
Chapter 27: Drachenmagd #27

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Do Not Trust Igrene

Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene

Repeated, over and over again.

Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene

Again. And again. And again.

Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene

These four simple words, ad nauseum.

Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene

Some were well written, others were close to frenzied scrawling, as if whoever was writing it began losing their sanity the longer this went on.

Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene

The blasted, accursed, horrible words; they made the young earl's heart race as sweat pooled from his pores.

Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene

He could feel his blood turning cold in his veins, all as these damned words replayed in his head.

Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene Do not trust Igrene

There was no denying it, no arguing it, no trying to see it as anything but what it was. All on this paper, repeated, again, and again, and again, and again! Run from it, hide from it, ignore it; nothing would chance what he saw, what he read, and what he felt.



Sebastian fumbled with the paper in hand, sending it flying over the edge of his desk while he himself pulled back against his chair. Heart racing still, he struggled to parse his thoughts after reading something so damning. Naturally, his mind jumped to who may have written such a thing a why. The hand writing... did not look like any he had ever seen before. That's... that's good, right? Maybe it belongs to some sinister force that was trying sway his thoughts?

Yeah, even Sebastian knew that was a bit of a lip... no, not even just a 'bit'; it was a massive one! This paper was hidden within the grandfather clock within his private study. Since the very beginning, it had been hiding right under the young earl's nose. And from the looks of it, the dust that covered its surface... yeah, it had been sitting in that clock for quite a long time.

But what of the two books that were wrapped within the paper? They laid on Sebastian's desk, drawing his eyes over with steady trepidation. Two books rested atop one another, which Sebastian slowly pulled apart in order to scan them. One book was relatively young he'd argue; being only a few decades old he'd say. And why would he call a book that looked to be over ten years old 'young'? Because the other book looked to be over one hundred years old.

Resting them side by side, Sebastian gently stroked his hands upon their surfaces. Despite their ages, the books looked to be well maintained so that there was no – or incredibly light – chipping and scratching upon their opulent surfaces. But these books... they weren't mere books; they were diaries. And when Sebastian read the name of the younger book...

Klaus Wolfgang von Faust, it said.

And the other book?

Heinrich Georg von Faust.

Yes, in Sebastian's hands finally laid not only his father's diary, but his great ancestor's diary as well. But having both of these books did not fill the young earl with excitement! Quite the opposite really; he felt a powerful and ominous dread. And why? Because of that damned paper that repeated over and over and over again those four simple words.

Do not trust Igrene

Why were his father's diary and Heinrich's diary wrapped together with a warning like that? There was only one reason why... but Sebastian was hesitant to entertain it. Because believing such a thing would instantly call to question everything he thought he knew about the drachenmagd, the estate, and their feelings towards him. Something he thought he knew, something he was so assured of months ago, now falling to pieces at his very feet.

And it scared him...

Who wrote that note warning him about Igrene? Call Sebastian crazy, but seeing as how he now held his father's diary in hand, the young earl assumed it was also his father who was behind the it as well. But why would he write out such a thing? Was it for himself? Or was it for Sebastian? Was all of this planned by Klaus in his final days? A little treasure hunt for his diary, which also led to a warning about Igrene's true nature? If so, then why not have Katherine just give it to him in the first place? But... wait, he didn't trust her with it as well; Klaus trusted none of the drachenmagd.

Just what the hell is going on here!?

When Sebastian's eyes locked back down upon the pair of diaries before him, it left his fingers shaking. Suddenly, these books – his father's diary in particular – he had been looking for, felt acidic to the touch. With that warning about Igrene, the young earl was left questioning if he wanted to learn more. Ignorance is bliss, while knowledge is a curse; what he was about to learn may change everything.

And... he wasn't sure if he was ready for it, if he ever wanted to be ready for it. Learning Klaus spoke ill of his mother would be one thing, but if his father dismantled the beliefs he had for the drachenmagd... Sebastian wasn't sure how he'd be able to handle it.

Again, Zeit's words played in his head, oozing into his ears like a poison all their own. But where as before he played it off as nothing more than the hateful lies of a dying man, now the young earl realized they may in fact be true. The drachenmagd were probably demons; not just Igrene, but all of them. And this source did not come from the lips of a demon himself, but his own father.

Now Zeit was no doubt many, many things, but Sebastian did not think he was someone who would lie on his drachenmagd... so why did he refuse to believe it? Why did he fight against it with his mind? Why did he hope against fate that the maids were still the good, kind, loving, and nurturing women they had been to him sense his arrival?

He didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to entertain it. He just wanted the truth behind his father's actions since his youth; that is all. So as his body continued to tremble with the ominous warning about Igrene, Sebastian's hands steadily reached out for his father's diary. His other hand meanwhile leered at that message, reading it, scanning it, replaying it in his mind.

Do not trust Igrene

Finally he grabbed his father's diary, dragging it over to himself where he slowly pulled it open. And from what he saw at first, it was your average, run of the mill diary. It's first entry was on January 19th, 1999. At that time, Klaus would have been in 25, and going by said entry, this was his first written account upon becoming Earl of Faust. It was interesting, but not what Sebastian had his eyes locked on.

So he rapidly started switching pages to the future, realizing Klaus had the tendency to skip days completely. It made it difficult for Sebastian to keep up with everything, for his father was not a play-by-play kind of person. Things just seemed to happen at random within his diary... or maybe the young earl was far too adrenaline-filled to focus himself.

Or maybe it was all the tears.

Do not trust Igrene

It lingered in his mind like a tendril, squirming and gripping to bring him back forcefully. It made him cry, because for as desperate as he was to force such thoughts out of his mind, this secret message only confirmed his fears. The Drachenmagd were demons, and upon his death, they may very well take his soul. To be betrayed by people he genuinely loved felt so... horrible. Not once had they said or done anything that would make him think ill of them, so for them to have such sinister ulterior motives. He just couldn't... couldn't... couldn't...


That stopped him, his hands clinging at the pages before him as his brown eyes leered down upon it. Shivering in place as tears streaked down his face, the young earl saw his own name staring at him upon an entry within the diary. He breathed out heavily, entranced as any notions of his maid's origins were forced out of his mind at the moment.

Yes, this moment? It was all about his father...


As I write this, it's like I can feel your eyes burning over my shoulders. Your hatred is palpable, even from miles away. You no doubt have hundreds, if not thousands of questions, yet I'll be long since dead before I can answer any of them. Alas, such is my fate, I'm afraid. All those years smoking cigars against Rodeline's wishes have finally been the death of me.

But if you are indeed reading this, that means you are here at the estate and have found my diary, also meaning you have become Earl of Faust, for you wouldn't have been able to make it this far without having done so. Which means that, yes, you are just as doomed as I am.

You want the truth, don't you? About everything? My courtship with Mai that led to you, and my subsequent abandoning? Well, so be it. In truth, Sebastian, I laid with your mother for one reason and one reason alone.

She had a nice, fat ass.

Mai Milieus was unlike any other woman I have ever had the pleasantries to meet. Even to me, a man who has known nothing but the greatest of pleasures due to the drachenmagd, Mai was in a league all her own. She was the perfect combination of mortal woman; sexy looks, an intelligent mind, a cool demeanor, and most striking of all, a surprisingly meek and submissive bottom in the bedroom. When I laid my eyes on her within that business room years ago, I knew I had to have her for one night.

