
Chapter 4: Drachenmagd #4

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Midnight Pretenders

“Welcome to the dining hall, Master.”


Yeah... yeah... this place right here? Yeah... he remembered this place. A room as large as it was, with grand windows that offered a view to the equally as grand courtyard on one end, and the green hills on the other. A room with a massive table that was as long as a bus, one that could easily hold more than a dozen people at it, if not more so. A room that he remembered running around and around and around until his little heart couldn't take it anymore.

A room that... huh... a room that he ate with is father at... once.

Did any dining room need to be this big? Perhaps if one were to throw a party or a ball, and even then, it felt a bit extreme. Perhaps that's Sebastian's tendency to keep to himself flaring up however. He could understand and even appreciate the dining room's size and majesty, even if it gave him a strange sense of vertigo.

There was a chair at the end, one different from all the others. Other chairs were reddish-brown and gold, simple too. You just sat down and, well, that's that! But this chair, no, it was grand, reddish-brown too, and with a baroque style etched into its frame. The cushions were soft and gold, exuding an aura of majesty... as well as bringing to mind a certain red serpent.


“This way to your chair, Master,” Larsine said as she led Sebastian towards the grand chair he was mesmerized with.

“Thank you, Larsine,” he said, watching as she pulled back the chair for him.

Sitting in said chair was like sitting in a throne. Sebastian felt as if his body – his entire being – was being elevated to another status the moment he sat down in this chair. Oh dear...

Closing his eyes, he could imagine all the people he knew sitting here: Aunt Rita, Uncle Jack... uh... maybe Thomas? No, wait, he's studying abroad, and really, they hadn't spoken in a year so. Um... maybe then, Teresa? But did he even know Teresa? They just went to classes together and... that's that.

Hm... he didn't really know a lot of people, did he? Not a lot of people he'd consider friends, colleagues, confidants, or anything like that. He knows people, but he doesn't know people... does that make sense?

“Master? You're frowning. Is everything okay?” Larsine asked as she noticed his sudden downward shift in personality.

“What? Huh? Oh... n-no I'm... I'm fine,” Sebastian answered whilst shaking his head, “I was just... thinking about something. Hmm...”

“About... what...?”

“I uh...”

He looked up at her, his eyes meeting those star-lit eyes Larsine owned. The brightness against the black irises, how they glowed so brilliantly. Staring at them brought a smile to Sebastian's lips, an slight rosy tint even adorning his cheeks. Was it strange to stare at a woman this hard? Honestly, he found it impossible not to look at her.

It's like Larsine wanted his eyes there. Wanted his eyes on her.

“I was thinking about... the people I know,” Sebastian said as he continued staring at Larsine's face, “I don't know many of them... outside of my aunt and uncle. I uh...” he closed his eyes, “I haven't really... made a lot of friends, since...”

“Since... when?”

“Since my mother died,” his eyes reopening to gaze into the distance, “Between the two of us, I've found it hard to... talk to others following her...”

Stopping, Sebastian paced himself briefly, brown eyes looking over towards the dragoness at his side. Lasine stared back, still showing a face of concern for his well-being. It made him smile, though a thought began to drift into his mind.

“Larsine, you said you were valet for many previous earls of the estate, right?” Sebastian said, to which she nodded.

“Yes, Valet and Lady Maid... although...” she looked down at her masculine choice of clothing, “I'd say my wardrobe changes to accommodate my Master. I don't always wear this butler uniform...”

“Oh... heh... I think it looks cute on you,” Sebastian said, a soft, warm, beaming smile on his face.

“Th... thank you...” Larsine said, a slight blush adorning her cheeks.

“Ah, but, I wanted to ask you something. Something about my father.”

“Your father? Master Klaus?” she said, her eyes wide, “Oh, yes, of course; I'll answer anything about him.”

“Good um...” he looked down, then back up, “Do you know where my father placed his diary?”

“His... diary?”

“Yes, all earls have one, right? I cannot find his; he didn't place it with the others. Librarian Faline said you might know of where it's at.”

“Ah... well... it's unfortunate, but no,” she answered, her head shaking as a disappointed frown adorned her lips, “I wish I could help you, but I can't. Master Klaus was a very secretive man, and he rarely used my aid despite me being his valet. He enjoyed his privacy and silence, even away from us drachenmagds. Aside from... certain desires.”

“Certain desires... hmmm...”

Replaying what Larsine said in his mind, he couldn't gleam any deception from it. She sounded earnest, even the face she made was genuine; she honestly didn't know where his father put his diary. Why was Klaus so secretive that no one knew where he put his diary? Not Faline, not Igrene, not Larsine. He should have asked Selene about it, but... right... he was busy fucking Selene so, he didn't have the mindset for that. He'll also need to ask Katherine but... quite frankly, who is Katherine?

In fact...


“Yes, Master?”

“Who is--”


“Ah-ha! You must be here! Master Sebastiaaaaaaan~!”

Tensing up together, Sebastian and Larsine turned to face the doors right behind them, their eyes falling on a young woman who stood in the entryway. Once again, 'young woman' being a relative term in Sebastian's head.

She came in closer in age to Faline, Larsine and Mylene, with the overall vibe he got from her being even closer to Mylene. Call him crazy, but this girl exuded a sense of playful mischievousness to her, though where as Mylene's was feminine and cutesy, hers was more tomboyish like Larsine.

Her hair was a blue, short, wavy, and laid in an asymmetrical manner. The front of her hair seemed to be heavier and thicker than the back of her hair, yet it all spiraled out in a rather unkempt manner. But in this wildness there laid a sense of style all her own, one that drew Sebastian in.

This youthfulness extended to her features, which were so soft and round. Smooth cheeks with a slight rosy tint to them, and surprisingly thick arches along her eyes. Her nose was cute and small, her lips rather expressive. Eyes that were so wide and blue like water, yet with those slit, serpentine pupils. Had it not been for the draconian appendages that stood proud on her body, he could have mistook her for a girl from his hometown.

Her uniform was similar in style to Mylene's and Rodeline's, being that it was a typical maid uniform, though with an apron resting atop it. Said uniform was black with a blue tint to it, the white of her apron standing in start contrast against the rest of her clothing. Around the waist of her clothes laid those fang-like appendages that was common among her fellow maids, though much like Rodeline, she had what Sebastian could only describe as gauntlets resting on her hands as well. Silver in color were they, and rather sharp at that.


But back to those draconian appendages he was now starting to notice. She didn't have wings like Rodeline as far as he could tell, though her horns seemed to be the most unique he had seen thus far. They were an off-white in color, and instead of pointing forward, they bent back, with tiny little spikes dotting them like antlers. Jeeze, to be rammed by those... ugh! He didn't even want to think about it!

Alas there was her tail, which was thicker tail, yet moved with more dexterous movements. Were these tails like windows into their inner thoughts? Because hers was certainly energetic! It was primarily blue in color, though towards the tip if turned into a more milky-white color, much like her horns.

Sebastian drew his eyes up and down this girl once or twice, taking note of one particular difference between her and the equally as tomboyish Larsine.

Their cup size.

Maybe Sebastian was being cruel, perhaps he was thinking far, far too much with his dick now than his head, but this drachenmagd before him was rather busty in comparison to his valet. She was even bustier than Mylene, being more on Rodeline's level of bust if he'd have to say.

Oh no... he really was thinking more with his dick than he was with his head. He hadn't even asked for her name yet!

“Good evening, Master,” said the rather bubbly and jovial drachenmagd before him, a smile on her lips though her eyes slid into such tantalizing glares, “Oh! Mylene was right!”

“Mylene was right? Right about what?” Sebastian asked, to which the kitchen maid began to giggle.

“Oh nothing~!” she then bowed, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Sebastian. I am Kitchen Maid Nadine, your humble chef. No matter your desire, whatever it is you hunger, I will create it perfectly!”

“Really? Well... I love Italian food so... I hope you can create that well,” Sebastian said with a sheepish smile.

“Hah hah! With my food, you'll swear you were in Florence itself! Ah! But right, right!” she turned around, “Mylene! Bring out the food!”

The doors behind them opened yet again, with a certain green and yellow dragoness emerging whilst pushing out a silver tray. She appeared rather annoyed, something that amused Sebastian who chuckled. Perhaps it was Mylene's pout, which was so darn cute!

