes were a golden yellow, her lips curled into a smirk, one that flashed her cute fangs. That and her spunky attitude seemed to give her a mischievous and playful air, like someone who'd tease you without end. It was at odds with both Igrene and Selene, who were both so very mature and elegant like women. But this girl – who appeared to be similar in age to him due to her youthful features and height – helped make Sebastian relax. For once, he wasn't with someone whom he felt utterly outclassed by.

Compared to Igrene and Selene, her clothing was the most 'stereotypical', as in it was a true to form French Maid uniform. One that came off as being rather tight, honestly. The way it clenched around her midsection before billowing out into that skirt, which itself barely came to her knees. Meaning that, yes, her legs were on display.

But only a glimpse, for she was wearing socks that came up towards her knees, ones that were a light green in color. Huh... going by the green in her hair and the green of her socks, she had an overall color scheme of green. Like how Igrene's color scheme was red and gold, and Selenes was black and red. This girl's was green and yellow. In fact, there were some green accents to her uniform, now that he paid more attention to it.

From her head stood green horns, ones that were smaller than Igrene's and Selene's. On first glance, you could mistake them as being leaves due to their shapes and sizes. It matched with her tail, which slithered from her backside, being so long and green. It was most like a lizard's tail, helped by the green coloration of it. But he was sure calling her a lizard would be rather disrespectful.

Alas, she was carrying a silver platter in her hand, one that had a top that covered what had to be his food. She carried it skillfully, making sure it didn't tip or fall over in the least bit. Seeing her here with the food and remembering what Igrene said before, Sebastian had an idea of who this girl may be.

“Nadine?” he asked, taking her aback.

“Me? Nadine! Ah! Where do you get off calling me something like that!?” she replied, greatly insulted by his claim. It took Sebastian aback, who quickly apologized.

“S-sorry. I didn't know. Igrene just said that Nadine was going to make dinner... I assumed wrong. M-my bad...”


She would have crossed her arms if it wasn't for the fact that she was holding that platter. So instead she placed a fist on her hip, pouted and looked away, She didn't remain indignant for long however, eventually looking back at him as her hand grabbed her dress' hem. And then with her legs crossed, she performed a curtsy and bow.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Master Sebastian,” she said, “My name is Mylene, Parlor Maid of the Faust Estate,” she straightened back up, “I brought for you your morning meal, Master Sebastian...” her eyes then looked him up and down, “And from the looks of things, you're still relaxing from yesterday's events.”

“Still... relaxing...?” he repeated in confusion, until his eyes looked down to see that he was still wearing his bathrobe, “Ah, that's... o-oh dear...”

“It's okay, Master,” Mylene said with a smirk, “This is your estate; you're free to enjoy the pleasantries of it to your heart's content,” she gestured to the table with her head, “Now sit, please. Allow me to feed you.”

“Um... r-right...”

Sitting back down, he stared at the table before him while Mylene walked over, placing down the silver platter. Once the top had been removed, Sebastian's eyes grew wide at what he saw. Three stacks of such pristine Belgium waffles, a perfectly shaped square of butter resting on the top, with rivers of syrup cascading down its side. Beside it were scrambled eggs of the perfect size and salt, glowing as the sunlight struck it. It also came with perfectly made lemonade, which considering he only drank water on the plane and train ride here, he was incredibly famished! So naturally...



Quickly he guzzled down the cup of lemonade, groaning with desire as he felt it fuel him with life and energy. It took him only a matter of seconds to drink it down, a groan of pleasure echoing out of him as he relaxed into his chair. It was rather embarrassing to act so voracious in front of a girl like that, but considering how he was right now, he wasn't in much of a position to argue. Instead, he offered his now empty cup to the giggling dragoness beside him, where he said in a tender manner,

“More, please...”

“But of course, Master.”

Taking his cup from him, Mylene left Sebastian alone to himself, his eyes falling on the plate of food before him. Nodding softly as he readied a fork and knife in hand, he began to slowly cut into his meal, feeding himself his first full meal since he left Aunt Rita's home. Ah, it tasted so amazing, like whoever created it had the fingers of a god.

Guess the fingers of a dragon could also match, huh?

He ate more and more, each bite driving him to take another bite, and another, and another! Soon there was nothing left, all of his food scarfed down in a record time! It actually shocked Sebastian with how much he ate so quickly. Boy... he must have really been hungry!

“Here's your lemonade, sir!”

“Ah!? M-Mylene!?”