I had long since forgotten the pleasures of the human body, and in my gusto, I deigned to do something ignorant. Recognizing the curse of our bloodline, I thought I could get away with something sneaky, and pull one up on Igrene. I thought that I could beget a child that the drachenmagd themselves would not know of, freeing myself to have a child while at the same time ending the accursed Faust family forever. They'd sacrifice me to Mephistopheles, while I would suffer for an eternity with the knowledge that I had a legacy; something no other Faust would ever have. There ws just one problem with this.

I underestimated Mai's tenacity.

Mai was enamored with me far more than I realized at the time. In my youth, I tried to write her off as nothing but a gold-digger or whore. I even attempted to lie as much to myself in my youth, hoping the problem would ultimately go away. But it did not matter. Once Igrene caught wind of your existence, I knew it was ultimately over. The Drachenmagd knew you existed, and they would stop at nothing to have you all to themselves. Mai's constant attempts to get in contact with me led to her meeting Igrene, and once she learned of you – my son and the only Faust left – she conspired with Mai behind my back to set up a meeting.

I have no doubts that if you were not my true son, the maids would have killed you and your mother the moment you stepped through into our estate. You should have saw the excitement brimming within their eyes, and the way they melted upon the sight of your face. Even I have to admit, I grew slightly emotional when I finally saw the face of my son at four years old.

And I had also doomed you to the same fate I – and our ancestors – have all suffered.

Whether you wish to believe this or not, it doesn't matter; the end is all the same. The Drachenmagd are all ageless, immortal, and have long sense mastered the art of the spoken word. You believe you are in power, but in reality, you're nothing more than their figurehead, their beacon of life and hope. They are possessive, controlling; they own you, more so than you own them. They love you, but their love is twisted and toxic, seeped in the demonic oils they were born from. I thought for the longest time that I could trust Katherine – that she of all her sisters was the most honest. How ignorant I was; she was in their league too, desiring to keep you stuck close to herself.

I knew if I kept my diary out here, the maids would hide it from you, Igrene in particular. Katherine wishes to be honest, Igrene wishes to be deceptive; they both aim for the same goal. To keep you close to them; a Faust for which they can continue to exist, and they can fawn their endless and vile love upon for all days. And upon your death, you go not to Heaven despite how righteous you've been, nor do you suffer in Hell if you were a horrible monster. No, you go straight to their mother, Mephistopheles, where she reduces you to nothing. The price to pay for pleasure in life, I am afraid.

You know German, Sebastian. You impressed me when you arrived that week years ago; you spoke both German and English rather flawlessly for a boy your age, though your accent was lacking. You could even write in both languages; your mother must have been a strict teacher in your life. You no doubt love her more than you know, and I do not doubt the idea that the drachenmagd have already abused this fact to squirm their way deeper into your heart, whether you are aware of this or not.

Perhaps I went about things all wrong. Perhaps I should have indeed been a father to you in secret, warning you to stay away from the Faust Estate. Maybe then you would be free of this accursed Faust blood that runs in your veins. Perhaps. On the contrary, perhaps none of it mattered. Perhaps if you died in Riverside or died here, nothing would change, and you'd still become Mephistopheles' plaything in the afterlife.

I handled the situation with your mother as forcefully as I could, forcing her to submit with my superior wealth and power in the world. But even with all that time spent, I ultimately knew the end result would be fruitless. Igrene's intelligence and cunning knows no bounds; she would have gotten you at the estate sooner or later.

In the end, this confession is pointless. You discovered the location of my secret hatch, you found my diary, so you are already here. And if you are here, escape is all but impossible for you. No one can say 'no' to the pleasure and powers of the Faust Estate, I fell to it, and so too have all of our ancestors. Some may fight, but all have failed.

And I know you. I know you will attempt to lie to yourself, trick yourself into thinking that this – yet again – is some attempt to trick and deceive you. The Drachenmagd have no doubt already worked their ways into your heart, and you have a loyalty to them just as strong as their loyalty to you. I know you feel these things, for I've felt them many times before. When I learned of my fate upon death, I too doubted it, denied it, fought against it. But alas, I am still a human, victim to the pains and pangs of a human body. My death is coming closer and closer; my every visit with Rodeline has left me feeling more drained after than I have before. And, no, not for the reasons you are thinking, and have indulged in yourself.

Even now, as I write this, I have called Mylene to deliver me another cigar. I wonder if I am rushing towards death at my own quickened pace now.

Alas, this was my own little message to you. I write this now at my desk, now your desk, wondering how it will make you feel. Along with my diary, I have also placed the diary of our ancestor Heinrich. If you wish to remain ignorant, then merely leave his book closed. If you wish for the truth, then I recommend turning to the entry on June 25th, 1801.

But we both know already what you will do. Whether you wish to admit to it, you are my son.

And... that was it. There were no more words, no more entries, no more nothing. Just endless blank pages that went on and on and on. Seems as if this final message to Sebastian was indeed his final message; no more entries to be found in this diary.

Thus, Sebastian was left with the truth from his deceased father's own written words. Beyond that, he had the entire diary here for him to read to his own enjoyment, but... was there really even a point anymore? In the end, Klaus ultimately laid out everything for him in a synced manner. It was honest, straightforward, and ultimately blunt.

And that bluntness hurt.

Sebastian would admit himself he was ultimately a childish young man, one who clung to somewhat outdated thinking. He thought that – somewhere – his father did share... some romantic inclinations towards his mother. Back when she was alive, he never asked if she held some sort of truer feelings for Klaus, but he always assumed so. Aunt Rita did as well.

But alas... no. Klaus stated it himself; his adoration for Mai was skin deep. And while his feelings towards her shifted over the years, that did not change the fact that he was conceived merely out of the hubris of a horny young man.

It was enough to... heh... it was enough to make Sebastian laugh. The fear he had that his life came down only to the wild lusts of two young adults was ultimately very founded. And of course it left him feeling pitiable to himself, pathetic even.

Goodness, he was an idiot, wasn't he?

The truth he got may have left him feeling liberated – he'd no longer have to question his father's feelings towards him – but it did not diminish the anger that bubbled within him. If anything, his anger only exploded, reminding him of just how ignorant and childish he was. To think that his life – the life of Sebastian Milieus – meant more than just the fancies to two people who were dead now. He should have realized this to be the case years ago, but he struggled in vain for a reality that was not there. The young earl would read more of his father's diary in the future, to truly get to the bottom of the man's thoughts, but this revelation was good enough for the time being.

Now... onto the more pressing issues.

Do not trust Igrene

Reading the message, Sebastian realized it was the same handwriting as Klaus'. The same lettering, the same penmanship, the same everything. Even with the deranged state his father was in as he wrote it, it was still so recognizable. And going by how he himself detailed his distrust of Igrene and all of the drachenmagd, well...

A shiver ran down Sebastian's spine.

His father said it himself; their blood was cursed. Upon death, he wasn't going to Heaven nor Hell, but instead going to Mephistopheles. Zeit was right!

Shivers ran down Sebastian's spine as he realized this, his eyes laser focusing upon his hands as they twitched and rumbled with ever increasing fear. It's one thing to hear his damnation from a man who tried to kill him, but to hear that same proclamation from his father was different. A man who has indulged in the same fancies and pleasantries of the estate, who also shares the same love and adoration for the maids who service him. And here he is, speaking of how they will send him to a place worse than Hell upon death. A place... somewhere else.

Placing his now sweaty palms upon his head, Sebastian's pupils grew small and his heart began racing. If this is true – if he were truly cursed to an existence of nothing upon death – what does he do? He could no longer live in darkness, ignorant to the true nature of his maids. About the only thing left for him would be Heinrich's true diaries, and not the records that acted like a biographical detail.

