
Chapter 23: Drachenmagd #23

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Who Hunts the Huntsmen?

“Hansel, what the hell are you doing?”

“Uh... my job? Jeeze... don't get your panties in a notch.”

“The hell did you say?”

“Ah, you heard me!”

He was tall and blond, with such piercing blue eyes. Yeah, you know those kinds of guys. Sideburns that thin out the further they slide down his head, with a light stubble on his chin. He was as handsome as he was athletic, and his German accent always had all the foreign girls swooning.

On the other hand, she was his equal in all but gender. Similar build, similar blue eyes, though hers were far, far sharper. Her blonde hair was longer too, needing a ponytail to tie it back so that it didn't get in the way. She always had this hard look in her eyes, and with her pointed nose, she exuded this aura of authority... or, at least she thinks she does.

At times, their fellow officers at the department wondered why these two were partners. They were constantly at each other's throats, with personalities that were as mismatched as fire and ice. One was often seen as the most lazy member of the force, typically sleeping at his desk, lazing in his squad car, or chasing skirts at night. The other was a virtual workaholic, always putting in her best efforts as she put her fellow officers to shame. Even though she was in the incredibly peaceful Schonheit, she worked as if criminals were constantly at their throats.

Hansel and Gretel. Many a rumors had been spread about the duo and their dysfunctional partnership. Some thought they were teamed up because they were just good friends, though that didn't sound right with how often they argued. Others thought then that they may be lovers, since their arguments wouldn't sound out of place among an old couple. Many even believed they were distant siblings due to their similar blond haired, blue-eyed looks.

All in all, only they knew the truth, with their fellow officers none too curious to ask. Not without reason of course. Ask Gretel, and she'll yell your ear off. Ask Hansel, and he'll answer with a non sequitur. At the end of the day, it didn't really matter. Hansel was a dutiful officer despite his tendency to laze about, and Gretel was truly the best of the best. So long as they didn't kill each other, then let their relationship be nothing more than a mystery.


A police car drove up into this hidden bungalow, a sight that had some of the more seedier individuals retreating into their alleys. Even in Schonheit, the sight of a squad car can have people turning tail, fearful of having their illicit affairs brought to light. What was a police car doing here? And why was it driving up to Kronos Watches? No one knew, and no one was keen on finding out.

Parking their car on the sidewalk's edge, Hansel slowly got out despite the protests of his partner. His shaded eyes were leering directly at Kronos Watches, noticing the multiple number of messages plastered upon its door. From the looks of it, no one had been here in a while but... no, that's not true; someone was here just earlier that day.

“Hansel, what in God's name are you doing?” Gretel snapped as she got out of their car, “Answer me, dammit!”

“Won't you be quiet...?” he groaned back as he reached for the door's handle, “I'm working here?”

“Oh, you're working, huh? Du dummkopf...” she replied, making him roll his eyes in annoyance.

Ignoring her for the time being, Hansel pulled on the door's handle, causing it to jerk and rattle... but ultimately not bulge. It was locked, much to his frustration, and he didn't have a warrant to check it out. Great... but he wasn't done investigating just yet.

Looking over at the windows of the storefront next, he saw that they were tinted, making it impossible for him or anyone to see on the other side. His head shook dismissively however, and his hand dropped down, grabbing and withdrawing his flashlight. Flicking it on, he beamed it upon the windows of the store, trying to see something... anything! All the while, Gretel's groans echoed into his ears.

“What. Are. You. Doing!?” she snarled, her hand clinching at the air.

“Just... haah... you remember what happened this morning, don't you?” Hansel asked, only to groan himself, “Yeah, yeah, how could you not? Not our super Hauptmann, heh...”

“Are you being a dick again? I have no problems kicking you there, remember!”

“Yeah, yeah... jeeze... I remember,” he muttered, only to roll his eyes dismissively once again, “But that kid... Sebastian.”

“You mean Master Faust? Look, you might not respect the Earl of Faust, but I do,” Gretel snapped, “Not just because he's the only person who keeps the SPD afloat from his pockets, but because of all the things they've done for Schonheit. This city wouldn't be the elegant anything if not for them. Why else do we have all of their statues?”

“I get it, damn. I don't need a history lesson,” Hansel murmured whilst shaking his head, “But that's not the problem, not for me. That kid... oh... I'm sorry, 'Master Faust'... he was talking about that guy, remember? Zeit Henlein? And we just gave him all the information we had on him...” he shook his head as he turned off his flashlight, “Why?”

“What? Who cares why; you don't question the Earl of Faust!” Gretel replied, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

“Jeeze... I would have never thought I'd hear something like that from you, Hauptmann,” he replied, the emphasis on her title feeling like a jab to her very being.”

“The hell's that supposed to mean, Hansel?” she growled back.

“Look, I just think there was something fishy about the Earl is all,” he replied as he looked back at the storefront in front of him, “He suddenly whips up, asks for information on Zeit, we give it to him, and he leaves. No reasons for it, and everyone just falls in line cuz he's the earl or whatever...” he looked around, “No... I needed to investigate. When I smell something fishy, someone had better be cutting sushi in the next room over.”

Now you want to do your job,” Gretel remarked, garnering a sharp glare form her partner.

“Anyway, I looked up that Zeit guy, and found his store here... Kronos Watches...” he walked back to the front door, his fingers lining the notes on its surface, “Do you see this...?”

“What? All these notes?” Gretel replied as she swiped one from off the glass door, scanning it briefly, “It looks to be a bunch of customers asking where the owner went. Hmph... guess a lot of people need their watches fixed. Or custom ones made; this place does both apparently.”

“Yeah... so... where is he? Where's this Zeit guy?” Hansel asked as his eyes ran around the storefront again, “From the looks of things, he hasn't been here in a while. I'd say a week... maybe a little bit more than that.”

“Tch... I don't know, maybe he went on vacation,” Gretel replied, “Why do you care anyway?” she then stopped to think about it, “Wait... are you suggesting that the Earl of Faust is doing something criminal with Zeit?”

“I'm not suggesting anything... thinking on the other hand...”

“Oh my God, I can't believe I'm hearing this! Hansel! Master Sebastian is the Earl of Faust! Schonheit isn't the people's city, it's not even the police's city! It's his city! His family practically owns every building here! Fuck, they own the pavement beneath our feet! The hospitals, the police department, the libraries, hell, that old, abandoned prison! That's all them! They paid for it single-handedly, and had them built!”

“So? And? Does that put them above the law?” Hansel asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Look, you don't even have any evidence, just a hunch because the current Earl asked for Zeit's information,” she jabbed back, “I knew you had no brains in there, but you must be stupid if you're accusing the Earl of Faust of anything!” she reached her hand out, “Let's say that in some topsy-turvy world, the Earl of Faust did do something to Zeit. Why!? He's just a Watchmaker! Not only that, the earl's a kid! He hasn't even been living here for longer than a few months! He has no reason to try and kill anyone living here, let alone some lonely ass Watchmaker!”


Well, Gretel had him there; not even Hansel could think of a reason why Sebastian would do something to a guy like Zeit. It left the police officer in a bit of a tizzy trying to think up something, but coming up empty handed. Still, it was just... weird, wasn't it? The Earl asked for a guy named Zeit, gives no reason for doing so, and now that he was here outside of that guy's business, it appears to be closed down? Look, being inquisitive is kind of his job; it's how crimes gets solved, ya'know? And he'd be as foolish as Gretel is right now to assume nothing is the matter.

But right now, he had no evidence to go by, no reason to question the Earl outside of some shady things he's done. But that's not to say he was out of it just yet. Hansel could be incredibly dedicated when the need arises; it's one of the reasons why the often thought lazy cop is still employed. And right now, well, it was one such time.

“Now, are you ready to give up this stupid investigation of yours?” Gretel asked, only for Hansel's retort to be cut as their police radio began ringing.

“Frau Hauptmann Gretel here, respond,” said the blonde into her radio, the buzzing clearing out so that a squeaky voice could answer her.

“Frau Hauptmann, this is Ingrid,” replied the secretary, “I'm calling because I have information for Hansel.”