Begrudged though she may be, she pushed out that tray, before stopping to give Sebastian a courteous and honorable bow.

“Good evening, Master Sebastian,” Mylene said, before standing up straight to shoot Nadine a death glare. She then added on through gritted teeth, “I hope you enjoy today's dinner!”

“Uh... did something happen between you two?” Sebastian asked, an eyebrow raised.

“Haha haha! Mylene hates helping me out in the kitchen!” Nadine said, before sweeping her eyes over towards Sebastian, “She's also still peeved that you called her Nadine earlier today!”

“I-I apologized!” Sebastian said in an attempt to defend himself.

“Still! Nadine and I look nothing alike!” Mylene cried as she crossed her arms, with Nadine laughing aloud next to her, “I can't believe anyone would confuse me for her...”

“But I... didn't know who either of you were yet...” Sebastian muttered weakly, to which Mylene shook her head.

“No! That's not an excuse!” she said rather unfairly with her head shaking.

“Mylene can always be rather... emotional...” Larsine commented, which caused the Parlor Maid to suddenly tense up and glare at her.


“Hey, hey! Calm down!” Nadine said, her hand resting on Mylene's shoulder, “Look, Master Sebastian came to eat; not watch us argue! He can do that some other time...”

“Urggh... humph!”

Mylene closed her eyes and slammed her foot down, her nose stuck up to the air. Cocking his head at her, Sebastian gave a soft chuckle as the dragoness put on such an abrasive stance; it was like a mouse attempting to be big. It also didn't work on Nadine or Larsine, the Kitchen Maid laughing hardily, while his Valet chuckled softly.

They were friends, weren't they? Beyond simple duties as his servants. Larsine, Nadine and Mylene all exuded this camaraderie with one another, like friends in high school. Did they hang out with one another often? In fact... how do the drachenmagd view one another? As friends? Mere coworkers? No, they all seemed closer than that. In fact... didn't Igrene call them her sisters? Was that genuine or was she saying they were close to her like sisters?

Huh... just who are the drachenmagd?

Before he could ponder such a question for long, Mylene turned towards the silver tray, pushing it right next to Sebastian. Gazing at the closed platter that rested on the tray, he could already feel his mouth watering as steam oozed from the seams of the case, a bit of scent even tickling his nose. His stomach started growling ferociously as well, demanding the meal, and now!

“Viola!” Nadine announced as Mylene pulled up the silver top, revealing, “My pride and joy as Kitchen Maid of the Faust Estate; Das Silbersteak!”

“Das Silbersteak...” Sebastian repeated, utterly entranced by the meal resting before him.

Now, look, Sebastian's no beef guy. He's no vegetarian or vegan either, it's just that he prefers poultry and seafood to most kinds of beef. Some of the heavier meats – like ribs, beef, and yes, even steak – often have him turning away. Not made any better by the fact that Aunt Rita is really bad at cooking ground beef outside of spaghetti.

But this? Oooooooh... this? THIS!? Oh... this was fucking god-like...

Resting in the center of the silver plate was a thick slab of juicy steak. No bones of course, but the surface was nice and charred, a bit of it cut to expose some of its delicious red center. It was cooked in some sort of sauce, he wasn't sure, but he watched as the dark liquid oozed tantalizingly along its sides. And placed on the top was a combination of butter and cheese, both of which were white, and both of which were so thick, slicking down the steak in slow moving gooey strides that further mixed with the steak sauce.

Hot damn...

And that's not all!

The steak was the main dish, but it had accompanying side dishes to help enhance his meal. Resting in one bowl was macaroni, one coated in the most golden of cheeses, with bits of bacon resting upon it as well. Oh! And over here! French fries? Yes! French fries! Fried to absolute perfection where they were crunchy, greasy, salty and gold!

The smell he got from this food was like the icing on the cake. It drew him in like the beautiful odors of Igrene or Selene's body... which is a strange thing to compare it to. But considering the fact that he had 'feasted' on both of their bodies, perhaps he's on to something.

Seriously though, he needs to get sex out of his mind...

“Wow, it looks amazing,” Sebastian said, eyes glossed over as drool oozed from his mouth.

Naturally, Mylene carried over the plates towards him, placing each one on the table right before him. Not only that, but she poured him a cup of lemonade as well, while Nadine moved around to his back. Though she was the Kitchen Maid, she wrapped a handkerchief around his neck, fastening it like they were in a fancy restaurant. Sebastian thanked her silently, though he'd be lying if he said his more simplistic lifestyle pushed him to simply attack the food immediately. Earl though he may be now, he certainly hadn't lived his life like one.

When silverware was placed before him by Mylene's talented hands, Sebastian took a fork and knife. Thick though the steak may be, his knife cut through it so easily, juices bubbling to the top as the soft meats were separated. Haaah, the glistering meats within continued to call and beckon to him, even more drool hanging shamelessly from his lips.

He brought his fork close to the food before him, more than ready to tear inside but...

Sebastian stopped, his eyes darting around. Mylene and Nadine were to his left, Larsine to his right, and they were just... standing there, watching him. For someone still unused to being the center of attention, it was a bit creepy. But on the other hand...

“Why are you standing?” he asked, taking Nadine off guard.

“Huh? What?”

“Uh... why don't you sit with me?” Sebastian said, offering the empty table seats next to him, “I could use the company.”

“C-company?” Nadine repeated, as if such a statement was out of this world to her, “What are you... r-really Klaus' son?

Such a strange statement, one that had Sebastian frowning. Once more he was being compared to his father, something all the girls here seemed incapable of not doing. But even though it had only been a day or two at the most, he had already gotten tired of trying to dissuade them from doing otherwise. Maybe some time he'd make an executive order to not compare him to his father in his presence.

Yet Nadine's words and confusion seemed to further confirm something he realized about his father; Klaus was a very private man!

“What? Did my father eat by himself?” Sebastian asked, to which Nadine nodded while Mylene giggled.

“Aaaaalll the time,” Larsine answered, drawing his eyes to his right, “Master Klaus enjoyed his privacy. If he did eat with anyone, it was typically Head-housemaid Igrene, Nurse Maid Rodeline, or Marshal Emiline.”

“Marshal... Emiline?” Sebastia repeated, having never heard of her before, “Wh... who's that?”

“Marshal Emiline handles the weapons of the estate,” Mylene answered, causing Sebastian's eyes to widen, “The swords, the spears, the shields, the guns, and so forth!”


He pulled back, face paling, brown eyes snapping down towards his lemonade. Quickly pulling it up and over, he began drinking it down, needing it to refuel him following what he just heard. Hearing that this aged German estate had swords and staves and other medieval weaponry was one thing, but hearing it had guns was something else entirely! Like... how many guns, and how recent were they? If they were from the forties or fifties and before, then perhaps it wouldn't be too bothersome. But if this place had more modern guns, well, it left Sebastian feeling a bit uneasy.

Having drank his cup of lemonade down to the halfway mark, Sebastian pulled his head up to see that Mylene, Nadine and Larsine were now sitting with him at the table. Larsine still at his right, with Nadine and Mylene still on his left. Each one looked at him with faces of concern.

“Is everything okay, Master?” Larsine asked, to which Sebastian nodded softly.

“Y-yeah... uh... umm...” he tensed up, “Emiline? Marshal Emiline? Who is she?”

“Marshal Emiline is someone we all strive to be like,” Mylene said, her eyes closing softly while a wistful smile spread out on her lips, “She's strong and stern... a lot like Igrene! She's the Indigo Dragon!”

“The Indigo Dragon...” Sebastian muttered, “So... wings and everything?”

“Uh-huh! Nyeh heh heh!”

“Do you all have... those kinds of titles? If she's the Indigo Dragon then...” he eyed the Parlor Maid, “What are you, Mylene?”

“Humph! Now you fail to realize what kind of dragon I am? What a cruel Master you are!” Mylene stated, her lips in a pout and her tone making it hard to tell if she was joking or being serious. Nadine certainly took it as a joke, because she started laughing.

“Har har har! Ah! Mylene's the Green Serpent, Larsine's the Violet Wyvern, and I am the Blue Wyrm,” exclaimed the Kitchen Maid, taking her Master aback.

“So... you're a wyrm...?” Sebastian said as he eyed Nadine, who confirmed it with a nod, “Wait...” he then looked at Larsine, “And you're a Wyvern...” and then over to Mylene, “And you are a Serpent?”