A biographical detail which itself was written by Faline. And realizing that, well, Sebastian began to wonder just how... controlling the drachenmagds were. How much had he learned thus far been specifically curtailed by Igrene and her sisters? Katherine seemed to be the only one who wanted him to learn the truth, but as Klaus stated, that wasn't necessarily a good thing.

Everything the drachenmagd did – everything – had one purpose. To keep Sebastian. Did they do it merely to continue their own existence, or did they truly love him? Yes, and yes. They needed him to live, but the maids had already made it more than clear themselves how much they absolutely adore the Faust blood... how much they adore him.

But how could they love him so much knowing the doom they would push him to!? Shit, fuck! He couldn't believe this! He didn't want to believe this! Ignorance truly is blissful! Just live in an estate full of beautiful women, having his every desire being fed without hesitation! Love, lust, money, power; all hanging at his fingertips to do as he pleased!

But for what!? NOTHING!?

And there, hanging on his desk; Heinrich's diary. Placed and hidden away by his father, like some hidden message meant only for Sebastian's eyes. He was trembling as tears ran down his eyes, debating with himself whether or not he should open it. Who knows what more truths he'd find within his ancestor's words, and whether or not he even wanted them. Klaus already revealed all there was to know; what else could Heinrich tell him?


June 25th, 1801.

Today, Johann left for the Americas in order to continue his studies. He learned about the native Indians who called the lands their home, and wished to learn about their histories and lives. I am not surprised. Emiline has been pushing him to learn more, though I wonder how much of this is only to ingratiate herself further into his life. As I've come to realize over time in my life, the maids – drachenmagd as they've come to call themselves – are not going to go away with my own death. They will persist, having already locked their gazes upon my son, whom they've cultivated and groomed to be the next Earl of Faust following my death.

It's with that thought in mind that – at times – I find myself praying he meets his end on his travels. And almost immediately when those thoughts come to mind, I regret having ever entertained them. It is not Johann's fault that I cursed our family to death by making that deal with Mephistopheles. It has led to me losing so much: Gretchen is no longer with me, my standing within the religious and scientific community has been reduced to mere hearsay and heresy, and above all, my soul when my time comes.

I used to sleep at night knowing that at least with my death, the horror that are Katherine and her sisters would solve itself. But now I know that my deal stretches beyond me; it goes to Johann and his sister Helga, and whatever children they will have when the time comes. As the first born, Johann is already excited to become the next Earl of Faust, and his sister will do the same if something were to happen to him.

They know of the deal, but they care not. The power they feel has been power they were born with. To say no and leave all of this behind would be impossible for them. And as Helga herself starts to take on suitors, I realize that the Faust family will never end. So long as the drachenmagd are here to further along our desires, to please and love us, there will be no Faust who can say no to them.

I recently read the records of my life written by Faline, the ones she interviewed me over years ago now. At times, it felt like a sad and nostalgic reminder of long since past days. I spoke so highly of Gretchen, only for her to leave me, and even knowing who Oskar was in reality, I find myself longing for the days of old when we were all friends.

But when I re-read those records, I realized how manipulated they were. Faline made sure to clear up any notion that she and her sisters are all demons. She even referred to Daemonium as Gehenna, attempting to distance themselves from their truly Satanic origins.

I've stated it before and I state it again; Projekt Gottheit was the worse thing I could have ever done. When I sent myself tumbling into Daemonium, I was lost and alone. Monsters and beasts were all around me, and I still had the images of bodies dancing in my head. I stumbled about while all sorts of monsters and demons taunted and teased me. Frolicking succubi, torturous imps, constricting nymphs; this land was awash with them! The further inside I pushed, the larger and stronger they became. I came into this world by Mephistopheles words, and I continued following along with her voice.

She protected me from those beasts. And even now as I think about her, I find her docile and soft demeanor to be so approachable. The face she had as she shyly looked away continues to melt my heart; Faline retained that aspect of the story upon my travel into Daemonium. Anything to make her mother and sisters appear as saviors.

As the days go by, I wonder if it was all Mephistopheles plan. Her powers were far greater than any being I have ever met, easily opening gaps in reality that took me most of my life to pull of. So when he came to save me from the horrors of Daemonium, promising a way back to Earth, I leaped at the chance.

The records written by Faline are nothing more than a romanticized account of what happened. In reality, Daemonium was a torrent of horrors. My calculations were all wrong, for instead of sending myself to Heaven with Projekt Gottheit, I instead went to Hell.

And for years, I foolishly believed in the venom that is this romanticized version of history. When I returned to Earth with Katherine and her sisters, I returned not as a mere scholar or scientist, but the Earl of Faust. In such a short amount of time, I had more wealth than many men would ever see in their lives, wonderful and beautiful servants who obeyed my every command, and this power that brought Schonheit to its heals. Mephistopheles was a gracious woman, and all she asked in return was my soul.

So much, for such a simple price. I laugh now at my ignorance. I should have been torn to shreds by Katherine like she did my partners in the lab. But of course, this was all purposeful, wasn't it? This was all by Mephistopheles' hands. She desired me for longer than I realized it, and I believe this without a shadow of a doubt.

Larsine has come for me, telling me that dinner is ready. I have thanked her, and now realize I gave such little lip service to Johann's departure. Helga was tearful, and so too was Selene, Mylene and Rodeline, but everyone was excited to see him of nonetheless. I must have come off as a miser for my indifference, for Helga scolded me on my actions shortly after.

With the days going by as they do now, and my own mortality weighing so heavily on my mind, I wonder how much longer I will suffer these thoughts that plague me. Even as I bemoan my existence and my afterlife of nothing, I still indulge in the vices of my estate. The wonderful foods Nadine gifts me, the lovely company afforded to me by Mylene, and my ever so warm bed at night with Igrene.

And there in lies the problem. My children may be incapable of saying no to the maids, but so too have I proven myself weak to their ministrations. Maybe one day I – like Johann, Helga, and the children they will have beyond me – will learn to accept the fate I cursed us to. And perhaps it is even worth it. One can suffer their entire life and still be cursed to eternal damnation in Hell. At least I can enjoy endless pleasure and riches until my time comes. With that in mind, perhaps the deal was worth it.


Sebastian just... found it so hard for him to accept this; to accept any of this. Zeit's, Klaus', and now Heinrich's words were all swirling around in his head. The truth was always there, Sebastian admits it, but he felt like it was wrong of him to come to conclusions before he had gotten all the information himself.

But now before him, the information laid out was honest, transparent, and blunt... and it left Sebastian very little wiggle room to try and convince himself otherwise. The Drachenmagd were demons, and upon his death, they would send his soul not to Heaven, not even to Hell, but to Mephistopheles. And the echidna? Well... she would eviscerate his soul, and leave nothing on the other end. Sebastian would truly and utterly be left with nothing.

He would be nothing.

“Glp!? Gllkh!? Grrrkgh!?”

Just thinking about it all made Sebastian's head spin and his stomach turn. Around and around and around, it was like he was in a Merry-Go-Round that was twirling at max speed! The sense of vertigo was so intense, it forced Sebastian from his desk, making him fall over on his hands and knees as he lost his lunch all over the floor.


And it left him feeling just as sick after as he felt before.