“For... Hansel...?” Gretel repeated, only for her radio to be wiped by the man in question.

“Yeah, I'm here!” said the officer as he brought the radio to his ear, much to his partner's chagrin, “Did you get the information I asked you for?”

“Yes, I did,” Ingrid stated, the sound of clicking audible on her end, “I called to tell you that just earlier today, Master Sebastian bought Kronos Watches. The building, the store, the name; it all belongs to him.”

“Really? Shit... well, thanks, Ingrid. I owe ya one.”


“What the fuck did you do?” Gretel asked, her blue eyes glaring at her partner, “Did you have Ingrid investigate the Earl of Faust for you?”

“I only asked her to look into this place, Kronos Watches!” he replied, “It's Zeit's store, the earl asked about him, so I figured this place had something to do with it! Especially since Zeit's family has owned it for years, and I couldn't find any information on where he was living now! Like... fuck, isn't it super weird that the earl even took the file on that Zeit guy when he vanished in the fifties!? Why would a kid – oh, I'm sorry, Master – like him care about such a thing?”

“Use that brain of yours, stupid! The Earl of Faust bought Kronos Watches!” Gretel shot back, “He probably wanted the files on its previous owners to know this place was on the up and up; it's called business! But of course, you wouldn't know what that is, would you?”


“Look, I'm not going to listen to this, or entertain your stupid investigation. Get your ass back in this car before I tell the chief about this stupid stunt you're trying to pull!”

Hansel grimaced, his blue eyes leering back at the storefront before him. While a part of him thought he had been a bit gung-ho in this impromptu investigation, he still didn't think it was all for naught. Something was going on here, something involving the Earl of Faust and this humble Watchmaker. Hansel didn't know what... but he will find out.

For now he dismissed it, nodding as he fixed his shades on his face. Turning around, he climbed back into the driver's seat of his squad car, with Gretel getting into the passenger side. They had a patrol to get back to.

The amber light of his desk-mounted lamp was enough to illuminate his entire room. It fizzled a bit – he even heard a slight cackle noise – but soon it stabilized, holding steady as the young earl sat at his desk. He was still in his pink lounge wear, having not the time nor the need to change his clothing following dinner. It was a good dinner too, one he spent not only with Mylene, Nadine, and Larsine, but Faline as well.

But... that's not really what had his mind occupied.

It was later than typical for the young earl. He usually went to bed sometime around ten, but not today. No, no, today, he paced the floors of his bedroom aimlessly, trying to make to both make sense of what he read in Zeit's memoirs... and trying to gain the courage to continue reading it.

Sebastian was afraid. Childish, maybe, but he just didn't have it in him to keep reading what Zeit wrote. Why? It's not like he had reason to believe what the Watchmaker was writing. On the other hand, it's not like the Watchmaker had a reason to lie in the first place. His memoirs were written to help keep his memories; why would he lie to himself? He never expected anyone else to read them... well, perhaps other than Oden, and he's dead to.

It's just... what Sebastian read in the book seemed to imply things about his maids that... he wasn't sure if he liked. He's no fool; he can put two and two together. From what Zeit wrote, it seemed as if he and the drachenmagd came from the same realms. And if they did, well... Rodeline said it herself; Zeit was born in the land of Mordredus, which itself laid in the realm known as Daemonium.

Daemonium. Demons. They kept spinning around and around in Sebastian's head like a whirlwind, making it hard for him to think of anything else. It kept his heart racing, fearing what these implications may mean.

Were the drachenmagd... demons? No... no. It... it had to be something else, right? His maids weren't demons... they couldn't be demons. Demons are monsters. They kill, they capture, they eviscerate, they destroy. But not his drachenmagd. Even in their most monstrous forms which he experienced, he would not call them demons. They couldn't control themselves; they were wild and primal, and it seemed to cause them pain too.


It's not like dragons are real, you know.

Perhaps he should just come out and ask one of them; namely Igrene or Katherine. They'd tell him the truth, wouldn't they? But... no... he couldn't do that either. He didn't want to accuse any of his maids of being demons; that's an insult! Besides, it would only tell them that – in some small way – he believed Zeit's parting words.

They are demons, you fool! Aackhh!? E-e-eternally bound to eviscerate your s-s-soul when your death comes!

No... no! Not his maids! Not his maids! He couldn't imagine they'd do something as horrible as eviscerate his soul! Do you know how outlandish that even sounds? No! He refused to even entertain such a silly thought any longer!

So why wouldn't it leave his head?

Sebastian didn't know, and really, it was driving him a tad bit crazy. He was sweating, he looked weak, and his brown eyes were darting left and right. The mystery of his maid's origins were tearing him apart; he just wanted to know the truth! Know where it is they came from; where their home was.

Ah... but they said it themselves, didn't they? Their home was here. Katherine and Mylene didn't even think of their birth home as their real home, treating Earth as it instead. Perhaps... perhaps then that's the answer; they aren't demons, their earthlings. Yeah...

Hmm... still... he needed to know for his own sake, and he knew where he'd get the answer. The real answer. He'd get it not from Zeit, but from Heinrich. His ancestor delved into their realm, did he not? Well... time to see where the drachenmagd come from.

A strange woman was speaking to me from beyond the very fabric of reality; I was talking to someone – something – that no other man had ever met with before. It's one thing to read of such things in aged tomes from dubious sources; it's something else entirely to hear it with your own ears. Driven by curiosity and a desire to learn, I approached the gateway created by my own hands.

'Who are you?' I called into it as my hand touched upon the Ether, feeling it pull me in.

'My name is Mephistopheles,' the voice answered.

I pushed through the gateway upon hearing such a powerful name; one unlike anything in my realm. My heart raced as I ignored the corpses of those who helped me, and I pushed on deeper and deeper.

First there was white light, followed by a deep, deep, deep darkness. And in the distance I saw two colors; purple and red. I pushed towards them, desperate to see where I was going. Would I even return? Did I even care? I laugh at my childish foolishness now, but in that bravado I found lands seen only within the dreams of the imaginative.

The skies were starless like a void. I had never seen something so vacant before. It was illuminated however by a glowing red light; the greatest, brightest moon I had ever seen. And it was so very red. It oozed this aura like the wisp of a flame, while its surface was smooth and clear, unlike the moon I was used too above my head. With it there, the starless skies burned with a vicious red that made me shiver.

Beneath my feet was grass, but it was not green like I expected; it was purple. I had never seen such a color be common for something as mundane as grass; had I fallen into a garden? No, I was in a forest somewhere. The trees had black trunks, the canopies were just as purple as the grass around me, and the berries were as red as the moon. I reached out for one, but I wisely pulled back.

I was not on Earth. I was not in Heaven. I was somewhere else.

Behind me laid the gateway back to Earth, swirling as the only white light in this forest of shadows. And it was closing. The fear on my face was palpable as I reached out for it, but by the time I threw myself forward, the gateway had already closed, sealing back up and trapping me in this realm.

I was here, lost in a realm neither of man nor of God. Where was I? But in my wonder and growing fear, that voice began beckoning to me once more.

'Faustus. Faustus. They come to me now! Save me, Faustus! Save me!'

Mephistopheles was her name, and she was calling out to me. But in which direction? Where was she coming from? Her voice sounded like it rang from all directions, and yet I still felt drawn to her. She herself was nowhere to be seen, but somehow I knew she was. Not too far from me, I could tell that much. So I rushed for it, where I came to a ravine.

It hung low, a deep basin with nothing but shadows at the very bottom. If I fell down there, I would die, no doubts. But Mephistopheles' voice seemed to echo from these shadows, calling to me from beyond the void.

'Jump,' she said, 'Jump, Faustus. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump.'

It infected my mind; all I could hear was jump. It horrified me and I clung back, fear keeping me stuck in place. Mephistopheles' words felt hypnotic and convincing, but I was far too afraid to listen to her. Who was this mysterious being? Was she good or evil? Why would she tell me to jump? And what did she mean earlier when she said Zeit and Oden were using me? Who even is 'Oden'?

Soon, it would no longer matter.