How could anyone gleam any of this information from looking at them? They all looked human, save for their obviously draconian horns and tails, as well as their reptilian eyes. About the only thing that could possibly tell as being any different from the others, would be if they had wings like Rodeline or not. So far, only the Nurse Maid had exhibited wings before, though going by Rodeline's own words, Igrene and Mylene were serpents, Faline was a wyrm, and Selene was an eastern dragon. They're all different kinds of dragons, but how would he know that if they all looked so human?

Which made him wonder...

“You all... aren't human, right?” he muttered, causing them all to look at him slack-jawed, Larsine included.

“Uh... you're... joking...?” Mylene asked without a hint of sarcasm.

“N... no...”

“Oh... um... hhh...” said Larsine as she looked around briefly, before returning her gaze back to him, “Master... We look human, yes, but we are not human. We are drachenmagds. Dragons.”

“But you look so human...” he asked as he looked back at Larsine before shaking his head, “I'm still... not aware of what a drachenmagd even is. Are you half-human, half-dragon? Or is it more than that?”

The trio of drachenmagds looked at one another, trading glances. In doing so, its like they had some sort of silent conversation with one another, before looking back at Sebastian in his confusion.

“Why don't you ask Igrene about that?” Mylene said, “She can explain it better than any of us could...”

Yeah... Sebastian agreed with them. Igrene was the Head-housemaid; she'd know everything he'd need to know about the drachenmagds, their existence, and why they listen to him so. Was it something in his blood as a Faust? That seemed to be the reasoning behind it all.

At the moment though, his focus was rather split on the knowledge that – somewhere in this estate – there were guns. Call Sebastian whatever you want, but he's never really lived around weaponry of such kind before. Perhaps then it was cowardice that turned him away from such things. Guns are... well... they're guns; in the hands of anyone, they're incredibly dangerous! You can run away from a knife or – in this case – swords and spears, but you can't run away from a bullet.

These... these fearful thoughts probably weren't the type of thoughts one should have as a future earl. He should be stronger than that... fearless in the face of such weaponry even. At the very least, they are his weapons.

Though... that didn't make him feel much better...

Focusing his attentions on his meal before him, Sebastian felt it was time to, ya'know, eat. The moment his fork began drifting forward to take some meat, he noticed Nadine's eyes grow wide with excitement. She clearly took joy in others eating her food, waiting desperately to hear his praise. It was a bit eerie, but Sebastian went with it.

All the girls here had such quirky personalities...

“Nomph... mmmmm... mmmm...”

Okay... he can see why she desires praise so much, and why she's worthy of it.

Such a ravenous hunger exploded from Sebastian, taking Larsine off guard, though Mylene giggled and Nadine laughed. The Kitchen Maid found such joy in others eating and enjoying her food, and the Parlor Maid simply found it comedic. But Larsine? Hm... Master Sebastian was so small and cute; she didn't know such a powerful hunger could exist within him.

Try, try with all his might to distance himself from his father, but his actions and mannerisms only served to remind the drachenmagd more of him.

“So, Master Sebastian, since we have the time to taaaaalk~” Mylene said, drawing attention over to herself, “Hmm... how do you like the estate so far?”

“What? Huh... how do I even answer that?” Sebastian replied with a shrug of his shoulders, “It's... well... it's unlike any place I've ever been to before. Where I come from, I lived in a simple two story home with just my Aunt Rita, her husband, my Uncle Jack, and myself.”

“Oooooh~! Where's that at?” Mylene asked, with Sebastian raising an eyebrow.

“In a place called Riverside,” he continued, “My Aunt Rita runs a bakery there, and my Uncle Jack works construction. They took me in when my mother... haaah... when my mother died.”

“Your mother...” Larsine muttered back, “Mai Milieus, right?”

Sebastian's eyes widened when she said that, his gaze switching over towards her. For a few moments, those sparkling eyes of Larsine's were skyward in though, before she realized just how intensely her Master was looking at her. Looking back, she appeared concerned, cocked her head too, as if something was amiss.

“M-Master...?” she muttered, “Is something wrong?”

“You... know my mother's name?” he asked, to which Larsine nodded.

“Of course. Mai Milieus... your father spoke of her often.”

“He... he did I...?”

His heart quaked, his stomach starting to churn, and his expression began to shift s his gaze traveled towards his food. Sebastian hadn't heard his mother's name in a long time, not since days when he'd hear his Aunt Rita mentioning it through the walls of her home.

“My mother was... my Aunt Rita's older sister,” Sebastian explained, “She had me when she was... young. Haaah...” he shook his head, “Six years ago, she got sick and she... she died...”

He swallowed his spit, a rush of emotions threatening to make him cry. The trio of drachenmagds looked at one another, any sense of playfulness being stuffed aside. No, they were greatly concerned with their Master considering his downward shift in demeanor.

“My apologies Master... if I had known--”

“It's okay, Larsine...” Sebastian said, cutting his valet off, “You... you said my father spoke of my mother often...” he shook his head, “I don't... I...”

What? He didn't believe her? Why would she lie to him about that? She'd gain nothing from doing such a thing. But considering how distant his father had been his entire life, such information was difficult to swallow. Though if he did speak of his mother, it was probably ill, considering what his will said.

How he threatened her with legal action... ah... he couldn't believe it!

A part of Sebastian wanted to ask Larsine what his father said about his mother, but he just couldn't bring himself to do so. If Larsine was honest, and Klaus said deplorable things about Mai, he wasn't sure if he could handle it.


“Yes, Master?”

“Thank you for the dinner but... I think I'm going to turn in for the night...”

“What? But... your steak isn't gone yet...” Nadine said, her expression turning dower.

“I know but...” he shook his head, “I've lost my appetite. I think I'm going to my room.”

“Oh, l-let me accompany you,” Larsine said, though Sebastian shook his head.

“I think I'll be going to my room alone...” he said, his tone stern, “I need some time to myself...”

“Um... uh... o-okay...”

Rising up from his chair, Sebastian began walking for the door with his head held a bit low. The once jovial air became blasted and sour, doubly so with how their Master slinked out of the room alone. Those long, lonely steps right up to the door, which opened and closed behind him with an audible--


“Good job, Larsine,” Mylene said, causing the butler's eyes to snap over towards her.

“What? How would I know mentioning his mother would make him upset?” Larsine asked defensively.

“Of course it would, you dolt!” the Parlor Maid replied, “Master Sebastian's relationship with his parents are strenuous at best; of course he'd be upset if you mentioned his dead mother!”

“Urgh... I... I'll have to make it up to him,” Larsine said as she rose up, though Nadine shook her head.

“And how would you do that? He said he wanted to go to bed alone,” said the Kitchen Maid, to Larsine's chagrin, “Look, it's best to just leave him alone and let him cool off, got it?”

“Uh... w-well...”

She looked away from the two, her star-like eyes showing remorse for her actions. A part of her thought to merely push on an apologize, but Sebastian's commands were resolute. If he wanted some alone time, well, it was her duty to give him that alone time. So she sat back down, a defeated sigh escaping her. First chance she gets though, she was going to apologize for her brazen words.

“Now then... I want to ask you two what you think of Master Sebastian,” Mylene said, drawing attention back over to her, “Isn't he just so cuuuuuuuutee~!?

“I didn't think that Master Klaus' son would be so... mmm... tantalizing!” Nadine added, her hands resting on her cheeks as a rather childish squeal left her lips, “Eeeeeeh~ I see why Selene can't keep her hands off of him!”

“What? Selene... she's already...” Larsine grew quieter, “She's already... slept with Master Sebastian?”

“Not just Selene, but Igrene too,” Mylene added, her lips in a cat-like grin.

“Wh-what!? Igrene too!? Th-that quick!?” the butler snapped.

“When I served him breakfast this morning... I noticed him taking gazes at me too,” Mylene continued, even pushing up her hair in a egotistical pose, “I bet if Selene didn't get to him first, he would have tackled me to the ground!”

“As if,” remarked Nadine with a teasing gaze, “Although... when I came out here, I noticed him checking out my...” she pushed out her chest, “Breasts...”

“Oooooh! Did he?” Mylene said, “Well... your breasts are bigger than Larsine's--”

“Why'd you bring me into this!?”

“So maybe he's a breast man? Selene and Igrene have big breasts!”

