Dragon Ball Z: Gohan Warrior of The Future

Chapter 9: Vol: 1 Ch: 6: Gohan vs Android 13

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“Hello Boy.” 13 said with a grin, “It seems like you’ve arrived just in time.” 13 said as he stopped his attack and flew towards Gohan.

“… No… you still ended up killing too many people and causing plenty of destruction.” Gohan said, glancing around his surroundings, he saw burning buildings, cars on fire, and lots of bodies on the floor dead. The only bright side Gohan found if he could call it that, was that there were no life signs nearby so he could fight 13 here without worrying about more casualties.

“I’m just following orders.” 13 said with a grin.

“THAT’S BULLSHIT!!!” Gohan shouted before he took a deep breath calming himself knowing that he shouldn’t lose control of his emotions. “I’ve seen you disobey orders on a whim, why is this any different.”

“… True I can choose to ignore certain orders but when I do there’s this annoying voice in my head repeating orders over and over again it can get quite annoying.” 13 said grinning.

“Then why don’t you just destroy Dr. Gero’s supercomputer so you can finally be free. You’ve shown the capability of making your own decision, that’s the only thing restricting you is that computer.” Gohan said

“… No can-do kid, Dr. Gero made sure of it.” 13 said tapping his temple.

“… Fine I knew it couldn’t be that easy.” Gohan said sighing, “before we fight let me ask you, if you do mange to kill me… what then?” Gohan asked

“… what do you mean?” 13 asked.

“Gero has been dead for years, you said that you are following orders but they’re the orders of a ghost. You told me that his primary goal was to kill my father, but Gero was 6 months late for that, once he found out my dad was dead, he had you kill everyone who could possibly stop you, Piccolo, Krillin, Vegeta, Raditz, and the others. That made him change his primary goal to killing me.” Gohan said, “So I’ll ask you if you do manage to kill me, what are you going to do next… is Gero going to have you continue your path of death and destruction until there’s nothing and nobody left on the planet but you. What is his end goal, if he does manage to kill me, he’s no longer alive to pursue his goals so what is he going to do if you kill me is he going to just shut you down or what?” Gohan asked

“He…I… ENOUGH!!!!” 13 shouted grabbing his head shaking it, “Enough talking, I’m just following orders like I was programed to do which is more than I can say about 17 & 18. I don’t care about what happens next all I need to do is focus on killing you and then I can worry about what to do next.” 13 said

“17 & 18 there are more of you?” Gohan asked looking at 13 worried.

“… I shouldn’t have said that, oh well it doesn’t matter if you know about them.” 13 said letting go of his head and looking at Gohan.

“Why?” Gohan asked putting his guard up.

“Because…” 13 said grinning before he vanished and launched himself at Gohan throwing a punch, which Gohan blocked. “Today is the day you die.”

“I guess that’s all I’m getting out of you.” Gohan said throwing a punch at 13 who jumped backwards to avoid his attack. “… very well let’s do this 13.” Gohan said dropping into his fighting stance.

“… Yes, I’m done talking with you.” 13 said with a smirk.

Gohan didn’t reply as he vanished and punched 13 in the chest sending him flying into a partially demolished building. Gohan tried to follow but he couldn’t find 13 but he fired a energy blast at Gohan who knocked it away. Gohan lost sight of 13 so he flew into the air looking for him but since he couldn’t sense his energy Gohan had to rely on his other senses, he flew over the buildings straining his senses looking for 13.

The building below Gohan exploded outward into a cloud of smoke covering Gohan who felt someone grab his ankle, “Got you now boy.” 13 said before he spun Gohan around tossing him towards another building.

Gohan crashed into the building and as he was recovering, he saw flashes of light heading towards him, Gohan looked up and saw four energy blasts about to hit him. Gohan quickly countered the attack with his own energy beam destroying 13’s attack, Gohan flew up into the sky looking around for 13 who was no longer in the air.

“Damn it this environment suits him well; he has plenty of places to hide to ambush me and since I can’t sense him, I have to be on my guard.” Gohan said to himself as he looked around at all the places 13 could hide, the collapsed and ruined buildings, all the smoke in the air.

Gohan flew higher into the sky as he continued to look around for 13 knowing that he was waiting for Gohan to let his guard down so he could strike. Gohan closed his eyes and focused his other senses when he heard something from behind him making him turn around and he blocked a punch from 13.

Gohan grabbed 13’s fist and pulled him towards him and kneed him in the stomach, then attacked with a double axe handle to 13’s back knocking him down. Gohan then grabbed 13’s vest and yanked him backwards where Gohan spin kicked 13 in the stomach. 13 hunched over from the impact where Gohan followed up with a knee to the face causing 13’s head to snap up where Gohan then punched 13 in the chest, followed by a Saturday Crush that sent 13 crashing into and through several buildings.