What was that!? A monstrous roar, one that shook the forest of shadows all around me. And yet it sounded familiar, as if it came from the lips of a man I had been working alongside with. Yes, it sounded like Zeit, but he was being followed by another. Was that Oskar? Was he this 'Oden' Mephistopheles spoke of?

'They are coming to slay me,' her voice once more rang into my ears, 'Please, help me, Faustus. I am weak; I need you. I will answer any and all questions you have. Help me, Faustus, help me. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump.'


I was surrounded on all sides; the roaring, her voice, endlessly beckoning to me. My heart was racing, the hypnotic slur of her words drawing me in deeper and deeper, while the roars from behind pushed me. All I could think was--

Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump.

So I did it. I--


“Hey Master! Geh! Ya still up?”


Sebastian's eyes jerked up, laying on the entrance to his bedroom. It was not soon after that a finger flipped the light switch, revealing to him the tall, powerful, amazonian form of a certain Orange Wyrm.

Carmeline stood at his doorway, sporting her trademark grin as her orange eyes fell upon her Master. And thanks to her change of clothing, the broad and burly musculature of an amazonian woman was on full display. He was used to the Groundskeeper wearing her shortalls or gym clothes; he wasn't used to her wearing a nightgown. It was orange in color with a glowing gleam to it that seemed to sparkle, while the edges of it were frilly, fanning out at her hips and thighs like some sort of skirt. Being fixed to her big body, it thinly laid upon her contours and curves, of particular note her busty chesty which seemed even more pronounced than usual. Its straps meanwhile were thin, the entire upper half of her nightgown flaunting her shoulders and cleavage, much like her shortalls did.

“C-Carmeline! Ohh... heavens... you scared me,” Sebastian said as his hand rested on his chest, coaxing laughter from his drachenmagd.

“Geh heh! Sorry 'bout that, Master! I just came to check up on ya, is all,” she replied, though with her state of dress, Sebastian found it hard to believe that she just wanted to check up on him.

“Really? That's all?” he even said in an incredulous manner, a teasing smirk appearing on his face, “You just wanted to make sure I was okay? Heh heh! Isn't that Rodeline's job? And she already gave me a thorough checkup earlier today!”

“Hey now! What's that supposed to mean? I could look after you too, Master!” Carmeline stated as she walked inside, “Though... I suppose my reason for being here ain't entirely faultless,” she tapped her cheek, “Tryin' not to be as possessive here as Selene, ya'know? Honestly, after the attack, I'm surprised she hasn't argued in favor of sleepin' with you every night forever!”

“Believe me, she tried,” Sebastian said as he rubbed his cheek, “And of course, when Emiline caught wind of what Selene wanted to do, the two nearly got into a fight,” he shook his head, “I'm more surprised the both of them aren't here with me.”

“Geh heh heh! Well, you know some of us are bad at sharin'!” Carmeline stated as she walked up to her Master, who himself stood up from his desk, “Anyway, I came cuz I heard you've had the tendency to sleep with your maids at night. Emiline, Selene, Mylene, Igrene, even Adeline! And not once you slept with me! So I came to rectify that mistake!”





Suddenly the door opened with a vicious push, its clasp shaking Sebastian's bedroom. Together, the young earl and his Groundskeeper looked to the doorway, eyes befalling--


Yes, it was the Kitchen Maid! Much like her sister, she had appeared suddenly tonight, her blue hair in its typically unkempt style, while her blue eyes were wide. Unlike Carmeline who was wearing a nightgown, Nadine was wearing fuzzy blue pajamas tops and bottoms, with cute matching shark slippers on her feet.

Her blue eyes were wide, her expression even frantic... until said blue eyes leered directly at Carmeline. It took the Groundskeeper back, who ever pointed at herself as her sister gave her such accusatory glares.

“NO!” shouted the Blue Wyrm as she too began pointing at Carmeline, “Master is mine tonight!”

“What? Yours?” Sebastian repeated, only for the Orange Wyrm's tail to come slithering around his waist, pulling him in where his head was stuff up against her bosom, “Mmff!”

“Geh heh! Really? Master Seba is 'yours' tonight?” Carmeline said with a teasing grin, “Where do you get off making such claims? I seem to have gotten here first, haven't I?”

“I don't care!” Nadine snapped back as she marched up towards the two, the door slamming shut behind her, “It's not fair that everyone gets to sleep with Master Sebastian first! And why? Because I spend all my days in the kitchen? At this rate, Faline's gonna sleep with him before me, collar and all! And I can't risk that!”

“Girls please, I-- MMFFF!?”

“Well too bad; I got to Master Sebastian first,” Carmeline stated, though that didn't stop Nadine from pushing her face up close to her taller sister's face, her sharp, shark-like teeth shown in full.

“I don't give a scheisse!” Nadine snapped back, her tail too wrapping around Sebastian's waist to pull him in, “The Master's going to sleep with me tonight!”

“But, w-wait,” he groaned, “Didn't... didn't we already sleep with one another? Yeah. That night you, Mylene and Larsine all drain--”

“DON'T FINISH THAT!!!” Nadine shouted, cutting him off, “I... we already apologized. I don't want to go through Igrene's punishment again, I swear... a-anyway...” her blue eyes looked back at Sebastian, “That was with the others. I just want you, one-on-one, like my other sisters.”

“Well get in line; Master Sebastian's mine tonight,” Carmeline said, pulling him towards her.

“Nuh-uh! Hara! He's mine!” Nadine snapped as she pulled him back.




“No he's mine!”


“Girls, please!!!” Sebastian shouted, his voice ringing in the air, “Haaaah... heavens...”

Listening to his bark, the two apologized, while Sebastian dropped his hands down to their tails. Gently grabbing them, he pulled them away from his waist, his expression shifting into a warm, beaming smile. Yeah, that cute, boyish smile that only he could give; it instantly melted their hearts. And when his hands reached out for theirs, he gently grabbed and pulled them in, his eyes closing in a relaxed manner.

“Look, you know I'd love nothing more than to spend the night with the both of you,” Sebastian said as his eyes reopened to look at them, “Let's do that, okay? Let's just... all sleep together. It's not like I'm going anywhere any time soon; we could spend this night together if you'd like, and then have a more personal evening some other night. How does that sound?”

Nadine and Carmeline looked at one another, a bit annoyed that their perceived alone time with Sebastian was being upended by their fellow drachenmagd. But at the end of the day, they are sisters, and it's not like the drachenmagd had a problem with sharing. If Emiline could share him with Carmeline, and Selene could share him with Igrene, then they could share him with one another.

Strange to be referring to himself in this situation, but here we are. Besides, after spending months with his maids, it would be strange for Sebastian to not be at least a little muted to something as weird as this. His maids arguing over who gets to spend time with him? Yeah, a startling common occurrence, especially when a certain Black or Indigo Dragon are concerned.

Seriously, those two were passive-aggressive in their possessive tendencies.

“Now why don't you get comfortable?” Sebastian said as he looked down towards his pink lounge wear, blushing, “I'll slip into my pajamas while I'm at it. Uh... heh... don't try and stay too angry with one another.”

His calm demeanor remained at odds with their more annoyed expressions, clearly aimed with one another of course. Sebastian wasn't blind to this however, and even chuckled as he turned to face his closet. Despite their annoyance with one another, he knew the two weren't going to go to blows. Or, well, he hoped. All his maids had such strong personalities, but they were still sisters.


His mind was elsewhere as he changed into his cotton pajamas, thinking about Heinrich's Records and his meeting with Mephistopheles. He was almost there, almost at the part where he'd learn where the drachenmagd came from. And yet... he felt a bit apprehensive towards reading any further. This was stretching beyond his meager knowledge of life an existence. It's one thing to know that dragons exist, but demons too? Perhaps he had been too accepting before, but... but...

Ya'know? He was happy Carmeline and Nadine were here, even more so than usual. If he was alone, he'd be forced to read Heinrich's Records sooner or later. With them here, he had an excuse to ignore the book for now. But later... come morning... yes, he would get to the bottom of this. It's nothing to be worried about anyway, right? The drachenmagd had served the Faust family for centuries now. If they were truly of demonic origins, by now his family would have done away with them, right?