Selene would clean this, where she and the rest of her sisters would have endless questions about his well-being. He... could not allow them to know what he now knew, could not risk them discovering his father's diary and Heinrich's as well. So he wrapped them up in the covering, and then placed both of the books inside of the grandfather clock. With them hidden away and the secret gear also removed so it could all be locked back, Sebastian stumbled back to his desk.

Falling into it, he clung to its smooth surface as his mind continue rushing with thoughts about the drachenmagd. To imagine that the eleven faces he had grown to recognize and hold so much love for, would send his soul spiraling to nothingness upon his death. That by indulging in their love and affections, he was doming himself to evisceration upon death.

It made his body tremble and shake, scared of what he should do. Should he just... leave? Bah! He scoffed at such a thing; he couldn't just leave! He is the Earl of Faust! The drachenmagd would not allow him to leave; they were connected to him!

But it went deeper than that, didn't it? When he closed his eyes, he was instantly assaulted with the mere thought of trying to walk out on the drachenmagd. The imagery that came to mind – of bringing them to tears over his hypothetical departure – was enough to cause Sebastian physical pain. He could see their sadness, their regret, the crying as he departed from the estate. Selene... Mylene... Adeline...

NO! He just couldn't... couldn't... no...

Resting against his chair, he placed his hand upon his forehead, brushing aside some of his blond locks. Sweat was flowing from his pores, and he had a despondent look in his eye. The room was starting to spin again, but he had enough wherewithal to snap his gaze upon his phone. Slowly he reached out for it, fingers trembling as he debated with himself to call Rodeline.

Wouldn't that only further play into their grasp? The maids were demons; Rodeline included. Yes, sweet, kind, nurturing, loving Rodeline, who always praised him for showing how healthy and athletic he was. That same Rodeline was going to send his soul to Mephistopheles upon his death, and in fact has done in the past with every single previous earl!

But she was Rodeline... and right now more than ever, he craved her warmth, her kindness, her love. A nice, hard, strong embrace against her bosom would help quell all the emotions he felt. And... why not Selene too? Sandwiching himself between their chests, hearing their giggles as they rocked and cradled himself to sleep in his bed. They wouldn't even need to be naked either; just having their presence and warmth would be good enough.

Which only meant he was falling back into the trap that is the drachenmagd! The very same trap that every previous earl has fallen into. What is afterlife? What is an existence of pure nothing? Here in life – here in the real world – they were strong and rich, and had the endless love of the drachenmagd to cradle them... to nurse them... to love them...




“Umu? Master?”

“Rodeline? I... think I need to see you...”

“Is that all, Rodeline?”

“Yes. Selene's already cleaned Master Sebastian's vomit. It seems to be stress induced from what I could tell.”

“Fufuuuu... stress...”

In a way, she saw this coming.

Igrene is a smart woman. She needs to be in order to look after her sisters with such flawless effort on her end. So when she gave Sebastian the Dragon Key, she knew something would happen. What that 'something' was, she wasn't sure, ultimately hoping it would be irrelevant. But to learn that the following day, he called Rodeline after vomiting, well... she knew something was amiss. Him not explaining why he puked only worsened things in her eyes.

He found it; she kept telling herself that. He found his father's diary, that's why he puked. He found it, he read it, and he learned everything. It left her fingers trembling, because she knew there was a high chance he could just...


Sebastian was not like his ancestors. He did not grow up with them, was not raised by them, was not groomed by them, no. He grew up with the Milieus family, in a woefully middle class existence that did not befit someone with Faustian blood. When he first arrived that week years ago, it was like a missing piece in her life had finally been put back into place.

And now there was a high chance that piece would depart, leaving them to grow stagnant and still like statues. Leaving them to become inert. Leaving their endless and boundless love to go to waste.

And it was all her fault!

A cold chill suddenly rushed through the hall, causing Igrene and Rodeline to turn around. In unison, their eyes befell--


The White Dragon did not even flinch from her sister's scathing voice, her white eyes meeting the enraged green eyes on her face. Ever the robotic woman, the Housekeeper retained her aloof visage as she slowly walked towards Igrene and Rodeline. The Nurse Maid herself wilted and stepped back, knowing more than well enough how intense her sisters' arguments could be.

The White Dragon and Red Serpent stood only a foot away from one another, leering sharply into each other's eyes. Igrene was still wrought with anger, while Katherine remained cold and indifferent. Yet the room was shaking, a white glow emerging from the Housekeeper's body, and a red glow emitting from the Head-Housemaid's. These two glows were starting to mix among one another, threatening to grow even stronger, before hands fell upon their chests.

Hands with an indigo glow to them.

“Calm yourselves. We are dragons, not wild lizards,” Emiline stated as she pushed them into place, calming them down, “Getting angry with one another will not calm the problems currently at hand...” she looked over, her expression growing soft as her eyes fell upon the door to the nursing office, “Master Sebastian is in pain...”

“And it's Katherine's fault,” Igrene stated, her tone dripping with venomous bile, “You pushed for this! You wanted this to happen, Katherine! Master Sebastian has discovered his father's diary, and now look at him! Look at what has become of him!”

“You are overreacting, Igrene,” the Housekeeper retorted, “Master Sebastian is only realizing the full brunt of his duties as an earl; this is a good thing.”

“A GOOD THING!?” Igrene replied, “He puked! It has rendered him ill, and this is a 'good' thing!?” she shook her head dismissively, “You are assuming Master Sebastian is like Master Klaus; he is not! Master Sebastian is more a Milieus than he is a Faust, and his life as one has colored his expectations in life. The full weight of his station...” she shook her head once again, “Now that he has learned it with nothing to soften the blow, with nothing to ease the pain, he may do something drastic!” she glared at her sister, “And this is all your fault!”

“Even now – after all this time – you continue to doubt and underestimate our Master,” Katherine remarked whilst shooting her sister a sharp glare, “I thought he would have proven himself a decisive man, one who only makes the right decisions.”

“It's that same decisiveness that I am so worried about,” Igrene retorted with a shift of her legs, “You are so assured that Master Sebastian will choose us, but there's also a very high chance that he may choose otherwise. And if he does choose otherwise, well, he will show that same 'decisiveness' in the way that he'll quickly turn on us!”

“No! Don't say that!” Rodeline shrieked as she placed her hands, “I couldn't bare the thought of Master Sebastian ever... no... I won't even finish my words...”

It was shared among her sisters; a defeated and forlorn expression taking their eyes as they looked over their shoulders towards the distance in unison. But Katherine and Igrene were just as quick to snap their gazes back upon one another, with Emiline also fixing herself between the two. However, the Red Serpent and White Dragon were more than happy with merely eyeing one another sharply... that is until the door behind them finally opened.

Mylene and Adeline emerged from the nursing office, the two wearing nursing uniforms while their expression appeared somewhat sour. The quartet of dragons outside the room were hesitant to ask, doubly so as the Parlor Maid and Tailor Maid gave each other those same dower looks, before finally looking back at their sisters.

“He's awake now,” Mylene stated, her voice lacking its usually playful and bouncy tone.

“But tread carefully. The Master seems... on edge,” Adeline added.

Igrene nodded, while Rodeline and Emiline walked towards the door... with Katherine following alongside. For the White Dragon to have the audacity to step forward as well... it caused the Red Serpent to snarl in slight anger. Nevertheless, she ignored it and pushed on, stepping through the door with her sisters and entering into the nursing office.

Naturally, Rodeline grabbed the curtains blocking their view of their Master, pulling it aside to reveal the young earl as he gazed listlessly out of the window. He was sitting up, his skin slightly paled, his eyes sullen and his hands resting atop one another. When he breathed, it sounded and even felt force, like their master was swimming in a deep, contemplative thought.

