
Chapter 29: Drachenmagd #29

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The Dragon's Den

“Huff! Huff! Huff! Umu! Huff! Huff!”

It's rather uncommon for the Pink Dragon to be seen rushing like this. Doubly so with it happening this early in the morning.

The silver gleam of morning pierced the windows of the Faust Estate, illuminating it as Rodeline rushed towards her destination. On her shoulders laid her satchel, tugging along with her as she locked her eyes forward. She was desperate, and it showed in her slit eyes as they had a noticeable pink glow to them. But she also restrained herself, focused clearly on getting to her destination as quickly as she could.

And that destination being her Master's bedroom.

“My word... huh? Selene, umu?”

“Oh? Rodeline?”

Yes, standing outside of Sebastian's bedroom was her sister; the Black Dragon. Her purple eyes were bent in a concerned look, much like Rodeline's, something that only made the Nurse Maid even more worried. However, being the professional dragon she was, she stowed away such feelings for now... though she tugged at her satchel's strap.

“Did... did Master Sebastian call you too?” Rodeline asked, to which her sister nodded.

“Yes, he did,” Selene answered, her lips pouting, “I'm worried about him. Ever since he came to you following his episode in the study, Master Sebastian's been so... so distant...” she looked away wistfully, only to snap her eyes back, “I can't stand it, Rodeline. I long for my cute Master back. He... he even pushed me away from our morning baths. I cannot--”

“Selene, please calm yourself,” the Nurse Maid said with a soothing smile and reassuring hand on her shoulder, “You remember what Igrene told us, correct? Master Sebastian is just... haaah... coming to terms with the weight of his station, is all. I'm sure once he recognizes his duties, he will return to normal. But let us focus on the task at hand...” their gaze shifted towards the door, “Why did he call the both of us here?”

Selene's pout did not diminish, though she shrugged her shoulders. Of all the maids, Sebastian's sudden seclusion was perhaps hardest on her... though that's up to debate, and Emiline may argue against it. Regardless, all the maids felt their Master's shift, so of course they both came running when their Master called them so early in the morning.

7 AM... hmm... the sun was just starting to rise...

Well, Selene lacked the courage to open the door, leaving it to Rodeline. Her hand shook however as she reached for her Master's knob. He sounded a bit desperate over the phone, worrying her to what may be on the other side. What if he hurt himself? Oooh... well, just thinking that focused her immediately! She grabbed the knob, twisted it, and--


Nothing... there was nothing on the other end.

Selene and Rodeline slowly walked inside, gazing around in a cursory manner in search of their Master. He was not in bed, and in fact, his bed appeared to have been neatly made up by his own hands. He was not at his bedroom desk, not standing near the window, and the walk in closet door was open, revealing no one on the other end. So... where could he be?

“There...” Selene suddenly said, pointing towards the bathroom door.

Nodding, Rodeline followed her sister up towards the door, watching as she opened it up for the both of them. And once it slid open... aaaahhh... a gust of warm, white-hot air came blowing out. It fogged up Selene's glasses, causing her to remove them and place them in her cleavage, while Rodeline stepped in with pink eyes aglow.

“Master?” she called.

“Hm?” was her reply.

Raising her hand, the Nurse Maid blew away the foggy steam that permeated the air, allowing her to gaze into the opulent bathroom uninhibited. And when she did, she saw her Master standing there. He was completely naked, his open bathrobe falling gently on his body like curtain drapes, his cute and boyish body on full display. Flesh that had grown pale over the past few days, was now suddenly so warm and bright like it usually should be. Same too his blond hair, which was curly and bouncy, and his brown eyes, which were filled with life. Even his expression – which was muted surprise – carried with it this vibrancy and life that... well, the two drachenmagd hadn't seen in more than a few days now.

“Master?” Selene called as she nudged past her sister, “Is... something wrong?”

“Huh? Is... something wrong?” he replied, confused by her words, which only further confused the Chamber and Nurse Maids.

“What are you talking about, Master?” Rodeline asked whilst stepping forward, “You called the both of us this morning, didn't you? And you sounded so... frantic. We came rushing as soon as you did; everything's okay, right?”

“Yes, everything's fine,” he replied with a chuckle, before running his hands through his hair, “Jeeze, did I really sound frantic over the phone? I apologize, Rodeline and Selene; I didn't mean to sound like that over the phone!”

“Oh... so... nothing is wrong...?” the Pink Dragon asked as both she and her sister grew relaxed, though still tense in certain areas.

“Yes, nothing is wrong. I didn't call you because I was in pain or danger or anything...” he then extended a hand towards the both of them, “I called you two because I wanted to take a bath with you. Is... that a problem?”

In unison, Rodeline and Selene gawked at Sebastian, as if his request was that surprising. Their eyes then looked over at one another, reading the same expression of shear shock. Neither side knew what to say about the situation, especially as a teasing and mirthful chuckle started slipping from their Master's lips. But of course, leave it to Selene to start smiling uncontrollably, losing her usually womanly and regal grace as her possessive purple eyes snapped upon her Master.

“YESSS!” she practically screamed as she rushed him, scooping the young man up into her arms where she, “Mmfauah! Mmfuaah! Mmmfuaah!”

“Heh heh! Slow down, Selene! I'm not going anywhere!” Sebastian said amid chuckles.

Either his words fell on deaf ears or she didn't care, because the amorous Black Dragon continued peppering his cheek and face with as many kisses as she could possibly give at the moment. Which is a whole lot, considering how starved for attention and love she had been since her Master's self-isolation. To have him suddenly call her to bath following their disastrous attempt last time, there was no way Selene was going to pass this chance up!

And to make things even better, Sebastian wasn't pushing her away. He did not nudge into her, did not tell her to stop, no, he playfully laughed along with her assault of kisses. Yes, this was what she missed! These amazing morning moments where she got to shower her Master with what he deserved; endless worship and praise by her loving hands.

This... this was normal to her...

But of course, they were not alone, were they? Even Selene was quick to remember this fact, only being reminded when Sebastian's hand wrapped around her waist and squeezed her. She popped open a purple eye, leering across the room to her sister, who gazed back at the two with a hapless smile... and barely restrained excitement herself.

She too longed for her Master's touch, missing his daily visits to her nursing office. Not because he was hurt or something like that... well... not usually, but mostly just to sit and talk. Following their venture to the prison, Sebastian's visits had become a common occurrence for her up until his sudden seclusion. So she – much like all of her sisters – had been left feeling starved for his touch and his love.

She chuckled as if dismissive of the situation, or an attempt to show more restraint than Selene had... but in the end, it mattered not. Like her sister, Rodeline's own desires grew too strong to handle, and she quickly rushed the open side of her Master's body. And he awaited her with open arms.

“Mmfuaah! Mmffuaah! Mmfuah!”

“Heh heh! You too, Rodeline? Heh!”

Yes, her too! He kissed his free cheek, which caused Selene to start kissing him again. Before he knew it, Sebastian was surrounded on both sides by his amorous dragons, both of which kissed him down harder and harder. He stumbled back as they held upon his body, feeling their soft and warm lips against his flesh up until he came to the edge of his steaming hot bathtub. Only when he sat upon it did the two drachenmagd pull away, and only so they could gaze at one another in a knowing manner.

“Ufufu! These clothes are...”

“Too stuffy, right? Umu!”

“You can undress,” Sebastian said with his boyish smile, “I promise, I'm not going anywhere.”

And to show his honesty, Sebastian pulled open his own bathrobe and kicked off his slippers, placing them both aside as he offered his naked body up to his maids. Even more the restraint of his maids began fading, their hunger and desires swelling once again. Their eyes even glowed briefly, before returning to normal. They knew only one thing...

They had to get out of these clothes!

Sebastian was used to Selene undressing quickly, tossing off her kimono and undergarments in a black and red blur. When the Chamber Maid was ready to please her Master, pesky clothing was the first thing to go on her body. To see Rodeline undress so quickly however, that had Sebastian gasping, his eyes wide as the pink blur came to a stop with her completely naked body below.

Though being the trained and flawless maids they were, they still had enough control over themselves to neatly fold and place away their clothes next to one another. But once that was squared away, and once they were as naked as their Master... ooooh, their eyes snapped upon him, and he swore he heard a reptilian growl rumble from their throats.

But Sebastian was not scared, was not deterred. He just patted the edge of his bathtub with one hand, while curling his finger in a hooking manner with the other, coaxing them forward.

They rushed him...



He was down for a few moments, whilst feeling the lovely bodies of his two maids at his sides; Rodeline on his left, Selene on his right. It took him a couple of moments to pop his head up from beneath the surface of the tub, rising back up and taking in a deep breath of air as water fell down him. But when he looked up, he saw the bright and warm smiling faces of his two maids. The joy they felt was overwhelming, and in return, all Sebastian could do was chuckle.

He leaned against the back of the tub, his arms sliding out to wrap around their waists. Together he pulled them in close, their hips touching as his eyes closed shut in a pleased manner. Then he took in a deep, deep breath, indulging in the combining odors of their bodies. Selene and her hard to place yet sweet nonetheless smell, and Rodeline with her burning hot cinnamon odor. Both of which instilled within Sebastian a sense of nostalgia for his earlier days at the estate.

Yes... so nice indeed...

“Well now,” Sebastian muttered as he rubbed against the both of their perfectly symmetrical breasts, “Mmm... you're both so lovely and warm... I...” his voice trailed off as his hands came down to stroke their hips an legs, “I really missed this, you know.”

“I missed it too, Master,” Selene said whilst placing her hand upon his chin, turning him so that their eyes could meet, “Ufufu... but we shouldn't worry about things like that; we are here together now! Mmmm...” she rubbed into him more, her body turning so that her breasts could better fit his head, “And I'm so happy you aren't pushing me away like you did last time.”

“Umu! You're well-being is our first priority, Master,” Rodeline added as she too turned to face him, her breasts cradling his head on the other side much like Selene's did, “But... I would be remiss if I said I did not enjoy these more... sensual and passionate moments with you...”

“Well... heh... I enjoy them too so... let's all enjoy ourselves together!”

His words were amorous, his movement likewise. Her Master so sensually and so lovingly stroked his hands along their bodies, marveling at their forms as he snuggled up close against them. Soft groans and softer moans could be heard coming from his lips as he marveled at them, all while his manhood shamelessly began to swell between them all. It didn't take long for Selene to seize her eyes upon it, her lewd and lustful smile strong, and her hand fast.

She quickly grabbed it into her palm, stroking his penis from the base to the tip and back again. The Black Dragon's lusts were nearly untamed with how desperate she was for her Master, with eyes even subtly glowing their erotic pink shine. And when Sebastian looked up to meet her gaze, he was not put off by the glow, nor was he uncomfortable with how desperate her handjob was. He smiled at her, then reached up with his hands, cupping her face with them as he pulled Selene in for a kiss.

It was soft and it was slow, probably because Sebastian dictated the pace of the kiss for a change. His human tongue slicked and clicked against Selene's serpentine one, drawing moans from the both of them as he pressed their bodies closer together. But the kiss was not to last for long as Sebastian pulled back, bringing with him a bridge of saliva as his brown eyes leered over towards Rodeline.

He looked up at her, smiled, before pressing in towards her neck. The Nurse Maid reclined softly as she felt the hungry lips of her Master start to shower her neck and clavicle with kisses, licks, and nibbles. His relentless devouring of her body drew moans from her mouth as she laid her hands upon his shoulders, holding him in. And then Sebastian began traveling down, kissing towards her bosom as his hands cupped them. Fingers sank in, he pointed her nipples towards his mouth and--


He sucked, and he sucked hard.