Jeeze... he couldn't believe he was even entertaining this thought. It's why he was so desperate to get the answers he sought, just to know where the drachenmagd come from. But there in lies the issue; what if he found out something he didn't like? What if... what if... what if...?

“Haaaah... man...” Sebastian muttered as he stepped out of his closet in, his head hung a little low.

Having put aside his lounge wear, Sebastian put on cotton pajamas much like Nadine. But where hers were blue and white, his was red and yellow; not unlike a certain red serpent. It felt snug on his body, warmed his heart as well, and helped to placate some of the wayward thoughts he had in his mind. All the while he made way for his bed, pulling upon its curtains to see...

Carmeline and Nadine... the two were laying on his bed yes, but glaring at one another with their arms crossed. While they agreed to this little threeway sleep, that did not mean they were necessarily happy with it. Seeing them pout at one another like insolent toddlers was rather cute, and even coaxed chuckles from Sebastian as he crawled on his bed towards the two of them.

“Hey now, don't be like that! You're sisters! This can't be the first time something like this has happened between the two of you,” Sebastian said as ambled between the two, “I mean... law of averages dictate that this would have had to occur at least once...” Grab! “Oh!”

“Maybe, Master,” Nadine said as she tugged Sebastian over towards her, hugging him against her body as she leered at Carmeline, “But I'm used to the Groundskeeper... ya'know... sticking to her grounds!


“Geh! That's rich coming from you, chef!” the Orange Wyrm replied as she grabbed Sebastian' next, her eyes meanwhile glowing as she glared at her sister, “Shouldn't you be thinking about what to prepare for tomorrow's breakfast?”


“I already know exactly what to make! So don't worry about it, Carmeline!”

“H-hey! Girls! Nnghh! Calm down!” Sebastian cried as he freed himself from their warring grasps, “Haaah... oooohh...”

He tensed up, feeling a slight, sore pain rumble through his body. All this tugging and pulling... oh, it agitated whatever lingering injuries he had since the attack. Realizing what they had both done, the two dragons immediately shifted their gazes towards their Master, hands grasping him in a more tender, controlled manner.

“Master?” Nadine said as they checked up on him, “Are you okay?”

“Heh... yeah, I'm fine,” he said whilst leaning up, feeling a few bones pop in his spine, “Haaah... promise! You just have to be a bit gentle with me. I'm not as strong as I once was. Hmm...” he looked over at Carmeline, then back to Nadine, and back to Carmeline, “Is... is that why you're here, Carmeline?”

“Gahh... well...”

She looked away, pouted too, her fingers coming together in a prodding manner before she fully leaned back into the bed. Resting on her side, the amazonian drachenmagd turned to face her Master, her usually grinning face instead shifting into an uncharacteristically demure expression. It was shy, bashful even; a visage Sebastian rather liked. And with her looming over him still with her greater size, he felt drawn into her.

“I haven't gotten the chance to spend a lot of time with ya, Master,” Carmeline stated bluntly, “You're always surrounded by Rodeline, or Katherine, or Selene, or Igrene. Not to mention Mylene and Larsine. Geh... I miss havin' you help me out in the fields, or working out in the gym. So I guess I'm being a little touch starved,” her hand reached out for his face, gently rubbing it, “To put it straight, I missed ya, Master.”

Feeling her strong hand be so gentle to his smooth face, Sebastian gave Carmeline a bashful smile all his own. She was always so blunt with her emotions, rarely hiding anything. When she was excited, she was excited, when she was remorseful, she was remorseful, when she was angry, she was angry. And right now, she was so... happy. Yes, happy that now she could be here with him.

He wasn't sure what he could say in response to her words, but in the end, he knew it did not matter. She was here with him now, something they were both very much happy with. Truth be told, he too missed this daily workouts with Emiline and Carmeline, and while the Marshal still found a way to spend time with him, the same could not be said for the Orange Wyrm. But he didn't bring it up, instead he was more focused on making up for lost time.

So his brown eyes gazed upon her body; from her broad shoulders to the draping nightgown that clung to her muscular build, and especially the way the hem of it drifted off her hips. And... ah, it was a bit translucent, meaning he could see her brassiere and panties beneath. Heh, Carmeline with a bra... the mere sight of it was enough to make Sebastian chuckle.

“You must be out of your element in this gown, Carmeline,” he commented, his hand tugging at her dress, “How does it feel?”

“It's a little uncomfortable... but I like it so long as you do,” she replied, making his cheeks burn hot again.

“Thanks, I--” Grab! “Huh?”

“I'm here too, Master!” Nadine cried whilst pulling him in, his head resting upon her busty chest, “Don't just... ya'know... talk to Carmeline only...”

She pouted, with Sebastian looking up at her as best he could. Even after all this time, he still struggled to properly balance his maids and their desires. He knew what they'd always say; that their pleasure does not matter so long as he's happy, and stuff like that. But Sebastian didn't feel the same; he never felt that way.

He wanted to be an earl that they themselves could be proud of.

“Heh... apologies, Nadine,” Sebastian said as he hugged her back, groaning as his face pressed up against her bosom, “Heh heh... I'm happy neither of you are Adeline; she'd no doubt scold me for apologizing so much.”

“You've slept with her too, haven't you?” Carmeline remarked, her hand falling on his shoulders, “She mentioned being your 'doll' once. Then got mad when I teased her about it. Ya'know, for as tiny as she is, Adeline packs quite a punch!”

“You're all dragons,” Sebastian replied whilst pulling away from Nadine's bosom, “I'm sure there's nothing you all can't do if you put your minds to it, so I'm not surprised that she can be so strong when teased like that. Though...” he looked down at his hand, “Hmm... eh... never mind...”

“What? Har! Thinking about being 'teased' yourself, Master?” Nadine asked, causing him to look at her with a shocked and embarrassed expression.

“What? N-no! Not me!” he replied, “Uh... wh... what kind of teasing are you talking about?” he asked, only for Carmeline's arm to suddenly pull him towards her bosom.

“Geh heh heh! Ya know what kind of 'teasin' we're talkin' about!” the Groundskeeper answered, nuzzling his head even more against her large and firm tit, “The kind that means gettin' hung up on somethin', to the point that you can't move, meanin' others get to do whatever they want to you!”

“What... ever...?” he repeated, his thoughts being cut short when Nadine's hand fell on his thigh.

“Yeah! Har har! The kind of 'teasing' you do to Faline almost all the time!” she continued, causing his eyes to swell, “Have you ever thought about being tied up for a change, Master? Maybe being stuck in place while others toy with you? Har har har! My, I must sound like Faline talking like this! Hara har!”

“Uh... I uh... uah... umm...”

His face was hotter than ever; as red as a tomato in fact. The thoughts running in his head ran from the tame to the outlandish, and all because of Faline. He's... read some of her novels, which themselves ranged from the vanilla to the extreme, and boy, could some of those more insane tastes make one's head spin. So, yeah, guess what he was mostly focusing on in his head!

Nadine and Carmeline may not be their book-loving sister, but he highly doubted they've never indulged in some more extreme kinks. Who knows what his ancestors were into before his was born. And with impossibly beautiful women too! It left Sebastian both curious to know what his maids have done in their past... but also he didn't want to know.

Seriously, do you want to know the various fetishes of your long family lineage? Yeah... probably not...

When he looked at his two drachenmagd however, he realized they weren't looking at him, but instead each other. Oh no. Not only that, they were silent, speaking to one another only with their eyes. Oh no! And to make matters worse, they were both grinning, a series of low chuckles even starting to rise from their lips. OH NO!

“It's okay if you like being toyed with, Master,” Nadine said as she looked at him.

“Yeah. So long as you only allow us to do the toying!” Carmeline added as she too looked at him.

“Um... uh... n-now girls, r-remember, I'm still a little sore here!” Sebastian said as he shook his hands through the air, “I... you know! I can't perform as well as usually do! I don't want to pull anything!”