Jumping back in his chair, the sudden return of his parlor maid took Sebastian by surprise. She was once more holding a silver platter in hand, this time one that contained nothing more than another glass of lemonade. She didn't seem too bothered with surprising him though, instead giggling softly as she offered him his drink. Saying nothing himself, he thanked her silently for the drink before pulling it to his lips. This time he made sure to drink it slowly.

“So... you're Master Sebastian, right?” Mylene asked, to which Sebastian nodded.

“Uh... y-yeah, I'm Master Sebastian. Um... Sebastian Milieus,” he extended his free hand, “Nice to meet you, Mylene.”

“Pleasure is all mine, Master,” she replied, her head shaking, “I'm here for you, after all.”

“Eh heh heh... yeaaaaah,” he said sheepishly whilst scratching the back of his head.

“You... you are Master Klaus' son, right?”

“Uh... yeah...” he said, his face showing a twinge of visible pain, “I'm Klaus' son...”

“So if that's the case, why don't you call yourself Sebastian Faust then?” she asked, with his eyes cutting away.

“Umm... because he was never really... uh...” he shook his head, his eyes returning to her face, “What about you? Do you um... remember me?”

“Remember you?” she asked, her hand laying on her cheek in a quizzical manner, “Hmmm...” she leaned one way, “Hmmm...!” then the other, “Hmmmmmm!” then the other way again, “Hmmmmm!!!” and finally, “Nope! I don't remember anything.”

“Oh... r-really?” he asked, “Are you... new here?”

“No newer than anyone else here,” she said, before leaning in, “And FYI, it's rude to ask a lady about her age.”

“Huh? But I didn't... uh... n-never mind...” he shook his head, “It's just that... I find myself remembering this place, but my head's all hazy.”

“Hmm... if that's the case, perhaps you should ask Head House-maid Igrene about it. She remembers everything, even more than Chamber Maid Selene, I'd say!”

“R-right... Selene...” he said, remembering what she did to him that morning... well... both her and Igrene, really!

Such thoughts drew his eyes back towards Mylene... and boy, were her breasts perky. And with the cleavage her uniform showed off, they were... huh... o-oh dear. Why was he having these kinds of thoughts? That's rude! He needed to think something else!

“Umm... uh... s-so... c-can you tell me anything else about what it means to be the earl in the Estate?” Sebastian asked, struggling to shift the conversation.

“Hm? What is there left to know?” she replied, “The earl of Faust Estate is a strong person, one with no rivals, be they king, queen, president, or whatever. Their duties to the people of Schonheit, nay, the world, cannot be questioned.”

“What...? You... you can't be serious...”

“Maybe... maybe not,” she shrugged her shoulders, “I'm only the Parlor Maid, not a leading one like Igrene, Selene, or even Katherine, so I'm not fully aware of the things the earl does.”

“What? Who's... Katherine? Haaah... how many dragonmaids are here?” he shook his head, figuring it was something he'd learn in time. For now he drank his lemonade, his mind remembering something else important to him, “Haah... the library... Mylene...?” he looked at her, “Can you take me to the library?”

“The library?” she replied with a nod, “Oh! But of course...” her gaze shifted towards his plate and food, “Let me take this back to the kitchen first, then we'll be on our way, Master.”

He nodded, watching as she quickly picked up his things, holding them skillfully as she turned to leave. And, my, was it him, or did all the women he met so far walk the same way. You know, with the swaying hips and slender backs, less like they were human and more like they were reptiles. Really proving that 'dragon' thing, huh? He just needed to keep remembering that...

Once more Sebastian was left to his devices, his hands resting on the table while he gazed down towards his legs. Eyes closing, he found his mind drifting... in particular towards Mylene of all people. Her cheery smile, her luscious legs, her rather perky breasts... haaaah... that personality. Humm...




Why was he thinking like this suddenly? All horny and lustful like some pervert or preteen boy. He was a man, dammit! A rather cute, lithe, perhaps even dainty man, but a man nonetheless! He shouldn't be having such lecherous thoughts for women he's just met. Even if – so far – its ended up with him having mind blowing orgasms.

He couldn't carry around those thoughts, one after another. Selene and Igrene were overtly lustful... horny, he'd say. And, damn, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't horny too. But that's no excuse to go lusting after Mylene now, even if her similar height made him wonder if they were compatible.

A bit childish to think that, really... hm... maybe he is still a child.

“Okay, Master!” Mylene called as she returned to the parlor, “Are you ready to make way for the library?”