He didn't know what to do...

When he called Rodeline, he passed out as soon as she came through the door. It was as if the mere idea of her being a demon was instantly enough to shake his very being. The lovely and warm visage of his nurturing Nurse Maid suddenly became as terrifying and as daunting as a shark's grin. So when he looked over, meeting the gazes not only of Rodeline, but also Katherine, Igrene, and Emiline, well, he tensed up further.

Their faces, especially the faces of Emiline and Igrene. The looks of concerned they had and the soft glow of their eyes; it was more than enough to remind Sebastian of everything they had done with one another over these past few months. The love and warmth they shared with him, the kindness given, the nurturing. Especially the Marshal, who was practically her teacher with how much she taught Sebastian.

And that's not even getting into all the sex...

When he stared at their faces full of concern, he did not see devil horns and forked tails, nor did he see the hazes of hellfire brimming from behind them. No, he saw his girls, the drachenmagd. Eleven colorful maids who all loved him, and practically worshiped the ground at his feet to boot. He could not separate his drachenmagd from the demons his ancestors claimed them to be.

You are reading story Drachenmagd at novel35.com

It was like a cycle; they kept lulling him into a sense of a security, only for him to come snapping back with realization. No, they are indeed demons; he needed to realize that. He needed to realize that. He needed to realize that.

He needed to... or else...



His eyes swelled, and suddenly Igrene, Emiline, Katherine and Rodeline were all separated to reveal--

“Selene? I--” was all Sebastian could eek out meekly before, “Urgh!?”

He was jerked right into her bosom, his face pressed hard against the Chamber Maid's bosom. She snuggled and hugged him close, soothingly rubbing the back of his head whilst working him deeper into her breasts. He struggled against her bust at first on instinct, because... well... this is Selene! He's as used to her breasts – clothed and not – as he is to his bedroom pillow!

But snuggled into the darkness of her large bust, Sebastian found his thoughts and gaze being... distorted. Polluted by the knowledge of their true origins as minions of Hell, the typically lovely image of his overly affectionate Black Dragon instead began twisted and gnarled. She was black eastern dragon, something unique among her sisters. He originally envisioned her as being majestic and heavenly, like those wish-granting dragons that populate popular stories. Now he saw her as a gnarled mass of slithering appendages and jet-black scales, with devilish red horns and glistening purple eyes. A being who would grab you by her savage fangs and drag you aaaaaaaallllllllll the way down to Hell.

And he was in her arms.

“No! R-release me! Get off!” Sebastian shouted, pushing off of her.

And he immediately regretted it.

Being his obedient servant, Selene relinquished her hold from Sebastian, sensing none of his typical playfulness. She then looked at him and he looked back, reading the shocked, concerned, and even hurt visage she wore on her face. It pulled at his heart, for while his mind screamed soul-sucking demon, his eyes saw... Selene. And he loved Selene...

He loved all of the drachenmagd, so reading their faces of pain and concern for him only brought himself further pain! It was an endless cycle indeed...

“Master... is something wrong...?” Selene asked as she placed her hands over herself in a defensive manner, “You... you're scaring me...”


He was... scaring her? Was this more lies sprouted from the lips of a soul-devouring demon? No... this was genuine; Selene was genuine frightened of the change in her Master. It showed on her face, how her lips were slightly gape, her eyes trembled, and her still defensively raised hands; she was honest in her fears of him at the moment.

The earnest feelings of his maids – the pain they showed on their face – in turn pained Sebastian. He placed his hands on his face, groaning into them as he started to even sob. The painful wails from his lips rung into the ears of his maids, doubly so with Rodeline, Emiline and Selene. The trio quickly fell upon their Master, surrounding him in their embrace and loving words, though that did little to stop his tearful mourns.

And Igrene and Katherine? Well, they started looking at one another gain, with the Red Serpent in general leering sharply at her sister.

“This is your fault... are you happy now?”

The White Dragon said nothing and nor did her blank expression shift, instead opting to leer at her sister. That is until they both looked at Sebastian together, where her eyes briefly fluttered and her frown widened by a smidgen more.

Four days passed. Four days with Sebastian's demeanor... shifting to put it lightly. The once beaming young man who called the estate his home had grown rather reclusive to his maids, shifting the halls by his lonesome. He came out to eat breakfast and dinner, while often times skipping lunch. The times his drachenmagd had seen him, he typically appeared gray and shallow, with sullen eyes and a mournful expression. His appearances also began flighty, with the young earl vanishing almost as soon as he was seen.

All the while, the infamous November storms of Schonheit continued to grow in strength. Windstorms, rainstorms, thunderstorms; they all began peppering the lands with growing fervor. Storefronts were being boarded up, facilities were beginning to close earlier than usual, and even Schonheit's beautiful beaches were closed from the general populace. Changes like these swept the entire city, the Faust estate included.

It was incredibly gray one evening, the storm in the sky not being as strong as it could be around this time. Rain streaked quickly down his wide windows, offering a distorted and dismal view of his vast home outside. He could see three cloaked figures – Katherine at the front, Emiline at her back, and Carmeline at the end – roaming together. They were working to help reinforce their home for the oncoming storms that only continued to gain strength.

Standing there at his window side, his shirt buttoned but half tucked and his brown eyes a bit hazy, Sebastian appeared like a shadow of his former self. He was leaning slightly, a bit of slobber oozing from his lips as he did so. If Adeline were to see him now, she'd scold him without end. All the hard work Emiline and Carmeline spent trying to bolster him as a human being, seemingly tossed aside as he sulked around his massive estate in his own depressing stew.

When he went to sleep that night he learned of his maid's deception, Sebastian hoped he woke up to it being nothing more than some bizarre nightmare. Of course it wasn't; he checked out the secret slot in his grandfather clock, discovered both his father and Heinrich's diaries and the warning about Igrene, and realized that this was all real.

The next few days were spent just... thinking about this fact. Attempting to come to terms with it ended up being strenuous at best. If it didn't make Sebastian crumble into tears, it certainly took the wind out of his sails, which is why he avoided his maids as best he could. His old meek nature was returning, and he knew it. He'd be susceptible to whatever questions lobbied at him; unable to give them anything less than the truth. If Selene or Rodeline or Mylene or Faline asked him with emotional eyes... or if Carmeline, or Emiline, or Adeline, or Igrene demanded an honest answer... or even if Nadine, Larsine or Katherine merely asked him with a straight face... hell if any of them asked him in any sort of way, then he would... would...

He'd tell them everything. He was just that weak-willed right now.

But all this time spent avoid his maids did not leave him in a particularly pleasant state of mind either. He missed them... he missed them all. He missed his mornings with Selene's, his breakfasts with Mylene, his wondering trips with Larsine, his visits to Faline, his training with Emiline, his workouts with Carmeline, his check ups with Rodeline, his dinners with Nadine, his nights with Adeline, his meetings with Igrene, and his moments with Katherine. He missed all of his maids, and hated the idea of avoiding them as relentlessly as he did.

In such a short amount of time, they had become like a drug to the young man, and he desperately needed to see them, to touch them, to feel them at each and every hour of the day.

Ah... drachenmagd and drugs... such an apt comparison...

Palming his face once again as he leaned against his window, a flicker of thunder illuminated his form. It also masked the sound of knocking on his door, but did not stop the calling voice.

