Dread Knight in Another World

Chapter 4: Instance 4

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A couple weeks passed after the incident at the bar, and things hadn't gotten better for Cazz, only worse. Firstly he had gained a fear of swords since he died twice by them, and the other was a fear of everything else as the reality around him repeated itself constantly, but not always the same. For example, three days before, another group of four people came to the village and introduced themselves as envoys of the local noble. They cautioned the villagers against an attack from some deserters of the army,  and even promised that whoever joined them in helping defend the place was going to be exempted from taxes this year.

Of course Cazz wasn't allowed,  and truly didn't want to join such a campaign, but he was definitely curious about what was going to happen, so he stayed closer this time to observe. As dusk was beginning to set and at the time the people of the village would normally begin to prepare for sleep,  about fifteen men came rushing towards the village. Most of them had only a spear and wooden shield in their hands,wearing only a gambeson for protection, but two of the attackers stood out as they were more armed and more armored. They had some good looking halbeards,  a one handed sword on their belt, a shield on their back, and even had chainmail coupled with a helmet. These men definitely weren't your ordinary brigands. They looked battle hardened,  and their actions definitely showed so.


The four envoys begun the battle as soon as the brigands passed the treeline, and began shooting arrows at them. The arrows rained down on the rushing brigands and managed to luckily wound two of the attacker's, but that didn't really stop them. They continued forward as ferociously as wolves, ready to kill anyone on their path, but the envoys seemed to have used their heads a little more this time. 

"Second!" shouted one of the envoys and immediately the five archers on the front were replaced by about ten other holding slings. They had been spinning their slings for the last ten seconds, and now were ready. 


Numerous stones of different  sizes flew toward the brigands as more than ten villagers threw stones with their slings,  and even staff slings. The rocks pelted the brigands once again, wounding some of them once again,  but the most important was that they became immobile targets. Once again several more arrows found their way into the brigands bodies...and so, in less than thirty seconds,  six of the brigands were dead or heavily wounded.

"Arggghhhh....wedge formation!" was heard from the attackers side as the two most heavily armored heavily men got to the front with their shield, and the others immediately followed back. They also held their shields in front of them , their spears forward and followed the leader stepp by step.

*tack tack tack....*

Arrows and stones pelted them again, but as they had become a smaller target, and were actively protecting against the projectiles thrown towards them,they reached their target.  The first to attack was of course the head of the wedge, and he of course he showed he was experienced in the art of killing.


He abandoned his shield as he was about five meters from a panicking villager who was spinning his slings as fast and hard as he could,  but  he wasn't fast enough. The man took two long step forward and he then thrusted with a muffled shout. 


The villager looked at the tip of the halbeard entering  and exiting his belly with fear, but his brain hadn't processed it until a second  later. 


As this happened , the man had moved on to the the next target, another poor villager who was looking on in horror. The villager tried to run back as he dropped his sling, but he wasn't  fast enough as the axe part of the halabeard fell down of his shoulder.


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From this moment on there was chaos as the villagers faced the brigands in bloody ose quarters combat,  and were failing miserably. It was a gruesome sight and Cazz really wanted to lock away from the battle and run to his house, but he needed to find out what would happen.


Two more minutes had passed and the ground was littered with dead corpse, drenched in blood , and screaming men. The others were still battling one another,  but it was clear that it was about to end soon. The four envoys who really hadn't fought until now were finally about to go into action,  and what a difference it did. 

Although the villagers were but cannon fooder for the brigands,  they still managed to tire them out and even kill se of them,  and that was enough for the envoys. Separating themselves in two they flanked from both sides the two most dangerous and most armored opponents simultaneously, and easily overpowered them.

"Oooooooaaaaa....." yelled one of the envoys as he held the decapitated head of one of the two leaders of the brigands. Seeing this the remaining brigands lost their courage....some throwing their weapons,  and some running to the forest they came from as fast as possible.


"We won, we wooooonnnnn.....

Cheering was heard all across the place as they seemed to have prevailed, but the envoys didn't seem that pleased. They wore a confused expression on their face as they didn't jut win the battle,  but instead forgot to take something before leaving the house.

Cazz was also confused.' What are they doing? Shouldn't they finish off the wounded one's first,  and then talk about anything else? Huh, why is the....



Before Cazz could finnish his thoughts,  one of the dead and unmoving bodies on the ground sprung up, tackled one of the envoys to the floor,and  it bit his throat. Seeing this scene all including Cazz who was watching from afar were stunned speechless. Unfortunately for the envoys several more dead people came to life and attacked  them immediately. The envoys of course fought back with all their might, killed and wounded some of the corpses, but they were ultimately killed.

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