Dragon Ball Z: Gohan Warrior of The Future

Chapter 2: Vol: 1 Ch: 1: Dark Future

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Age, 780, Inside Cave

"NO!!!" Gohan woke up in a cold sweat again, he had the same nightmare again, him transforming into a Super Saiyan after witnessing Piccolo die. 

Only for him to be knocked out by a Super Saiyan Vegeta who stayed behind with a Super Saiyan Raditz to fight that monster.

Then Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha dying later when they thought that by fighting together they would stand a chance.

Gohan thought that he could do something since he was a Super Saiyan, but he was wrong, he wasn't strong enough and he barely escaped with his life. 

"...sigh… it's been… 13 years since Piccolo, and the others were killed. I wonder how long I'm going to keep having these nightmares." Gohan sighed. Gohan looked around the cave they were staying in and saw that the fire had gone out sometime in the night. 

He got up and lit the fire again with a small ki blast with his finger. As the wood caught fire again, the light illuminated Ginnie's face and thankfully she hadn't been woken up by his scream.

Gohan walked out of the cave they were staying in and saw that it was still dark out. Gohan looked up at the night sky and saw all the bright stars in the night sky.

"It's beautiful at night… too bad it only hides all the destruction that monster has done." Gohan mumbled to himself, as he closed his eyes as the cool night breeze blew over him. Gohan took a deep breath and then exhaled, before he opened his eyes.

"...no … mom… sob…" Gohan heard crying as he turned around and saw that Ginnie was tossing and turning, she was having a nightmare too. "NOO!!" Ginnie screamed as she woke up too. 

Gohan was already reaching her when she sat up and looking around for him she saw he was already next to her, "It's ok Ginnie… It was just a nightmare." Gohan said as he looked at her, before sitting down next to her with his back against the wall.

"Did you have a nightmare too?" Ginnie asked as she sat up and crawled next to him, putting her head against his shoulder.

"Yeah, I did." Gohan said as he put an arm around her and hugged her. 

"...Do you want to talk about it?" Ginnie asked, looking up at Gohan.

"...it was just a collection of everything that has happened to me, to us over the years…" Gohan said, staring into the fire. "... What was yours about?"

"... Just about my mom… you know the usual nightmare." Ginnie said as she placed her head against his chest.

"We are both going to carry these scars for a long time. With enough time they should heal." Gohan said as he kissed the top of her head.

"... What are we doing tomorrow?" Ginnie asked as she closed her eyes as she hugged Gohan tightly.

"We are going to continue our training, maybe we can get you to transform into a Super Saiyan. After that we will see what the day has in store for us." Gohan said as he stared into the fire watching it.

"I like sleeping like this… it makes me feel protected…" Ginnie yawned as she slowly fell asleep. 

"As long as I'm still alive, I will always do my absolute best to protect you Ginnie." Gohan whispered as he kissed her forehead again before falling asleep minutes later.

Gohan woke up early and saw that Ginnie was still asleep so he placed her on the ground, carefully. Then he went outside and looked at the sky and saw that it was early in the morning, "I guess I can do a light exercise before she wakes up." 

Gohan started doing some push ups, sit-ups, squats, and a quick run. When Ginnie woke up an hour later and left the cave, she saw Gohan had just finished his morning exercise. "Hey, why didn't you wake me up?" Ginnie asked

"You didn't get enough sleep last night and you are going to need it for today's training." Gohan said looking at Ginnie with a smile. "I also didn't want to wake you."

"Next time wake me up too. I can't become a Super Saiyan if I sleep most of the day." Ginnie said, looking at Gohan.

"Haha… ok, now let's try and find some food and then we can train." Gohan said, looking at Ginnie who had started stretching.

Gohan thought that Ginnie looked a lot like her mother Launch, especially her facial features and her eyes. Although, her shoulder length black spiky hair, which Ginnie had tied with a red ribbon, remind Gohan of Raditz and her attitude was a combination of both of them.

"Ok, Gohan, that sounds good. Hopefully we get lucky and find something good today." Ginnie said with a small smile as she finished stretching.

The two of them flew into the air and started looking for somewhere they could find food in the wasteland. Soon they found a large lake, surrounded by a forest a few miles from where the cave was. "Let's try and find some fish," Gohan said, pointing at the lake.

"Fish again… can we try and find something else?" Ginnie said looking at Gohan 

"Haha… you are just saying that because you don't want to get wet." Gohan said, looking at Ginnie with a grin.

"...So, what if I don't want to get wet? It takes forever for my hair to dry." Ginnie said with a huff.

"Haha… how about this I look for the fish and you try and find something else to eat." Gohan said, "We will meet up here by the lake later ok?"

"That works for me, have fun smelling like fish for the rest of the day." Ginnie laughed as she flew away 

Gohan chuckled to himself as he flew down to the ground near the lake, "Don't want to get these clothes wet." Gohan said to himself as he sat down and took off his boots and wrist wraps that belonged to his father. Then he took off his Saiyan armor that belonged to Raditz and lastly he took off his dark purple pants that were designed after Piccolos. He placed the clothes near a rock.