“Master Sebastian,” Larsine called through the door, drawing his eyes over, “Lunch will be ready for you soon.”

“Huh? I uhh... y-yeah... uh... y-yes... um...”

He stepped towards the door, only to recoil and pull back in. Averting his gaze, Sebastian wondered if he had enough strength to face his maids. He knew they were talking about him, could hear their worried tones, but that never stopped them from giving him the space he requested. They are his servants; they listen to whatever it is he says... even if they don't want to.

Does that sound like something a demon would do?

“Uh... uhhh... oh! R-right! Come in, Larsine... come in...” Sebastian muttered, digging into his well for a smidgen of courage.

The door slowly opened soon after, softly, slowly, not wishing to agitate or upset him in any way. Then she stepped through, her starlight eyes bright enough to illuminate the room, and a soft, tepid smile upon her androgynous face. He smiled back, but it was weak and meek; lacking the boyish charm and beaming expression that could brighten up a room. It affected Larsine, but she did not show it, instead being happy that he was even speaking to her at all. To see his face – even a sad one like this – was so heartwarming.

“Nadine has put together a hearty meal for you,” said the valet as she took apprehensive steps towards him, “Mylene has delivered it to the lounge room, as you know. Faline too has decided to eat there as well. However, if you want more privacy, I could send them all away!”

She was quick to add that bit, knowing how antisocial their Master had been. It took him off guard, and it left Sebastian wondering if it was smart or not for him to enjoy lunch with them. Was that only digging his proverbial grave even deeper?

He sat there, questioning it to himself... but...


Well... that was more than enough of an answer.

“Yeah... I'll uh... get... get uh... g-get going to the lounge room then... um...”

Stammering a bit, he stepped for the door only to come to a halt. Mylene and Faline would be there too, right? He... wasn't completely sure if he could handle all three of them at once. He could command them to be quiet, but that too left a nasty taste in his mouth. Then he should just ask to dine alone, right? But – once again – that didn't feel good either!

What does a person do when their primary source of love comes from the very place that may be destroying them? Sebastian felt trapped and... he didn't know what to do. His expression shifted in turn, with him averting his eyes and running his hands through his hair, before shifting to look back at Larsine. When he did – when he saw her soft, sad, concerned face – it twisted whatever thoughts he had in his mind.

“Uhh... yeah... um... sure, it's okay if you... if you all wanted to join...” he said, immediately bringing an excited, beaming smile to her face.

“Wundervoll! Oh... ahem... I mean...” she bowed, reeling back her joy, “Excellent, Master. Please, follow me.”

He nodded back, and then gazed down as she offered him her hand. She normally didn't do this in the past, but with his change in demeanor, she probably thought or hoped that the added intimacy would help return him to normal. However, his sullen stance kept him in more aloof territories, and he coldly stepped past Larsine to head into the direction of the lounge room.

He hated the fact that he did so, for the Violet Wyvern took a few moments to reset herself after being denied her Master's hand. Nevertheless, she tensed up and put that smile back on her face, happy that he was at least coming out of his study to eat with them. Even if he didn't say a word, his presence alone would be elating.

So together they made way for the lounging room, rain streaking down his windows as the light of the storm painted his walls in a dull, gray hue. When he stepped into the lounge room, it was just as dismal as the rest of his home. Mylene and Faline were indeed here, the Parlor Maid standing with a silver platter in hand, and the Librarian sitting as she read a book, but they both were quiet. For the Brown Wyrm, a silent and thoughtful expression was the norm. For the Green Serpent however, seeing her with a more pensive and quiet visage – her eyes closed and smile gone – just felt wrong.

It was like they had gathered here for a funeral...

Sebastian wilted, only for the air in the room to change almost instantly. He stepped foot into the room, where Mylene's eyes opened and her lips curled into a smile, bringing a light into the lounge that only her smile could produce. Faline too gained a smile on her face, looking up at her Master softly as she closed the book in her hand.

“Master Sebastian,” they called in unison, causing him to flinch.

When he did, they flinched too, realizing their Master was still far from 100%. It hurt them that he was still in this state, and hurt them even more that they did not know why. As for Sebastian and his end? When he looked at Mylene, Faline and yes, Larsine too, he swore their horns take a more sinister shape, their reptilian eyes pulsate with a red glow, and their concerned expressions become sadistic visages of dominance.

But then he would blink... and they would go back to normal.

He was stuck in this endless cycle. One moment thinking of them as demons, the next thinking of them as his drachenmagd. There was no in between; they were either completely evil and amoral beings, or they were pristine, flawless dragons. Putting it lightly, they could not be both.

But he still wasn't sure how to go about the situation. Should he call them out for their demonic origins? Heh, yeah right! The only reason why he was as strong as he was today was thanks to the boundless love and nurturing guidance of the drachenmagd. Without them, he'd still be the meek, docile young man most saw him as. And that's not even getting into the fact that he still could not stand the thought of looking any of them dead in the eye as he asked such a horrible question.

So... should he just pack up his things and leave? No... no, he couldn't... he couldn't imagine doing such a thing. It would save his soul, freeing him from an afterlife of nothing, but he'd have to get through the drachenmagd to do so. He'd have to tell them he was leaving, and then he'd have to do it, in spite of all the tears, and the pleading, and the begging they'd no doubt put him through. And that alone would be enough to stop him, he knew it...

And that's not getting into the fact that he'd have to give up everything. Not just the drachenmagd, but the money and the power too. Money... power... and beautiful, loving women. A perfect trap no sensible human being would say 'no' to; a perfect trap his family gleefully kept going for centuries on end.

Now he stood, shaking in his lounge room with his maids now looking at him in a more overtly concerned manner. Sebastian always had the tendency to stand in a place whilst thinking, but he never did so whilst sweating as hard as he was now. It was like someone had a gun pointed at his head, and this caused his maids to wonder if they should alert Rodeline.

But Larsine grabbed Sebastian's hand, jolting him back to reality and cutting his thoughts short. When he looked over, Larsine drew his gaze over towards Mylene, who herself placed down his plate of food on a nearby table. Opening it up, she revealed a simple ham and turkey sandwich... or, well 'simple' in the fact that a ham and turkey sandwich is just an inherently simple meal. Under Nadine's skilled hands, this 'simple' ham and turkey sandwich still found a way to be amazing. The toasted bun, the expertly sliced ham and turkey, the gilded golden cheese, the perfect dosage of mayonnaise, and yes... a side bowl of nacho chips.

Such a perfect sandwich... did not make Sebastian's thoughts easier, you know...

“Your meal, Master,” the Parlor Maid offered as he sat before it.

“Th... thank you, Mylene,” he replied, his gaze traveling down to the meal at hand.

Boy was he hungry; all this thinking and pacing was as bad on his body as it was on his mind. At least putting some food in his stomach would help him come to a decision... though he had been saying that to himself for the past few days, always to come to the same defeated conclusion.

He just can't say 'no'.

Silently Sebastian ate his meal, the only sound being that of the rainstorm outside. Despite being surrounded by three of his drachenmagd, the trio were so quiet they may as well have not been there. They didn't want to agitate their distraught Master, despite none of them knowing what to do in order to help him. Even when Sebastian shivered, none of them moved, only wishing to make his lunch as tranquil as possible.

So they stood idly by, silently, frowning, watching... waiting. Their intense gazes bore into the young earl, triggering more shivers that ran down his spine. His eyes darted about briefly, moving to his various maids before locking back upon the meal before him. He so desperately wanted to be anything but the center of attention, so he searched for something to help him out. He shivered yet again, a bit of realization falling upon him as he pointed towards the fireplace before him.