“We know Master!” they then said in complete, perfect unison, “And don't worry, we won't hurt you... much!

“Oh man...” Whump! “Ah!”

Without warning, Carmline suddenly moved, positioning her body over top Sebastian's, forcing him to move right into Nadine's awaiting arms. It wasn't until she grabbed him that he realized what a foolish mistake that was. Yes, he had the Kitchen Maid's busty breasts resting on his head like the world's greatest pillows, but he also had the amazonian Groundskeeper towering over top him, her orange eyes locked upon his brown ones. Their body heats were beginning to mix, making the room that much hotter than it normally was. To make matters worse, he heard the gentle beating of Nadine's heart, calming like the ocean waves. And of course, there was their body odors; one like the sea, the other like freshly cut grass. Such a combination should be disgusting, but somehow he found it to be so damn intoxicating!

That is... until Carmeline moved down.



Breathing... hard! Not impossible, but hard! Oooooooh so hard!

In his ears he heard not but their belittling giggles, in his nose he smelled not but their odors ramped up to eleven, but what he felt was what dominated all of his senses. Carmline wasn't just laying atop him, she was pressing into him. Her breasts pressed against Nadine's breasts, with his cute head stuck in the middle. The young earl writhed between their bodies, his nose just barely poking out from the valley of their tits. It allowed him to breathe, but he did so weakly, with his lungs all but crushed by his Groundskeeper's body.

But Carmeline wasn't letting up. In fact, Nadine was starting to press back! The duo were working their bodies in tandem, squeezing Sebastian like a sandwich, with him being the meat. Though, with how he was shaking, perhaps it' better to call him 'jelly'. It doesn't matter; he was at their mercy, incapable of moving or even speaking as his amorous drachenmagd placed with him.

“Hoora, hoora! How does it feel up there, Carmeline?” Nadine asked, her arms hugging close Sebastian's shoulders.

“Geh heh heh! You should feel it, Nadine! Master's dick is so hard right now, it's practically burning into me!” the Orange Wyrm answered.

“Har har! I knew it; Master Sebastian is a closet masochist! Maybe we should let him breathe now?”

“Hmm... no! I wanna see just how much he likes it!”

Sebastian's eyes widened; Carmeline wanted to push this more! He can breathe, but anymore squeezing and his lungs would be flattened! She knew this, right? Then why was she pressing down even more?

You are reading story Drachenmagd at novel35.com

Sebastian's mattress dipped down as his Groundskeeper continued pressing into him, causing his voice to come squeaking out into her tits. In turn, the Orange Wyrm felt more of it; her Master's growing affection. Despite the lack of oxygen, she found his cock growing in size and length. Harder, longer, thicker; mmmm, yes! But just before his eyes could fully roll back.


“Guuuhaaaah! Haaaahh! Haaaahh! Haaaah!”

Carmeline pulled away, allowing Sebastian to breathe and return to reality. His eyes swirled about as he did so, struggling to focus on anything that wasn't his Groundskeeper well defined bust. Maybe the air deprivation mucked with his mind, but was Carmeline looking extra beautiful tonight? The definition of her musculature, the way it ran along her shoulders and came up to her neck. So smooth, so flawless, so perfect. Not too muscular that one would call it overt, nor so much that she lost her feminine beauty. No, Carmeline's beauty was statuesque, Olympian even. And it was coming close to him again... what?


“Geh heh heh! Gotcha, Master! You weren't even trying to escape, were you?” Carmeline remarked as she pulled him up into her body like a doll.

“Hoora! Looks like Master's really given up on trying to fight us!” Nadine remarked as she leaned in, her lips hanging near his ear, “Mmm... I can't wait to taste all the sweat he's accumulated.”

Her hands resting on his shoulders still as his body laid against Carmeline's, Nadine began to kiss Sebastian's cheek. But those kisses did not stay chase, her tongue soon sliding out to lick upon him. She drew her lips up further and further, kissing up to his ear... where she seized upon it. First a bite, her teeth pressing into his flesh, coaxing a groan. And then her tongue came slithering out, licking along the shell of his ear; a feeling that was both wet, ticklish, and so lewd. More and more his cock began hardening, to the point that pain came surging through him. For as soft and comfortable as his pajama pants could be, even they were no longer enough to soothe his explosive member.

“Haaah... girls, I... ahhhnn...” he moaned, his hands weakly holding upon Carmeline's body while the Kitchen Maid continued kissing him.

“Hear that? Geh heh... Master sounds so cute and slutty,” the Orange Wyrm remarked, her eyes becoming sensual glares as she watched him shiver with delight, “Mmmmm... I want to see you melt more, Master. I want to see your face contort with pleasure, geh heh...”

“Mmm? 'Contort with pleasure'? That sounds like something Selene would say,” Nadine said as she tossed her hair up, “Buuuuuuut... hoora! I bet we can make that happen!”

“Huh? What? Nnngh?”

Suddenly, Sebastian was being pushed up and up and up. Nadine was nudging him towards the edge of the bed, eventually forcing him up upon his feet. He stood out in cold open of his bedroom, looking around the dimly lit chamber. His Kitchen Maid was standing behind him, but not for long when she said,

“Carmeline! Hold his hands!”

“Geh heh heh! Oh! I see what yer gonna do! Geh heh heh!”

“Huh? I-I don't...” Grab!

Regardless, Carmeline did as she was told; holding Sebastian's hands bound behind him. His heart continued racing as his cheeks flushed redder, watching as the Blue Wyrm waltzed around to stand in front of him. Her blue eyes met his brown ones, his feet shifting to help stiffen his stance. But there was but so much he could do when Nadine suddenly grabbed his pants and--


“Hoora hoora! You weren't lying, Carmeline! Look at how hard Master Sebastian has become!”

Finally freed of his pants, the young earl's manhood stood long and proud before their prying eyes. Though they had seen it many times and experienced it just as much, the two drachenmagd giggled among one another like taunting teenage girls. Sebastian himself bit his bottom lip, trying to relieve some of the tension he felt in his body as he wondered what the two were planning. Were they going to squeeze him again? Oh... no...

Nadine began moving down, getting on her knees before her Master and allowing him to see his reflection. Yes, they were standing right in front of his full-body mirror. Was this on purpose? Knowing his maids, yes, yes it was.

“Oooh, look at it,” Nadine whispered as she snuggled her face up against Sebastian's dick, “Mmm... so big... sniiifff... such a lovely scent too. Oooh... and the sweat... hoora... Faust men are just perfect. Well.. guten appetit! Mmmph!”


Nadine lacked the build up her sisters usually took. Much like with her meals, the Kitchen Maid was a very fast eater. She quickly pulled his dick into her mouth, sucking on it loud and hard. The sounds of her lewd fellatio audibly bounced off the walls, echoing straight into Sebastian's ears. What is it with sounds that drive him? It's one thing to see Nadine sucking his dick, something else entirely to feel it, but to hear it too; oh!

His toes curled as she sucked and sucked, the pleasure ballooning rapidly. Nadine's lithe tongue did not coil around his dick, instead she used her tongue to slap it. Left, right, up, down, and with strength to push his penis around. He grunted as her tongue swirled around his glands, before sliding beneath his dick to stroke it from the shaft to the tip and back again.

Nadine savored his taste, moaning all around him as it struck her pleasure centers. Being a chef of her caliber, she knew what did and didn't taste good. And Sebastian? Oh, he was the sweetest, the saltiest, the tastiest thing she'd ever had the pleasure of tasting. The only thing she'd say would come close was his cum.

Really makes her hope he took her up on the offer of shirako.

But Nadine wasn't pleased with just sucking his cock, nor was she pleased with just licking it. Nooo, she bit it too. Not hard mind you, not even hard enough to leave marks, but boy did she treat his penis unlike anything else. The sharp, angular shape of her teeth grazed his length, scratching it as she sucked and slurped it. The way she twisted her head, gracing his penis with her fangs, her canines, her molars, her incisors; it sent his body on a euphoric highway. Something so sharp should hurt him, but she controlled herself with such precision that all Sebastian felt was pleasure!