Eyes closed, Sebastian drew delicious milk from Rodeline's supple bosom. The first taste on his tongue reminded him of how much he longed for this feeling. It was warm and soothing... motherly too. And when Rodeline nestled him closer to her bosom, her hands resting on his head, he truly felt enveloped in her nurturing love.

“Umu... you're such a child, Master. So greedy...” Rodeline remarked, garnering a pout from Selene.

“Uf! You're being the greedy one, Rodeline,” Selene snapped back as she pressed against the back of Sebastian's head with her breasts, sandwiching him between the both of them, “I know you've been starved for his touch, but so have I. He invited us both here, did he not?”

“Umu! Of course, but I can't stop what Master does with my body!” the Pink Dragon wittily replied, which further annoyed her sister.

Snarling at her comment, Selene pressed her body further into the back of Sebastian's head, who groaned between them. But he didn't do so in distress, and instead turned his body around so that he could face Selene's body next. Grasping upon her, he opened his mouth and sucked upon her nipples too, even though she could not lactate like her sister could. He didn't care; he just wanted to swarm himself into their bodies.

And it drove him to push, nudging into Selene where he broke their compact form, causing the Black Dragon to fall back into the tub with Sebastian atop him. He pulled back, brown eyes wide, lips in a smile, his face beaming, and his cock nuzzling up against her pelvis. He leaned in, pressing a kiss to her lips, while Rodeline positioned herself behind him. Her breasts pressed up against the back of his head, while her hands gently caressed his shoulders. He moaned into her body, while she moved down to kiss his cheek, again and again...

She nuzzled to him, being a far slower, far more passionate lover than Selene could be. Like a feline longer for her owner, the affectionate Pink Dragon continued peppering Sebastian's body with kisses, with him nuzzling and kissing back. He found himself leaning back against her, with Selene rising up herself. Once more the Chamber Maid pouted in annoyance, but said pout soon turned into a smile as she found herself given a new target.

Oh yes, right there! Amazing!


Sebastian grunted as he leaned back, standing up on his body fully with Rodeline still at his back, and Selene at his front. However, the Black Dragon had gotten down on her knees before his rock-hard manhood, marveling at its length, its size, its girth, its everything. Even with the waters of the falling off of it, its natural musk was strong nonetheless. Leaning in, Selene even took a heavy whiff of her Master's body, indulging in its scent as she licked her tongue hungrily.

“Mmmm... so good,” she moaned whilst rubbing her cheek up against his penis, “It's so big and lively. I've missed it so much...”

Pursing her lips, she kissed it several times over... and then more after that. The audible sounds of her kissing his dick echoed out into the bathtub, with Sebastian's breathing quickening in response. Soon her tongue came slicking out, stroking the sides of her Master's cock as she pushed it up, opening more spots for her relentless love to attack. At the same time, she pushed out her body, her ass breaking the surface of the tub as water cascaded down its curvature. And one of her hands slid down between her thighs, teasing her moist cunt while her lips continued tasting from him.

She looked so peaceful and happy down there; without a care in the world. And when Sebastian's hand fell upon her head, she found herself being nuzzled closer to his dick. Finally Selene opened her mouth, taking his cock into her mouth where its size widened her jaw considerably. She moaned around him, spit breaking from the cracks of her lips as she started sucking him down in earnest. His dick all belonged to her, and the Black Dragon wasn't going to give it up.


Rodeline wanted it too! The Nurse Maid's moans were starting to rise as she began to grope her own bosom with one hand, and massage her pussy with the other. She... she wanted it too! Why did Selene get to hog him all to herself!?

And when she looked up towards Sebastian's moaning face, listening to all the cute noises he made, that feeling of desire only ballooned further for Rodeline. Desperation began to show on her face as she tugged at her Master, who looked over at her with that boyish smile on his face. He then stroked his hand along her cheeks and chin, before pointing down towards his cock as well.

Yes... she gets it now!

Swish! Swash!

Moving around, Rodeline joined her sister in the tub before Sebastian's cock. Naturally Selene pouted in annoyance, doubly so when the Nurse Maid grasped upon her Master's hips with her hands, and moved in to kiss the opposing side of his cock. Annoyed, yes, but Selene was far too overjoyed to be sharing this moment with her Master to care anyway.

So together, both Rodeline and Selene kissed the sides of Sebastian's cock, their pink and purple eyes gazing up towards their Master's cute, moaning face. Yes, they missed this so much! And when he bent over, he placed his hands upon their heads, grinding them more against his cock that towered between them. The erotic energies were rushing, causing his penis to seemingly put on another inch or two between them. Not that they minded...

Rodeline pressed her lips to one side of Sebastian's cock, her eyes closed as her lips audibly smacked against it. He'd twitch, but then Selene would come over, pressing even harder against the other side of his cock. Their lips felt so soft and warm, coaxing more moans from her as she came close to falling back. And his hands gently stroked the tops of their heads, working his fingers into their hair.

But then Selene moved back, opening her mouth so that she could take Sebastian's cock straight into her mouth, guiding it along her serpentine tongue. She sank down hard and sucked even harder, making Sebastian grunt from the rush of it all. Meanwhile, Rodeline came in, kissing, licking and snuggling up against his balls.

His body was getting hotter beneath them, but the rigid stamina he'd gain during his time here was showing itself. Buckling down, he began thrusting softly into Selene's mouth, her eyes widening momentarily, before swooning with desire as she closed shut. Her Master's cock was so big and weighty, pushing down on her jaw as it stroked along her teeth and tongue. He nearly toppled over, groaning and moaning as he continued rubbing their heads, drawing them more into his heated phallus.

The audible 'Slucks!' and 'Slurps!' that echoed out sounded like music to Sebastian's ears, drawing a saucy grin upon his moaning lips. Meanwhile, Rodeline leaned in to kiss Sebastian's pelvis gently, eyes closed softly as the peppering smooches of her lips gently caused him to lean back upon the tubs edge. When he did, his cock came sliding out of Selene's lips, leaving them to pucker as she searched for her Master's body.

Instead her purple eyes fell on his face, noticing the sheepish smile on his face as he waved his hand through the air, saying,

“Heh... oops! I got taken aback there for a moment...”


But Selene raised up, placing her hand on her cheek as she swallowed her spit, his sweat and precum. Even that bounty was more than enough for the Chamber Maid, who swooned and wiggled her hips as her lips curled into a smile. Her beaming expression caused Rodeline to chuckle, who bumped her hip into her sister's in order to snap her back to reality.

“You were really pleased with something that small?” the Nurse Maid asked whilst raising her finger, stroking it upon Selene's lips so she could catch some of Sebastian's residing residue.

“Mmm-hmmm... hoooh... sho goooood...” Selene moaned, “I haven't had thish in shoooo loooong...” her eyes then reopened, leering at her Master and his penis, “Oh! I can't stop myself anymore! I need it now!”



“Oh dear... umu...”

Selene pounced Sebastian, his legs opened and his cock standing right before her gleaming eyes and smiling face. Half-submerged in the waters of the tub, she once again moved in to kiss Sebastian's penis, while Rodeline walked over to rest beside her Master. Her body leaned against him, her breasts pressed into his face. He wrapped his arm around her, squeezing her in close and nuzzling against her tits, while Selene focused her attentions upon his cock.


She sank down again, sucking without finesse, but instead with fervent need. Her head bobbed up and down, splashing the waters around them that tracked into her long, raven hair. Said hair started falling over Selene's face, obscuring it, but not to the point that her purple eyes could not be seen. They gleamed through the black forest of her hair, and the expression of shear lust she had was just as blatant.

“Nmmmmgghh... haaaah... Seleeeeneee,” Sebastian moaned, before, “Mmmff!”

Rodeline grabbed his head, snuggling him into her bosom. By instinct he knew what to do; opening his mouth and taking her nipple into his mouth where he began suckling down her delicious milk. Meanwhile, Selene herself moved in, deepthroating Sebastian's cock. Her tight mouth sealed around his dick, nostrils flaring to take in his sweaty and musky scent. The heat that rushed through his boy had no rival, and only met its end when Selene finally pulled back.

But only so she could wrap his cock with her tits next. Her large, soft, warm tits. They squeezed and clenched upon him, stroking him up and down with her hands pressed to their sides. The tight hold drew Sebastian from Rodeline's tits, needing to moan aloud from the roaring pleasure surging through him.

And Rodeline watched it. Oooh, she saw his cute face moaning, causing the desire to swell within her. Reaching down, she grabbed his face, seizing it into her hands before moving in to kiss her Master. Silenced, Sebastian took a few moments to catch up with his Nurse Maid, before quickly swinging into the kiss furiously.

Their tongues danced and writhed about, mostly in their mouths, but sometimes outside of it. The thrilling rush drove Sebastian to clench and hold Rodeline close, who did likewise with him. And Selene, well, with her breasts still squeezing upon her Master's cock, found it getting a bit harder. Not only that, but it also began twitching and throbbing, meaning only one thing. He was about to--


It came squirting out; a towering stream of seed that shot out of her bosom, up into the air, then came sprinkling back down upon her face. And Selene basked in it, moaning as her eyes closed and cum tracked upon her hair, face, nose, lips, cheeks; everything. It felt so hot, and tasted just as good, further making her swoon as her breasts released their hold upon his penis. Oh yes, swallowing his pre was good, but this was far, far better.

The waters of the tub soon swayed, with Selene opening her eye and looking over, her gaze falling on Rodeline. Saying nothing, the Pink Dragon pursed her lips, kissing her sister on the cheek in order to gather some of Sebastian's cum for herself. Kissing, licking, swallowing it down; an erotic display that their Master watched without hesitation. If only he had some of Mylene's brew to help continue the tryst... though he had no doubts his Maids would help with any flaccidity he may suffer.

And Rodeline was quick to do just that.

Saying nothing, the amorous Nurse Maid took a couple of moments slurping down her Master's seed before turning around to flaunt her ass in front of him. She bent over, her pussy twitching, nectar streaking down her thigh as her pink tail slid up. All Sebastian could do was coo, watching as that ass came closer and closer before resting on his lap.


And his dick perfectly laid upon the crack of her ass, pressing against his stomach as Rodeline began sliding her hips up and down. She stroked his penis with her buttocks, keeping him properly aroused following his climax. He watched as his softening cock sank into her ass... only to start rising back mere seconds later.

Sebastian reached out, palming Rodeline's hips and ass as she continued swaying and dancing upon his throbbing penis. Her weight on him, her curvaceous body, her round and shapely ass; the perfect portrait of a woman matched only by her sisters. And Sebastian sat there, kneading her buttocks, watching and feeling as his cock began hard and rigid once more. And when it did – when it was more than ready enough for her – the Nurse Maid raised herself up, reached down with her other hand, aimed everything together, and--


It slid straight inside of her, traveling deep into her pussy. She sank down and down and down, her buttocks soon resting upon his lap. Shivering with desire, Rodeline crossed her arms over her milky tits, while her head turned to stare over her shoulder, gazing at Sebastian's face from out the corner of her eye.

Haaah... he looked so cute... so happy... mmmm...

Rodeline began moving, fucking her Master into the edge of the tub with an abnormally level of force for someone like her. These hard bucks and jerking movements was normal for someone like Carmeline and Emiline, Nadine too. But Rodeline? She was usually the type who'd accept her Master's love, not actively hound and search for it. But now, with her pink eyes glowing softly, Sebastian could tell the distance had made her just as lustful as her sisters were.