“You two should be ashamed of yourselves!” Larsine snapped, her eyes glaring at them, “Master Sebastian just got here... we shouldn't be treating him in such a way! Not so soon...”

“Pfffft! You're just saying that because Master Sebastian hasn't looked at you with eyes of lust yet,” Mylene replied whilst shooting her a sassy glare.

She even bent over a bit, flaunting the fact that she – like Nadine – had larger breasts than Larsine did. Tomboy though she may be, the butler still had her pride as a woman, even if she took her choice of dressing in a more masculine direction. Having two – admittedly well-endowed – dragons flaunting their superior cup-sizes in front of her was rather disheartening.

“N-no! That is not the problem!” Larsine said as she looked away, trying – and failing rather poorly – to hide the blush on her cheeks.

“Oh? Is that so?” Mylene continued with Nadine chuckling at her side, “Then... you'd have no problems if either Nadine or I have our tastes of Master Sebastian first?”

“Uh... uhhm...”

Larsine looked between the two; Mylene's sinister smirk, and Nadine's teasing chuckles. Things always ended up like this when they were together, to the butler's misfortune. Its as if her fellow drachenmagd enjoyed making fun of her for her more androgynous appearance. Being put under the scope like this, how else would Larsine respond other than with a snarl?

“Go and do what you please,” she said, “If the Master wills it, who am I to tell him otherwise?

“Nyeh heh heh! Of course!” said Mylene as she pulled back, “Well, we will see soon enough, won't we?”

Dragons though they may be, petty games are not beyond them.

Was it early? Yeah, it was. Did it matter? No, not really.



Gazing up, Sebastian looked from one wall to the other of his massive bedroom. The space was almost endless in how expansive it was, leaving him with a sense of strange vertigo. Yet he pushed on, heading towards his mattress which had already been clean of his and Selene's antics. It's still a bit off-putting that both Igrene and Mylene saw that...

But you know what? Right now, Sebastian didn't care. Being reminded of his mother didn't do well for his already tumultuous psyche, doubly so to know that his father spoke of her often. In Sebastian's head, it could be nothing but bad things, considering how his father threatened Mai with legal action when she was alive.

Pulling open the curtains to his bed, Sebastian stared towards the endless sea he called a mattress, his heart still racing out of shear malice. The anger, the pain, the frustrations, all boiling up like he was reading Klaus' will once again. Yet in that rage he was brewing, so too did the drive to find Klaus' diary.

Yes, he will find it, no matter! He wanted to hear everything from Klaus own words! And he will!

No matter what...

“Haaaaah... hmmm...”

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Sebastian turned to see his suitcase, unzipped to reveal the bevvy of clothes he brought with him to Schonheit. Of particular note was his pajamas; a simple cotton shirt and pants, nothing too elegant. Knowing this place, he probably had a brand new pair of pajamas he could wear.


Where was Igrene? Still out in Schonheit? Then where was Selene? Why did it even matter? Looking down toward his crotch, yeah, he could tell why. In just under 24 hours, he went from a virgin to having sex with two beautiful, older women. It was absolute euphoria, nirvana, paradise, and any other synonym you could use for 'heaven'.

So why did it feel wrong? Like he shouldn't indulge in it? Something that good came with a caveat, didn't it? It always does! He feared if he kept this up, he'd become some sort of pervert, one who sees women less as women, and more as objects.

Much like a certain dead man...

On the other hand, maybe he was thinking too much about it. If he didn't want to have sex with them, then he just wouldn't. He is their Master; he can stop anything before it happens.

Well, in theory. In practice though? That's yet to be seen...

It didn't take long for Sebastian to put on his night clothes, and it took even shorter for the young man to throw himself into his bed. Resting inside his endless mattress, Sebastian gave a powerful groan. A swirling, swelling, surging storm of thoughts surrounding his mother, all assaulted his mind.

He was young when she died, but her death plagued him even now.

His mother, the most important woman in his life. He saw her every day and every night, even when she was in that hospital bed. Even as she wasted away, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Dying...


“Hnnngh... Mom... I...”

A shiver ran through Sebastian, followed by a noise that sounded like a cross between a sob and a snarl. Anger and sadness are a great duo for a miserable evening, causing his heart to race, faster and faster and faster. Until--!

“Huh? Hmmm...”

Oh... the pillow? Sniiiiffff... mmm... smelled nice... smelled like...

“Haaaah... Igrene...”

Yeah, that's who it smelled like; Igrene. Her odor was thick on his pillow for some reason, but he cared not. Her lovely scent was relaxing, and caused him to further long for his Head-housemaid.

What is it he desired from his drachenmagds? Servants? Friends? Did he want Igrene here merely for the presence of her body, or for the intimate feelings he got from her? Did the drachenmagd even like him, or did they care about him for as far as duty went?




Who are they?

What are they?

Why do they listen to him so much?

So many mysteries surrounding them, enough to make his head spin, around and around and around. He needed to understand why.

Find the diary, find answers on his father and why he abandoned him. But in the meantime? Learn more about his lineage, and learn more about the drachenmagd as a whole.




He had time now.





“Huh... nnghh... hmm?”

Huh... he didn't remember going to sleep. Then again, who does remember going to sleep?

Begrudgingly, Sebastian's eyes opened up, gazing through the curtains of his bed to see the gleam of light. He hadn't turned off the lights due to falling a sleep so fast, and now said lights were bothering him. Groaning out of frustration, he worked up enough nerve to get out of his bed, his eyes falling on the light switch right beside his door.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” he muttered to himself out of annoyance, his hand reaching out for the switch.



“Wh... what?”

It echoed into his ear; the wailing moan of what he could only describe as 'ghastly'. It genuinely shook him to his toes, made him tense up as well, confusion flowing through him. Was that one of the drachenmagds? It didn't sound familiar.

Didn't sound like Igrene nor Selene. Not like Larsine or Faline. Rodeline or Nadine, and certainly not Mylene. It sounded...


Pushing open his door, Sebastian saw that the halls outside were drenched in darkness. The night moon was high and all the lights had been turned off, so shadows claimed his corridors. It was an ominous feeling thanks to the aged baroque style of the estate, making it feel like he was walking into a completely different world.

It genuinely scared him but... there wasn't anything to be scared of, right? This was his home, and none of the drachenmagd would hurt him, would they? Besides, he was brimming with curiosity to know who could have created such a noise. Yet another drachenmagd he was yet to meet? So far, he had heard of both Katherine and Emiline despite having not met either of them.

It was actually a bit exciting.

“Hello?” Sebastian called as he walked into the halls, “Is anyone there?”

His words were met with silence, leaving him to wonder just who – or what – caused such a noise. He heard it so clearly though, so it couldn't have been his imagination playing tricks on him, not when he was standing up. So...


His calls bounced off the walls, falling on deaf ears. He looked to his left; nothing. He looked to his right; nothing. He looked ahead...

A gleam of light.

It was in the far distance, like the moon came down into the halls of his home. Bright, white and silver, with a blurred rim around it.


Placing his hand over his eyes like he was trying to block out the sun, Sebastian glared hard at this gleaming silver light, seeing the soft, blurry figure of a human. Perhaps a woman? Another drachenmagd?

“H-hey? Who are you?” Sebastian called as he walked closer towards this figure.

They remained standing their, erect and immobile, even as he approached them. The hazy glow around them hid their features from a distance, but the closer he came, the more pronounced their – her – attributes became.

Indeed it was a woman, one who emitted a bright white glow that made it hard to get a good look at her. What he could see were wings though. Brilliant, white and silver wings, ones that were far larger than Rodeline's. Her tail too was covered in silver and white scales, whilst also being slender and writhing about like a snake.

Matching with her wings and tail, this woman's hair was long and silver-white. It was braided into an elegant ponytail as well, appropriate for an ever ready and dutiful maid.


Of all the drachenmagd thus far, her uniform seemed to be the most like a maid's. Even more so than Mylene's! It was black, a white apron tied around her front. The skirt of her dress came all the way down to her ankles, her legs covered in white stockings, her feet in black heels. And unlike her fellow drachenmagds, her clothing had no draconian influences in it at all.

But of course, that's all he could see. She had his back on him still, and that hazy aura continued to surround her. In fact, the closer he got, the brighter she seemingly became, making it even harder to know who exactly this woman was.