From the left, to the right, to the left again, back to the right, and up to the tip. Nadine left Sebastian's cock twitching with desire... only for her to come cradling it again.

And Carmeline watched!

Sebastian had the cutest face she'd ever seen, and watching it morph with pleasure was just as enthralling. Her hands keeping his bound, she used her body to prop him up, while her orange eyes gazed into his full body mirror. It perfectly reflected him, showing the expressions that crossed his face from Nadine's erotic onslaught. How his eyes rolled back, his mouth wobbled, his cheeks puffed, and that's not all! He twitched and bucked, struggling to retain his footing as the pleasure threatened to drop him. He needed Carmeline there, less he truly did melt into nothing but a pit of ecstasy.

My, what a delicious sight.

Pulling away one of her hands, the Orange Wyrm began stroking her palm along her Master's cheeks before clutching his chin. Tipping his head up further, she forced his eyes to meet her glowing orange ones, not to mention the grin resting on her cheeks.

“Carme... lineee,” he groaned, only to have his lips seized upon, “Mmmmff!”

His head tipped up like this while Nadine sucked his cock, Sebastian's lips met those of his Groundskeeper. Energized by his warbling face, Carmeline used her brutish tongue to easily slap around her Master's, moaning as he tasted from his body. It was a sloppy and wild make out session, the two allowing spit to ooze between the creases of their lips.

It was brief, but it left Sebastian shuddering nonetheless when Carmeline pulled her mouth away. And when she did, the powerful smell of arousal began wafting from her body like pheromones. Carmeline even shuddered, sending out more of that odor whilst letting loose of her inhibitions.

“Goooh! I can't take it anymore!” she suddenly announced as she pulled Sebastian right out of Nadine's mouth with a lewd and loud,


“Muah!? H-hey! I was sucking that!” Nadine shouted as she got up on her feet, but there was no stopping the amazon of a dragon.

With great ease, Carmeline picked Sebastian up, lifting him into the air and bringing him back to reality. His eyes swelled as he stared down, meeting the Groundskeeper's grinning face as she brought him back to the bed... and slammed him down upon it.


Thank the heavens his bed is the greatest bed in history, or else that may have broken his back.

Instead, Sebastian found his legs and feet dangling in the air, while his eyes stared up to the ceiling. Carmeline was a wrestler, in fact, she was the one who taught him the few wrestling techniques he knew now, so suffering a suplex at her hands was nothing new. Hell, suffering a suplex in her hands with his cock out wasn't even that new! Though he'd have to say he much prefers being slammed on his bed as oppose to a wrestling mat.

But... this wasn't a typical suplex, something Sebastian realized as he looked back towards Carmeline's face. She was holding his legs up, keeping him dangling as her orange eyes glowed, and her mouth breathed hot air all over his crotch.

“Amazing! I'm gonna eat you up!”

“Nnnghh...! Guhh! Th-this can't be good for my back!”

They did know he was still healing, right? Then why was Carmeline forcing his back into a 'c' like this!? But, right, this is Carmeline; discretion isn't really her strong suit. Currently, she was far too over the moon with desire, her orange eyes first meeting Sebstian's face, before sliding down towards his throbbing cock. Even in this compromising position, his cock remained as hard as diamond.

“Gutes Essen fur mich!” Carmeline announced, before swooping down with an audible--



No hesitation; Sebastian's cock traveled straight between her lips, along her teeth, right into her throat. No choking either; Carmeline cradled Sebastian's length with her undulating throat, pulling the head of it as deep as it could go. Her lips were pressed hard to his crotch, lathering his body in her spit while his own body locked up.

Fuck, being manhandled like this felt... good? Blood was rushing through his veins as he laid upside down, but the sensation was dulled by Carmeline's fellatio. Her powerful tongue slapped his dick left and right, coaxing grunts and groans from. His toes curled, his hands likewise, bawling and pulling his blankets into his grip.

“Carmeeelinnneeee!” he groaned out so... sluttily, white-hot breaths flowing form his mouth.

“Yeah, Carmeline, you're being greedy,” Nadine said as she crawled upon the bed, eyeing her sister as she did so... as if the Groundskeeper even cared. She was far too stuck in her own, cock-sucking world.

Nadine laid beside them, her hand resting on her hip while her blue eyes watched their sexcapade. Not only did Carmeline's throat pulsate and ripple as she sucked her Master's cock, she did so audibly as well. The moans and groans she gae bounced about in the bedroom; such delighted groans as well. Heh, like she was eating one of Nadine's meals!

But what of Sebastian? Well, Carmeline wanted to see it, and right now, she had an unbroken view of his face as he writhed with pleasure. The moans he gave continued on unfiltered, his eyes rolling as his chest heaved. They really loved how high-pitched his voice became during some of his moans; truly falling into a well he didn't want to retreat from.

“See? Get it now?” Nadine whispered into Sebastian's ear, though she wasn't sure if he could really hear her at the moment, “This is why Faline likes being toyed with so much. Being all weak and submissive; letting others play with you! Hoora hoora! It's getting me hot just thinking about it! I just want to... just want to...! Mmmmm!”

With Sebastian unable to move as he suffered Carmeline's blowjob, Nadine rose up on his bed. Hr thumbs hooked into the waistband of her nightpants, pulling them down her body to reveal her throbbing pussy. Now the odor of the ocean cut through the air, causing Sebasitan's eyes to jolt. He looked up and over...

Nadine's pussy stared him back.



The smell was intense, the weight equally so, and the juices came at such a speed he feared he may drown! Covered in darkness, it took Sebastian a little while to realize what was happening; Nadine was sitting on his face! Her pussy was pressed up against his nose and mouth, surrounding him in her odor and taste. Her thighs were so soft even as they clinched, and her buttocks was just as pliable.

This... this was a certain kind of heaven. Even the weight that bared down upon him felt so good. He grunted, he moaned, and most importantly, his cock got even harder.

“Har har har! Yeah! This is more like it, ain't it, Master!?” Nadine cried as she shook her hips on his face, causing her buttocks to clap and sound in his ears, “Mmmm! Now why don't you start-- OH!?”

She didn't even need to order him around; Sebastian did it on his own! With Nadine sitting on his face, Sebastian began lapping against the honeypot that is her pussy. The wonderful taste of seafood, it poured into his mouth, coating his tongue, and filling him with only her body. Controlled by pleasure though he may be, the young earl still had enough wherewithal to reach up and palm Nadine, grabbing her by her hips so that he could squeeze her down even harder.

“Hooooohhhrraaaah... mmmmm! Master's really, really hungry tonight,” Nadine said, her tone sensual as she gyrated her hips on his face, “Harrrr... you like eating pussy, don't you, Master? Har har... if that's the case, then don't worry; your Kitchen Maid will always be ready to feed you.”

“Mmmfff! SLURRRRRRRPPPP! POP! Gah-haaah! Geh heh heh... I almost can't take it anymore,” Carmeline said with a cooing tone, her hand stroking off his length, “I wanna... I wanna ride Master Seba now!”

And she was going to do it, rising up where she grabbed her nightgown by the hem. Such a shame Sebastian's face was surrounded by Nadine's body; he would have loved to watch Carmeline undress before him for the umpteenth time. Oh well!

She tossed it aside, leaving her in nothing but her orange panties and bra. Those... didn't remain for long either, with Carmeline pulling them off to be just as naked as the day she hatched. Her bronze body exposed to all, sweat causing it to illuminate in the bedroom, the Orange Wyrm leered down at her Master with her hands ready to strike!

Grabbing him by the legs, she raised him up as she positioned her body above his. Her teeth were in a grin, her orange eyes glowing like she was about to go primal. Nadine – noticing her sister's position – raised an eyebrow and cocked her head in confusion.

“Carmeline. Are you about to put him into an amazon position?” she asked, her words snapping her back to reality.

“Yeah... what of it...?”

“Har! You can't put him in that! Master's still sore!” she scolded, taking the Orange Wyrm aback.

“Huh? But you're sittin' on his face! That can't be good for him either! Look!”

Tap! Tap! Tap!

“Master Seba can't even breathe; you're smotherin' him down there, Nadine!”