And now he was feeling the affects of it.

But Selene was not the type to idly stand by; never, not her. Moving over, she palmed her hand upon Sebastian's flat chest, her fingers teasing his nipples. He looked at her, meeting her purple eyes as she moved in to kiss and lick his other nipple. Being toyed with by her immaculate hands, Sebastian shivered and jolted up with his cock, thrusting and bucking Rodeline up as she came to meet him. Impact for impact made her buttocks jiggle, while Selene continued showering his body with kisses, with nibbles, with suckles and strokes. And then she began moving up closer... and closer... and closer... until...



The two began kissing, with Sebastian gripping Rodeline's hip tighter. Now his cock was like a piston, slamming into the Nurse Maid with such furious drive and desperate need. She crooned and groaned, her teeth grinding against teeth as drool dribbled from her mouth. The waters of the tub were splashing about now, while Sebastian bit upon Selene's bottom lip and groaned.

Already he could feel the urge bubbling from beneath, but he held it in. He had two drachenmagd to please, did he not? Well it would be wrong of him to focus so heavily on one, right? Well... of course! So with a rising command he said,


“Yes, Master?”

“On the rim, now!”

And she jolted in place, her eyes wide with shock... before a kooky smile spread out over her lips. Saying nothing, the Chamber Maid gave a sheepish nod as she looked over towards the edge of the tub. Leaning over as her body bucked and twitched, she rested her arms and breasts upon its cool surface. Rodeline gasped... only to suddenly be pushed over herself! Resting beside her sister, the two of them looked at Sebastian, his brown eyes dripping with hunger, and his hard cock oozing with juices.



Selene was first, penetrated by his cock with very little hesitation. It slammed in hard, straight to the core, thrusting several times over at quick succession... before pulling back. She was left not only gaping slightly, but also longing for his cock. Instead...


He slammed into Rodeline, thrusting hard into the Pink Dragon and making her wings flutter. Reaching out, Sebastian undid Selene's hair buns as he fucked her sister, while his other hand came around to slap the Nurse Maid's ass. Then he moved to undo her braids next, letting her pink hair fall just as messily as the Black Dragons!

Over and over again, Sebastian would fuck one hard, then switch to the other. Pull one's hair, whilst spanking the other. Yank on Selene's tail, before pulling on Rodeline's wings. Grasping their horns and forcing them to arch, all as his cock thrusted and slammed, and fucked, and penetrated and-- and-- and--


Selene doubled over first, her pussy throbbing, her teeth grinding, and these deep grunts escaping her lips as the rushing need to climax began to overwhelm her. Rodeline wasn't too far behind, her pussy too clenching and throbbing whenever his rod pushed into her. That's when Sebastian took aim, fucking Selene while his other hand came around to Rodeline's cunt and--


Slammed right in, pushing his digits into her sweltering cunt with very little space to give. And he moved his fingers slowly, stroking them along her vaginal walls. Of particularly note, he abused her g-spot, knowing exactly where it was.

So he pushed...


And Selene...


It was uproarious! Climactic! Explosive! At the same time, both Rodeline and Selene came, their orgasms shaking the room to its very core. Both arched, and both came their clear, hot juices all over the bathtub beneath them. Their bodies grew limp upon the tub's edge as well, unable to move as they shook and shivered, cumming and cumming and cumming, all whilst screaming, and moaning, and groaning!

And... and...

Hah... it must have only gone on for a few seconds, despite how loud it was. And when it finally subsided, the two's moans became coos as they sank into the tub below.

But things weren't quite done yet, were they? No... turning around, the musky and sweaty odor of their Master's cock cut into their noses. They peered towards Sebastian's towering phallus, watching as he pumped his hand along it a couple of times. They already knew what was coming, and both came over, prepared to catch whatever love their Master would bless them with.

And when it came... ooooooohh... it was heavenly...


He came all over their faces; a blanket of white-hot seed that covered them from their foreheads down to their chins. How their Master managed such a load really didn't matter to the two dragons, who merely basked in the warm glow of his heated love. How it slowly oozed upon their cheeks, their noses and their lips, falling into the tub below, all as they moaned and groaned. The two looked both slutty and drunk, not to mention blissful as smiles appeared on their faces together.

So... amazing...

“Aaaaaahhh~ Sho gooood... shooooo gooooood,” Selene moaned, while Rodeline pressed her their cheeks together.

“Unglaublich... erstaunlich...” the Pink Dragon added, while both sank down to their necks in the tub.

And Sebastian?


“Ugggh... I may have... over done it... a little bit there... haaaah,” he groaned, a sheepish smile spreading on his face, “But... it was worth it still...”

“Mmmm... Master...?” Rodeline called, drawing his gaze over.

Despite having his cum still oozing down her face, he could read the look of concern she was giving him. Then her tail came sliding over her face, cleaning away his seed so tht, yes, he could have an unobstructed view of her worried face. He cocked his head at her, confused as to why she was giving him this look, where his hand reached forward to rest upon her cheek.

“Is something... wrong, Rodeline?” he asked, to which she nodded.

“Why did you call Selene and I here?” she asked, a question that snapped the Black Dragon from her blissful state as well, “You've been so reclusive... it's been concerning for all of us. And then this morning – for seemingly no reason at all – you invite Selene and I here to sleep with you?” her face began trembling, “What has... come over you?”

He twitched, his brown eyes gazing away and his teeth biting into his bottom lip, as if he was struggling to hold something in that just begged to come out. But before either Selene or Rodeline could question him on this, he looked back at them with that beaming boyish smile of his, and he even pointed over towards a nearby stool.

“Because of that,” he claimed, for resting on the stool was a-- “Could you grab that book and give it to Rodeline, Selene?”

“Ufff... yes, Master.”

The Chamber Maid's tail slithered out from the tub, grabbing the book so that she could bring it to her hands. Then she and Rodeline checked it together, the both of them holding up the book where they realized it was Heinrich's Records.

“I've been reading it again,” Sebastian claimed, “And I came to realize just how... important you girls are. Not just to the Faust estate and my family, but to me. As you know, I learned some information that... well, simply put, information that I didn't like. But now I realize just how pointless it all was,” he looked back at them, beaming, “I love you girls. And that's that.”

“Oh Master!” the two said in unison with barely restrained joy!

Placing Heinrich's Records aside, Selene and Rodeline quickly moved to press their bodies once again to Sebastian's sides, their breasts perfectly smothering his face. His cheeks puffed, the young earl groaned and chuckled, but said and did nothing to move them away. Instead he basked in the feeling of their bodies against his...

While his brown eyes leered at Heinrich's Records...

Big, strong, and bronze: those are the three words Sebastian would use to describe Carmeline. When the sunlight strikes her body after a hard day's work, it radiates in a way that's not really matched by any of her sisters. She was easily the tallest, towering over the others and him of course. But with that lovely, beaming smile of hers, he always felt safe in her arms.

And then there was the Marshal, Emiline. The two were rivals in terms of physical abilities, always attempting to outdo one another. Of course, Carmeline was stronger, but Emiline was far more limber. Her athleticism showed in her graceful and refined movements, skilled and flawless, especially when she decided to show herself off. It was rare, but when it happened, heh, it was surprisingly childish for someone so elegant.

Now why is any of this relevant? Well...

“Gaaah! Gaaaah! Gaaaah!”

“Mmm... mmmm... chu...”

Of the maids, he'd say the bustiest were Selene, Adeline and Carmeline. Of course the tall, bronze amazon would have a cupsize to put most others to shame! Such large and firm breasts too; one's that didn't bend or sway easily. And now those large, smooth, stone-like tits were cradling his cock on all sides.

Her chest confided in a tight sports bra, Carmeline moved her breasts up and down Sebastian's cock. It was sandwiched between her two tits, traveling along her rib cage from the bottom to the top. Each stroke of her breasts upon is cock made it throb readily between her, and gave a dollop of clear precum as well.

On Carmeline's face laid a smile as she titfucked her Master, her orange eyes glowing softly and her tail slithering behind her. Compared to, say, Selene, her paizuri skills were lacking, but she certainly had the gusto and drive to make him happy. Feeling his rigid cock twitching inside of her, threatening to climax, all while he furiously – and I do mean furiously – made out with Emiline.

“Mmmff! Mmmm!”

It was slow at first, but not for long. The Marshal – who also was wearing her tights sports wear – had Sebastian seized with her lips, kissing him down with eyes closed. Her tongue slithering and sliding about within his mouth, twirling around his tongue to drawn him deeper. She tasted him, tasted his need, his desire, and it made her heart flutter. Moaning into him, she too ate his moans whenever he gave her, while her hands stroked his chest.

She pulled back, bridges of spit hanging from her thin lips to Sebastian's. He panted softly to catch his breath, before breaking a smile out over his lips as his eyes met her teal ones. She wanted to say something, but instead her Master reached up, teasing the tight fabric of her sports bra. He pushed in, sinking his fingers against her bosom and coaxing a moan from her. Saying nothing, the Marshal moved in, propping his head up with her thighs, while her fingers teased the hem of her sports bra. Pulling it up, she freed her bosom and arched over, offering her breasts to Sebastian.



He was quick to latch his mouth upon one of her nipples, sucking and licking and slurping hard. Spurts of pleasure flowed through her as she cradled his head, letting him suck to his hearts content. Then Carmeline pulled back, her breasts having been smeared with his precum to the point that gooey bridges were stretching out between her tits. Grasping her stained sports bra, the Groundskeeper pulled it up and off her head, tossing it aside as her orange eyes latched upon her Master's throbbing cock.

So long and hard and rigid and girthy and everything, really. Reaching over, the bronze amazon began to play with the head and glands of his penis, palming it as she rubbed it around and around and around. Every stroke garnered a moan from Sebastian and a jerk up of his hips, smearing his pre against her palm. Her other hand too came around to stroke his penis' shaft, jerking him off into her as she seemingly hunted for the cum in his balls.

But Sebastian would not give it to her, not so soon, and not without a fight. That resilience and stamina he had – honed by her training hand no less – brought a smirk to Carmeline's lips, who grinned in her Master's direction whilst continuing to assault him with her working hands.

That is until she moved down, resting her head against his penis where her slithering tongue extended, stroking along the side of his cock. From the shaft to the tip and back again, the Groundskeeper lashed out viciously against his manhood, making it twitch along her face. That powerful, brutish tongue of hers was always unique, and she used every inch of it to slap around his dick before finally guiding it in straight towards her mouth.

Then she sucked, drawing Sebastian straight into her throat without a moment's hesitation. Carmeline's head descended down and down and down until her lips met his pubic hair. The audible sound of her powerful suckling, and the feeling of his sensitive cock being driven straight down her throat, made Sebastian croon and recline, his eyes closing from pleasure, only to reopen and meet Emiline's gaze. She smiled at him, stroked her fingers through her hair, before completely smothering his face over with her soft, pliable breasts.

The more he got lost in the pleasure of his maid's and their amazing body, the harder it became for him to think. Ah, but he would be subjugated to this for too long, for Emiline suddenly moved up, freeing him from her thighs and tits. He watched as she rose up, her hands hooking into the tight gym pants she wore, where she slowly pulled them down her body to reveal that lovely, shapely ass she had.

Walking over, she hung her ass and pussy in front of Sebastian's face, her tail dancing as it gave him an unobstructed view of her posterior. She then reached around, cupping her buttocks and giving it a bounce... and then another bounce... and another bounce... flaunting just how amazing it was. Leaning over, she rested her hands upon her knees in this bent over position, while her teal eyes gazed to meet Sebastian's hypnotized face.

