Dragon World: Monster Tamers

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – One Step Closer

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Chapter 5 - One Step Closer


You have dodged Warp Snek’s Bite!


I skidded backward across the table from the momentum of my sudden dodge backward. Draconis had pitted the snek against me since it was close to my level. I was level 10 now and he was level 13. I was taking my time watching his movements and figuring out his attack pattern.

I dodge-rolled to the side and struck with my club. Jumped the tail sweep. I got in two club strikes as he recovered from the recoil. He warped back and spit poison at me, but I saw it coming. I rolled forward and knocked his tail right out from under him.

I’d played video games harder than this, I thought to myself. I’d fought the same boss a hundred times over. Perfecting dodge rolls and timing. It was the same, and the consequence was death and revival and to do it over again.

This wasn’t exactly like a game, though. After being healed and my level increasing to 11, he switched it up. His attack pattern changed. He started moving and lunging differently. 


You take 14 piercing damage from Warp Snek!

You are poisoned!

You are grappled by Warp Snek!


He was wrapped around my waist with one arm trapped behind my back. He forced me to my knees and I could barely hold myself up. My club was trapped. He bit me twice and then a fang pierced my neck and I coughed up blood. Everything went black.


The voice in the back of my head greeted me. Everything was dark and I was floating in a void. “What’s going on?”

“You died!”

“OK, what does that mean?”

“You’re in the system to be reincarnated, however you can be revived within the first 6 hours of dying.”

“What happens if you get reincarnated?”

I didn’t get an answer, instead I got a prompt.


You are being revived!

My eyes opened and I was staring up at Draconis. The wound in my neck was healed and I was at full health. The blood was still there, though. I could taste it. Feel it. My dress was soaked. That fucking sucked. I could barely recall floating in a dark haze talking to myself.

“Let's go again,” Draconis announced.

I didn’t lose again. I didn’t let myself fall into bad habits and patterns this time. I focused. After two battles, I got a new trait. After that my dodge was upgraded. With a couple of hours of intense battling and healing, I was ready.


You have gained the Analytical trait! You can now see more information about objects and monsters!


Your Dodge skill has become Dodge II


You are now level 17!


My body began to tingle and my skin took on a blue and acid-green aura. I stared at my hands. Were they smaller? I checked my hair. Seaweed? Worse! It was disappearing! Or was it changing? It turned to liquid between my fingers and grew out to my middle back. Strands of liquid hair that defied gravity, floating as if I were underwater.

That wasn’t all, though, all the hair from my body fell away and my skin became softer with a wet sheen when the light hit it just right. I could also feel a change in my vision. I could focus in on things just a little better and could sense everything around me. I could feel each item sitting on the table and each creature close to me. I could just sense the edge of Draconis’s head close to the table.

And that was with my eyes closed.


You have gained the Vapor Sense trait! You can sense things around you in your sphere of influence via the humidity!


You have learned the Rain Armor skill! Prevents burns and heals you each turn.

You have gained the Poison Blood trait! Your blood deals damage to monsters on contact!

You have learned the Poison Glare skill! You can inflict paralysis via sight!


“A little better, this glare skill isn’t bad but you still don’t deal damage. Weapons that deal magic damage are expensive, but it can’t be helped. We can check for breeding skills today too, they’re a little expensive but I turned a profit on one of those Shadopus eggs! It had maximum base stats thanks to you!”

My eyes? What about them? And he was selling my eggs? Buy me something to kill you with, sure, I thought. I looked at the status to check my progress.




Species: Superhuman (F)

Level 17

Vitality 148 

Body +14 

Mind +11

Magic +51

Spirit +37

Luck +15



Exponential Growth 

Water Element

Vapor Sense

Poison Element

Poison Blood 




Dodge II

Rain Armor

Poison Glare


The second page reflected the changes to my body. Why the hell did I get smaller?


Height - 4’9

Weight - 98bs

Eyes - White

Hair - Water, blue

Egg Type - Any

Status - None



Pink Dress

You are reading story Dragon World: Monster Tamers at novel35.com

Locator Collar

Owner: Draconis 



My first time in the city. He carried me in a ball around his neck this time, tinted so that I could see out but nobody could see in. He had the Horned Woofacle, the duck-thing, and his Shadopus alongside me. Apparently all battles here involved teams of 3v3 matches and it was some sort of official sport. How original.