Gohan flew off after 13 looking to finish the battle before he had a chance to recover or to transform, Gohan found where 13 had landed but he wasn’t there anymore all that was there was a crater impact in the shape of a body. “Damn it… where is he?” Gohan mumbled to himself as he flew higher in the sky looking around for 13.

Gohan didn’t notice a blue blur heading towards him before he felt something hit him in the face sending him crashing into the ground. Gohan slowly got back up shaking his head, “That last attack actually hurt me.” 13 said making Gohan look up and see that 13 floating above him transformed. “Ready for round 2 boy?” 13 asked staring down at Gohan with a smirk.

“Damn it.” Gohan mumbled as he stood up and wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth and spitting some blood from his mouth, he then took a deep breath before exhaling, “…  yeah, lets do this.” Gohan said as he transformed into a Super Saiyan and flew back up and faced 13.

13 smiled at Gohan as they flew around each other before they launched themselves at each other, 13 threw a punch as Gohan blocked it with his forearm, Gohan gritted his teeth in pain as the attack sent him flying backwards into a building, Gohan used the building to launch himself and countered with his own punch which 13 caught. 13 pulled Gohan towards him and then punched Gohan in the stomach causing him to cough up blood where 13 then grabbed Gohan by his shoulders and stared at him with a grin, before he started headbutting Gohan repeatedly, then charged down towards the ground and slammed Gohan into the ground.

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Gohan grunted in pain as 13 stomped on his stomach and launched himself back into the air, Gohan felt some of his ribs crack, 13 charged up his energy and fired a beam at Gohan. “Masenko!” Gohan fired his own attack at the 13’s as they crashed into each other causing an explosion. Gohan then flew threw the smoke and punched 13 in the stomach repeatedly, but the attack did nothing, 13 didn’t even budge an inch as Gohan kept attacking him.

13 just stared at Gohan as he attacked doing nothing just grinning at him, this frustrated Gohan he trained his ass off every day, and it still wasn’t enough. Gohan stopped his attack as he jumped back and glared at 13, “Is that all… I thought you would have more fight in you.” 13 said grinning at Gohan.

“DAMN IT! I’m still not strong enough. I’ve trained for years, and I still can’t hurt him after he transforms… I should have gone after him with everything I had when I arrived instead of trying to talk to him. I seemed to have picked up my dad’s habit of letting my opponent get a chance to turn the tables.” Gohan thought to himself, as he glared at 13.

“Well, if you’re done with your attack, I guess it’s my turn.” 13 said before he launched himself at Gohan, who tried to dodge but he wasn’t able to as 13 punched him in the stomach causing Gohan to spit up more blood, 13 then grabbed Gohan by his head and kneed him in the face, then he grabbed Gohan by his hair and just started punching him in the face repeatedly. Gohan tried to block the attacks, but he couldn’t 13 was putting more power into each punch, with each punch he felt his face cut open as blood ran down his face, his consciousness fading in and out with each punch that landed.

Gohan felt the punches stop making him open his eyes, but he had to close one because blood dripped down into his eye, 13 looked at Gohan before 13 let go of him Gohan crashed into the ground landing on his back, in the middle of serval ruined buildings. “Well, boy it seems like this is it and this time you won’t didn’t get a lucky shot off.” 13 said grinning as he flew high into the sky and charged up his energy to launch his T.H. Death Ball and fired it at Gohan.

Gohan saw the attack heading towards him, he could tell that it had enough energy to destroy him and the entire city, Gohan wanted to move to stop the attack or lead it somewhere else somehow, but he couldn’t move even if he wanted to, his body hurt too much so he just watched as the attack closed in on him, “This is it… this is how I die… I’m still too weak I’ve failed… Ginnie, Trunks… this attack is going to wipe out the entire city and everyone in it. I’m sorry everyone… I failed.” Gohan thought to himself as he watched the attack close in on him growing larger, Gohan closed his eyes waiting for the end.

“… IS THAT IT IS THAT ALL YOU GOT… WHERE’S THAT POWER YOU HAD WHEN YOU FOUGHT FREIZA… I WILL NOT HAVE YOU DISGRACE US… YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE PROUD AND ANCIENT SAYAIN RACE… WE ARE WARRIORS WE DO NOT GIVE UP.” Gohan remembered when he asked Vegeta to train him a month after his dad had died and a few months before the androids showed up. Vegeta didn’t want to, but Gohan told him that there was no one else who could help him get stronger and that he needed to do this.

Vegeta laughed at him and told him that he wouldn’t train him, but that Gohan would make a good punching bag for him. Vegeta then would fight with Gohan until he was unconscious on the floor. This didn’t stop Gohan as he would get back up and continue to fight with Vegeta, this went on for months even after Vegeta had become a Super Saiyan, Gohan would come back and fight with Vegeta again and again hoping to get stronger.