And hypnotized it was, watching her ass sway left and right while her tail danced accordingly. And then that butt came in... and in... and in... and in and in and in and in and in and in until--!


She sat right on his face, bearing down upon him with her weight. And... really, Emiline wasn't too heavy. She smothered his face, surrounding his head with her toned thighs, her lovely ass, and her lavender scent. And with her pussy right there for the taking, well, Sebastian opened his mouth.

A moan left her lips as she felt her Master suckle upon her pussy, feasting on her as she sat down on him. The position was a bit awkward for someone exploring this for the first time, but the young earl was surprisingly quick to get the hang of things. Pushing his tongue into her folds, he drew a moan from Emiline's lips, while she sensually swayed her body upon his head.

Sebastian couldn't see her face, but Carmeline could. Looking up at her sister to see the expression of shear erotic joy, the Groundskeeper felt a swelling of jealousy flow through her. It made her pout cutely, only for her orange eyes to lock down upon Sebastian's cock. Smiling and licking her lips while one hand groped her bosom, the Orange Wyrm rose, towering over both Sebastian and Emiline as she grasped her Master's cock in hand.

He grunted, his oral briefly stopped. And then he moaned as the tight and toned labia of Carmeline's muscular pussy sank down upon his cock. Sitting upon his cock, the Groundskeeper wiggled her own hips and her hands rested on his stomach. She then looked up, shooting Emiline a sassy glare as if to say 'you may have the Master's face, but I have his cock!'. Naturally, that garnered an annoyed squint in return, for Emiline always wanted all of their Master.

For now they'd share, with Emiline riding Sebastian's face, and Carmeline riding his dick. Surrounded by the olympian bodies of his beautiful dachenmagd, the young earl was at first content to just lay there like their sex toy. But as time went on, his own drive compelled him, with his hungry fellatio doubling in power, and his hips starting to move on their own.

He began driving his cock into Carmeline's pussy at the same time as his tongue pushed into Emiline's cunt, the dual actions making both dragons jolt upright. The Groundskeeper swooned as she felt his cock carve its way through her pussy, pushing up then pull back, over and over again. Emiline may be riding his face, but he still reached up to grab Carmeline's toned hip with one hand, gripping her tightly. Held in place slightly, she felt his cock pistoning into her pussy, thrusting up and up and up with enough force to bounce her body as a whole.

At the same time, his other hand came around to latch upon Emiline's thigh. She too was held in place, while his mouth came up to grip upon her clit. Feeling that tongue press into her button, Emiline jerked up once again, before swooning as her Master's tongue pushed inside of her.

She was starting to pant too, her body arching over to lean against Carmeline... who did likewise. Her Master's brutish cock was beating down her defenses, making her shake and shudder. Reaching out for her sister, the Groundskeeper held against her to keep herself propped up, with Emiline once again doing likewise. The two were locked and bound, fucked by a Master hellbent on making them climax if his furious movements were anything to go by.

Pounding deeper, harder and faster, while his tongue worked deeper, and harder, and faster as well. The two dragons were left shuddering and moaning, the air blanketed with a heavy and thick odor of freshly cut grass and lavender. It plastered the gym around them, mixing with Sebastian's sweat, as their workout-turned sexual tryst continued on towards its inevitable conclusion.

And those noises...


“Geeehhhnn! Hgrraaaah! Cummin'! Hrrrggghh! Cummin'!!!” Carmeline announced as she bit into her bottom lip, screwed her eyes shut, and-- “Gghhhhnnnnnghhh!”

Well... she wasn't too far behind when...


And of course...


Like some sordid crescendo, the trio climaxed at about the same time, juices and fluids splattering about like a spilled bowl. Emiline came all over Sebastian's face, Carmeline came all over his cock, and he came all inside of his Groundskeeper. The odor was thick to the point that it was choking now, but that did not stop Sebastian from tanking load after load after load inside of his servant's body. The intense heat made her shiver and she fell back, falling upon the floor on her butt, with her legs spread out wide. In doing so she exposed her bounty, letting Emiline watch as seed came sputtering from her pussy in glob after glob after glob. Sebastian even came a few times after, though it ultimately petered out into nothing.

And then the three were just left there, gasping for air in an attempt to catch their breaths... or, well, save for Sebastian, since Emiline was--

Tap! Tap!

“Huh? Oh! Master!”

Raising up from Sebastian's face, both she and Carmeline watched as he panted hard, his eyes wide and his chest heaving. But as it began to subside, he started chuckling and then laughing, his hand smearing some of the clear juices his Marshal stained him with. She chuckled too, her hands resting upon his head and lifting him up so that both she and her sister could get a better view of him.

“Geh heh...! I missed this, Master!” Carmeline said as she patted down her chest, “I'm so happy you decided to work out again with us this mornin'! Even if the 'workout' turned into this... but it always does, so I ain't complainin'!”

“Well... while sex may not be the most efficient way to hone one's body, it is a rigorous activity that awards positive change in one's athletic skills,” Emiline added, “Though I wouldn't replace all of our workout sessions with sex just yet. We still need to work on Master's defensive skills.”

“Heh heh... you girls are always looking out for me,” Sebastian said as he snuggled more into Emiline's hold, “I don't know where I'd be without you all.”

“Ah! You're just bein' too hard on yourself, Master,” Carmeline said as she grabbed his hand, pulling it up, “You're a Faust! You're better than that, remember? Geh heh!”

“Yes... better than that,” Sebastian repeated in a forlorn manner, his eyes closing shut, “Mmmm... haaah... I have to go and meet with Faline and Adeline in a moment but... I'm enjoying myself so much now.”

“Just relax, Master,” Emiline said as she continued stroking the sides of his head so lovingly, “Just as stretching is important before a workout, so too is allowing one's body to unwind following it. Kuku...”

“Yesss... heh... oh! Carmeline?”

“Yes, Master?”

“Can you pass me my book? Heinrich's Records? It's... right over there.”

“Huh? Hmm... oh! I see it!”

Reaching over with her tail for a nearby stool, the Groundskeeper picked up the book resting upon it. She then swung it over, bringing it to her Master, who held it in his hand. Smiling at the tome, he looked up at Emiline, where he gently and lovingly dragged the book upon her face. She cocked her head curiously, but the smile on her lips did not fade when she said in a teasing manner

“You are so childish, Master...”

“Nnghh! Such a cruel Master you are, making me do such a belittling thing! When you called me, I did not think it would be for... this! How could you do this to me!?”

“Whaaaaat? Taaah... how could you hate this, Adeline? Mmmnhaaah! Thiisss is the beeesssst!”

When her Master called her to his private study, she was elated. Finally, after days where he has acted more ghostly than Katherine, the young earl was returning to his old self. And she was more than ready to spend some time with him, as she had heard he'd already been doing with the likes of Selene and Rodeline that morning. When she arrived and saw Faline, she didn't think anything of it, and in fact, looked forward to it. What was it? Their Master wished to be taught more on how to be a strong dominant within the bedroom? Then so be it!

But then he grabbed that leash and red leather collar... and wrapped it around her neck. To say Adeline was livid would be just a little bit of an understatement!

The Yellow Wyvern was naked, wearing nothing on her body save for a rather thin and slutty pair of black panties that hung upon her waist, and socks that reached up to her thighs. Aside from that, her short, thicc body was on full display; from her fat and juicy ass to her equally as fat and juicy tits, as well as the annoyed and scowling visage on her usually smug face. She only had her arm to cover her nudity, which wasn't doing much considering how much 'nudity' there was!

“Once we're done, I swear I'll punish you for this, Master!” the Tailor Maid decreed, garnering a giggle from her sister.

At the very least, she wasn't alone in this. Sitting on her knees beside her shortstack of a sister was Faline, completely naked save for her green coat that hung on her shoulders. Aside from that and the bands in her hair that keep it in twintails, the Librarian was just as naked as her sister, and with a leash and collar on her neck as well. But where as Adeline was obviously peeved and angry, Faline was just a few seconds shy from cumming on the spot!

All as their leashes were tugged along by their domineering Master.

“You two are so cute,” Sebastian commented, seemingly at odds with the hot and cold expressions his two maids were giving him. In fact...

“What is so cute about being led around like bitches!?” Adeline shouted, “Faline is the super submissive one! Not me!”

“I don't know... I remember hearing that all the drachenmagd are submissive, they just come in different flavors,” Sebastian commented in a teasing manner, causing the Tailor Maid's expression to blank out.

“TH-THAT'S NOT COMPLETELY TRUE!!!” she shouted back, though Faline only giggled in response.

Suddenly there was a tug on her leash, jerking Adeline forward upon her chest. That only caused her to growl more, frustrated and humiliated by what her Master was doing... which in turn only drove him to pull more on her leash.

“Since you're being so defiant, I suppose it's only right if you have first taste, Adeline,” Sebastian said as he tugged at her lips with his thumb.

“Rrrrghh! I swear, I'll get you for this, Master!” she shouted back, garnering a chuckle from her earl.

“Hm... I look forward to it,” he replied whilst sitting back in his chair.

Being a lazing sort of day, the young earl forwent one of his more regal outfits for something more relaxed. Thus he only wore his black and gold satin lounge wear, which shimmered in the light of his private study. Adeline and Faline both sat on their legs before him, the Yellow Wyvern still resistant, and the Brown Wyrm so incredibly aroused. But this feeling was mutual for both dragons, for despite her proclamations and angry tone, Adeline too was filling the air with her erotic, sweet aromas.

Yet none of that seemed to matter at the moment when Sebastian finally worked down his shorts, revealing his cock that had this heavy, musky odor to it. Both Faline and Adeline recognized this scent; he'd worked out not too long ago, hadn't he? And with no wash between the moments, his randy male scent was overpowering. Quickly the Tailor Maid's defiance was placed at the wayside, as drool hung from her lips and her red eyes glowed softly.

And when Sebastian pulled upon her leash, this time she obeyed.

Moving in, Adeline tried to capture Sebastian's cock with her hungry mouth, but the young earl had other plans. Instead he took his thick cock, slapping it against her face with enough force that she visibly recoiled. Faline was quick to swoop in next, resting beneath Sebastian's cock as she gazed up towards its towering pillar. And, hey, since he was so gracious...


He gave her a slap of his dick too.

With both of his maids resting beneath his cock, Sebastian gently rubbed it against their faces, feeling their smooth flesh grace his sensitive manhood. Adeline kissed it first, pressing her lips to the side of his dick with eyes closed, while Faline pressed to the other side. She too kissed him, while the young earl leaned back, tugging their leashes to incite them for further debauchery.

And it worked, with Adeline's mouth opening to take Sebastian's cock straight inside. She sucked on it, bobbing her head up and down and pumping her lips, while Faline moved to kiss and suck his balls. This went on for a few seconds, before a tug of the Librarian's leash made her eyes wide. Taking the cock from out of Adeline's mouth, she slid it into her own, sucking on it from the glands to the shaft and back again. And after a few seconds of that, he'd tug on Adeline's leash, snapping her to attention as she quickly took his cock into her mouth, suckling him down much like she did before.

Over and and over again, alternating between their two mouths with nary a moment's hesitation. Sucking, sucking, sucking, some bites, some nibbles, many moans, filling the air like music at a concern, their odors like smog from a volcano. And Sebastian was there in the middle, moaning himself, holding their leashes in hand whilst petting and rubbing their heads. Their combined fellatio was almost too much to bare, as spit and saliva oozed down his cock to stain his chair and floor.


