Dragon Road: How I Rise in My New Life

Chapter 13: Side Story 1: Life and Undeath, A Father’s Pride

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I am Sir Gaius Helmight, Royal Guard Captain sworn to protect his Majesty, King Nabolros – High King of Ellara.


On the last day of Ellara, His Majesty ordered me to protect the only path that led to the Five Dragon Sanctuary as he and all the Grand Magus in the Kingdom attempt to cast the [Mass Grand Teleport] spell to save as many of the people as we could.


Normally it wouldn’t take as much time with the help from the Grand Magus, but because the enemies have already entered the Kingdom, they needed to fine-tune the spell for it to work on only our people and allies.


Camilla will be safe as long as I can uphold my duty as Royal Guard Captain, so with that as my motivation and resolution I alone am left standing in the path to the Sanctuary. For three days and nights, I along with 50 of my remaining Royal Guards have denied entry to all invaders, forming a bulwark against the tide of enemies. Through blood, sweat, and steel have we fought. Many of our brothers and sisters have been lost, but they all died knowing they have fought with honor and for their Kingdom to the end. They have all done me proud.


At long last, I alone stood. For another 5 hours, I alone have fought. Hundreds and thousands of theirs have already died by our hands, and hundreds more have died by my hand alone.


“Hmph! My title as “Sword Sentinel” isn’t just for show you lousy curs! Come break your bones and steel against me! Show me if any of you have the power to topple the Last Guard!”


I roared as my spirit and determination peaked and didn’t wane. My fury and bloodlust crashed upon my enemies making them tremble. Readying my greatsword once more, I stand as a lone sentinel blocking their path.


However, before anyone made a move, a sudden loud explosion as if something was tearing through the air was heard coming from above and behind me.


As everyone was stunned, I turned without lowering my guard to see what was going on, and upon seeing the sky above the Sanctuary, I immediately understood that something went wrong with the Teleport spell.


Massive tendrils formed of darkness started spreading to all directions from a rip in the sky. Along with the rupture, the earth then shook greatly as if a massive hand was trying to break Ellara from its foundations. The tendrils soon expanded and formed something like an expanding black smoke that seemed as if it would devour the capital. The encroaching darkness soon descended and I along with the enemies behind me were swept away as if we were caught in a wave.




Intense pain wracked my entire body, but I barely kept my consciousness. I saw everyone was being eroded by the darkness as if hundreds of years have passed causing each one to decay quickly, including me. Surrounded by the dark cloud along with screams of agony while I maintained my unsteady gait towards my home, I walked on with only her in my mind as I called out her name…


“Ca… mi… lla…”



Time passed, and my consciousness stirred with the strong emotions I felt when the dark took me. I don’t how long I’ve been out, but as I looked around me, I understood that it was long enough for everything to be lost.


Trees… grass… animals… men… all that had life were nothing but ash and corpses around me. Some parts of the city lay in ruins due to the quake while darkness covered the sky. Soon, a loud, unearthly and shrill roar resounded from within the Sanctuary followed by its destruction. A massive creature I’ve never seen before appeared and roared once more towards the sky. It soon left leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.


Shaken from my stupor, I rushed to my home to see its state. My heart was cold since I knew the truth… In fact, I couldn’t feel it beat… My expression grew darker for every step I took…



I was standing before our home. Aside from the dead plants, it appeared no different from when I left it, but my body felt heavy as I opened the door. As I entered our room, there she was… on the bed with her arms over her chest… only bones remain…


“Huk!... Graaaaaaaaaaah!”


I wailed for who knows how long. Rage… Despair… Hatred… Sadness… dark emotions swirled within me, each trying to dominate my mind. I turned and saw myself in the mirror… a transparent face… and bones… and tiny eerie blue lights in my eye sockets.




Gaius! Stop!


As my mind started warping and losing its reason from the darkness, I suddenly heard a voice… her voice.


Suddenly, I felt as if I was bathed in warmth… warmth from the sun. I turned around and looked everywhere, but I could not see her, however, I could feel her presence.