One day after their training Vegeta said something to Gohan who Vegeta thought was unconscious, Gohan had forgotten about that until now, when it popped into Gohan’s mind the moment, he decided that there was nothing else he could do but wait to die, “Gohan you are so much stronger than you think you are… as much as I hate to admit this you have so much potential inside you, I noticed it back on Namek. Gohan, you could become the very best of us, you have such raw power in you, but the only way you can harness it is if you never give up, keep training, and get stronger. Gohan, remember this, ‘The fight is not over when you lose, the fight is over when you quit.’… so never give up, never quit… keep scratching and clawing until you win, or until you breathe your last but at least you will die knowing that you made the Saiyan race proud.” Gohan’s eyes snapped open when he remembered that he saw that the blast was moving towards him as it grew larger.

“Heh… Vegeta giving me advice from beyond the grave, he would be disappointed if he knew that I was thinking of giving up and then he would beat me.” Gohan said to himself as he laughed and looked himself over, his armor was cracked in various places, his pants were torn, his knee was bloody, he had blood running down his face, he felt like some of his ribs were broken, then he tried moving his body and winced in pain as he found that he could still move his arms and legs.

Gohan willed his body to move and to stand up as he winced in pain, “I’m still breathing, and I can still move somewhat… which means I can still fight.” Gohan said as he managed to stagger onto his feet and stare at the blast heading towards him, he knew that this attack homes in on him, Gohan knew that he didn’t have the time or energy to lead it away, it was taking everything he had just to stand.

“If I can’t lead it away, I can only try one other thing.” Gohan sighed to himself as brought his arms to his side and started charging all his remaining energy as a blue light emerged from his palms, “KAAA-MEEE-HAAA-MEE-” Gohan continued to charge his energy waiting for the right moment to fire his attack.

“-HAAAAAAA!!!!!” Gohan shouted as he fired his attack at the blast, blue met red in an explosion of bright light, the two attacks collided with each other as Gohan gritted his teeth as he felt the power behind 13’s attack.

“OH! You still have some fight in you do you boy.” 13 shouted as he saw Gohan fire his attack and watched it collide with his attack. “Well let’s see how long that fight lasts.” 13 laughed as Gohan felt more energy flow into 13’s attack as it slowly pushed back Gohan’s attack.

Gohan felt his knees, and arms start to shake from exertion of trying to overpower 13’s attack, “… I can’t give up… I have to do this… everyone is counting on me…Ginnie, Trunks, Bulma, and everyone else in this city.” Gohan said to himself as he felt himself sliding back from the force of the attacks.

“Come on boy is this all you have, if you don’t do anything you and this whole city are done for.” 13 laughed.

Gohan felt his anger rising as he heard 13 laughing at him, he felt a power swelling deep inside him like the power he felt long ago back when Piccolo died in front of him. “I still have more power deep inside me, I need it if I want to stand a chance.” Gohan mumbled to himself as he tried to tap into the power he felt.

“AAAHHH!!!” Gohan shouted as he felt himself tap into the power for a brief moment, he was so focused on pushing the attack back that he didn’t notice that his Super Saiyan aura, and hair had changed, his hair spiked upwards as a single bang hanged in front of his face, and his yellow aura had blue lightning appear in it.

That quick moment was all Gohan needed as his attack grew larger and it overpowered 13’s and pushed it back towards him so quickly that 13 didn’t have time to move out of the way as it was on top of him in seconds. 13 couldn’t do anything but place his arms in front of him as he tried to send the attack back, but Gohan poured more energy into his attack as it carried 13 high into the sky.

Gohan watched as his attack continued to carry 13 away before he couldn’t see the attack anymore, Gohan fell to his knees in his base form panting as he looked into the sky for any sign of 13 coming back. After a while Gohan didn’t see sign of 13, so he dropped face first into the ground once he felt Ginnie and Trunks’ energy heading towards him. The last thing Gohan thought before falling unconscious was hoping that attack either killed 13 or that it did enough damage to put him out of action for a while.


(AN: This was another chapter that I had trouble writing for different reasons, in the movie 13 is shown to be able to fight head-to-head with Goku in his Super Saiyan form before 13 he become Super 13 and beats everyone.

I had originally planned for Gohan to lose his arm in this fight, but I changed my mind, now I’m debating on whether to have him lose his arm or not. I’ve decided to let you guys vote on it.

Gohan tapping into Super Saiyan 2 in this fight might not make much sense at first but don’t forget Gohan has been training with both Ginnie and Trunks for a while, and before that he was training with Ginnie, so he’s bound to have gotten stronger. Gohan hasn’t unlocked SSJ 2 completely but now he knows that he has more power inside him, and he knows that he must train more to tap into it.

Now that I finished this chapter, I’m going to focus on Gohan’s Multiversal Travels for the rest of this month, and I hope that you guys enjoy it.)

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