Faline pulled back, swearing Sebastian's cock seemed to grow harder than before. Wrapping her hand it to jerk him off, she caused their spit to splash about while a dazed Adeline sat idly by. That is until Sebastian tugged on her leash, drawing her red eyes up to meet his brown ones. Then his hand reached out for her, grabbing her arm and pulling her up. She came to sit on the chair besides him, her plump and small body pressing up against his.

She moved in, kissing him and he kissed back, while Faline continued to indulge in his cock. His hand stroked down Adeline's back, coming to rest upon her fat ass as he pulled her in. She leaned up and he moved down, latching upon one of her nipples with her mouth as she recoiled. Biting her bottom lip, the Yellow Wyvern held in her moans as her Master sucked from her tits as if he could draw milk.

Damn was she jealous of Rodeline at this moment!

Grasping upon Faline's hand with his other hand, Sebastian suddenly brought her down hard against his cock, grinding and pressing her face against his pelvis. His dick barged down into her throat, choking her audible. A surprised yip followed by a hack and wheeze escaped from Faline's mouth and nose as she struggled against her Master's cock. It was only a moment before he started drawing back with his hips... only to them slam them forward, once again forcing his Librarian to deepthroat him.

And with her down there, Sebastian brought his hands over towards Adeline, lifting her up. The Tailor Maid found her gaze traveling from his face, to the wall, to the ceiling as she was laid out upon his desk, her legs spread. Resting before her Master was a virtual smorgasbord of flesh, waiting to be licked, bit, sucked, and eaten, all to how he saw fit. And with her plump pink pussy sitting before him, a bit of drool hung from his lips. He dove in...


His mouth seized upon Adeline's cunt, just like how Faline's mouth seized upon his cock. Keeping one hand upon his Librarian's head so that his dick stayed deep in her throat, his other hand fell upon the Yellow Wyvern's leg, keeping it spread open for him. His mouth was hungry, sucking and slurping wildly, before suddenly slowing as he gained his more refined and eloquent way of sucking. Licking and poking and prodding, pressing up into her as his tongue delved deep. One of Adeline's hands held open her leg, while the other hand reached down to palm her Master's head, holding him in close to her.

This pleasure continued riding through her, her mouth wobbling as flames threatened to bubble from beneath. He felt that heat rush through her, and with how flooded she was down here with her cunt, Sebastian knew Adeline was more than ready. So finally he drew back with his hips, pulling his spit-covered cock from Faline's lips who was left breathing hard following it. Then he rose up, both hands holding open his Tailor Maid's legs as he drove his cock straight into her cunt.


No build up, no hesitation, nothing like that! Just one push straight into her deepest of deep cores, caring not for any resistance he met along the way. Adeline's eyes grew wide, her lips a tight and small 'o', while her hands gripped tightly upon the desk's surface besides her head. She couldn't think straight for a couple of moments, only feeling his cock as it pushed in and out of her again and again and again.

Smiling in an affable manner, Sebastian started fucking Adeline in earnest, drawing his cock in and out of her shortstack body at a steady tempo. Every thrust garnered a 'FUH!' or a 'FUAH!' from her lips, and it made her big breasts bounce so hypnotically. And Faline steady arose to be at her Master's side, her slutty face red with blush, and brown eyes glowing softly. She pressed her naked body into his, her breasts to his chest while her hands stroked him.

Then her eyes traveled down, watching as that thick cock slid in and out of her sister's pussy without remorse. Thrusting, pounding and fucking, all whilst getting a bit faster, a bit stronger with every moment. The way those veins stood on his cock, how it throbbed when it bottomed out, and the glistening juices that flowed from it; she just wanted to suck it again!

But instead Faline fawned over her Master, lips pressing to his cheek in adoring kiss after kiss. Then he stopped, causing Adeline to pant as his gaze slid over to the Librarian kissing him. She looked back, eyebrows raised before she felt his hands on her shoulders. Eyes widened, the Brown Wyrm was suddenly turned over to face Adeline on the desk, and then--



She fell forward, her hands inadvertently pinning Adeline to the desk, their shocked faces meeting one another. But neither side got the chance to say a word before Sebastian pulled up Faline's cloak, revealing her curved and cute butt.

And her sopping...




You are reading story Drachenmagd at novel35.com



Teeth clenched, drool flowing, and eyes rolling up, Faline took every inch of her Master's cock in one mighty thrust! It kissed up to her womb... then it kissed up to her womb again... and then again... and then again! Every thrust shook her and the desk, making it all wobble as Sebastian slammed into her. And if she even thought about escape, he tugged on her leash, jerking her head back, as he continued slamming away into her sweltering cunt. Words no longer left Faline's lips, just high pitched moans, groans, yips and even screams.

But if Adeline thought she was out of it, heh, no. Pulling back, Sebastian suddenly aimed with her cunt, slamming straight into her next. She was nearly thrown off the desk from the force of the impact, her breasts instead bouncing so hard they slapped her chin. And he just kept hammering away into her pliable pussy, thrusting and fucking and pounding up! But before it got to the point where it was too much, he'd switch it up, and slam into Faline.

These alternating thrusts... he had gotten better at this. Never giving one too much, but always being so domineering and forceful. Faline was in paradise being treated in such a way, and despite her once petulant demeanor, Adeline too was floating in bliss. The two were being fucked so hard, so wonderfully, that all of everything around them seemingly ceased to exist. Just the sex, the raw, primal rush, the emotions, the climax!

The bomb!

Both of Sebastian's hands gripped tightly upon Faline's hips... and he pushed her down. In doing so, her clit began rubbing up against Adeline's, sending a jolt through their bodies. But the young earl was not done yet, for his cock quickly slammed home straight into his Librarian. When he did, the thrust jerked her up against her sister's body, once again grinding their pussies together. Like a phantom, Adeline could feel every thrust Sebastian slammed into Faline, ghosting off of her form and into her body.

And he knew this, so he rutted his Librarian deeply. Every pound, every thrust, every penetration, slamming them harder against the desk as he fucked her harder and harder and harder. His expression had sharpened, focused entirely on marking every inch of her pussy with seed. And to that end, he dragged and ground his cock against every inch of her vaginal walls, making Faline squeal. A twist, a turn, a sudden thrust in, and--


Grinding their bodies together, those jolts of pleasure caused by grinding pussies finally came to a crescendo. Faline's eyes were wide, her glasses having fallen from her face as she screamed. And Adeline? She bit into her bottom lip, trying – and failing – to keep her orgasmic voice from coming out. It was all so loud, so hot, so wet, so... odorous.

So amazing.


And Sebastian was... so relaxed.

His cock grew in size within Faline, the last sign before his eventual climax. Filling her up so much with his thick, hot seed. Her eyes rolled back as the intense heat flowed through her already incredibly hot and sweaty body. And with it came her twitching cunt and an orgasm all its own. It splattered down upon Adeline, staining her with her sister's fluids as she twitched and came. The desk, the floors; drenched in combined juices that flowed like an endless, endless river. And when Sebastian pulled back, he brought his dribbling seed out with him. Such a thick mess, with Faline and Adeline collapsed upon one another, gasping for breath as their domineering Master gently rubbed their sweaty bodies.

And he did it all with that charming, smile on his face.

“Heh heh... uh... I... I wasn't too hard on you two, were you?”

“Amashing,” Faline answered, while Adeline continued to catch her breath.

He could already see her face starting to contort into anger, humiliation and discomfort, meaning another scolding would be coming his way soon. It made sweat drop from Sebastian's head and he laughed sheepishly, wondering just how strong her berating would be this time.

That is assuming of course if he would still...

Shaking his head, Sebastian's focus shifted instead to the area around his desk. There was only on book on it before this sexcapade started, and now that book was nowhere to be seen. Looking over, he finally found it; Heinrich's Records. It had fallen during all the sex, first touched by Adeline when he laid her on the desk, and then by Faline when he pushed her over upon it.


Do... all of the Drachenmagd have these little cloak things? He had never noticed up until now. In the past, only Larsine wore a cloak; that purple one she had on when she went primal. But now not only was she wearing her purple cloak, but also Mylene in a green cloak, and Nadine in a blue one. It was tied around their necks, their hoods drawn up though it did not obscure their faces. And aside from that... nothing; they were completely naked beneath.

There's something about their nude bodies beneath open cloaks that just... looks so good.

“Har! I'm happy you decided to finally stop being so gray and sullen, Master!”

“Yeah! Nyeh heh! I bet Larsine could barely hold herself back! She was probably gonna go primal again!”

“What? Huff! Hey, th-that's not true!”

Mylene on one arm, Nadine on the other... why did this feel vaguely familiar?

They tugged him along, smiles on their faces as they headed down this seemingly wayward stone walkway. Bushes were one way, bushes were the other, and stone archways hung overhead. Were they leading him to the gazebo in the middle of the hedge maze? No, no; he'd recognize such a thing. No, this path led to--

“And finally!”

Yes, the square-shaped little koi pond they had within their courtyard. It was like a little hideaway among many little hideaways; an outdoor bar beneath a wood awning, with multiple lounge chairs resting side by side by side. And with the miniature waterfall that endlessly pours into the coy pond, it was like one's secret getaway where they can be alone with nature... but also not too far from the estate itself.

“Har! The last thing I want is Carmeline barging in here and ruining things!” Nadine exclaimed as she led Sebastian to a nearby lounge chair, with Mylene breaking off to head for the bar in question.

“Why don't you all relax right there, hm?” said the Parlor Maid as she started collecting glasses and drinks, “I'll just ready my special brew for this, nyeh heh heh!”

“You and that special brew,” Larsine muttered whilst casually twisting some hair around her fingers, “From what I've heard during the day, Master Sebastian won't even need it. Threesomes with Selene and Rodeline, Emiline and Carmeline, and Adeline and Faline? I think the Master is trying to run a marathon!”

“Nyeh heh heh! Yeah, that's the ticket!” Mylene said excitedly whilst pouring a cup of her special brew, “And that's why he needs my drink! A hit of this, and he'll have enough energy kicking throughout the rest of the day! At this rate, he'll get all eleven of us in a day! That hasn't happened in a while!”

“Hey girls, calm down,” Sebastian said whilst sitting on a chair, his smile beaming, “I just realized how... important you girls are to me and that... I really shouldn't be hiding myself away like I have been.”

“I'm so happy you came to that conclusion, Master,” Larsine said with barely restrained excitement, “Here, why don't Nadine and I help you out of your clothes?”

“Yeah! Har! It ain't right if we're baring all with our cloaks, and you aren't,” the Blue Wyrm added.

Getting both sides of him, Nadine and Larsine seized upon their Master, their hands grabbing his lounging shirt. Larsine unbuttoned and Nadine pulled off, baring his chest to them all as he sat down on his lounge. But if he thought that was all, well, he was clearly mistaken.

Pulling off their hoods, Nadine and Larsine both looked at one another with mischievous looks on their faces, before moving in to kiss both sides of Sebastian's cheek. The movement was chaste at first, only for the greedy Blue Wyrm to pull him in, kissing him directly upon the lips. With a pout, Larsine waited for a fw seconds, before grasping her Master's face to pull him from his liplock. Swinging him back over, she kissed him on the lips, humming softly as her tongue slid into his mouth.

Both dragons laid beside him on the lounge, constantly swishing him up and around with their mouths and tongues. Greedy, greedy, greedy they were, always fighting for their chances to have him. And, well, he was more than happy to be on the receiving end of their affection. Only...

“Ah! Mmmfffurrhahh wait... mmmfff! Wait!” he moaned, breaking their kisses, “Haaah... hoohh... um... my robe...” he looked around, “My books in it...”