“Um... y-yes! Right, yes,” he answered whilst standing up from his chair, “Tell me, is there a librarian here?”

“Oh of course, Librarian Faline,” Mylene answered, “I wonder if she's there today.”

“Faline... jeeze... I'm gonna need to write down a lot of names until I remember them all... hmmm...”

Standing up from his table and tugging on his bathrobe, Sebastian followed as Mylene took head point, walking back into the halls of the estate. She must have navigated these halls a thousand times, because there was no time wasted in their travels towards the estate's libraries.

And my, the entrance alone was enough to illicit awe. Such large, grand doors that sat within a seemingly unassuming hall. Mylene walked forward to open them herself, but Sebastian shook his head. No, this time, he wanted to open the doors... for whatever reason.

So he did it; grabbing those doors by their knobs, twisting them, and pushing them open to reveal a grand library on the other end. Rows upon rows upon rows of books, ones that sat in a two-story tall room. They were on the first floor, but there was a second floor above them, also filled with books. Now, look, Sebastian's no bookworm, but he'd be lying if he said the sight of such a magnificent library wasn't amazing in its own right.

“What the...” he whispered in shear awe of it all.

“Welcome to the Faust Library, Master Sebastian,” Mylene announced with a smile on her face, “The largest library in all of Schonheit and perhaps the country side. It's filled with books far beyond your years, I assure you.”

“I don't doubt you...” Sebastian muttered as he walked into the center of it all, “Amazing... ah...” he looked back at Mylene, “Right but uh... I came here to find the diaries of the previous earls... do you know where that is?”

“The diaries?” Mylene replied as she laid her finger on her cheek, “Hmm... nope! Sorry, can't say, Master,” she shook her head, “The library isn't my sector; that belongs to Igrene and even Selene if she's feeling spicy. But not me...”

“Oh... then... r-right, you mention Librarian Faline, right? She must know where it's at!”

“H-heeeeeyyyy~! Can ya keep it down over there? This is a library, remember?” a rather lethargic voice suddenly came echoing from nearby.

The two stood tense, their eyes sweeping over towards where the voice came from. Together their gaze befell the main counter of the library and the woman who sat behind it. A young woman in fact, one who – once again – was closer in age to Sebastian and Mylene when going by her looks alone.

She had wide eyes, though they were currently sharp in a quizzical gaze. On her face sat oval-shaped glasses, with beautiful brown eyes resting behind it. Her hair too was brown though with a reddish tinge to it, flowing into twintails as well. Though hers were much, much shorter in comparison to Mylene's long tassels.

She was wearing a green cloak of sorts, one with black edges and a slightly high collar. Beneath that laid a white turtleneck that – honestly – looked so warm. Much like all the women here, her clothing had draconian details within it, such as how her collar looked to have the teeth of dragons in it, or how her cuffs seemed to be claws.

Speaking of which, her horns. They were skinny, short and white, pushing up from her head like two little spears. Her tail however – which had sprung up upon their arrival – was covered in brown scales. The tip of it two was white with a pincer-like appendage.

This young woman was nose-deep into a big book, he eyes glaring at the two in an annoyed manner. But before Sebastian could speak she let out a sigh and rose up from behind the desk, where she walked around to the front. Her lower half was dressed in a black miniskirt, one that had garter straps extending to her thighhigh socks beneath, which then stretched into the boots she had. All combined, it made for a rather studious look... which gave Sebastian an idea of who she might be.

“Librarian Faline, I presume?” he said, a rare bit of moxie leaving his lips.

“You presume correct, Mr... uhhh...?” she replied in a quizzical manner, not knowing who he was.

Master Sebastian,” Mylene thus corrected, causing the librarian to pull back.

“Huh? What!?” she said, eyes widening, “Wait... you're the new Earl?” she looked around, before bowing her head, “A-apologies Master Sebastian! I didn't realize who you were!”

“H-hey, it's alright!” he said as he laughed sheepishly, “You don't have to bow before me. I just got here anyway.”

Faline still felt terrible for being so quick with her Master; how could she be so foolish? But now that she looked at him... yes, she could see the resemblance. Maybe it was in the blond hair or even the eyes but... if she were to put a mustache and goatee on Sebastian, he'd--

“Look just like Master Klaus...” Faline whispered, causing him to cock his head.

“Huh? What was that?”

“You just... look like Master Klaus is all,” replied the librarian, “You are indeed his son, aren't you?”