Gaius… thank you… for your kindness… for your love… I was truly happy… but for now… goodbye... please… don’t lose… yourself… to the hate… do it… for me…


Her presence soon faded… Sadness took my heart once again… if an undead could shed tears, then there’d be a lake under me now… this time, however, I didn’t lose myself.


I loitered around our home afterwards. After some time when I felt the depression diminish, I went out and decided to check the state of the Kingdom. Apart from everything that was once alive, the important parts of the city were mostly in tact. I went to the Sanctuary to see the remains, but other than blackened bodies and the destruction caused by the earlier beast, nothing was worthy of note. I searched for His Majesty, but strangely enough I couldn’t find his body.


I then went to the castle but found it no different. The royal family was lost, and all the servants are dead. I then remembered what His Majesty ordered me to do before we proceeded to the Sanctuary. If ever the spell were to fail or His Majesty would be lost before it finished, I am to prevent the treasury from falling to the enemies’ hands. He told me the method to initiate the Destruction spell set onto the castle, as well as the location of the Kingdom’s Greatest Treasures. Since it was now pointless to destroy the castle, I decided to go to the treasures and safeguard them instead. I remember one of the treasures was the legendary Amber Dragon Ring, a ring whose ability was to store a great amount of wealth and resources within it. Making for that first, I stored everything of importance within the castle treasury. Afterwards, I made for the Royal Library and Head Research Department to safeguard our country’s knowledge. Not all wealth is physical after all.


After doing what needs to be done, I then noted that there was one last thing I needed to do – to stop that beast I saw earlier. Who knows what kind of destruction it would cause if it were let out onto the world.


I made my preparations and headed out to face the malefic beast.



I lost…


In a word… it was strong. Stronger than anything I’ve ever faced, even while I was a Royal Guard.


I was currently at my home recovering from my recent skirmish with the beast. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to be interested in undead and would only attack me if I provoked it. I need to find out more about that creature if I ever hope to defeat it. Since there’s no way for me to research it through conventional means, what I need right now is to devise a spell into order to find its weakness. I would never have thought of such a thing if it weren’t for the fact I’m facing something way beyond my power and pressed for time. I need to hurry if I’m to keep it here.


I opened some of the Magic Research documents and proceeded to learn quickly as I could.



It’s done! I completed the magic and after finding the beast, I immediately chanted it. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that the beast was actually His Majesty!


Being undead, I was able to converse with some of the newly formed spirits with strong egos to find out about what happened with the King. Unfortunately, most couldn’t give me an actual answer and some just vented their resentment.


I then reviewed the information I found from the [Status] spell I devised based from the research documents. Thankfully, it was a simple spell to learn that only requires a highly curious mind from the caster. Perhaps sensing my strong desire, the spell formed and provided the information I wanted. I was then able to write down the information and from it I gleaned that the Fallen King’s weakness is a strong source of Light such as the sun or powerful Light Magic. This would explain why the whole Kingdom is still shrouded by darkness. It seems the Fallen King is emitting it.


My only choice now is to utilize the Lake of Light stored within the Water God’s Tear. Although it looks like a small drop shaped blue crystal, it’s actually one of the legendary treasures the Kingdom possesses that was gifted by the Dragon God of Water. Despite its tiny size, it contains a vast lake of Healing Water suffused with Light Magic elements to purify poisons or dark curses. Corrupted by darkness, the healing properties will no longer work on the Fallen King and instead the Light Magic will purify him.


Now that I know how to stop him, the question now remains as to how am I going to keep him still. I pondered for a while until I remembered that the capital’s borders were planted all around with multiple powerful [Earth Prison] spell enchantments. If I can connect them to a single vast mana source and amplify their effects, they should be able to created a large enough prison. Connecting them with the World Vein that stretches beneath the capital should work. As long as I can prevent him from going out into the world, then it’s fine even if I imprison myself here with him.