“You mean... this book?” Larsine asked as her tail slithered over, holding Heinrich's Records in her grasp, “Heh heh! Here it is, Master!”

Handing it to Nadine, the Kitchen Maid herself reached over to place it upon a nearby table. Good... good... oh! Gotta focus, as they were moving in again upon him. Smiling, he offered his body to his amorous maids, both of which weer quick to take it.

They rested on both of his sides, his arms wrapping around them to pull them in close. One hand reached out to grab upon Larsine's buttocks, the other hand grabbing onto one of Nadine's tit. Together he groped his maids, his lips firmly locked upon Larsine's lips... but only for a few moments before – you guessed it – Nadine pulled him over to kiss her.

Over and over again they switched and kissed him, with Sebastian going along for the ride. He didn't pay attention to their hands sliding down towards his pants, pulling them down slowly to unveil his manhood. It stood tall and proud already, long enough for both Nadine and Larsine to grab his cock together. Together the two kissed him whilst stroking his cock off, all while Mylene finally came over with her silver platter in hand.

Watching the erotic display, the Green Serpent chuckled audibly before sitting down upon the edge of the lounge chair. Placing her platter aside on a nearby table, Mylene turned to face hem with a cup of her brew in hand. She then began to gently stroke and massage Sebastian's legs and pelvis, her movements gentle and slow... before they came around to fondle his balls. Grunting softly from the sensitive touch to his body, Sebastian stiffened up, while Larsine broke away to eye her sister. Her response was that cup of brew, with Mylene offering it to her.

Grabbing it, the Valet placed the cup to her lips, taking a few sips of her sister's brew, before looking at her Master. This time Nadine released her hold on Sebastian on her own, allowing him to face Larsine, who quickly dove in. Their lips pressed together, the Violet Wyvern fed Sebastian the drink he had, sending it oozing into his mouth.

He swallowed, and only a few moments later he felt the rush of heat brought on by this mysterious drink. It surged through his body where it eventually came to center on his dick, drawing all of their eyes down towards it together. And there they watched as his penis grew and grew and grew until it hits its absolute zenith.

“Aaaahhhh,” Sebastian moaned whilst leaning back, his cock oozing pre from its tip, “Haaaah... it still feels weird... oooh...”

“Nyeh heh! Don't worry, you'll get used to it!” Mylene commented as her hands grabbed his cock's sensitive head, making him groan.

“H-heeeeyy! Nnnghaaa...! Easy there, Mylene!”

But the Green Serpent would do no such thing! In fact, she giggled and laughed whilst laying herself down between Sebastian's legs, her hands knocking away Larsine and Nadine's hands so that she could have access to his cock all to herself. And before either could say a word, the Parlor Maid leaned in, capturing their Master's cock with her mouth.

Gripping tightly upon Larsine and Nadine at his sides, Sebastian reclined as a crooning moan left his lips. To be pinned by all these women – two on his sides, the other sucking his cock – was a heaven he could only imagine of in his wettest of dreams... which isn't true either. His wet dreams of old were incredibly mundane.

Here and now however, those wild fantasies were incredibly real, making him bend and wobble beneath it all. And Nadine and Larsine were not content to just lay there as Mylene had her fill, no, they too moved in to kiss and bite and suckle upon their Master. He further shivered beneath it all, though the heat his body felt from the Green Serpents brew, soon made it feel like he was melting. All the while, his cock remained as hard and as rigid as could be, even when Mylene wrapped her tongue around it to give it a tight squeeze.

She enjoyed it too. Placing her hands upon his thighs, she braced himself for her as she pounded her head up and down on his cock. Such expert control over her mouth and throat, easily allowing him access with thrust after thrust after thrust. She wasn't even trying to be refined with her powerful fellatio, instead sucking his cock like a hungry, taunting woman.

That is until...

“Okay! You've had enough!”

Larsine's foot pushed against Mylene's head, knocking her from Sebastian's cock where she fell over upon her butt. The Parlor Maid groaned out in frustration, pouted too, while her yellow eyes peered directly at the surprisingly brazen Valet. That didn't stop Larsine from suddenly grabbing Sebastian's shoulders, swinging her body around where she had him pinned beneath him. Gazing up to her face, he saw a look of sheer lust as her moist pussy began to tease his cock.

“You've got Mylene's brew in you now, so you should be more than ready to keep going and going and going, right, Master?” she asked, to which he nodded slowly.

“Yes... something like that,” he replied.

“Good! Then that means you'll have more than enough stamina to keep going and going and going, right, Master?”


“Jeeze, she gets fucked once and she acts like she can run the place,” Nadine commented with a roll of her eyes, though that didn't stop a smirk from spreading out over her lips, “Oh well! That gives me perfect time to prepare what I have in mind!”

“What you have in--” Slurk! “Mind? Ooooooh myyyyyyy...!”

Leaning back in his lounge chair, Sebastian felt his cock being claimed by Larsine and her moist cunt. She was so quick and so greedy, grinning form cheek to cheek as she sat connected with him. Softly twisting her hips, she ground herself deeper upon Sebastian's cock, before stopping as her green starlit eyes gazed into his brown ones. She then straightened up, and offered her hands to him... which he slowly gave her.

Their hands intertwined, Sebastian watched as Larsine began riding his cock. Her pussy audibly slicked and slid along his cock, matting him down in her juices while her lips shifted into a panting smile. And then from behind Mylene arose, placing her hands upon Larsine's shoulders as she watched her sister and Master fuck.

And fuck they did, with Larsine moaning and groaning as the gentle noises of their impacting bodies echoed out against the peaceful backdrop of this hidden bungalow. Sebastian slowly got lost in it all; ecstasy and pleasure mixing together like the greatest of drugs. The only thing that could beat it out was...

Sniff... sniff...


His eyes opening, Sebastian found a various assortment of meats hanging on a stick in front of him... a kebab! It was steaming hot and greasy... sniff... and smelled so good too! And of course, it was Nadine holding it! Where it came from and how she got it so quickly, he honestly didn't know, nor did he care. He just knew that as soon as he watched the Kitchen Maid take a bite out of it, he wanted some himself. She got the hint, swinging it over towards his mouth where he--

Nomph! Nomph! Mmmm... dericious...”

“Oh my! Har har! I didn't expect you to eat it so soon, Master!” Nadine remarked as she reached away with her tail for more kebabs, “Fortunately, I have more where that came from!”

Nadine's laughs filled the air as she grabbed more meat, while Larsine started to pick up the pace of her sensual riding. Holding hands with her Master like this while feeling his thick cock slide in and out of her pussy, the Valet felt herself drifting towards the edge. It wasn't fast and frenetic, wasn't wild and powerful, but in this slower paced more passionate loving she felt herself edging closer to the brink of a climax. And she could feel it inside of him too; the steady swelling of another climax.

With Mylene's brew running through his systems to get rid of that pesky refraction period of him, there was no need to fear things like cumming too soon. Why bother with holding one's self back, when their body has become nothing more than a sex toy? And the way Larsine rode him made this easy; her excitement drove her to ride him harder and harder, her pussy clenching and stroking his cock. Smirking himself, the young earl quickly clenched hard upon Larsine's hands, holding them tight as he began driving his cock inside of her with far greater speed and far greater power than before.

Fucking, and Nadine feeding him, and... Mylene? Oh, here she was at his side, handing pouring her special brew right down her body. He watched as she did so with eyes filled with mischief, giggled too as that fizzy drink collected in her womanhood. Then her tail slithered over to push Nadine aside, making room for herself so that she could swing herself right over Sebastian's head.

“Nyeh heh heh! Drink up, Master!” the Parlor Maid announced where she, Whump!

Sitting down on Sebastian's head, he had a perfect view up her body towards her smirking face. And with his mouth open, he caught the delicious fusion of her lemony taste and her sweet and sour brew, mixing together within his mouth as he drank it down. The image of her sister's cloaked back as she sat on their Master's face brought a pout to Larsine's face... but not as much as--

“Move over!”


“What!? Hey!”

Being knocked over by Nadine!

The Blue Wyrm giggled as she sat down on Sebastian's pelvis, rubbing his cock with her plump ass to further goad his already rigid cock. And with him feasting on Mylene's pussy, 'rigid' didn't begin to describe it. His aching cock covered in spit and pussy juices, glistened as it rubbed along the crack of her ass. And Nadine teased and teased and teased and teased until...

Larsine grabbed his cock, straightening it up for her sister who rose her body up. And then she slid all the way down, penetrating herself upon their Master's member. Grinning as she leaned over, the Kitchen Maid laid her hands on her knees, then began moving her lower body in a twerking movement, fucking herself. Her ass clapped and giggled as his cock traveled the full length of her pussy, her panting moans filling the air. That is if Sebastian could see or even hear it all that well, with his face being dominated by Mylene and her taste.

He kissed her pussy, licked her pussy, stuck his tongue deep inside of her pussy. This spicy, lemony taste combing with her sweet drink, further drugged their Master and made his body even hotter. Reaching up, he grabbed her Mylene's thighs and legs, holding her in close so that he could drown in her taste. He had his nose free, and really, that's all he needed. Aside from that...

“Mmmfff! Mmmmfff! Mmmmmmfmm!”

“Hara? Oooooorraaah! Har har! Yeah, Master! Yeah! Just like-- HOORRR!?”

Thrusting up with enough force to bounce Nadine, Sebastian's hard cock unloaded a bomb of seed deep into her pussy. She moaned as her vaginal walls were filled with white-hot cum, spurting and shooting with no end in sight. And thanks to Mylene's brew, his cock did not grow flaccid once it was over. When Nadine pulled off of her Master's penis, it remained hard and hot, oozing with cum; both his and hers.

“Har har... that's it...” Push! “Heeey!”

“Okay, me next! Before I was interrupted,” Larsine said having knocked Nadine aside... in fact...


“Nyah!? Oof!?”

She pushed Mylene off of her face as well, leaving Sebastian shocked as he suddenly was looking up to the sky overhead. But then Larsine's serpentine tail came slithering over, stroking his face so that she could rouse him from his position. Leaning up, Sebastian stared down upon his Valet, who was resting on all fours upon the lounge chair before him. Looking over her shoulder, she flaunted her lithe, dancer body, her hand reaching over to smack and spank her ass in a taunting manner. Sebastian got the hint, reaching out for her body where he palmed her buttocks. But before he could grab and slid his cock into her pussy, her tail slid over, blocking her womanhood...

But flaunting her anus...

Huh? Oooh... heh... he gets it now. Nothing more than a nod was needed, and Sebastian set his aim instead on Larsine's tight asshole. Guiding his musky and messy cock towards her puckering ass, the young earl pushed right inside, making her moan and arch her back as it traveled deep inside of her.

“Oooooh yeesss... hmmmm...! So big! Haaah...!”

She... didn't think it would hurt this much. Hurt in a good way, that is. Her sisters took his cock in their ass so much easier than this, didn't they? Carmeline, Rodeline, Emiline; they all spoke so wonderfully about how it felt. And as he claimed her anus, inch by inch, she too found herself coming to that moment of heavenly bliss that only her sisters got to experience.

It was almost too much to bare, with Larsine falling over upon her chest as drool slithered from her lips. Her Master further mounted her, driving his cock in and out of her ass in a way that further beat down her defenses. Each penetration made her grunt, widening her out more and more Soon – with all the spit and cum on his cock – her anus had grown in size enough that he had an easier time penetrating her.