“Cold! It's... it's a... it's cold,” he muttered, “C-could one of you light the fireplace?”

“Right! I've got it!” Larsine said, almost too excitedly at that.

Walking up towards the fireplace, she quickly bellowed out a stream of indigo-colored flames. The blasted the firewood within, igniting them and instantly bringing both warmth and light to the cold, gray lounge room. A sigh of relief flew from Sebastian's lips as the heat touched him. Closing his eyes and leaning back, he – momentarily – slipped back into a more easygoing view of things.

Yes, his maids weren't demons; they were dragons, and this was just another, normal lunch for them.

But thoughts like these could only get him so far.

When his eyes reopened, he returned to the reality he was trapped in: his beloved drachenmagd being demons, and how imprisoned he felt by it all. He returned to eating at an even slower pace than before, gazing into the cackling flames in front of him like a man hypnotized. There was something in the flames, something in the way they swiveled and swayed, danced and contorted, that brought wayward thoughts to Sebastian's head. He leaned back in thought, stopping his meal momentarily as he leaned back and closed his eyes.

In the shadows of his mind, he saw his maids in their primal forms. That night with the red moon, when they were all crazed and frenzied... heh... like demons. Gone was their usually loving selves, having been replaced by beasts. He remembered how Mylene, Larsine, and Faline appeared when they were morphing; crossed between a human and a serpent. All three of them attacked him in that strange, frenzied state, and they even attacked one another. And having read Heinrich's true diary and Zeit's Memoirs, Sebastian now knew Katherine had a similar state of mind upon stepping through the portal when Projekt Gottheit was first activated.

Primal madness... was that the true nature of the drachenmagd? No... he didn't think so; not in how Rodeline struggled against herself when the red moon hung high, and how Katherine and Igrene were so 'excited' by it during their battle against Zeit and Oden. Thinking about their frenzied states brought to mind the wondrous abilities his maids exhibited, as well as how valiantly they defended him against their attackers.

But were they really protecting him? Or were they only keeping their one source of life safe since the drachenmagd apparently lock up without a Faust to fawn over. Thinking of them as demons only further calls to question all the feelings they have towards him, making Sebastian wonder what's real and what's fake. And with their mastery of manipulation, heh, he'd probably never get a straight answer from any of them.

But that fight, that battle... thinking about it reminded Sebastian of the fact that his maids can be and have been injured. Looking at them now, yes, they have all healed, but that amazing battle showed they could be hurt. Hurt by each other, hurt by something strong enough.

Strong enough... strong enough...

“Faline...?” he suddenly called, jolting her as she stared at his face.

“Oh!? Y-yes, Master?” she answered, snapping up like her sisters did.

He hesitated briefly to speak to her, instead gazing over his shoulder for a moment. Larsine and Mylene too were leaning in, desperate to hear whatever it is their Master would say. The shear fact that he was speaking to them was cause for joy for them, and it took Sebastian aback. Should he even ask what was on his mind? He was apprehensive to do so, but at least some of his tutelage under Carmeline and Emiline stuck.

“Do you... all feel pain?

What a morbid question; even Sebastian realized that. Palming his face, he wondered if he could have worded that better. Alas, it was out there, and he wasn't about to retract his words.

As for Faline, she pulled in quizzically for a few moments. The young earl wondered if his question was alarming for her, but he stuffed it aside as she said,

“If its about the whip I asked you for last time, I assure you Master, no matter how hard you spank or pull or choke, I'm fine!”

His eyes widened and his mouth grew small, while Mylene and Larsine both giggled behind him. That's... not what he meant when he asked if they feel pain. Guess he really could have worded his question better.

“THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!” he shouted, his tone obviously embarrassed, “I mean it in a more... general sense. Like... uh...” he closed his eyes, “When Zeit and Oden attacked. You all injured one another, a-and Zeit and Oden themselves were... uh... flying around and uh... t-they really fought hard against Igrene and Katherine. I have... I've never seen any of you be hurt before. Even when Carmeline and Emiline wrestle they don't... uh... uhhnm... y-ya'know... they don't hurt each other that bad. So uh...” he reopened his eyes, reading her curious and concerned face, “What can hurt you...?”

“Master... if you're still worried about someone attacking us, don't be,” Larsine said reassuringly as she placed her hand upon his shoulder, “We're fine, see? Zeit and Oden were an outlier, and they used deception to inhibit us anyway with their false red moon,” she shook her head in an angry, spiteful manner, “Besides, a majority of the injuries we suffered were by each other's hands.”

“I know, I... I was just wondering if you've ever been hurt, like, seriously hurt by someone who wasn't a dragon,” Sebastian asked, before shaking his head, “You're all so impervious. I bet you haven't felt pain in over centuries.”

“Close... but not completely true,” Faline stated whilst prodding her fingers together, “We drachenmagd are susceptible to pain and injury like you humans are, Master. But indeed, it takes a bit more... umph to put us down, if that's what you are alarmed by. Things that would kill you with ease, may only incapacitate us. I remember once 70 years ago when driving around in a jeep, Adeline got into a horrible car accident. The jeep was totaled and flipped over, but all Adeline suffered was a headache.”

“Oh! And there was this one time when Master Rudolph's son accidentally shot Emiline in the head during a hunting trip!” Mylene added, “She was more annoyed than hurt by it.”

“I see...” Sebastian muttered lowly, “So... the drachenmagd are just shy of impervious when it comes to man-made things...”

He wilted a bit, his eyes sliding back towards the sandwich on his plate. He felt awful even entertaining the idea of bringing harm to his maids, though none of them realized that's where his mind was wondering. To them, their Master was just being curious, and finally showing a smidgen of his former self beneath his depressive shell.

If only they knew what was really going on in his mind.

Do not trust Igrene

Those damn word continued to trickle and dance in his head.

Do not trust Igrene

Whenever he awoken from his rest, they were the first thoughts to cross his mind now.

Do not trust Igrene

Their entire home was seemingly made in honor of her, the Red Serpent.

Do not trust Igrene

The Head-Housemaid...

Do not trust Igrene

Igrene... Igrene... Igrene...

Do not trust Igrene

Sebastian did not know what madness or insanity was, but he figured it would feel somewhat like this. It was like he was imprisoned within his own mind, left to aimlessly pace his bedroom over and over again in hopes that something – anything – would change. Like some sweet cherub would descend from Heaven above, clearing up some horrid miscommunication. Truth be told, the young earl would take anything if it meant absolving his maids of any wrongdoing. The alternative was just... so much, much worse.

What time was it? Some time late? The bags under his eyes were already evidence enough to how little sleep he had been getting as of late, so going to sleep at a later than usual time wouldn't make for much of a difference. Now that he was aware of his maid's demonic origins, he couldn't sleep as well, instead spending his hours wondering what nothingness after death felt like, and whether or not that was better than being tortured in the flames of Hell. And when Sebastian did finally fall asleep, his dreams often shifted into twisted nightmares, all with his maids at the forefront.

He hated this feeling, but that's obvious by now, isn't it?

He needed his rest though. If what he was planning was to come to fruition, he'd need to get regain his strength. But he wasn't going to be too hasty either, still wanting his maid's side of the story before he did anything drastic. Despite their baleful birthplace, they had yet to directly lie to him. If he just asked them for the truth, he knew he'd receive it. Which is why he called her to his bedroom shortly after dinner.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

And there she was.