“Well... y-yeah...” he said, showing blatant displeasure with – once again – being compared to his late father... though this time he didn't correct her on it. From what it seemed like, the drachenmägde all had a good outlook on his father, one he clearly did not share.


“Oh! R-right!” said Faline as she performed a curtsy before him, “I am Librarian Faline as you deduced. I maintain the Faust Library. I also maintain and record a collection of events when asked to do so, particularly of what goes on within the estate. Anything you need recorded, I'll be there for you, Master!”

“Hey, you don't have to be so tightly wound, really,” Sebastian said, though Mylene rolled her eyes.

“Faline is always tightly round; it's kinda her thing,” she quipped, much to the librarian's chagrin.

“Shut up! And quiet down! This is still a library!”

“Yeah, and who's reading in it other than you? I can be as loud as I wanna be!”


“Hey, please, calm down,” Sebastian said, drawing their gazes to them, “Umm... but Faline...”

“Yes, sir?”

“Do you know where the diaries of the previous earls are?”

“The diaries of the previous lords...?” she repeated, before pushing her glasses up on her face, “Why yes... do you wish to see them?”

“Yes! Yes! Very much so!” Sebastian said almost too excitedly. So much so that both Mylene and Faline pulled back, though the blonde dragoness giggled.

“Well... I can take you to them... do you wish to go right now?”

Sebastian merely nodded to get his point across, which further made Mylene giggle. Regardless, Faline herself patted down her robe and shirt, smoothing it out before pointing to a door right behind her.

“This is where we keep the diaries of our earls,” she explained whilst guiding both Mylene and Sebastian towards it, “Since they retain secrets to our estate and your family, we keep them away from where guests can get them.”

“Are you... afraid of thieves possibly breaking in?” Sebastian asked, something that made both Faline and Mylene laugh aloud.

It actually took Sebastian aback, confused by why they'd find such a question amusing. It seemed to be rather serious to him! If they had all this money and secrets, then thieves must be interested in getting their hands on it, right?

But they seemed to find such a thing as being, well, laughable! Though once it was clear that Sebastian wasn't laughing along with them, Faline stopped, her eyes glancing over towards Mylene to make her stop as well.

“W-wait... Master Sebastian...” she asked as her gaze returned to him, “Were you being serious?”

“I... yeah, I was...” he answered.

“Oh... oh my... um...” she looked around, “If you're asking this then... that means Katherine probably hasn't woken up yet.”

There was that name again; Katherine. Who was that? From what Mylene said, Katherine, Igrene and Selene seemed to be the oldest dragons in the estate. Since Faline invoked her name, perhaps Katherine was someone serious around here.

Although... now another question was coming to mind.

“You mentioned Katherine hasn't woken up yet,” Sebastian muttered whilst following them inside, “Igrene mentioned something about you all needing to hear my voice to wake up so... what do you mean by that?”

“Our duties are to the master of the estate,” Faline answered as they headed deeper into the library's vault, “When an earl dies and their successor is not around, the drachenmägde of the estate all fall to dormancy due to disuse. For us, a drachenmagd's existence relies on their Master.”

Such a powerful statement. Their entire lives exist only because their Master is around. It's... rather sad, now that he thinks about it. He couldn't imagine his life only mattering because of someone or something else. However, it left him with more questions surrounding this estate, and further made him wonder if he should even bother with such a place. But now that he knew their reliance on him as their master, the written words of his late father began to replay in his mind.

And please, look after our maids. They are good girls, and they will treat you with the love, warmth, and respect you so rightfully deserve.


“And here we are,” said Faline as she opened up a door before them, pushing through into the library's hidden chamber.

Typically when one thinks of a vault, they think of a dry and drab place with dust and cobwebs everywhere. But not this vault. No, it was pristine and clean, the floors and pews varnished like the library proper, and the books all neatly lined up and lacking any sort of blemish. It seemed as if someone – perhaps Faline – spent a lot of time in this room as well, for there were a multitude of papers stacked up beside one another neatly upon a desk. One stack was nothing but blank pages, the other stack had many, many words. Perhaps this is where Faline did her recording when ordered, and if that's the case, she does a lot of it.

“Hmm... oh, here it is,” said Faline as she placed her hand upon a pew, “The diaries of our earls.”

This pew was different. Instead of being a mere shelf to contain books, this one was contained in a glass container. Within, book after book after book were placed neatly together, seemingly belonging to each and every previous lord of the estate. To even get into the case you'd need a key, one Faline readily produced with the use of her slithering tail. Where that came from? Hmm... he actually wanted to know.