His hand on Larsine's tight midsection, Sebastian pushed softly in and out of her anus. But then Mylene and Nadine seized upon him, both coming in on his sides. The Parlor Maid on his left, she kissed his cheek then worked down to his neck, kissing his clavicle as she traveled down towards his chest and nipple. Licking him and suckling him there, she giggled audibly while moans left his lips.

Meanwhile Nadine swung over with another kebab, grinning as she took a bit, then fed him a bite, took a bite, then feed him a bite; over and over again. His thrusting slowed from the onslaught of pleasure his three maids gave him, but that did not mean his power was lacking.

His constant pounding away into her tight anus made it wobble and bounce, while Mylene kissed him, and Nadine fed him. The immense pleasure he felt all traveled through his body, coming down to his penis and how it throbbed like mad within Larsine's tight body. Seeing his face of contorting pleasure, Mylene grinned from cheek to cheek, her hand swiveling around to his backside. She stroked him, danced her fingers along his spine, coming down to his butt where she...

Tap... tap...

Hmm... funny that... it actually...



Yeah, that.

Larsine groaned and recoiled, her ass widening out as a tight gob of semen was launched deep inside of her. Her She worked herself back deeper, moaning as her ass shook. And attracted to that ass, Sebastian's hands gently stroked along her buttocks and hips, relaxing her as a modest orgasm shook the both of them.

Then she pulled so slowly back, letting him feel every inch of her rectum as his cock came flopping out, tossing seed upon her ass and in the air.

“Haaaah... haaaah... wundervoll,” Larsine exclaimed as seed dribbled from her spent anus.

“Nyeh heh heh! I'll say! I like Master best like this, wouldn't you agree?” Mylene asked, to which Nadine nodded.

“Of course! Har! Far more fun than the miser who stomped around in the gray all day,” the Kitchen Maid added.

“You girls... nmghh... do know I'm still here, right?” Sebastian asked, only for their hands to suddenly push him upon his back.

“Yup! You still are!” Mylene replied, “And here with us, in this lounge area where no one is gonna find you! Nyeh heh! And with my brew running through your body, I think it's only right if we keep playing with you for the time being. Agree, Nadine? Larsine?”

“Har har! Yeah!”

“Mmmff...” Larsine straightened up, his seed streaking out of her ass as she turned to face him, “Yes... heh... let's keep going!”

“Ohh... oh man...” but before they could come in too close, he extended his hands and said, “Wait! Before you put me into a coma... Mylene...” he pointed over towards the table nearby, “Could you move my book to the counter? I don't want it near the water.”

“Nyeh heh heh! Of course, Master!”

Grabbing the book, the Green Serpent took it over towards the counter just as she was told, placing it down so that it would hopefully not be knocked aside in the oncoming orgy. Speaking of said orgy...

When Mylene returned, she had that cat-like smile on her lips. Then in unison, the three drachenmagd all approached him, giggling and laughing as they drew closer and closer. Before Sebastian knew it, he was surrounded by flesh, sweet, kisses, laughter... and so much more.

The book was hot. Incredibly hot. It burned in his hands, feeling like he was holding a chunk of lava, no... no... felt like he was holding a piece of the sun itself. But in spite of how hot it was, it did not burn his hands, did not leave any markings. He just sat there, tingling with slight pain... though said pain he felt was not of the physical variety.

The closer he came to his plans completion, the worse he felt. He should have made this easier on himself; should have jut ran around and touched them all with the book. But instead he indulged in their bodies for just one last, final time. He felt the pleasure of having someone who loved him unconditionally, and he realized that this may be the last time he ever experiences something like this.

It ached at him; this pain he felt swirling in his chest. But then Emiline's words replayed in his head, reminding him of the type of person he is.

You appear so meek, so docile. Yet you make decisions firmly and quickly, without second guessing yourself.

Ironic that the woman who said this to him, is also one of the women he felt like he was betraying.

The drachenmagd... he owed them so much for making him into the young man he is today. Beyond the sex, beyond the money, beyond the food the clothes the home and everything, he was thankful most to them for how... strong they made him feel. The meek and stuttering young man who came to them months ago, seemed like a far cry to the man he is today. And for that, he could never thank them enough.

But his fate... he just couldn't...


“You called, Master...”


She was the hardest for him to face, and he knew this. Her voice alone instantly brought him into a sense of calm that no other maid could really attain for some reason. Emiline came the closest, but that's just it; the closest. When he heard her voice – when he heard the voice of his Head-Housemaid – he felt a sense of joy he hadn't experienced in a long, long time.

But it was short lived... because he knew what he had to do...

“Igrene,” Sebastian said, turning to face her with his lips in a smile, “You came...”

Standing before him indeed was Igrene, her kind and womanly smile on her face, and green eyes glowing softly. She was wearing a red nightgown, one that hugged her body closely around the midsection like a corset. With the silver moon hanging so high in the sky, her change of clothing was appropriate for a nice and long rest alongside her Master.

“Fufufu... what is that supposed to mean, Master?” she replied sarcastically whilst walking towards him, “Whenever my Master calls me, I will be there, no matter what. Fufu... I'm only shocked that you decided to speak to me in the first place, following your seclusion.”

“Well... I understand,” he replied with a nod, “I was being... antagonistic, I'd say. Yes...” he sighed whilst slumping over, “I feel bad for what I said, Igrene. I feel bad and... awful...” approaching her, he looked up to her face with a hapless smile, “Demons or not... you girls... I love you all.”

“Ara ara... that makes me so happy to hear, Master. We love you endlessly as well, you know that,” she stated, to which he nodded.

“I'd be foolish if I didn't,” he remarked, his hands reaching up to meet her hands.

Holding them together, the two moved in to kiss one another. Their eyes were closed, their lip lock slow, pressing against one another with audible kiss after audible kiss. Her taste was just as exquisite as usual, her smell just as sweet. Like that first day here, Sebastian was lulled into a sense of security he had not experienced in a long, long time.


“Mmm... chu... haaahh...”

“H-huh...? Is something wrong, Igrene?”

“Fufu... being a naughty boy, Master?” was her response as she looked at him, her gaze accusatory.

“Huh? Wh-what ar you talking about?” he asked as he began sweating on the spot.

“Did you honestly think I would not have noticed?” she sked as she stepped in, making his heart race.

“N-notice... wh-what...?” he replied... making Igrene respond with...

“Fufufufufufufu! Haaaaahh... you can reveal yourself, Katherine...”


She gazed over Sebastian's shoulder, causing him to do likewise. Turning around, his eyes befell the White Dragon, standing tall behind him with glasses on her face and her body too clad in a nightgown. Hers was silver-white in color, and not as tight on her body as Igrene's were.

“You called Katherine too, Master?” Igrene asked, cusing him to chuckle sheepishly.

“Heh heh... y-yeah... guilty as charged,” he replied.

“So the rumors of you running a marathon are true. And here I thought Mylene, Nadine and Larsine would have drained you by now. I suppose her brew is still working as strong as ever?”

“Yes. My penis still hasn't gone down,” Sebastian replied as he palmed on his hard on through his night pants. He then turned towards the Housekeeper behind him, extending a hand to her as he called her over, “I hope you don't mind sharing me, Katherine.”

“That will be a bit... difficult...” she replied honestly whilst taking a few ginger steps towards them, “But... for my sister, I'm sure I can manage...”

“That's good to hear,” Sebastian said as he smiled at them, drawing them both over so that they could touch hands... and then touch the book within his own hands, “I've been reading this... Heinrich's Records... it... I just realized how much you girls do for me, is all. I don't think I could ever thank you enough for it all.”

“Oh Mater... we do these things for you not out of obligation, but because we love you so very, very much,” Igrene explained, “No doubt we've explained it to you time and time before, but it ever begs repeating; you are are the most important thing to us. Without you...” she stroked her hand through his hair, “We simply could not keep going on.”

“Because you'll turn off... right?” Sebastian asked, though Katherine shook her head dismissively.

“It is... more than that,” the White Dragon claimed, “Our love for the Faust family runs so deep, that if there is not one there to take care of, we turn off in response. There is no point in living anymore if there is not a Faust for us to love... to hold near and dear...” she pulled him in close, “To fawn over...”

“I... I don't quite follow,” Sebastian muttered, only for Igrene to poke his nose.

“Fufufu, do not worry your head over such trivialities,” she stated, “Because you're never going to leave us; that I know. And we'll always be there to take care of you. Understand that.”

“Yes... heh... I understand that... now then,” he moved aside, placing his book upon his desk nearby before shifting his gaze back to the two, “I'm sure you two have been jealous over my treatment of your sisters so... uh... let's bring this 'marathon' to a close, shall we?”

Both Katherine and Igrene looked at one another when he said that, the two trading glances before the Red Serpent broke the stare by giggling. He was right; the two were more than just a little jealous over is sexcapades throughout the day. Thankfully, now was their turn, and with the moon being so high, it was clear they'd be his last conquests for the evening.

Resting their Master on the bed, the came to join him upon his endless mattress. Igrene wrapped her arm around his back, while her other hand came to grope her tit in his face, flaunting her body for his viewing pleasure. Katherine meanwhile moved down towards Sebastian's pelvis, rolling his night pants down just a bit to reveal his cock.

So long and hard... and... sniff... mmm... she could smell her sisters on this penis, not to mention Mylene's special brew. It drove Katherine to play with his cock, tapping its tip and stroking it by hand, while Igrene continued above. She kissed his cheeks and lips, with him eventually kissing back. And Katherine – smelling of her vanilla scent that began to blanket the air – brought her lips over to kiss his cock.

One kiss... then another... and another... moving over to the tip where she tracked precum upon her lips. It was gooey and strong, stretching back before she leaned forward, surrounding the head of his cock in her mouth. Wet and moist, her mouth oozed spit all over his penis, while her eyes closed shut and a hand came over to grope her breast.

Of all the maids thus far today, Katherine was by far the most affectionate when it came to his penis. Kissing it, licking it, sucking it, but then pulling back to stroke it with her hand while her white eyes gazed up to his brown ones. The once cold and ghastly Housekeeper was now looking for praise amid her fellatio, hoping her Master found worth in it.

She loved his penis, almost more than anyone as she placed her hands on both of its sides, kissing it and licking it from the shaft to the tip and back again. That serpentine tongue even extended to wrap around his length, giving it a tight squeeze that had him grunting in during his kiss with Igrene.

But the Red Serpent did not mind, and in fact laid her Master back so that he could relax. Looking up, he felt her hand rest on his chest, gently stroking him as her lips curled into a warm, almost motherly smile. All the while Katherine continued pleasing his cock, her tongue extending so she could let her silver drool ooze all upon his manhood.

It was glistening with spit as it twitched, both of her hands soon coming over to wrap gently around his penis. He felt her soft and smooth hands stroke up and down together, alternating their movements but making his cock throb nonetheless. He groaned, the sound of his sweet voice making Igrene grope herself as she felt her own pleasures rise higher and higher.

Katherine seemed to really be enjoying herself down there. Her white eyes were glowing as they laid locked on his throbbing penis, and she kept stroking it with ever growing vigor. Such movements against his sensitive cock had Sebastian laying back as a mass of flesh, moaning aloud as he started rising to another climax. But Igrene placed her hand on his chest again, relaxing him for what was to come next.

And it came soon as Katherine moved up, her hands tugging at the bodice of her nightgown where she slowly pulled it off, revealing her breasts. Moving in, the White Dragon surrounded Sebastian's cock with her equally as smooth and warm titflesh, with her hands pressing in on both sides.