There were buildings of all shapes and sizes, with domes and circular patterns taking the center stage. The city was built into the side of a cliff but many of the residents I saw could fly. There were two main types of dragons I could see, serpent-types and four-legged types. The serpent ones could fly even without wings. 

Seeing this reminded me of home and I was torn. On one side, how could I be mad? We’d colonized and herded animals and made games about these types of things. It seemed hypocritical to be against it only now that I’d been thrown into it first-hand. If I hadn’t come here, I’d probably continued to play those games forever and hardly given it a second thought. People bred animals, and bugs, and experimented on them on Earth. 

The only difference is I’m not at the top of the food chain here. We’ll change that. 

The first shop we entered was a painted dome that smelled of incense and leather. I couldn’t read the name on the sign. A pink-hued serpent dragon sat coiled at the front desk, glasses sliding down as she looked up. “Yes? Welcome to Maker’s Mark, I’m Gisella.”

“Hey! I’m looking to buy breeding skills or traits, thank you,” Draconis said politely. He was a little awkward. 

“Anything more specific?” 

“Oh, uh, something to speed up the process? Or increased capacity? Anything to help pass down traits?”

“Ah yes, now we’re getting somewhere,” she pulled out a book and began to flip through it slowly. She removed cards with descriptions on them and compiled them into a new booklet. Each had a price label and it didn’t look cheap. They started at 10,000 of something.

“I like the sound of this one,” Draconis pointed a claw at one of them. “Multi-Trait Breeding, breeding with multiple mates allows the combination of traits at the cost of a random pregnancy between them,” he read aloud. “What exactly does that mean?”

“It means,” the female dragon sighed as if she hated explaining things to every customer who walked into the door. “If you breed her with a Hypmantis, she’ll have a Hypmantis egg and traits. If you breed her with a Hypmantis and a Shadopus, she will produce an egg from either one but with traits from potentially both. You can do more partners at higher ranks.”

“Okay, that makes sense, I’ll take this one, and,” Draconis flipped through the booklet. 

I really don’t like where this is going. One at a time was bad enough! I didn’t want to rank up that skill!

“This one’s pricey but might get her something useful,” he bought the second one for a total of 94,000 something. He plugged a usb into the register and she produced two gems. They were light pink sapphires. 

“Take care now,” the female dragon waved us out and we headed to the weapons shop. 

The dragon in the forge was three times the size of Draconis. His building took up a large portion of the cliff face and it was incredibly hot. Weapons were everywhere of every size. Armor, too. 

“Armor isn’t allowed in standards, but single-handed weapons are. But only one.”

We headed over to the mid-sized weapons. Apparently mid was my size classification. Anything half my size was considered small, and twice my size was large. Their biggest weapons were labeled “Huge” and anything past that was a custom build.

“These Manacutters are nice,” he whistled at the price. “Better be worth it.”

And just like that, I had a brand new energy sword and two new traits that I very much did not want. 


Manacutter, melee weapon

      Focuses your Magic into a blade and reinforces it with your Spirit. Deals 59 - 131 magic damage!

You have gained the Multi-Trait Breeding trait! You can pass down multiple traits from multiple partners during one breeding session!

You have gained the One from All trait! When you breed with a monster type, you gain one of their traits at random! You can only gain one trait per monster type in that evolutionary line. 


That second one could be useful, I thought. Compiling the abilities of other creatures? Then I scolded myself, don’t think like that! You don’t want it! But I DID want to get stronger…


We stopped briefly at a domed building at the very bottom of the cliff run by four-legged dragons with wings that looked more for gliding than for flying. He was signing me up for a standards level 25 battle for three days from now. Single entry 1 versus 1 style tournament. The winner took home 5000 Dragcoin, a digital currency they used exclusively. I kind of thought a Dragcoin was like a dollar or something. I didn’t really care.

When we got home, to say the Manacutter was an improvement was an understatement. I two-shot the Warp Snek in half and went up to level 18. Draconis was pleased but took away my sword. I watched him carefully when he took it. The Analytical trait let me see names and health bars now but the Dragons didn’t have any. He stored the crate he called his ‘Battle Chest’ that he carried us around in with all his potions and equipment.

“Let's test out those new traits, then,” Draconis left on a quest to gather three monsters from their enclosures on the other tables.

Fuck. I was still conflicted. I needed the power. I wanted the power

He choose three that I had not seen before, but each of them was bipedal. I could read their names now. Chadpup looked like a hulking werewolf, Borgrre was a heavy-set monster that looked to be a boar-tusked ogre monster, and the last one was a Tribearatops, a half-bear-half triceratops. Each of the was easy twice my height and built like tanks.