“It's important to read the words of your ancestors,” Faline remarked, “Years upon years of knowledge is stowed away within these pages.”

“Hmm... can you find my father's diary then? I wish to read it,” Sebastin asked...

To which Faline visibly choked up.

It surprised Sebastian, because this wasn't a choke up as in she was about to cry. Instead the librarian looked... desperate? Scared even? Worried? Her eyes looked left, then right, then left again, before resetting upon Sebastian's face. Aware that something was wrong, he said,


“I-I'm sorry Master Sebastian but... uh...” she let her shoulders slump forward, “Your father's diary is not here.”

When she said that, the already quiet library grew even quieter. Only the void of space could possibly match how silent and still this room became. Faline looked so worried, like she was about to be reprimanded for this, Mylene was merely shocked, and Sebastian...


“Why?” he asked, a rare bit of bile in his throat.

“I was ordered to,” she replied, confusing him, “Master Klaus was a very secretive man, even among our earls. It's not unheard for some earls to hide their personal affects, though it is incredibly rare. But not with Master Klaus. He commonly asked me not to record things, and when he passed, he had his diary hidden.”

“Then where is it?” Sebastian asked, his eyes sharp.

“I... I don't know,” Faline answered whilst looking at him, “I wasn't the one he told to hide it. I have no idea who he told to hide it. It could be Igrene or Salene, could even be Katherine or Larsine...” she shook her head, “I don't know...”

Sebastian curled his hand into a tight fist, shaking it as he looked away. So much anger grew within him, uncharacteristically so. He was so close to finding out why his father did the things he did to him and his mother, only to be pushed away yet again. His father's diary was not here and Faline didn't know where it was, meaning it could be anywhere.

The anger and frustrations he felt only continued to build, but what good would that do him or anyone? Looking at Mylene and Faline, they both appeared to be worried, with the librarian fearing she had failed him somehow. But of course, it was not her fault; she helped him as best as she could. It's not like any of the drachenmagd here knew of his strained relationship with his late father, especially if Klaus kept it a secret from them. Which, going by Faline's words, seemed to be the case.

So Sebastian calmed down, his expression turning back into that softness he had before as he shook his head.

“I'm sorry...” he apologized, “I shouldn't have gotten angry with you, Faline.”

“It's fine, Master, honestly; you shouldn't apologize to me,” she said, still feeling sour for her perceived failure.

Now what ever joviality that existed in the air before had largely vanished, at least from Sebastian. The fact that – even now from beyond the grave – his father found a way to spite him, made his anger build. He even ran his hand through his hair a few times as he faced the vault's exit whilst walking towards it.

“I'm returning to my room,” he said rather quickly, “I need... a little time to myself.”

“Okay, Master,” said the two behind him in unison.

Just as he said, they'd let him have the time to himself that he needed, the two lingering behind. But once he slipped out of the doorway and out of sight, they faced one another. Mylene for a change looked pensive and curious, Faline appearing likewise. It was like they were comparing thoughts, though no words had been exchanged. Not until--

“He's so much like Master Klaus, it almost hurts,” Mylene remarked.

“I agree... though I wonder...”

They both looked at the door again, expressions growing sharp, their eyes glowing as if they were looking for something that wasn't readily noticeable.

“Does he lust as much as his father did?” Faline asked.

“Oh... mmmm... I'm sure he does...” Mylene answered whilst licking her lips.

The master bedroom of the Faust Estate had everything a man needs in life. In particular for Sebastian, it had a nice, spacious desk. Sitting here next to a full body mirror, he took a few glances at himself once or twice, his bathrobe having been replaced with a simple button up shirt and slacks.

More importantly, he had his newly gained diary in hand, with a pen in the other. The day was still young – it was barely nearing noon – but Sebastian still felt as if he should jot down something in his diary. At least record what happened upon his arrival the day before, perhaps even his encounter with Igrene and Selene.

Or... wait... should he? Hmm... maybe he should have read some of his ancestor's diaries before rushing to his bedroom; he needed to know if it was wrong or not to detail the more amorous acts he performed with the drachenmägde. Assuming of course this isn't a unique experience to him alone.

Which he highly doubted. Although... that raises another question; is it weird to have sex with women whom your father and maybe even grandfather had sex with? That's... honestly not a question he was equipped enough to handle.