Gohan walked to the edge of the lake and looked at his reflection on the surface, he couldn't believe how much he had changed, he was 23 years old now. He noticed that he could see a little bit of his father in his face, but the rest was all him. He was taller, about 6' now; he had grown up so fast and he had barely noticed. 

"... I better start looking for some fish before Ginnie comes back." Gohan said as he shook his head and dove into the lake. Gohan swam around for a while and was able to find two large fishes that looked good enough so he grabbed them and flew back up to the surface.

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Gohan had put the fishes to cook by the fire he had made, and had finished getting dressed when Ginnie arrived. "Gohan look what I found!" Ginnie shouted as she landed in front of Gohan carrying two large dead sabertooth tigers. 

"That's a nice catch, Ginnie, give them to me and we can cook it with the fishes." Gohan said as he went to pat her head.

"Thanks Gohan." Ginnie said as she handed the tigers to Gohan, "I'm going to see if I can find some fruit or something, be right back." Ginnie said as she flew into the forest.

When Ginnie came back, with some fresh fruits, they waited until the food had finished cooking, before they started eating. They both ate one fish and one sabertooth, with some fruit, "That was delicious, how about we rest for a bit and then start our training?" Gohan asked

"Ok that sounds good." Ginnie said smiling

After they had rested and were about to start training, they saw large flashes of lights in the distance. They knew what those flashes were because they had seen them repeatedly over the last 13 years.

"Gohan, it's that monster again isn't it?" Ginnie said as she flew into the air.

Gohan flew up next to her and looked at the flashes of light seeing the explosions in the distance. "Yeah it looks like it's attacking another city." Gohan said 

"We have to do something Gohan, we have to help those people." Ginnie said as more explosions flashed across the distance.

"You're right let's go." Gohan said as he flew off towards the city.

"Wait for me!" Ginnie shouted as she flew off after him.

"Be prepared for anything, and don't let your guard down. You are not a Super Saiyan yet so be extra careful." Gohan said as he turned to look at Ginnie flying next to him.

"I understand Gohan." Ginnie said as she looked towards the city, with a nod.

The explosions and flashes had stopped long before they had reached the city, so they decided to see if there were any survivors. Once they reached the city all that they could see was destruction. The buildings were all in ruin, most of them were nothing but rubble, Gohan and Ginnie flew over the city searching for survivors.

They saw cars and buildings on fire, as dead bodies were all over the place. "Gohan…" Ginnie whispered as she covered her mouth with a hand and pointed to a body covered in bloody holes. The body was of a mother who had died with her child in her arms. 

Ginnie turned away from the scene as tears slid down her face, but it didn't help much because no matter where you turned there was a similar scene.

Bodies covered in bloody holes, some had missing limbs, others were burnt beyond recognition, and some were crushed under buildings.

"It looks like that monster is no longer here." Ginnie said walking to Gohan

"Yeah, it must have left right before we arrived… let's split up and continue the search for survivors." Gohan said as he flew into the air. "Be careful, we can't sense it… if you find anything raise your power level and I will rush to you." Gohan said looking at Ginnie before flying off

"Right." Ginnie said as she flew in a different direction than Gohan.

Gohan had searched the city for a while but he didn't find any survivors, he did however find a boy walking through the city. The boy must have been about 13 or 14 years old, he had purple hair, and blue eyes.

The boy looked up at Gohan, as Gohan landed on a ruined building, "You're Gohan right my mom told me about you. Why is that monster destroying cities and killing people?" The boy shouted as he looked at Gohan.

Gohan looked down at the boy he hadn't seen for who knows how long, " I don't know Trunks, but we're doing our best to stop it." Gohan said as he looked into the sky as Ginnie came flying towards him.

"... There's no one left, Gohan." Ginnie said as she landed next to him, "Who's this… he seems familiar." Ginnie said, looking at Trunks.

"Ginnie this is Trunks… Vegeta and Bulma's son. He was just a baby last time you saw him…when my dad died." Gohan said, pointing at him. "Trunks this is Ginnie, she's Raditz's daughter." Gohan said pointing at Ginnie 

"Oh,... Right, I think I remember him. Gohan, it's getting late, we need to find a place to stay tonight." Ginnie said looking at Gohan

"Yeah you're right...Trunks let's go, I'm taking you to your mom." Gohan said, looking at him. 

"Gohan are you sure that's a good idea?" Ginnie asked, looking at Gohan. "He came here by himself and he can get back by himself." Ginnie said, looking at Trunks with a frown.

"Don't be rude Ginnie." Gohan said, looking at her, "Besides, it shouldn't take long." 

"... Fine Gohan." Ginnie said, looking at Gohan.

"Let's go Trunks before your mom starts worrying about you." Gohan said as he flew into the air, followed by Ginnie and Trunks.

"Where are we going?" Ginnie asked

"Capsule Corporation in West City." Gohan said as he flew off towards West City.


(AN: Here's the first chapter of the new fanfiction, I was able to finish it earlier than I thought. As you may have noticed there are a few changes I've made already. Like instead of androids 17 & 18 being the villains of this volume it's going to be someone else, I'm not saying who, you guys will find out soon. Also Gohan looks just like Future Gohan does. I wrote this on my phone so if you find any mistakes let me know and I'll fix them when I get back from my work trip. I will also probably rewrite it later.)

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