“H-hello?” Sebastian said, his stance shaking.

He realized this woman was not normal, even by drachenmagd standards. Something about her was just... off. But it was too late for him to turn back now. In fact, she was the one who was turning. Slowly twisting around to meet his gaze, her wings even curling in. Sebastian remained silent as he looked up at her, his brown eyes meeting...

You are reading story Drachenmagd at novel35.com


He couldn't see her eyes, for they were covered in leather straps. It covered her, bound her, yet he still felt her eyes burning through his very being to peer into his soul. Sebastian tensed up and stepped back, reading her flat, indifferent expression. There was nothing coming from her, nothing to even imply she was living. Was she even breathing? The air around her was just so chilling, so cold; it chilled his blood.

“Wh... who are you...?” Sebastian asked.

The woman said nothing however, and continued to stare upon him. Seconds ticked on with Sebastian being too afraid to move or even speak. He could only hope that she'd answer him, telling him who she was. Instead...


She turned around.

Astonished, Sebastian stood there, erect like a statue, while the mysterious white-haired woman floated away like some spectral visitor. Her wings did not flap and her feet did not move; she instead hovered forward and down the halls where she vanished from sight.

Sebastian couldn't move; it was like his very being had been frozen solid. The woman was gone, but her presence still gripped him. To put it lightly...

He was scared.

“Hey, Master Sebastian! Master Sebastiaaaaaaaaan!”

“Huh, what?”

What had he done last night? Ah, it was all a blur. He remembered running into that mysterious white woman in the halls, he returned to bed and... huh... he must have taken a shower after he got up the next morning, because he was in his bathrobe right now. He hadn't seen Igrene or Selene, but he did make his way here to the courtyard for breakfast.


Yeah, yeah, that's all that happened. His mind was in such a blur after seeing the woman last night, he just couldn't get her out of his head. The white hair, the wings, the tail, and – most striking of all – her leather-bound eyes and expressionless visage. He couldn't see what she looked like, yet somehow could still envision her face.

No doubt it was horrifying...

“Massssterrrrrr!? Pfffft! Is everything okay?”

“Huh? What?”

Turning over, his eyes befell the ever mischievous face of Mylene, though right now she appeared far more concerned for him. He looked at her, eyes sliding inward, before pulling back. It's as if he needed to focus his attentions and visions on her, before finally realizing what was going on.

“What? What? Oh, r-right! S-sorry, Mylene,” Sebastian muttered as he pulled back, “I just... um... uh...” he laid his hand on his head, “I just saw something last night that uh... uh...”

He looked at Mylene, taking note of her bent over appearance that pushed her face more into his. Those inquisitive eyes that peered deep into his brown ones, as if searching for something. He tensed up slightly, but didn't exactly pull away. Instead he looked over towards the table before him.

Mylene – seemingly taking the hint – quickly rose her silver platter in his face, removing its top to reveal a simple sausage, egg and cheese sandwich, along with breakfast fries and coffee. Placing his meal down on his table, Sebastian's expression grew slightly concerned, something that – in turn – made Mylene concerned as well.

“Sebastian...” she muttered, “Did something happen last night? Are you still uneasy after what happened during dinner?”

“Huh? Uh? N-no... not that...” he said as he shook his head, “It's just that um... uhh...” he closed his eyes, “Last night... I heard someone walking around the halls. I went to check up on it and I saw someone... I think?” he shrugged his shoulders, “She was standing in the distance, a drachenmagd. White hair, white wings, white tail. But she... she had this strangeness about her, like she was surrounded in a shield... it made it hard for me to look at her,” he shrugged his shoulders, “She was more like a ghost than a woman...”

Looking back at Mylene, he noticed her taking a more thoughtful pose. Her fingers laid on her chin, her body switching one way, then the other, then the other, before she straightened up, a sneaky smile on her lips and a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“That was Katherine,” Mylene stated, causing Sebastian's eyes to widen.

“Katherine? That was Katherine!?” he repeated, astonished by this information.

“Yes, yes, that sounds like her!” Mylene continued, “White hair, white wings and tail, walking around like a ghost; that's Katherine to a 'T'! Nyeh heh heh! She roams around the halls at night. However...” she took another thoughtful pose, this time looking a bit more serious, “If she's awake, then she must have heard your voice. Ah... but Igrene...”

“Hm? Igrene? What about Igrene?”

“Uhhh... weeeellll...” Mylene shook her head, “Oh, it's probably nothing. Igrene's just making sure all the other drachenmagd are awake. If Katherine's up, then that's a good thing.”

“Oh... okay... um... if Mylene is a drachenmagd, then what does she maintain?”

“Oh, oh! Your breakfast, Master! It will get cold, and Nadine will be unhappy!”

“Huh? Oh! Right I didn't even thank her for dinner yesterday!”

His focuses shifted to the plate before him, Sebastian began eating away in order to stuff his stomach. He hadn't really eaten much the previous night, something that was now beginning to drive him. Hunger building, higher and higher, only enhanced by how delicious the food was. The eggs cooked and salted to perfection, the meat grilled exquisitely, the cheese – much like last night – glowing golden in color, and oozing through the creases of the sandwich. And the biscuit that contained said sandwich? Mmm... buttered immaculately, far better than anything he's had in his day. And that's saying something; Aunt Rita runs a bakery, yet Nadine's cocking blew hers out of the water! Is that insulting his aunt? He hopes not...

“Do you like it, Master Sebastian?” Mylene asked with a sneaky smile on her lips.

“Mm-hmm! It's great!” he replied, a pleased smile adorning his lips, “Haaaah... it's so hot and warm and... mmmm! Tastes so-- ack!?”

Okay, talking with your mouth full!? A childish mistake, really!

Sebastian's eyes doubled as he hacked on his morsel of food, his hand gripping his neck. The sound of his shrill grasps alerted Mylene, who actually let her silver platter fall upon the ground.

In reality, this wasn't anything problematic. Really, if Sebastian just stopped to breathe a few times, the food would have passed. He could have taken a sip of coffee to wash the tiny bit of food down. So why did Mylene look at him so intensely? Why was her face so horrified? Why did it scare Sebastian so much!?

“Aaackh!? My-leeen-EEEK!?”

Like a yellow and green blur, she zipped right around to his back, picking him up from off his chair with a surprising show of strength. Her arms hooks beneath his arms, lifting him up with his back to her chest. Still confused, all Sebastian could do was flail about, while his Parlor Maid's thick tail came swinging around with a mighty--



So thick yet so dexterous, Mylene's tail slammed right up against Sebastian's stomach. With one blow, it launched the food he was chocking on right from his mouth and into the grass of the compact courtyard he dined in. It left Sebastian dazed for a few moments, his eyes swirling around and around and around, while Mylene's grip on his body grew more tender.

“Master! Master! Are you okay!?” she cried, genuinely concerned for his well-being.

“I... urrghkh! I... I'm fine, My-Mylene... I'm fiiiiiinnneeee... urkgh!?”

Growing even more lax in her hold, Mylene allowed Sebastian to fall back into his chair, recoiling from his brief choke. Raising his hand, he ran his fingers through his orange locks a few times, before groaning in an exhausted manner. Boy, that's one way to start a morning, isn't it?

“You should be more cautious, Master,” Mylene said as she walked over to face him fully, her hands resting on his chest and shoulders, “You are the only Master we have. You have no other children... do you?”

“What? N-no... I was a virgin until Igrene a few days ago...” he replied, a blush of embarrassment adorning his face.

“Pfffft! That's okay,” Mylene said, her hands working open the seams of his bathrobe a tad bit, “Igrene's the Head-housemaid. It's customary in fact for her to be a new earl's first time.”

“R-right... I-Igrene said something similar to that before,” Sebastian replied, his voice starting to stutter slightly as Mylene's hands rubbed his body more and more, “My-Mylene... what are you d-doing... haaah...”

“I'm checking you to make sure everything's fine,” she said, his body starting to stiffen, “I may not be a nurse like Rodeline, but I can still tell if something's the matter... hmm...”

Of course – when it comes to someone as mischievous as Mylene – she always had ulterior motives to her antics. Her yellow eyes gazed upon his body, her hands gently prying his bathrobe open more and more. Shivering softly, Sebastian noticed just how soft and gentle Mylene's hands were. Pushing into him, stroking him, caressing him... a bit like Selene's hands in the shower yesterday morning.


