Dream of the Eternal Lovers

Chapter 40: Chapter 37

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As soon as the doors opened, Lucy stepped out of the train and ran toward the railing. "I've only been to a beach once on a field trip. This place is beautiful," she said marveling at the view of the ocean in the distance

As Lucy was entranced by the glimmering water under the setting sun, Johan caught up with her a few moments later. "You know, that was an hour trip, and add to that the walk from the train station, it's going to be dark by the time we get back. In fact, I should have taken the car."

He might as well have been talking to the wind as his words just flew by Lucy, fully immersed in the atmosphere. Her excitement for the moment drove her to run down the stairs onto street level, forcing Johan to follow her frantic pace once again. From cobblestone to sand, she removed her shoes and socks to feel the warm sandy beach underneath her feet. So giddy she was with delight that with her shoes on hand, she ran towards the shore. "We have to come here some other time, Johan. I want to swim in the ocean." Expecting a response, she turned around to find that Johan was nowhere near her. Only looking upwards toward the platform where she came from did she spot Johan immersing himself in the evening sky.

With her shoes back on, she returned back to the platform. “Hey, Johan.” It was now him whose attention was elsewhere. Approaching him, a gleam was in his eyes as he watched the sun slowly dip into the ocean. "Isn't the sunset beautiful?" she commented.

"It sure is," he responded.

"Why not take a picture?"

"Don't need to. I have plenty of pictures of this sunset."

"You've been here before?"

"I used to come here on the weekends with my friends and meet up at the train terminal." He sighed "What happened to those times?"

Grabbing his hand, "Then show me around." This seemed to snap Johan out of his spell and upon seeing her eagerness to explore, he smiled and nodded.

She returned toward the shore to resume her playful run and gestured for Johan to join her. He obliged but it was clear he wasn't prepared for such an activity as he kept tripping in the sand. She couldn't help but laugh at how Johan struggled but eventually pitied him enough to finally calm herself down and takes things slowly.

A trip to the shops would be more his pace as both headed toward a small building. So many colorful and eye-catching souvenirs were being displayed but what caught Lucy's attention the most was a largely brimmed hat.

"Looks like I won't be able to afford it," she said looking at its price.

"You really want this?" inquired Johan. “I'm not sure if it suits you.”

“What do you mean?”

“It's rather large.”

She put on the hat and arranged it so that the drooping side of the brim was covering one of her eyes followed by a cute pose, "Don't I look amazing?"

Johan chuckled, "I guess I was wrong."

The comment was amusing enough to get a laugh out of Lucy as she placed it back, "But I wouldn't be able to afford it anyway. I guess my dad can buy it for me someday."

Both continued to explore the different stores, making small banter, looking at the wonderful variety of souvenirs, and laughing at Lucy's antics. Time just fizzled away as the sun disappeared into the horizon and the evening was concluded in a pizza shop where they ordered a slice each.

"I'm going to make it my life's goal to live near a beach," said Lucy. "I want to live in a house where I can see the ocean from the windows. Every morning, the sound of crashing waves and seagulls will wake me up, then I will go up to the window and pull open the blinds and the sea will welcome me with another wonderful day. I really want to do that."

"Then make the sounds of the beach your alarm and have a background of the beach on your new phone."

"That's not the same thing."

Johan chuckled, "Yeah, I get it. The beach sure is nice. It's great that I got to come here again."

"Hey, Johan. Does the beach mean anything to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You kind of look like you missed it. Can't you go to the beach anytime you want? I mean, you have a car."

"It's more like I have no one to go with. I'm not interested in coming here by myself. It's just not fun without friends." Johan looked outside the window looking at the moon exposing the dark sea as glints of light danced in the water below. “I've never been here at night, however,” Johan said, looking at the scenic view. “I guess I should have brought my phone with me”

“Don't you have it on you?”

“I left it in the car. It needed to charge.”

“But you left the car way back in the city.”

“Yeah, I should have taken my car after all. But in any case, Nothing's going to happen to it. It's in a parking lot so it should be safe.“

“Well, it's not like you would've wanted to take me anyway.”

He didn't show it, but the remark had restrained Johan from answering as he simply kept his sight on the view of the ocean shimmering in the moonlight. The same shimmering that reflected in each of Lucy's long strands of hair. As Lucy gazed at the ocean herself, he couldn't help but smile as he responded, “You know, I'm kind of glad I came here. I guess this wasn't a bad idea after all.”

