Dracula in a Fantasy World

Chapter 2: The Gift

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[Third POV]

In a gothic style hall, you could see a single man sitting on a dark throne. His presence, one of freighting caliber. As he opens his eyes, it flashes red, crimson red.

[Dracula POV]

As I open my eyes, I can feel so much memories assaulting my head. As well as emotions, powerful emotions towards people I didn't know before. But I know them now and I have emotions... feelings towards them.

I look around me and see a hall littered with goth like etchings and beautiful drawings. I look where I am sitting, a throne, very comfortable for some reason.

'Archibald....' I say in my mind, curiously.

[Yes, Lord.] Archibald speaks.

'What can you do Archibald?' I ask.

[I can help you by regulating your powers and abilities if you need so, I can as well act as a source of what you would call the Internet, and much more] says Archibald.

'The Internet?' I asked, confused.

[As you were waking up I scanned this castle for any and all information, valuable or not, I found many books, especially in the library. I can act as a library you could say. As well as scan frequencies from around the world, but not far. I was able to reach almost the shores of this continent, there are although dark places I can't reach.... like they are silent and invisible.] says Archibald.

'Pretty impressive huh.... scanning ability, and dark places... must be powerful magic or something... most likely. It is preventing you from seeing what is there, or hearing. What do you mean by frequencies and you scanned almost the whole continent? That is amazing.' I ask, amazed at his capabilities.

[Frequencies... like voices and whispers of the people.] says Archibald.

'I am currently in the continent of Zarza. Majority of godly influence are from minor gods, there is one though, on the eastern shore, a kingdom called Abalon, follows the Holy Church.' I think to myself as I smile at the last part.

'The Holy Church follows three gods, not minor but full blown gods... Amsox, god of Light, Fire and Healing. Camael, goddess of Wind/Air, Prosperity, and Fertility. Last is Lsraphm, god of Strength and War.' I think to myself.

'Currently I am in the Caligo forest. A forest no one dares to enter... Dark, foggy, borderline scary as hell. Monsters, and I mean real monsters roam around here, ghouls, ghosts, spirits, strigas, and etcetera. Fortunately, you could say that I conquered this forest.' I think to myself.

'Tell me Archibald, do you think they got stronger, I have been away from this continent for a hundred years. I feel that there are some strong individuals...' I ask.

[It is very plausible. After all, a hundred years to humans, even those of long life span is a lot. Your people have suffered, defeated, and scattered across the continent, hunted like before, before you united them.] says Archibald.

'I did... I united them. But those damned demi-gods.... Who would have thought people can actually fucking make a combo...' I think as I almost shatter the armrest of the throne...

'The strong demi-god escaped. I transformed, yet he still managed to escape. Albeit, unscathed. I will get him, he is hiding somewhere... I know it.'

'Archibald, scan for anything that is going to move... anything big, battle or war... especially tell me about them.... if the council is still here... I can feel some of them...' I say.

[It will be done.] says Archibald.

As I was about to get up, the double doors of the hallway opened, Hendrickson and Esmeralda walk through, till they reach me, and bow.

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"You are awake, Lord" says Hendrickson, smiling. As well as Esmeralda.

"I am. Tell me Hendrickson" I look towards Esmeralda. "... and Esmeralda. Tell me, how many working golems do we have currently in the castle." I ask.

"200." both Hendrickson and Esmeralda speak, confused.

"Is everything okay, Lord." asks Esmeralda, worried.

"Oh definitely, for I have grown stronger. I have been enlightened you could... say." I speak, grinning.

"You are planning something, Lord?" asks Hendrickson, surprised.

"Drop the "Lord" when we are alone. You are my family.  You have raised me, took care of me, taught me and so much more." I say, smiling.

"Thank you and we were happy to do so." says Esmeralda smilingly, while making slight bow with herhead.

"Thank you, Vlad. We tried our best. As we promised your mother." says Hendrickson, smiling.

I approach them and put my left hand on Hendrickson's shoulder and right hand on Esmeralda's. "Thank you too." I say.

"I have a gift for both of you, but before that, I want you to make all the golems harvest every resources in the surrounding area, every magical flora, pelt, leathers, stones, metal, wood, every resource they can find that is useful and fill the storage in the basement. Although, make sure they replant all flora and keep some of the fauna alive to repopulate." I say as I drop my hand from their shoulder and sit at the table in middle of the hall and motion for them to sit, and they do.

"It will be done." says Esmeralda.

"Vlad... what gift are you talking about?" says Hendrickson, curiously.

"You remember when you both said how my presence felt like a Vampire Lord's but different, how I was far stronger than any Vampire Lord, especially considering my age. As if I am something beyond it." I say.

They both nod and they say "Yes, we remember."

"I am more, way more than any Vampire Lord. I can do so many things now, I understand so much more. I can even change a Vampire, I have sort of very strong connection with the mystical laws of our world..." I say

They look surprised. Then Esmeralda asks, "What do you mean change vampires?"

"I can control them, you know how Vampire Lord's have influence over newborns or sometimes can influence some vampires. For me it is different, much more powerful that I can control, change, erase, recreate, and summon them... well to a degree. And much more. I have ascended... but not fully." I say.

Both Hendrickson and Esmeralda raise their brows, surprised and frightened.

"Like in the legends, right? Which means you are almost a Transcendent Vampire... That is great, but dangerous." says Hendrickson worriedly, as Esmeralda nods anxiously.

"Yes, and I know it is dangerous. But I don't think we should be worried about that now." I say, confidently. I grin and continue by saying "Anyways, I am going to make you into Vampire Lords... after all, you have earned it."

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