Mylene's ears visibly twitched, but she said nothing about the moan Sebastian gave. Instead she continued gazing upon and appraising Sebastian's body. He was how old? Nineteen? Hmm... wasn't really that manly, certainly not to the same level of his father at that age. Klaus was already a trained hunter due to years spent out in the woods with his father as well as Emiline. Sebastian? Not so much...

But there is something undeniable him; Sebastian is far, far cuter than his father was.

The new earl had so much more clear features, rounder, softer ones too, almost feminine, but not overtly so. Unlike Larsine who could appear too boyish, Sebastian is always clearly a male, no matter what way you look at him. He's also rather slender young man, with no pudge or fat to him.


“M-Mylene...” he groaned through gritted teeth, trying with all his might to hide... that part of his body.

But of course, it was too late.

“If you don't mind me asking, Master,” Mylene said as she pulled her hands away, her yellow eyes turning to face the silver platter she tossed aside while he was chocking, “What do you look for in a woman? Do you prefer them being older like Igrene? Or younger like me?”

“Wh-what? I... what?”

“You talk about Igrene a lot, and you had sex with both her and Selene,” Mylene said as she reached for her silver platter, bending over, “I was just wondering if you preferred older women to younger women.”

“I uh... uhh.. duhhh...”

His voice grew slurred, his brown eyes widening at the image of Mylene as she bent over to grab her silver platter. Her tail shamelessly slid up, flaunting her posterior right in his face. Her shapely buttocks which was cradled in – you guessed it – green panties, helped framed by the glimpse of thigh he saw thanks to her high green socks. To see such a buttocks staring back at him... haaah...

Oh, crap, now he was thinking about what type of woman he preferred! Older women like Igrene, Selene and admittedly Rodeline? Or younger woman like Mylene, Faline and Nadine? He didn't know the answer to that question, but one thing was for sure...

He was getting hard!

“There!” Mylene said as she snapped back up, her gaze turning to face Sebastian fully with a smile on her face... and a red blush on his.

“Is something the matter, Master?” she asked in a playful manner, her lips even small in a coy frown, “Are you... under the weather?”

“N-no, Mylene. I-I'm fine,” he answered, not realizing her act.

“Pffffft! Okay!”

Silver platter in hand, she walked back up to Sebastian's side, standing idly by with a hum on her lips and a sway of her hips.

A sway...





Sebastian looked at her from out the corner of his eye, but said nothing for the most part. Instead he focused on his meal yet again, is hand shakily reaching out for his coffee. Taking a few sips of the burning liquid, he silently ate his sandwich and fries, hoping he could ignore the arousing sensation in his underwear.

Naturally, it didn't work.

His mind was instead insulted by images of Mylene and her panties, her buttocks so cute and shapely. Not made any better by the fact that her uniform flaunted her perky breasts. Sure, they weren't larger than Selene's or Igrene's, but he'd be lying if he said they weren't magnetizing.

Wait... if he asked for it... nay... demanded it, she'd give them up to--


Focus on your food, Sebastian! Focus on your--

“Tell me, Master,” Mylene suddenly said, her tone dripping with mischief, “Do you like more aggressive women, or more submissive ones?”

“Wh-what?” he answered, now starting to sweat bullets as the question began to hint at certain things.

“Igrene and Selene are certainly aggressive, I know that much,” Mylene continued, “They made the first moves on you, didn't they?” she smiled, her eyes sliding into a glare, “Did you like it?”

“I... I uh...”

Sebastian began shivering, his cock growing even harder. By now, the tower in his robes would be impossible to miss unless you were blind. Upon seeing it herself, Mylene licked her lips.


“I uh... I don't... don't know...” he replied in earnest, “Selene and Igrene l-like to lead me... and I like being led but... but...” he closed his eyes, “I'd like to... to take the lead sometime too... I-I think... but... I don't... don't know how.”

“You don't know...?” Mylene asked, her yellow eyes giving a brief glow, “Mmm... would you like to test that?”


“Nyeh heh... watch me...”

And watch Sebastian did as Mylene walked around, her back facing him. He opened his mouth to speak, but the dragoness suddenly raised her tail, silencing him as she once more flaunted her buttocks in his face. That buttocks which came closer and closer until...


“Oh! Uhh... nnghh...”

Mylene sat herself right in Sebastian's lap, her buttocks seated perfectly upon him. She leaned back as well, her back meeting his chest, her lips curling into a cat-like smirk. Reaching down, she grabbed the sides of his legs, helping to fasten herself even further upon his lap.

“There... pffft! How does this feel, Master?” Mylene asked, making Sebastian stiffen up.

“It feels... haaah...”

Mylene was so light. Having her rest on his lap was like having a living doll rest upon him. She felt so nice too, the warmth she gave off not as intense as Igrene's or Selene's, but still stronger than what would be normal on a human. The odor she gave off was nice too, smelling like... like... like....

“Haaah... lemons...”

Sebastian looked over Mylene's smooth shoulders, staring right towards her perky bust. Was it him, or was she bustier than he gave her credit for? Perhaps he was too enthralled with the perky set of tits she had, which raised up and down with her every breath.





And the delicious smell of lemons that flowed into his nose.

What is it about these girls and their odors that... enthralled him so? It both drew him in and embolden him by making him more prone to make decision he normally wouldn't. And right now...

Right now...

“Does it hurt, Master?” Mylene asked as she looked over her shoulder to face him.

“Does... what hurt...?” he asked, his tone a but slurred.

“Your penis, Master. It's so big... so hard... so thick... does it hurt?”

He swallowed his spit.

“Yes... it does hurt a bit... kufh...”

“Hmm... I think there's some ways I can help you with it... would you mind if I do them?”

Once again, he swallowed his spit.


Walking, walking, walking. Master Sebastian surely would have awoken by now, right? It's almost ten in the morning... only twenty minutes away. Igrene had sent her with an urgent message; she could not dally for long. She needed to find him.

Larsine, the Violet Wyvren. For years she has served the earls of the estate, like all drachenmagd have. Only, hers has typically been on a more personal level. Serving as Valet and Lady Maid for previous earls, Larsine was typically set up as being their confidant, their adviser, their friend. She knew more about Sebastian's ancestors than he did, possibly more than he'd ever know.


It had been decades since she last had a Master as young as he was. Was that why she was thinking about him so? Or perhaps its because of how much he reminded her of Master Klaus? No, that can't be it; Klaus and her were never the closest, unlike with previous earls. So then... is Sebastian merely exotic? He is technically not a Faust, but more a Milieus; he's a Faust by blood alone. He did not live here, did not grow up alongside them, no... he was just as alien to them as they were alien to him.

So is that why she's thinking about him more intimately? Curious to learn more about this earl who is so far unlike any earl she has met before? Desperate to know everything about him following their brief meeting yesterday. Huh... a brief meeting she herself ruined, one she was still kicking herself for.

“Foolish, Larsine, foolish,” muttered the androgynous dragoness to herself as she walked through the silent halls of the estate, “Bringing up his mother's name... you should have known it would end like that.”

She needed to make it up to her Master, to apologize as best she could. Anyone would be emotional to be reminded of their deceased parent, and Sebastian had two of them. Save for his aunt and uncle, Sebastian had nothing. No brothers, no sisters, no cousins to speak of. It was just him.

Just him and the drachenmagd.

Yes, she will apologize! She will make it up to him! And, no, this has nothing to do with Mylene's words at the dinner table yesterday! So what if she and Nadine deigned to 'taste' from their master? He wouldn't be the first to sleep with them! Besides, Master Sebastian did not come across as the type to flagrantly sleep with his maids. He was far too cute to be so salacious! He was--

“Ah! There he is!”

Her starlight eyes peering through the window, Larsine saw the image of Sebastian sitting in a courtyard. His breakfast was eaten on the table before him, and he seemed to be alone. But... he shouldn't be, right? If this was his morning meal, where was Mylene to serve him?

And... wait... why was his bathrobe open like that? And... huh... why was he leaning back in his chair? His face was red; is he sick? Wait... wait... wait...

Is he moaning?

“Mmmmm... mmmm.... mmmmmff...”

“Nnnghh... haaahh...! M-Mylene... haaaah...!”

Another morning, another drachenmagd with their lips wrapped around his cock. And such lovely lips they were.