Once again, I began to make my preparations for our rematch.



After several days, I succeeded in luring the Fallen King to the castle grounds. There’s enough room here for me to move and it’s the furthest from the borders. Everything was rushed and there were many unknowns, but I didn’t have time. Soon, the Fallen King will be attracted to life force outside of the capital, so I have to finish things here.


I activated the [Earth Prison] spells and threw the Water God’s Tear at the Fallen King. Unfortunately, as with all plans that are rushed, several things went horribly wrong. I underestimated the power supplied by the World Vein making the spell go completely out of control as earth and stone started forming at an alarming rate over the capital. If I were to describe it in words, it looked as if I was underneath a mountain that was being formed from above at a rapid pace. As for the Water God’s Crystal, I overestimated the rate at which the lake was being formed. As the crystal broke, the lake water flowed out, but only at the rate where it expanded a meter every minute. In other words, it was too slow!


The beast-turned-king sensed the properties of the water and simply left. The only silver lining in this endeavor was that it was imprisoned to the capital, but thanks to the earth forming over the capital, the Kingdom of Ellara will now probably be lost to history…


Suddenly feeling tired from this ordeal; I then walked back to my home depressed. Perhaps I could have planned something better despite the short time I had, but it’s too late now and it’s pointless to brood over it.


Over time, I found myself suddenly caring for what remains of the garden. It reminded me so much of my beloved Camilla, that I took it upon myself to bring back the garden she so dearly loved.


I kept myself busy over the years, but the lack of variety in activities and other stimuli dulled my human mind, and soon I felt myself slipping to the Decaying Corruption old undead are known for. It’s also pointless to commit suicide as an undead since my own attacks won’t work on me.


I don’t know when my mind blanked, but I was tired… tired from everything… giving in to the exhaustion, I then let my mind slip into unconsciousness…

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…Hm? …how long has it been since I fell asleep?... Hm!? I can’t control my body! What’s going on? Huh? Why is there a Dracovian child in front of me? … Wait! A Dracovian child!?


I stared at the child in front of me and I made no mistake, it’s indeed a Dracovian child! Why is it hurt? Huh? Did I do this? Ah… the Decaying Corruption… so this is what it’s like to have no control over your actions while being conscious of them… I wonder if this is how His Majesty feels?


As I was thinking of unimportant things, my body suddenly readied a familiar stance while the child in front of me looks like he couldn’t get up. However, I can feel his burning spirit at refusing to give up. Good, good! Keep fighting lad! Don’t give in even at the face of death! Please live and end my curse!


As I was inwardly cheering for the young dragon, my body soon charged at the boy. Why I know he’s a boy? Hah! I’ve been living in a Kingdom that coexists with Dracovians for years! Why wouldn’t I know? … alright fine, females don’t have a little horn on their snout.


In any case, just before our techniques clashed, I was surprised he decided to attack me with a Draconic Howl rather than his fire breath. Perhaps he realized that I was gripped by corruption? Haha! What a clever lad! With his spirit and cleverness, I’m beginning to like this boy! Perhaps I should raise him myself? Oh, what an honor it would be to raise one of the High Races!


I finally got control of my body back and decided to introduce myself and give him a greeting.


“Haha! I’ve been freed! Thank you my little young friend. I, Sir Gaius Helmight, the Last Guard of Ellara, am in your debt. Come! We have much to talk about in my many years imprisoned by death’s corruption.”


I showed him my spirit, but it seems he was more hurt than I thought as he only stared at me without responding. Did I perhaps hit him too hard on the head?


After a lot of staring, he finally fell face first on the ground. It seems like what I thought was him staring was actually the poor boy already fainted with his eyes open. Looks he’s more worn out than I thought.


“Hmm…it seems this poor dragonling exhausted more of his power than I thought. Very well, I shall take it upon myself to ensure he recovers then.”