Draconis dropped all three of them into my tank around me. I sat there, looking up at the three of them. They were already rarin to go. Three huge cocks dangled semi-hard right close to my cheek. I closed my eyes and took in a breath. It’s for the end goal, right? 

I took hold of the Borgrre’s cock on my left and the Tribearatops on my right. I gripped the bases tight. Chadpup grabbed the back of my head and shoved his cock forcefully into my mouth. I could have dodged, but I didn’t. I took turns riling them up, jerking them a little, and sucking on their cocks. 

For power, I told myself. 

All three of their cocks were against my lips, standing shoulder-to-shoulder around me. Tribearatops was the first to blow. He shot load after load of hot sticky jizz into my mouth. I swallowed without hesitation. Cum coming out of my nose was something I wanted no part of. 

I sucked off the Borgree and the Chadpup while the third had to gather get his gumption back. I felt they were both close when I was thrown onto my stomach. It didn’t take long for them to rip my dress off. 

Draconis was watching this time. I think I turned him on. 

Borgrre was the first to plunge inside of me. I cried out, muffled by the cock in my mouth. He and Chadpup pulled me back and forth between them, cocks sliding in and out of me like I was skewered by one long pole. I hung limp like a roast over an open fire between the two thick cocks. Borgrre pulled my legs, Chadpup pulled my arms. One in, one out. One in, one out. 


You have been restrained by Borgrre and Chadpup!

Gluck! Shhlap! Gluck! Slap! Gluck!


Cum flooded my mouth and insides, dripping down my leg. Dripping down my chin. It was unpleasant, but my desire to be powerful outweighed any urge to fight against it.

One from All trait activated!

You have gained the Thick Skin trait! You take half damage from bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.


The two monsters handed me over to the Tribearatops like this was a practiced procedure and he plunged into me next. I could barely breathe. He was rougher, pulling me aggressively up and down on his cock. I hung on to his horns and he gripped my thighs above my knees. His fingers wrapped all the way around.

I slowly descended into arousal against my best wishes. The consistent thump of cock inside of me was winding me up. When he thrust deep into me and released his seed, I matched his orgasm with my own. 

“Ffffffuuucck!” I gasped, hugging the horns for my life. My poor stomach!


One from All trait activated!

You have gained the Charger trait!  When moving in a straight line before an attack you build up momentum to deal additional damage!


He wasn’t done yet, and neither were the other two. Borgrre mounted me from behind as I struggled to hold on to the horns. The first few thrusts into my ass hurt like hell, but I was soon too overwhelmed by sensation to notice it. My moans became disembodied groans and high-pitched squeaks.

I let go and was held up only by their throbbing, orgasming cocks. I slid off them and they dropped me carelessly to the ground.


Their cocks flopped out and my muscles spasmed, pushing gush after gush of warm jizz out of me. I was on my side, completely exposed. The Tribearatops flipped me over onto my back and grabbed my left leg and arm, and the Borgrre was on my right doing the same. The Chadpup was mounting me. 

Last one, I thought. “Fuuuuuuuuck!”

It’s so big! 

He began to rapid-fire thrust into me and I squirmed. A moment’s reprieve had made me sensitive again. My breaths came in short bursts and I was becoming overstimulated again. It was too much. When his knot bulged inside of me I couldn’t take it anymore.

I convulsed and gasped for breath. My legs wouldn’t stop shaking. It died down slowly, but every slight pulse sent me into a spasm. I covered my eyes with my forearm. 

What am I doing? I was feeling a little guilty. I don’t have a choice. It’s the only way.


One from All trait activated!

You have gained the Keen Senses trait! Your perception-based abilities are improved!


I wish that was all that happened. They spent the next hour taking turns on me after Chadpup finished knotting me for the first time. Nothing was off limits. Draconis watched intently the entire time. I didn’t have a good view of him, nor could I focus that much at all.

 When they finished they dropped me like a ragdoll in a pool of drool and cum. My brain felt melted. I wasn’t sure I could move my legs. My throat was too sore to form words and my insides felt bruised. 


You have been impregnated! 


Draconis took the three of them away when they were finished, leaving me to lay in ruminate on my guilt. I pushed it aside for the last time. It’s the only way.


You have gained the Resolve trait! Your Spirit is strong! Your other attributes are boosted by your Spirit attribute!


That was it then. They wanted to fuck around and find out? She’d fuck around and kill every last one of them.


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