Looking down, Sebastian's gaze befell Mylene's head. It was turned slightly, his thick cock having pushed its way into her mouth by about a few inches. She was moaning around him, both hands resting on his legs to keep them open, her head pulling back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Audibly he could hear the sucks, the moans, the groans, each one tickling his ears like some sort of lewd orchestra.

And that's not even getting into the feeling of it all.

Compared to Selene's fellatio from the previous morning, Mylene didn't suck his cock with a sense of praise. No, she did it far more... casually, if that makes any sense. Her head pulling back and forth, her lips curling into a smile every now and then. But that's not to say she didn't enjoy it; quite the opposite.

Sebastian's body carried with it this taste that she found irresistible. The salt, the sweat, hmmm... even the smell of the soaps he used earlier in the shower, all combined to create something amazing.

His cock was surprisingly veiny as well. Her serpentine tongue would run along those veins, feeling them pulsate, throb, vibrate, everything! The blood that pumped through his body made it as rigid as a diamond, and as unbreakable as one well. Utter perfection!

And that's not even getting into the taste of his precum. Like the icing on the cake, or the cherry on a sundae, it perfectly capped off this delicious dick she feasted on. Salty... bitter... stringy too... haaah... rather weighty as well. Feeling it pushing down on her thin tongue made Mylene moan through his cock, the sound and feeling of it reverberating through her entire body.

“Hnnnghh...! Myleeeneee... I'm gonna... haaaah... I'm gononaaaaa...! Aahhh!”


“Mmmmm! Mmmmfff...! Mmmm...”

Guess all that teasing from earlier was a bit too much. Or maybe Sebastian wasn't even attempting to hold back. Whatever the answer may be, Mylene's mouth was suddenly filled to the brim with his piping hot, white seed. It blasted upon her teeth, her tongue, her gums, surrounding all of her mouth in his odor and taste. Hell, she even smelled it while she swallowed it down, groans of desire flowing through her.

Even the way it traveled down her throat was exquisite...

Larsine watched it too. From where she was standing, she could see not only Sebastian's face as he was racked with an orgasm, but Mylene's face as well. The state of pure euphoria as she held his seed in her mouth, the smile she gave, and how her head pulled back slowly. All the way up until...



Sebastian's cock fell out of her mouth, seed dribbling down her lips. She looked up to him, giving him a smirk while his sticky cum laid on her lips. Only briefly however before her tongue came whipping around, licking it all clean. And just in case he didn't trust her...


She opened her mouth wide, showing him that, yup, not one bit of cum laid in her mouth.

Larsine couldn't believe what her eyes was seeing! She's no fool, she knew Mylene had eyes on their Master like this, but she didn't expect them to be moving this fast!

And it's not even over yet! Because Mylene began to rise up, higher and higher, her yellow eyes and smirking face locked on Sebastian's brown eyes. Mounting his body, she sat on his lap, her arms resting on his shoulders. Their faces drifted in closer and closer until...



Right their in the center of the courtyard, sitting near a table, the Parlor Maid's lips were pressed up against her Master's lips. Kissing... passionately.

Sebastian's arms wrapped gently around Mylene's thin waist, their lips pressing in kiss after kiss. Hers were thinner than someone like Selene's, nor did the Parlor Maid take charge in the kiss like Igrene did. No, she kissed him slowly, the two taking their time to explore one another as equals.


She not only smelled like lemons, she tasted like lemonade. Does that make any sense? The saliva that oozed into his mouth carried with it that sweat and sour taste of lemonade, but no, it tasted better than any he's ever had. Her tongue was thin and spindly like the drachenmagds before, and she used it to stroke along his broad, flat tongue.

“Mmmm... mmm... mmmfuaaah...”

“Haaaah... haaah...”

When their kiss ended, Sebatian's brown eyes gazed up into Mylene's yellow ones. A red haze of blush laid on her cheeks, her lips panted softly before curling into a soft smile, and her eyes slid into a sensual gaze.

“I could taste your breakfast still, Master...” she whispered, though it left him a bit dazed, “Mmm... you are so cute... I see why Selene couldn't keep her hands off of you...”

Sebastian swallowed his spit, but Mylene didn't stop. Tipping his head to the left, she moved in, her lip pressing to his cheek in kiss after kiss after kiss. Each one sent a shiver through his body; it was a similar feeling to Selene when they were in the shower. The devout worship of his body by the drachenmagd was equal parts euphoric and out of this world for him.

This cute girl was treating him like this, and he couldn't sense any sort of malice or lies from her. He wanted to experience more of this.


“More... Mylene...” he said as he looked at her, “Could you... kiss me more...?”

His command – no matter how slight it may be – actually took Mylene off guard. Her eyes widened, her mouth too, her expression genuinely shocked. But only for a few moments before melting into a sensual gaze yet again, her smiling mouth even flashing her fangs at him.

“Of course, Master.”

His grip on her waist tightening, he watched as Mylene began moving down, kissing Sebastian on his neck and clavicle. He groaned following those kisses, feeling those soft, thin lips pepper his body, over and over again. The painful rumbling he felt in his steeled cock did not go down, only growing harder, perhaps longer... maybe even thicker!

Or maybe that's just a placebo affect...

Mylene's worship of his body continued, kissing along his flat, broad chest, over and over again. Her kisses led her to his nipple, lips wrapping around it as she began to suck and lick him. Sebastian gave out yet another, louder groan as the feelings of pleasure overwhelmed him, surrounded him, swallowed him whole. He just didn't want to give any of this up.

“Myyyleeeeennnee!” he groaned, causing his parlor Maid to pull back.

“Master...” she whispered to him, her eyes meeting his.

He stared at her for what felt like a few moments too long, before his gaze traveled down towards her chest.

Her perky.



Never before had he been so lecherous in his gazes. Yes, he has lusted before – he is human – but they've always been saved for passing glances. But now he was surrounded by beautiful women, ones who – for reasons he can't explain – seemed to lust after him.

It's one thing to want others... it's something else entirely to be wanted back. Maybe that's why Sebastian was feeling far more embolden as time went on. He knew his drachenmagd wouldn't turn him away, in fact, they welcomed whatever he asked for.


“What's wrong, Master?” Mylene asked in a sarcastic manner, having read his line of sight straight towards her breasts, “Is something the matter?”

“No I... I uh...” he swallowed his spit.

He should ask, right? That is the polite thing to do, even in a situation like this. But he is her Master; he shouldn't have to ask for anything. If he wanted something, he should command her for it, demand it, will it!

But he found it to be at odds with himself. Master though he may be, Sebastian's not cruel, not dominating, not a monster. He didn't have it in him to just order something like that out of the blue, not without a bit of buildup.

Testing, teasing, something Igrene and especially Selene were learning about him... and now Mylene as well.

A finger pressed up to her cheek, her other hand resting upon her perky tits, the Parlor Maid began pushing her chest out. Sebastian's eyes widened at the taunting sight before him, his mouth opening slightly. Whatever inner turmoil was going on in his head at that moment went right out the window when he saw them.

Taunting him...

Teasing him...

Beckoning him closer...

“Show them to me...”

Mylene said nothing, though her mischievous smile spread out a bit wider on her lips. Her hands however moved up, grabbing upon the the sleeves of her dress where she pulled them down her shoulders. Her top slipped loose soon after, the straps of her bra visible. Black and white... hmm...

Still smirking, Mylene allowed her uniform's bodice to fall slack on her breasts, her bra now shown in full. Perky tits held guarded by a black and white bra; black on the cups, though frilly and white around the edges.

Grinning at Sebastian as her bra-clad breasts laid out for his viewing pleasure, Mylene laid her arms upon his shoulders. Her close cling caused her perky breasts to appear even more full, more tantalizing, his mouth opening wider. He raised his hands, one falling upon her tit, squeezing it tightly. Mylene in turn leaned back and groaned, her heavenly voice filling the air. But that's not all. Between him groping her tit and her moaning voice filling the air, it drove Sebastian. He placed a hand on her cheek, tipped her head to face his, and--



He kissed her again, driven more by a primal lust than he was his own thoughts. Kissing her, still not the best with his tongue, but certainly a far better kisser than he was days ago.

Kinda like being thrown into water and learning how to swim through shear panic. Kissing so many women in such a short amount of time has driven him to learn pretty damn fast.