“Hora? Oooh! S-sorry!”

She arose form his body, not only allowing Sebastian to see, but also allowing him to breathe. And breathe he did, sucking in gallons of air s he panted. How long was he down there tasting from Nadine's pussy? A minute? Two minutes? Or was that just him exaggerating things? He honestly felt like they had been toying with him forever!

And the toying wasn't even over yet!

“Huh? What...?” Sebastian said, sounding as if he had just got done running a marathon, “What are... what are you two doing now...?”

“Geh heh heh! I'm just gonna fuck ya is all, Master!” Carmeline said as she positioned herself over his cock in a squatting position, her hands resting one her hips while a grin laid on her lips, “I've been waitin' on this for a while!”

“Hold up, Carmeline! I haven't gotten into position yet!” Nadine said, taking both her sister and her Master off guard.

“Position?” the two said in unison.

Her hands resting on Sebastian's head, she gently lifted it up, her body sliding beneath his so that his head could lay on her legs. It was at first a soft experience, reminding Sebastian of how smooth and pliable his Kitchen Maid's thighs were. He'd love to experience more of it come the future but... wait...

What was she doing? Her legs were sliding around his head, making a cross position! She was going to--


Yup yup! His head stuck between her legs, Nadine began squeezing upon him with her thighs. Air escaped him, a similar feeling to when they were pressing his body on both sides. This time however, it was all centered around his neck, with air coming in through gaps. Sometimes Nadine would relax, allowing Sebastian to gasp out loud, only for her legs to come clinching down once again. And she did it all with a grin on her lips, gleefully indulging in the power she held over her Master.

And gleefully enjoying the draw it had on his body.

Down here, being choked by her sumptuous thighs, Sebastian's cock grew in length and width. Their Master had a whole laundry list of kinks, one's even he was unaware of from the looks of it! Grinning from cheek to cheek, Nadine indulged in this feeling, her hips gyrating as a rush of heat flowed through her form.

“Hoora hoora... Master Sebastian's a dirty little boy, isn't he?” she remarked, her thighs pressing into his cheeks as he bit his bottom lips, “I betcha I could make him cum if I just squeezed really hard. Like... THIS!!!”


It gained a rise out of him,, causing his cock to jolt and his eyes to swell. But just as fast as she squeezed she relented, letting Sebastian drop down and pant while her teasing laughter filled the air. Carmeline herself could no longer take it, having watched everything unfold, especially how thick Sebastian's dick was.

All so hard... and all for her! She just needed to...

“Huaaaaaaannggghhhh! Geh heh... fuck yesssss...”

Ah, that ht the spot.

Sebastian's length slid right up Carmeline's cunt, captured by her body as pleasure rumbled through her. Despite her massive size, her tight, muscular cunt felt full by her Master's length, leaving very little space between, if any at all. She groaned from the pleasure, her hips rocking and swaying gently, before coming to a halt as an expression of pure orgasmic desire took her face.


“Har har! You look like you're having fun, Carmeline!” Nadine remarked, her blue eyes then looking down, “And so to does Master SEBASTIAN!!! HARA!!!”


His cock hard, Sebastian felt the oppressive clench of his Kitchen Maid's thighs, rending the air from his lungs even further. He grunted as he tapped her legs, desperate for air, but being afforded none. Nadine's giggles instead filled his ears, continuing the submissive hold of her thighs.

So this is what erotic asphyxiation is like. He didn't get it before but... hohhoh...

Sebastian's eyes rolled back, his teeth grinding against one another and drool seeping from his lips. At the same time, Carmeline continued her rocking hips... no, she was getting faster. Her loud, bovine moans continued filling the air, her arms even raising up high. Resting them against her head she arched her back and pushed out her chest, allowing her firm tits to bounce and clap against her body. She was riding him in earnest, though with her size, she lacked the refined movements of, say, Selene or Igrene. Instead she made up for it with power, her body slamming Sebastian deeper and deeper into the mattress.

She drilled him in, deeper, harder, faster. No skill, no finesse; just raw strength! And with Nadine's legs clenching his neck and face, all Sebastian could do was sit there and take! Pound for pound, for pound! The sweat, the steam, the heat, the body, the pleasure, the pleasure, the pleasure!

Almost there! Almost there! His cock was so hard, it fucking hurt! He was just on the edge! Just on the tip! Just about to drop over! He'd get there soon, but 'soon' wasn't good enough! Nadine wanted to see it now!

And so...


She squeezed her legs.


And just like that...


Ooooh... so loud... so thick... mmmm... so gooooooooood!

Sebastian jerked up with his hips upon Nadine's squeeze, slamming his cock as deep into Carmeline's cunt as it could do, taking her aback. She stopped riding as her body was jolted, her pussy feeling every finite definition of his cock... and the thick, massive load he was giving her.

It filled her cunt to the brim; a size and quantity that had Carmeline shivering from the warmth that centered one her womb. Nadine watched herself; how big and massive her Master's length was as it quaked deep inside of her sister, strands of cum and pussy juices streaking down its sides. He made such a mess of her toned cunt, the labia flexing and twitching as seed came sputtering from within. And when Carmeline raised up as Sebastian's cock grew flaccid, even more seed came oozing out of her spent womanhood, staining his length and lap as some even streaked down her muscular thighs.

“Gaaaah...goooh... gaaahhahaaah... heilig scheisse...” Carmeline moaned, while Nadine finally released the hold she had on Sebastian's head.

“Har har! Enjoyed yourself?” she asked, to which the Groundskeeper – with a kooky smile no less – nodded.

“Y-yesss,” she muttered, her hips still rocking, “Master Sebastian feels sooooooo good.”

“Ahnn... hoh... ooohhohohoho... i... i... is it... over...?” the young earl himself asked, having seemingly returned to reality after nearly being choked to death.

“Har har har! 'Is it over'?” Nadine repeated, her head shaking as she looked down towards his dazed face, “Of course not! You've only fucked one of us, and you don't want me going primal next, do you?”

“Wh-what? Haaaah! P-primal! Y-you can't threaten me with that!” Sebastian muttered as he propped himself up on his hand.

“Oh can't I? Har har! Carmeline, grab him!”

“Wait, what?”

“Geh heh heh! You got it!”

“No, wait! Carme-- mmphhh!?”

When the girls said they were going to make him their toy, they weren't lying. Moving like the serpents they were, Sebastian found his eyes covered by orange and blue slipstreams. When it all stopped, he was suddenly resting along Carmeline's bronze body, his head held by her muscular arm. She had him in a headlock, her toned arm squeezing around his neck much like Nadine's thighs did. Not as soft as the Blue Wyrm's legs, but no less constricting, and thanks to the likes of Emiline and Carmeline, Sebastian had gained quite the appreciation for a toned, muscular body. Meaning...

“Har! Look, it's already getting hard again!” Nadine said.

Together, Sebastian and his Groundskeeper looked down his body, eyes falling on his cock as it began twitching and coming to life. Stroking it with her hands a bit, Nadine would even bend over to kiss the side of it. But then she turned her body around fully, her hands grabbing the hem of her shirt as she pulled it off her head. Now just as naked as the both of them, the Blue Wyrm not only flaunted her back, she moved until Sebastian's cock was perfectly sandwiched between her pompous, pliable posterior.

Two smooth, round cheeks, cradled his dick, and when Nadine shook her hips left and right...

Clap! Clap!

Oh yeah, they audible smacked one another whilst smacking his dick! The feelings, the sounds, it had blood pumping through his manhood at an incredible pace, returning to attention in only a few moments. But 'attention' is not maximum length, is it? It's good... but everyone in the room already knew it could be better. So this time...

“Geh heh HEH!”


Okay, Carmeline squeezed waaaayyy harder than Nadine did!

Immediately Sebastian felt his lungs grow dry, his cock twitching as it grew even longer and thicker. This could not be good for him, but neither drachenmagd seemed to care. There was this fear Sebastian had every time his neck was squeezed, but in that fear he felt... excitement? Yeah, excitement! He didn't know how far his maids would take this, which was naturally scary, but he trusted them. They would take things far, yes, but never too far, never to the point that he'd be injured.