“Come in, Igrene.”

The door opened, revealing the Red Serpent in all of her glory. Her tail was briefly immobile and slack, but quickly grew energetic when her eyes met Sebastian's. It had been a few days since she last saw him, considering how desperate he was to avoid all of the drachenmagd. Much like her sisters before, the excitement of sharing a room with him was palpable, though she restrained herself far better than Mylene, Larsine and Faline did.

With how giddy they were to be with him, and how elated they were to learn he was okay, it helped Sebastian know just how deep their love for him went. And even after all of this time, Sebastian himself kept his endless and boundless love for the maids before him. Still, their nature as demons could not be ignored. So once Igrene stepped into his room, and once he had mustered enough courage, Sebastian finally came out and asked,

“Are you all demons?

And finally, hah, it felt like a weight had been pulled off of his shoulders. Sebastian sighed and leaned over, his hand falling upon his chest, while a smile spread out over his lips. Said smile was short lived however, for he knew he'd have to face Igrene. So after a few moments, he finally regained the courage necessary to pull his gaze up, meeting her own.

And he saw her smiling.

It was not a cruel smile. It was not a cool smile. It was not a seductive smile. It was... small... soft... dainty... demure... like she was a child who just caught red handed doing something naughty. Sebastian had never seen Igrene look anything other than professional, so this face was... telling, to say the least.

“And if I and my sisters were indeed demons... would that alarm you?” Igrene asked, making Sebastian scoff.

So... it was true. Zeit told him and he didn't believe it for obvious reasons. Then he got his hands on his father's and Heinrich's diaries, where he still hoped this would not be the case. But now as he read Igrene's face, he knew there was no more arguing against it.

The drachenmagd were demons...

“You're... demons...” Sebastian muttered weakly as he looked down, “I can't... believe it.”

“You found Master Klaus' diary, didn't you?” Igrene stated, an eyebrow raised.

“Yes... yes I did,” he answered, “It's location is irrelevant... but... I want to know why?” he took a step towards her, “Why didn't you tell me you were demons? And that... that...” he looked away despondently, before bringing his gaze back, “And that when I die, I won't go to Heaven or Hell, I'll go to your mother, Mephistopheles?”

“Because you are not a Faust!” she replied, jolting him, “Fuuu... Master Sebastian... you are a Faust by blood, but you are a Milieus by nature. You did not grow up with us, did not learn from us. We met you when you were four, and for the next fifteen years, we separate from one another by your father's hand. Everything an earl should know upon becoming earl – our secrets and origins – were things denied to you by your upbringing away from us. We needed to be... slow with you.”

“No... no!” Sebastian snapped, his foot slamming down, “I... I'm not falling for that again! I know the truth! I would have been... I would have been far too hard for you to easily control, that's it! My ancestors grew up with you all. You coerced and groomed them, making them into the perfect Masters for you to pamper. Ignorant of their true fates.”

“That... that is not true!” Igrene shouted, she slamming down her own foot, “And I... I cannot believe you'd make such a claim of me, Master! Everything I have done, I have done for you!”

“And for what? My soul?

“Everything has a price that needs to be paid, Master,” Igrene stated, silencing him, “Master Heinrich made a deal with our Mother. She needed protection, and he needed to return home, so they mutually aided one another. But Mephistopheles blessed Heinrich with... all of this,” she extended her hands, “The Estate, the wealth, the power, the pleasures, as well as us, her eleven dutiful daughters.”

“Hrrrgh! Heinrich asked for all of this... but I didn't!”

“And yet that didn't stop you from indulging in the pleasure of the estate, did it?” Igrene retorted, “Since your arrival, you have eaten the food given to you without hesitation, have read so many books in your studies, have enjoyed your closet of infinite clothes, your daily bath, the beauties of the garden, and of course, the limitless power you have over Schonheit; all these things at your fingertips, and that's not even bringing into play your carnal indulges of our bodies. So while you may not have been the one who asked for it, you gleefully abused the deal to your own benefits...”

And... really, Igrene was right. Despite his times questioning how perfect everything was, Sebastian had indeed laid back and enjoyed the many pleasantries of the Faust Estate. Does that mean he was already doomed to have his soul be taken by Mephistopheles? He didn't know better! If he had the choice at the beginning, maybe he would have chosen differently!


It only continued to show Igrene's deception. She may claim it was for his own betterment, but it serves her and her sisters as well. The drachenmagd need a Faust to look over, for it keeps them alive. If she told him they were demons and that his soul would be destroyed, he probably would have just turned around and left for home.

But now having spent so much time with them, learning of them, loving them... hah... the idea of leaving just felt too impossible to entertain. He struggled with the idea, even if it would save his immortal soul. Dammit! Choice was stolen from him before he even knew what he had!

And it came to his face. Tears began rolling down his eyes, though he remained as strong as he could. His expression was hard, his teeth were gritted, and his brown eyes were sharp. His hands too balled into a fist, and he slammed his foot down. But the tears didn't stop, crying both because of his seemingly doomed existence, and the fact that it was Igrene who did this to him. All the loving words, the teaching, the nurturing... was it all for not?

“Why?” he asked through clenched teeth, “Why would you do this to me? Igrene!?” he stepped towards her, grabbing desperately upon her hand, “Don't you love me?”

Her lips curled, smiling in a wistful manner as she raised her hand up. Gently placing it upon Sebastian's cheek, she gently stroked his face in a soothing manner. Her touch had not changed; it was the same loving feeling he was used too since his very first day here. Even with as angry and as sad as he was, the moment her thumb brushed along his lips, Sebastian felt eased...

And then she spoke...

“Of course I love you. That's why I brought you here.”


“Think about it, Master. You could have spent your entire life suffering. And then you'd die. And depending on what you did or didn't do, you'd still go to Hell,” Igrene stated in a matter-of-fact manner, “So... what is the point of life? To just keep suffering? Wouldn't it be better to spend the days of life you have in endless pleasure? Surrounded by the servants who love and adore you? And would do everything in their power for you? Fufu... so when you ask if I love you – if we love you – of course we do. We loved you from the very moment you stepped foot in our door.”

Reading her face, he saw no bends, no breaks, no nothing. Igrene was... honest. She did love him, even if her love would send his soul plummeting into a place of neither God nor Devil; neither Heaven nor Hell. And she did it all with a smile on her face. What is it Klaus said in his diary?

They love you, but their love is twisted and toxic, seeped in the demonic oils they were born from.

And now... Sebastian finally got it. The drachenmagd do love him; they love him so very, very much. Everything they did, they did out of love, even if it meant destroying his very soul. They still loved him.

They still loved him...

“I hope... that the beaming young man who came to be at the estate will return,” Igrene said as she once more stroked his face, “But please, Master, do take your time. I understand that this information can be very heavy to take in all at once.”

“Y-yes... I... haaah... Igrene...” he closed his eyes, “I'm so... so very sleepy.”

“Fufufufu... then rest, Master. I promise, my sisters and I will be here for you in the morning.”

Sebastian nodded, but when Igrene offered her lips to him for a kiss, he looked away. A few more tears were flowing from his eyes, tears his Head-Housemaid slowly wiped away with her cautious and soft hand. More than capable of reading the room, Igrene turned and faced away from Sebastian, leaving the room so that he could have his alone time.

And thus he sat there on the edge of his bed, his hands in his lap as he pondered his life in the past, his life now, his life in the future... and his afterlife.

Thinking... thinking... thinking... thinking...


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