“Haaahh... haahhh! Haaaahh...! Nnhhaaah... K-Katherine...” Sebastian moaned, drawing her eyes back to his face.

Hearing his sweet voice caused her to double her titjob, baring down on his cock with growing speed and power. Every tap of her breasts against his body made them jiggle and his balls do likewise, while his body surged with the ever growing need to climax. So Sebastian reclined into his bed, grabbing hard upon Igrene with one hand and the bed sheets with the other, as he shot up with his hips and--


His cum shot up, blasting against Katherine's chin and lips, before sprinkling back down upon her soft breasts. So warm and lively; the White Dragon swooned from having it grace her skin. But she also squeezed her breasts around his dick a few more times, milking his cock for all it was worth before finally letting him drop down.

Pulling back, her tits covered in seed, Katherine swiped some from her body in order to plug it into her mouth. She sucked it off her fingers, while Igrene moved down to join her sister, much to her silent chagrin. Nevertheless, the both of them soon seized upon their Master, his cock still hard thanks to Mylene's special brew.

“What are you girls-- wha?”

He was moved up, his legs dangling in the air briefly before they came to rest upon their shoulders. Staring down, the two occupied the space between his legs, holding him up while his cock stood proud between them. Igrene was giggling, Katherine looked stoic, but the both of them were looking into his eyes.

And he saw that endless love they had for him...

Mouth opening, Katherine moved first, capturing one of Sebastian's balls in her mouth. Igrene meanwhile moved to once again start sucking on his penis, her head bobbing up and down soft. She cleaned the cum residing on his face, licking and drinking it down as she left his penis oozing with spit in her wake.

These two women... sucking his cock... making it hard for him to thin... yet he knew it was happening; that moment of his eventual betr--


Fwum... Pop!


Looking down, both Katherine and Igrene had their eyes on his cock, their faces rubbing up against it like cute cats. The air was filled after with the sounds of smooches and kisses, all peppering his dick as he fell back in his bed, his hands covering his face as moans left him. All the while his maids would shower him with compliments down below.

“So big...”

“Mmm... so good...”


“So vigorous...!”

“Girls I... haaaahhh...!”

Upon his own moan, Sebastian felt them pull away from his cock, his legs dropping down into the bed soon after. He pulled up, propping himself on his elbows as he watched his two maids. Katherine was still occupied with the semen on her face, licking it off of herself while Igrene moved in. She grabbed his hand into her own, then moved in to press her lips up to his in a soft kiss... followed by another... and another.

Guided up by his maid, before Sebastian knew it, he was sitting on his knees and Igrene was pulling back, revealing Katherine once more. The White Dragon was laying on the bed in front of him, her legs spread to flaunt her moist cunt, and the silver strands of pubic hairs sticking to it. Her usually stoic visage was cracking, allowing a smile to spread out as she curled her fingers towards him, beckoning her Master near.

And he drew near, grabbing one of Katherine's legs and laying it against his body, while his other hand aimed his cock with her cunt. One push, and she put up no resistance, allowing him an easy penetration straight inside. She moaned and recoiled, her pussy suckling down his manhood straight to the hilt, while he began pushing and thrusting at a steady pace.

The patting of their bodies echoed out into the bedroom, while Igrene came around to hug her Master close. Her breasts pressing up to his chest, the Red Serpent moved in for kiss after kiss after kiss. And he kissed back, again, and again, and again. His other hand came around, undoing the straps of her nightgown so that her breasts could bounce free. A soft giggle; those lovely orbs born free for all... well... him to see. His grip on her body tightened and he held her close, his mouth oozing with spit. He just moved in to--

“Ara...! Master!”

Suckling down on her nipple, drawing it into her mouth... deeper... deeper... he lapped at her tit, sucked on it, bit on it, all whilst moaning as his cock seemingly got even harder in Katherine's cunt. It kept twisting and driving inside, making the bed softly wobble around them as he rutted his maid deeper.

He was slobbering all over Igrene's tits one way, while fucking Katherine hard into his bed the other. And with the Red Serpent constantly goading him to pound deeper into her sister whilst rubbing and stroking her stomach and chest, Sebastian felt his body tightening. It grew intense within his loins and his dick, his balls drawing up close! And with one more thrust, two more thrusts, three more thrusts, he--



Katherine leaned back, shivering as she felt her Master's hot and warm seed cumming deep into her body. But even as he came, Sebastian did not stop thrusting, causing his seed to come sputtering out around his cock and out of her pussy. And with Mylene's brew still in his systems, his cock remained at maximum length, refusing to go down as he continued abusing his Housekeeper's body.

“Massterrrrrrr~~!” she groaned, feeling him pound harder into her, “Haaaahh! Taaahhaaahhannn!!!”

He was going to force a climax out of her where she wanted to or not with how vicious his thrusting was. And being the ever dutiful servant she was, Katherine was incapable of forcing him out. So she laid there, allowing him to abuse her naughty pussy, thrusting and fucking and slamming, making his cum splash about in a slutty, dirty mess.

His abuse of her g-spot was relentless, dragging and grinding his cock against the roof of her pussy. He had learned well from all his time sleeping with her sisters, because--


Katherine's back arched, her breasts pressed out and pelvis twitching, all as her suckling cunt let loose a torrent of feminine jizz all over her Master's body. It petered out soon after, with Katherine's hands falling over her face as she gasped for breath, and Sebastian pulling back to leave her cunt gaping slightly.

His seed further slid out in globs, while Katherine caught her breath beneath her Master's unflinching eye. Letting her leg drop, he gently massaged her thigh before being pulled aside by Igrene once again.

No hesitation; immediate kissing... and kissing... and kissing some more.

“Mmm... haahh... I live the face you make when you orgasm, Master,” Igrene exclaimed whilst stroking his face, “Perhaps you can show it to me next? Fufu... you're not tired, are you?”

“N-no... of course not, heh...” he nodded at her with a smile, “I can... can always keep it up for you, Igrene...”

“Fufufufuuu... oh Master...”

She placed her hands upon his shoulders, moving in to pepper his lips with kisses as she leaned him back upon the bed and pillows behind. Her hands were so praising, filled with worship and idolization for a young man like him. He held and kissed back, his hands first stroking upon Igrene's midsection, before sliding down to grip the hem of her nightgown. Pulling on the gown, his hands flowed beneath it to grab upon her ass, hoisting her up upon his lap.

With her resting upon him, her breasts pressed to his chin and her lips locked to his, Sebastian ground his body back against her. He could feel the heat resonating from her cunt; moist and damp as it stained him. He lifted her up, and without even needing the guidance of a steady hand, he--


Slid his dick straight into Igrene's body.

Rodeline, Selene, Carmeline, Emiline, Adeline, Faline, Larsine, Nadine, Mylene, Katherine, and now Igrene. Of course he'd end I with Igrene. Of course he'd finish it feeling her pussy tighten around his cock like vice. Of course he'd sit there, washed in bliss thanks to her amazing body. Of course he'd once again question if what he was doing was... was what he wanted to do.

When she surrounds him in this pleasure, kisses him, makes love to him, he wondered... who was he to say 'no' to this. Why would he say 'no' to this? Why wasn't he strong enough to just say 'no' to this? Why even now – knowing what he was planning on doing – was he still second-guessing himself?


“Mmmm... mmmm... chu... haaah... mmm... you taste like... heh... like everybody, Master,” Igrene commented, making him cock his head.

“Is there a problem with that?” he asked, to which she shook her head.

“Of course not. Hmm... I just find it a bit... nice, if I do say so myself,” she replied with a giggle, “You're such a strapping young man now. Truly, you are a Faust. No one would ever deny you this,” she leaned in, their foreheads touching, “I'm happy you are here. I'm happy I got to meet you again.”

“Yes... I... hhh... I am... too...” he replied, his eyes closing shut.

Slllk... pat!


With one bounce Sebastian's thoughts were stolen, his eyes head turning up to face Igrene and her smile again. She kept her hands on his shoulders, riding him gently as his cock traveled the full gamut of her tight pussy. Hypnotic and methodical, feeling like true emotions with her every movement. The strokes, the bounce, the push down, the drive back up; all of it.


Not only that, but Katherine too...



Stopping, he looked over as Katherine came to his side and back, her white eyes gazing into his brown ones. Pursing her lips, she kissed him, once, twice, then began rubbing her face into his neck and cheek. Feeling her bosom pressed up to his back, Sebastian groaned and his cock straightened up further. In turn, he gripped Igrene tighter, widened out his legs and--

Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat!


That drive, that power, it pushed and lifted Igrene up as it stroked along her body's inner walls. And she made sure to drag it against the hood of her pussy, aiming to abuse her g-spot as hard as he could. That feeling of it, plucking and pulling made Igrene shiver and tense up, the pleasure rocketing and roaring throughout her body.

“Kooohoooooh, Masterrrr~” Igrene moaned, “Master Master Master! Mmmm...! I can't... khaaahh! I'm gonna... gonna... nnghhhhhhh... hkhaaaaahh!”

“Igrene I...”



Amid the fucking, amid the sex, he suddenly came up and kissed her. His lips pressed to her lips, pushing into her with a tongue that slicked and slid about. Moaning into her, he felt his cock starting to twitch and wobble inside of her. Just a little bit more, just a little bit harder, just a little--



And Igrene saw stars. Stars sparkling in her head as she looked up the the skies. He gripped her ass and thighs, his fingers squeezing in tight, he slammed deep into her pussy, and--



Leve it to Igrene to milk his cock, and milk it hard. Shooting his seed inside of her, filling her up... all as her cunt continued to squeezing his cock, drawing his climax out longer and longer and longer. And boy, did he shoot it, his balls tight as it cum kept staining her deepest of insides. He bit his bottom lip too, feeling slight pain in himself as Igrene took it.

Took all of it.


He stopped, his brown eyes glazed over, his body hot not only from the sex, but also hot and wet from Igrene's own climax. She shuddered, and her squirting cunt clenched around is cock, milking it just a little bit more before finally--



God... orgasms shouldn't be that strong.

Pulling softly on Igrene's body, she traveled along his cock with cum oozing from her pussy. It brought a smile to his face as he laid her aside, with Igrene resting her hands upon her pelvis, stroking herself as the pleasure surged through her.

“Haaah... so thick... mmm... such a... lively Master...” she moaned, her eyes closing blissfully.

And Sebastian... well... he laid there, resting up against Katherine who continued propping his body up. Her hands stroked his body, slow and gentle, keeping him roused whilst relaxing him at the same time. She even kissed his cheek softly, bringing a smile to his lips.


With Igrene left aside, Sebastian arose up from the bed, pulling away from Katherine's grasp. Coming over to the edge of his bed, the young earl laid over on its side as he gazed into the direction of...

Heinrich's Records...

Looking at it, he once against questioned if this was something he should do, something he was ready to do. If he did it, then... he'd be turning his back on everything. The estate, his family, the maids. He didn't know what was worse, because... dammit, he did love them so much!

He loved them.

But... but...

“Is... something wrong, Master?” Igrene asked as Sebastian grabbed the book.

He took in a deep breath as he picked up the book, his brown eyes gazing upon its surface and his chest rising up and down. His serious and pensive face confused his maids, who both looked at one another before drawing their gazes back.

“Master...?” Igrene called.

But he didn't say a word, instead parting open his book where...



A red light began emitting from its pages. It blew into Sebastian's face like a fan, making his hair dance and billow. And from this red light, letters and words started flying out like phantoms. They swirled and danced, twisted and turned, flowing all around and around and around and around and around and around--


Sebastian looked at Igrene and Katherine.

The book exploded.

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