Sore? Yes. injured? Never!

“Oooh! Har har! Master likes a good squeeze, doesn't he?” Nadine commented as she continued shaking her clapping ass upon his cock, her eyes looking over her shoulder to stare at his face, “He's like stress reliever; the more you squeeze him, the longer his cock becomes!”

“That's... not... even close to... comparable...!” Sebastian replied, only for... Clinch! “GGRRRGGHGHGHGHH!”

“Alright, Nadine! Fuck him!” Carmeline said, excitement brimming on her face, “I wanna see Master Sebastian's face melt again!”

“Har! You reaaalllly sound like Selene now!” she wiggled her hips again, “Buuuuuuut...” and then she rose her body, her sopping wet folds oozing with desire as she grabbed Sebastian's cock, lining it up with her womanhood, “I want to see it... TOO! HOORA!”


Nadine took his cock with one pound, sinking her body down until her ass sat on his waist. Connected with her Master, Nadine's hands sat on her thighs, her body shaking as a coo left her lips. He was so big inside of her, and she was so tight; a feeling they were both so very used to. Hoora! Time to go!

Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat!

“Hrrrraaaaaaaahhh! Soooo gooooooddd,” Nadine moaned.

The way she moved was without equal. Her spine undulating while her hands rested on the back of her head. Was she flaunting herself? Displaying an utter mastery of movements as her ass clapped on his cock and waist? Maybe... but Sebastian may have been too dazed to enjoy it.



Carmeline began squeezing again, rending the air from his lungs and making his dick tighten. His eyes were rolling again, drool sputtering from his lips as his teeth ground against one another. And just as before, his Groundskeeper gazed upon him. She loved how desperate he looked to breathe, struggling with all his might to remain conscious as his drachenmagd made him their plaything.

He was on the brink of two extremes; pleasure on one end, pain the other. His lungs were on fire, but that didn't stop his cock from retaining maximum length and hardness. In fact, it was seemingly because of his desperation that his body remained so hot and throbbing. Carmeline – for all her brutish vigor – held just the right amount of strength on his neck, compressing hard enough for the pleasure to nullify whatever pain he was feeling.

And Nadine indulged it.

The length of his cock, the shape, the reach; it was all so perfect! She could feel it scrape along her pussy in all the right ways, and when she angled her body to stroke it against her g-spot...


Oh fuck yes!

Dropping her arms, the Blue Wyrm threw caution to the wind as she looked over her shoulder, staring down at Sebastian's body while her hand gripped her ass. Her body began speeding up, the audible clapping of her buttocks increasing in sound and ferocity as well. There was no gaps anymore, it was just--




She could feel it! Rushing towards her like a speeding bullet! Sebastian was about to cum! It surged through his length and came from his balls; that life-giving seed that she just couldn't get enough of! Harder and harder and harder, her body jerking and twisting on his cock, the pleasure was no longer enough for him to take!

Nadine and Carmeline were so much alike. They weren't the type ot beat around the bush; they just took, and took, and took, and to--



His hips jerking skyward, Sebastian tanked another load he had deep within, all into Nadine's pussy. And she took it ll too, greedily so. Moaning and groaning as it filled her pussy with seed. A little bit less than what he did with Carmeline yes, but no less copious, no less...

“Fantastisch... aahhh...”

Her grip on Sebastian's head loosening, the Orange Wyrm allowed her Master to to reach out for Nadine, his hand palming her buttocks as she arose from his cock. Seed came spilling out as well, oozing on his cock to mix with the seed from before. That's two load for two dragons... haaahh... gotta say... not half bad...

“Look at him... geh heh... he's drooling so much,” Carmeline commented as she poked Sebastian's cheek, “Oh Master Seba... you're the cutest.”

“You're okay, right Master?” Nadine asked, a sheepish grin adorning her cheeks, “We... didn't toy with you too hard, did we?”

“Ooooooohhhh... huuuuuuufffff! Haaaaaaaaaahhh... my neck and my penis hurts...” Sebastian muttered, his eyes dizzily swaying around.

“Geh heh... oops... sorry 'bout that, Master. Here, let's go take a bath and soothe you down.”

“Yeah... let's...”

Heat fuels storms, you know? The hotter it is, the stronger the weather. Schonheit was always special because of it. In days of old, the strange level of heat in the air would create violent storms, which would itself lead into a good fishing season. But nowadays – with the fishing village Schonehit once was being nothing more than ancient history – the heat in the air causes nothing but problems. At this time of year – so close to December and thus Christmas – this strange heat creates powerful storms. They're typically only at the onset of November, but boy, when they hit.

They hit hard...

“Haaah... shit... it's 1AM, yet I'm fucking sweating here...”

What the hell was he doing up this late when he had a shift at 10AM? Was he trying to sabotage himself? If he came in tired, he'd only garner an earful from Gretel. Which... really, isn't too out of the norm for him.

In the dead of night, Hansel found himself out here, wearing a long coat that covered him from neck to to toe. Schonheit was incredibly silent; even this derelict street remained quiet. One would expect to see winos or hobos but... no, this is the Elegant City; winos and hobos don't exist here!

But the air was still... disquieting.

What was he doing up this late in the first place? Even Hansel questioned if he was completely sane. He was at his apartment, eating and drinking, trying to get some sleep... but failing at every moment. Huh, he must be drunk if he's out here, and he must be stupid if he's actually considering this.

He drove for a little before getting out his car to walk the rest of the way... here. And when his head pulled up to stare at the store before him, his hand scratching the back of his neck, he realized just how stupid he could be at times.

Kronos Watches.

He had no warrant. He had no body. He had no note. No message. No crime. But he did not have nothing. He had a hunch. And sometimes, all you need is just a hunch.

Gretel was right; there was no need for Hansel to investigate something like this. Sebastian only recently moved here; how would he know someone like Zeit Henlein? But on the other hand, why would someone who new to Schonheit just randomly buy a clock store? How would he even get in contact with Zeit to make the purchase in the first place?

Having briefly looked into the watchmaker's files, Hansel discovered he had no phone. Everyone who did business with him did so in his store. So... how the hell did some kid like Sebastian get in contact with him? What, just a spur of the moment thing? Unlikely. Then was Zeit's store on sale online somewhere? No, because Hansel looked into it as well, where he realized how mysterious the purchase of Kronos Watches was.

It just went up for sale, and was immediately bought, just like that.


That kid comes into the police department in the morning, asks for Zeit's files, gets said files, and then suddenly buys his store? All the while, getting in contact with the watchmaker is already difficult due to him being seemingly a recluse? This all just... doesn't make sense. If he could just speak with Zeit himself, perhaps this would all blow over, but how does he find a man who was already a ghost?

Well... he does something brash.

Back in his youth, Hansel used to be quite the troublemaker. Ya'know that one idiot, teenage friend who'd steal beer if you gassed him up to do it? Yeah, he was that idiot, teenage friend. Thing is, he was surprisingly good at getting into places he really shouldn't be. Gas stations, liquor stores, bakeries every now and then; yeah, he's broken into all of them. A clock store should be no different.

“Can't believe I'm doing this again...” Hansel muttered as he pulled open his coat, revealing a full bevy of lock picks.

He looked left; there was no one. He looked right; still no one. Okay, time to get rolling.

His picks twisted and turned, all while he hummed a tune to himself. Like riding a bike, you don't forget how to pick locks, a displayed with how quick and deft his skill was. The business wasn't important, so its locks weren't the hardest to crack. A twist here, a jostle there, and--



Slowly he pushed open the door, a gust of wind echoing out. Stepping inside the store, he didn't know what he'd come across. And yet he was surprised nonetheless.

Hansel found nothing.

The entire store was devoid of anything; no clocks, no stands, no counter, hell, not even paint on the walls. It was like a professional cleaning crew came through here. Even when Hansel wondered to the door at the back of the store, he still saw nothing; it too was empty. There was just... nothing here.


Snizzle... snizzle snizzzle... snizzle...

He swore he heard the filing of nails.

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