I decided to take responsibility for what I did to the poor boy. Hopefully he’ll consent to being taken care of by me. After all, being an undead is quite lonely…



Oh, what joy! The lad has agreed to being trained by me! It seems he’s lost most of his inherited memories, so I’ll need to help him fill in the blank parts.


After a good morning warm-up I decided to tell him of our illustrious Kingdom’s history along with the world’s. Hmm… seems like he needs to build up more stamina if he’s going to last for the actual training.


I also just realized I still haven’t given him a name. At this point, my thoughts can’t help but get back to my beloved Camilla. A name she so cherished since it felt like ours were brought together. I just met the boy, but I can tell he has a good nature and I especially like his do-or-die spirit. Kind of reminds me of me! Hohoho! Very good! I have decided!


I shall name him Camus… since from now on, he is my son.



Several years passed, and my days were never dull. I was truly happy since I finally now know the feeling of being a father.


The joy of raising him to become strong…


The fun of teaching him the world…


The peace of fishing with him and tending the garden…


And the pride of when he finally beat me while I was at my best…


No words could express how much I felt for this young Dragon as he grew. And now that he finally accomplished my last duty for me and buried my body, I now have no regrets.


As my spirit was ready to ascend to the resting place of the fallen in the realm of the Gods, I was greatly surprised at who I found waiting for me.




Indeed. It was my beloved Camilla who was standing in front of me with a smile as warm as the sun.




I ran as a spirit could with all my might hoping to take my beloved into my arms once again, and as I neared her with a beaming smile…




I felt a hand chop to my forehead stopping me dead in my tracks. As I was rubbing it, I saw that my beloved was pouting with puffed up cheeks, in other words, her “upset” face.


“It’s great to see you again my dear, but what were you thinking slipping off and losing your mind again? Didn’t I ask you not to do so for me? Is that how little you care about my last words? Had poor Camus not been so lucky and fired off that wail, we would have lost him there!”


Urk… I do remember her saying I shouldn’t let my mind slip off again… but it’s not like I could help it…


“Also, what were you thinking when you were raising my poor flowers? Your handling of the tools was so clumsy, that it irked me each time you made a mistake and hurt the poor things! Thank the gods Camus had a more deft hand than you, or I would have pulled my hairs off if I could!”


Ugh… I could have sworn I was doing it right… now I feel embarrassed at the thought I was teaching Camus despite being less skilled than him…


“And one more thing…”


Looks like there’s more, but as a man, I stood straight and readied myself to take more of her word bashing… but to my surprise, she came and hugged me.


“I missed you so much, Gaius… how long have I waited to be able to be with you again…”


I teared up as I embraced Camilla as well… indeed… how long has it been since I’ve had the wonderful sensation of her in my arms.


“I’m so proud of you, and for raising our beloved son. Although he wasn’t born of me, I have watched the both of you for so long, and I’m truly happy with how the boy has become.”


I smiled as I looked at her tenderly. Soon, we heard Camus’ snicker and looked towards him. Urk… I think he just found the letter Camilla wrote to me. She then looked at me with a mischievous grin.


“Looks like he’s found the little bit about you and the piece of bread. Hohoho! I wonder how he feels knowing his father was also so silly at times?”


I sweated heavily due to embarrassment, as I didn’t really know what to say. However, we both soon felt a warm light bathe our backs.


“It looks like it’s time… I prayed to the Old Gods strongly to let my incorporeal form stay in this world until the day that you would join me. After all, it would be lonely to go ahead without you.”


I nodded warmly towards Camilla in acknowledgement. We both then heard a powerful but melancholic roar coming from Camus. Looking towards him, we both saw him slumped to the ground on his knees with tears in his eyes. It seems he’s finally read that part of the letter…


He raised his head and his eyes widened as he saw us. It seems the divine light of the God’s realm made our incorporeal spirits slightly visible to him.


Knowing he wouldn’t hear us, we simply smiled warmly as we saw him off.


Camus… Our proud son… Although the time was short, the time we spent was truly happy…


Go and live strongly along the road that you choose…


For our hearts are forever with you…

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