Or, fuck, maybe he really was just hungry for Mylene. The moment he tasted that lemonade again, it was like a kick in the ass of energy. He groaned, he moaned, his hold on her body tightening, squeezing hard into her tit. His touches – so wild and needy – coaxed a groan from Mylene's own lips, right into his mouth.

His hand meanwhile – now surging with courage – slipped right under her bra, palming her tit tightly. He felt her hard nipple rub against the palm of his hand, his fingers clenching down like he was holding a ball. A very warm, very perky, mmm... very shapely... hmmm... smooth... haaaah... lovely... ball...



“Haaaahh... hooooh... haaaahh...”

Looking forward into Mylene's eyes, Sebastian could feel her lemon-tasting saliva ooze down his lips. He swallowed it quickly, his brown eyes snapping down towards her bra. He reached around, grabbing the clamps of her bra where he hopelessly failed at undoing it. So cute... it had Mylene giggling! Ultimately she undid it herself, allowing her breasts to fall free.

Of which they did barely... haaah... so perky.

His hands came down towards her breasts, cupping them, holding them, exploring them. Fingers so nibble and adventurous, squeezing in, pushing up and in, pulling down and out. Smooshing them together, spreading them apart. Doing so with hands that weren't too strong, yet not too lax. Hands that moved in all the right ways. Hands that triggered such high-pitched, womanly moans from the mischievous dragon's lips.

“Oooooh... so goood...” Mylene moaned.

Sebastian wasn't done however, his fingers moving over to gently pinch upon Mylene's hard nipples. Flicking them, poking them, pinching them, twisting them. Heh, that last one actually garnered an embarrassingly high-pitched.

“EEEP!?” out of her, “Oh! Haaah...! That was rude of you, Master...”

“Ahh... s-sorry... um...” Sebastian muttered before, “Hnnngh...”

“Nuh-uh-uh! No 'sorries'. You're an earl now; you're not 'sorry'!” Mylene stated, her tail sliding up and along his leg, “Mmm... I think... I think I'm gonna have my revenge now, Master.”

“Your... your revenge?” he repeated, befuddled by the statement.

“Oh yes, reveeenge!” she replied, that playful tone of hers cutting through the air, “And I think I know the best way to do it!”

She pulled back, her tits bouncing, her hands gripping the hem of her dress. Turning around fully, she lifted her tail and dress, flaunting her ass before him once again. Sebastian gripped tightly on his chair, his teeth grinding against his teeth as he swallowed his spit. Mylene was such a taunting little flirt, gleefully wagging her hips left and right as she moved in closer and closer and closer until--



She sat on his lap again, but this time she did it in such a way that his cock was sandwich between her thighs. So hard, so rigid, and with precum oozing endlessly from the tip. Her hands resting on his thighs to brace herself, Mylene began gliding her sumptuous thighs up and down his cock, her teasing laughter filling the air.

Such flawless, perfect legs. They smoothly ran along his penis, his precum splattering and covering them in a glossy sheen. Every stroke coaxed a grunt, especially when her thighs ran along the bottom of his glands, stroking the most sensitive areas of his dick. He just couldn't help himself--


“Oh? Am I riding you too hard, Master?” Mylene asked, though she giggled mischievously after, “Nyeh heh heh! Do you want me to slow down!”

“Nnn-nnooo...!” he groaned, his head shaking, “I want to... haaahh...!”

“I want to see it too, Master!”

“What? Huh? S-see what”

“I want to see the Master who Selene slept with,” Mylene explained, “The one that made Selene so happy. I want to experience that Master!”

“Huaah...? Hhnnghh... ooooh...”

He ran his hands through his orange hair, thinking back to the previous day when he fucked Selene... and how Igrene and Mylene walked in on them. He couldn't really remember well how that all went down, his mind had been in such a state of frenzied lust that he could barely think about anything but sex. And, what, Mylene wanted to experience that? Like he could just turn it on?

Then again, considering how hard his cock was now so soon after she gave him a blowjob, perhaps he could do it. Mylene had asked something of him, and as her Master, it was his duty to give it to her. He promised to be a Master they could be proud of, no matter what. And if that includes sex, well...

If he's good enough to please Selene and Igrene, he'd better be good enough to please Mylene as well!

So Sebastian nodded, a swelling of bravado rising within his chest. Reaching down he palmed Mylene's ass, taking her off guard and making her giggle. Slowly he pushed and lifted her up, revealing more of her yellow panties and that green tail which hung above it. But he did not remove her panties, no; that would take too long. He wanted her pussy now!

So he carefully slid aside those panties, revealing her tight twat to him. The pinkness, the slickness, the way they shined; Mylene was just as ready for him as he was for her. And... sniiiifff... mmm... the sweaty odor of lemons. Yeah, something like that should sound awful, but smelling it like he was, it was delicious!

His cock at maximum hardness again, and Mylene's pussy ready and willing, Sebastian took aim with her cunt. But unlike before where he needed guidance from Igrene and Selene in the art of penetration, he now knew where to push. So he aimed everything properly, nice and aligned. And once everything was ready, he--



Mylene's eyes looked skyward, a shameless smile on her face as Sebastian slammed his cock home into her pussy. It was so tight inside of her, so flawless, a unique feeling that had Sebastian reeling back in his chair. Having had sex with different women in such close proximity with one another over a short period of time, he found himself always comparing their bodies. But when it came to their pussies, well, what can he say? None of them were loose, none of them were bad; they were all tight and flawless. And yet he wouldn't exactly say Mylene's pussy is the same as Igrene's or Selene's. They were all unique in their perfection.

Or, fuck, maybe he's an idiot and he doesn't know what the hell he's thinking about. He knew he fucking loved it though.

That one push, that one penetration had Sebastian groaning with hunger and desire. That primal side brought out of him, he began slamming his cock home into her cunt. Thrusting and pushing inside of her, bouncing her body up. Her cute ass bounce and wobbled on his cock, her twin tails doing likewise, her perky breasts too. Mylene kept her grip on his thighs, bracing herself for impact after impact after impact. His every thrust had her pussy tightening, pleased by the manly thrusts he slammed away into her. He may lack finesse or skill, but fuck did he have the passion!

“Oh Master! Haaaaaah! Massterrrr! OH!?”

His hands suddenly reached around her body, launching up to grab her tits. Squeezing them hard, they caused him to slam even harder into her cunt, his teeth grinding against one another out of shear desperation.

Harder! Harder! Harder! Hooooh! Harder! Harder! G-girls like that, right? Well, fuck, Mylene and Selene certainly did! Harder! Harder! Harder! Hard-EEERRRRR!?



Teeth grinding against teeth as his expression grew intense, Sebastian slammed his cock balls-deep into Mylene's body. She too ground herself back against him, her clit twitching furiously. She just needed one last push to finally go over the edge, and only Sebastian could give it to her.

And he did... oooooooooh he did!


From his cock shot out a deep blast of cum. It flowed into Mylene's cunt, coating her walls in white. Didn't he just climax? Why did he still have so much? Was he just that backed up, or were all Faust men like this?

Would they even know the answer to that question? M-maybe he shouldn't ask...

Well, if he was even in the right mind to think of such a thing. The moment his orgasm rocked him, Sebastian shot straight to the moon in under a few seconds. His body stiffened up hard, his dick shooting glob after glob of seed into her pussy, filling her.

So... much... spunk!

Its heat radiated through Mylene's form, her body growing lax while her eyes rolled back. There's something about this feeling that she just couldn't get enough of, something she had missed for a long, long time. A thick load of heavy spunk, gifted to her from her Master, rushing throughout her pussy. So much so that it came spurting out even , their moans mixing in with one another, deeper... hungrier... lustier...


“Nnnghh...! Haaaahh!”


A splattering of feminine cum oozed between Mylene's legs where it fell down upon the pavement ground beneath them. And for the briefest of moments, she too was right on the moon with her master, swimming about in euphoria. When she returned, steam resonated from both of their bodies, mixing together as the cool morning air of the courtyard graced them.

Panting... breathing... no words leaving them... not until...

“Mmmff... mmmm...”

“Huh? Oh... Master...”

For some reason, Sebastian began to kiss her on the neck and shoulder in a surprising showing of affection. He didn't speak, but he didn't need to; his lips did all the talking for him. Kissing... kissing... kissing... all as Mylene giggled.

And as Larsine watched.

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