Dragon Soul

Chapter 1: Ch.1 Without Martial Soul

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Dragon Mountain, they believed a mighty dragon fell here, whether it’s true or not no one knows, and it doesn’t matter to Yang Yan.

To him, this mountain, filled with trees, is the place to sleep, under one of these tree shadows, a cool environment with the sun high up in the sky, an ideal place to sleep and dream.

His fair and handsome face, leaf in the mouth. His thin body, he put one leg on another, hands behind his head, eyes closed, sleeping.

“Lazy dog, wake up, we have to go, or do you want to sleep your whole life?” A loud voice sounded from the side.

“I want to sleep my whole life,” Yang Yan said , opening his sleepy eyes, and looking at his father. He never understood why his father always yelled at him.

He never made any trouble for his father, nor did he ask for anything, besides three times meals, and a blanket to sleep on, is this too much to ask? His father is the leader of the Yang Clan leader, Yang Jing, an Eighth Step Spiritual Meridian, so he can afford this much.

“Then you should die,” Yang Jing sighed, he moved to Yang Yan, and pick him, “But I can’t let you die, so come with me, today we have to check your Marital Soul,”

“Why don’t let me live a normal person’s life?”

“Son, Martial Arts dominate everything, power ruled over everything, in such a world, you can’t just sleep around, and do nothing,”

“But, what’s the point, I don’t have Martial Soul, so how the fuck I’m going to cultivate cultivation technique, be strong, and why the fuck do I want to dominate the world, the thing I want to is three times meal and a warm blanket to sleep,”

“Why did you become like this? You said you wanted to dominate the world, so what happens now?” Yan Jing sighed.

“Nah, who wants to dominate the world when I have more fun sleeping and having dreams,” Yang Yan said, as he looked down at the ground.

He did want to dominate the world, but without Martial Soul, how would he step into Spiritual Meridian, let alone Spiritual Meridians, he can’t even cultivate his body, the first step of Martial Arts,

He becomes sixteen years old, and all his peer’s way ahead of him, and his uncle’s son at the age of 12, become Spiritual Meridians, and now at the age of 17, he is 3rd Steps of Spiritual Meridians.

Yang Yan, dragged by Yang Jing comes inside the family hall, this family hall is big with imposing life like dragons and Phoenix carving on the walls, and the red carpet in straight move ahead to a high seat, and beside the red carpet many seats were placed.

Yang Jing put Yang Yan down, and Yang Yan look around and see his second uncle, Yang Ming, and his son, Yang Ling, and some other family members, but most of them were just sheep, so it didn’t mean much,

And then his gaze falls on a prime seat, where an old man, with a sharp gaze and white bread, with his imposing manner, looks someone powerful, that no one dared to look at, and his unfathomable cultivation base.

He is Yang’s family Ancestor, Yang Zhou, he stood up and looked down, and his gaze fell on Yang Yan.

Yang Yan looked at his ancestor with a listless gaze, he wants this to end soon and go to sleep,

Yang Zhou, come down and put his hand on Yang Yan’s shoulder, as heat waves inside Yang Yan’s body, something that explores his body,

Yang Zhou waves his hand, “You can leave.”

Yang Yan smiled, he knew he didn’t have Martial Soul, still many awakened Martial Soul at the age of 16, so he has to come here every month to check if he awakened Martial Soul or not,

But, now he is 16, and so he didn’t have to come here anymore, and since without Martial Soul he can't cultivate, he didn’t have a train or cultivate, he can spend his time sleeping all day.

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Smile in the face, he prepare to leave, when a voice travels to his ear,

“This type of trash, even smiling when he didn’t have Martial Soul. Is he worthy of living here, we should drive him out,”


“He can’t live here, just because his father is the Clan leader, he should either drive away or make him a servant.” The sheep make an uproar here.

Yang Yan’s gaze travel to this sheeps, he tilted his head a little and smiled,

“If you sheeps have any problems with me living here, then talk to my father, or if you want me to leave this family, then okay, I will leave, but do you know, my father will also gonna come with me, so, clan can afford to lose an Eight Spiritual Meridian,”

Everyone shut their mouths, and their gaze fell on Yang Jing,

“As my son said, if you want him to leave, then I will also go with him,” Yang Jing said, as he looked at Yang Zhou.

Dragon Town has three great powers, Yang Family, Zu Family, and Forst Devil Sect, and right now things are not great between the three powers, so losing Eight Spiritual Meridian is a significant loss.

“No one is leaving anywhere. Yang Jing is the leader of the clan, so he has the privilege to let his son in the clan even if he is crippled. However, he will not gain any cultivation resources,” Yang Zhou announced.

“I can’t cultivate, so these cultivation resources are useless. Just give me three times a meal, and a blanket to sleep on,” Yang Yan yawned.

A mocking laughter sound, looking at the person who is laughing, Yang Yan saw his uncle’s son, Yang Ling,

“You trash, if you don’t go away, then I won’t be happy at all, and so what would happen if your father leave with you, it’s not like our Yang Family will become weak if your father leaves,” Yang Ling said, as he landed on stage, and punch the Yang Yan in the abdomen.

Yang Yan simply steps aside, and dodge the attack. From childhood Yang Yan’s mind is always on guard, surprise attacks will never work against him, and in face of Yang Ling’s normal attack, it was a simple thing to dodge.

“What are you doing?” The angry voice of Yang Jing sound,

Yang Ling, sneered, “Just teaching a lesson to a trash,”

“As his father, I have the right to teach him, not you, so you better behave or...”

“Or...what?” Yang Ming coldly said, he is also an Eight Spiritual Meridian, and he has the same influence as Yang Jing, otherwise Yang Ling would not dare to speak like that in front of Yang Jing.

“All of you stop here, and things finished here, now leave,” Yang Zhou loudly said,

Yang Jing and Yang Ming look at each other before they bow down to Yang Zhou,

“Trash, watch yourself, who knows? You might trip down and break your bones,” Yang Ling whispered to Yang Yan.

“Thanks for the advice, now I’m going,” Yang Yan yawned, as he got out of the main hall.

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