So instead Sebastian focused on the diary before him, and the conclusion he came to in his mind: whether or not he'd be earl of this estate, to master it, to take on the responsibilities such a title holds, whatever they may be. His future once was once so uncertain, but now a sense of purpose was instilled within him. While he was still uncertain of what it meant to be earl of the Faust Estate, he found this growing desire to learn about it starting to flow within him. But most importantly...


“Master Sebastiannnnn~” a sensual voice echoed from the door way, “Nmm... are you there?”

“Huh? Oh, S-Selene,” he said as he faced the dragoness at the doorway.

She approached him with a feather duster in hand, still wearing that Asian-inspired kimono with the draconian influences in it. Her plump lips were curled in a sensual smile, her purple eyes gleaming. But when she saw that he was writing in his diary, her flirtatious expressions faded as she grew more curious.

“Oh? Are you recording the day's events already, Master?” Selene asked, to which Sebastian nodded.

“Well... in a way,” he answered whilst looking back at the diary before him, “I went looking for my father's diary, but I did not find it. Apparently he had it hidden...” he frowned at such a statement yet continued on, “What does it mean to be the earl of the estate, Selene?”

“Oh, it's an honor, Master Sebastian,” Selene answered, “The amount of power and clout you have among your peers... it's unrivaled. Other house names such as Schlussel, even Tepes, they bow to you.”

“Hmm... and that's what I'm afraid of,” Sebastian answered, his head shaking, “I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to maintain such power.”

“Don't say that, Master. You are a Faust! The blood of great and powerful people flow through your veins.”


Such a heavy burden... did his blood really mean that much? Sebastian saw himself more as a Milieus than a Faust, a family name that was down-right normal. About the only thing the Milieus family was noteworthy for was his grandfather and great-grandfather both fighting in wars and... that's it. Otherwise? Nothing...

At best, the Milieus family was forgettable. Good people yes, but forgettable nonetheless.

But now, Sebastian had something with weight, with power, with meaning. The Faust family were more than just a normal, middle-class family; they were rich aristocrats! And from the sounds of it, ones with great sway in things. What 'things'? He wasn't sure, though would learn about it if he so chose.

And right now...

His father's diary was somewhere here in the estate. Within it, he'd find the answers he sought, specifically why he chose to abandon him and his mother like he did. Right now, that was his driving force in life; to find that diary, and to get the answers was so rightfully deserved. Until then...

“I think I've made my decision...” Sebastian said, taking Selene aback.

“Oh~? And what decision may that be, Masterrrrr~?”

“At least until I find the answers I seek...” he nodded in an affirmative manner, “I will be the Master of this estate.”

He closed his eyes as he said such words, feeling the weight of them as they befell him. What did that mean exactly? What does it mean to be the master of Faust Estate? He didn't know, but he hoped to learn it, and soon.

He was given a chance at a better life, better than anything he's experienced before. Affluence, power, the ability to open up doors previously closed to him; he'd be foolish to throw this away! He only hoped he was strong enough to handle whatever problems may arise with such a thing.

His declaration made, he opened his eyes to see Selene's reaction. And, my, quite the reaction. There was brimming excitement within her eyes and on her face, almost like she was close to breaking out into joyous tears. It took Sebastian aback, though he found himself comparing her expression to that of his Aunt Rita's. Honestly, they both were the overly emotional type.

“OH! That makes me so happy, Master Sebastian!” Selene said as she suddenly brought him into an embrace against her chest, “I promise, nay, I vow, to care for you to the best of my abilities! I'll never let you down!”

“Th-thanks, Selene!” he said with a sheepish smile, though he still hugged her back.

Closing his eyes whilst snuggling up to Selene, he took in a deep whiff of her body's smell. So sweet yet so hot... the beautiful smell of a woman. He felt protected in her grasp, as if all the problems he had in this world were far, far away.

Far, faaaarrrrr awaaaay...

What is it about Selene that caused his mind to ebb and flow? The longer the hug went on, the stronger Sebastian grip grew on her. It was to the point that he was squeezing her, though it caused Selene no pain. The warmth had grown to the point that he felt it flow through his body, sending surges of life and energy through his very form. It all came to circulate upon his groin, causing his manhood to start growing.

“Massssterrrrrr~” Selene's voice cooed, “Come to me, Massstteerrr... cooommee tooo meeeeee...”

Sebastian nodded, his hazy brown eyes staring upon her face.

“Okay...” he whispered.

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