She turned her attention toward him at the comment and he in turn was embarrassed by his own words that he turned his attention back to the window only to be brought back to her when she put her hand on top of his causing him, "I'll come to the beach with you whenever you want. Just call me, and we can go together if you have no one else to go with."

A deep feeling within Johan was surging. He wasn't sure about it, fearing it was one that would bring guilt and shame to him later. But when a feeling of serenity had lightly caressed him, a peaceful ambiance had calmed him. He smiled when he responded, "Lucy, you don't have a phone, remember?"

"When I eventually get one, silly!" she remarked followed by a laugh from both.

He turned his head to face the ocean once more to find the moon's reflection was now disappearing and the ocean merging with the dark sky. The only sign that the moon was still present was the illumination of dark clouds above that obscured it. And as Johan stared at what little remained of the moon, droplets began tapping the window.

"Is it going to rain?" asked Lucy.

"Looks like it, but why now? It was clear skies a few moments ago. I guess I should've looked at the weather report before I decided to go on this da-" He forced himself to stop before another syllable was uttered. "I think it's time we finally call it a night. Let's head back to the train terminal before the rain gets worse."

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They scurried at first and upgraded to a full run when the rain started to become denser. The once unfit Johan tripping on the beach was now holding on to Lucy who in turn was struggling to keep up. The rain's intensity reached its apex just as they entered the train station's main building.

"That was crazy," Lucy said with excitement. "The rain almost got us. Look at my sleeve, it's so wet."

"Yeah, that was so close. Just our luck that this had to happen. I wonder if downtown is also being drenched. I hope not."

After ten minutes of waiting, the train arrived, and another hour was spent returning to the city with the rain following.

Returning back to the city and exiting the train, Johan commented, "I guess I should've bought an umbrella after all. I don't see anyone selling any either. How am I going to get to my car?"

"We can try to stay as dry as possible."

"How are we going to do that?"

"We just try to walk underneath any covering."

"I don't think it's that simple. We'll have to face the rain once we have to cross the street."

"In that case, we'll just run."

"Running in the rain is dangerous."

"Walking isn't any better. We'll get sick if we stay in the rain."

"I guess we have no choice. Alright, let's go then."

From under the canopies of the train station, to the dense trees around the sidewalks, and into the covering of bust stop shelters, they reached an intersection, the real challenge of their trek. Enjoying their final moments of dryness under the awning of a hotel, the light turns green and the race against the battering of the merciless rain commenced.

They passed the intersection and Lucy pointed toward the parking lot of the train station, but Johan shook his head. "You didn't park your car there?" Lucy shouted through the rain.

"I couldn't. You only get a limited amount of time to park there. I had to go to a public parking lot."

Their sprint continued, the rain being worse than she anticipated as she nearly slips. Before her face kissed the pavement, Johan grabbed her arm and pulled her with enough force that she grabbed onto him. They paused for a moment as she looked up at him and he down at her. “Again?” she said as she started laughing.

“But we're both wet this time,” he said as he laughed.

Continuing their run, they arrive at another bus stop shelter where he took this opportunity to remove his jacket. "Take off your sweater and wrap it around your waist. You can use my jacket."

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine. It's not too far from here."

She accepted his offer and after 5 minutes of sprinting, they arrived at their destination.

"My keys are in the front pocket," Johan says standing in front of an automated kiosk. "You know what my car looks like, right?"

"Yeah, I do. Are you going to be okay?"

"This won't take long. Just head on over to my car."

“Alright. Be quick,” and she took off. When she spotted his car, she pushed the big button on the car remote and when the driver's side door unlocked scurried inside. She removed the jacket and sweater to toss them in the back. “My socks are so wet; I want to take them off. But I should be respectful. I'll just keep them until he comes back and maybe I can ask him.”

She peered outside through the warbled view of the window and saw the figure of Johan running straight for the driver's side. He tried opening it but the door would not open.

“Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry,” Lucy said as she reached to unlock the door., allowing him to access. "Wow, you're soaked from head to toe."

"This rain came out of nowhere,” he said as he turned on the car's heater. "Had I known, I would've worn something suitable for tonight."

"But it was fun running in the rain," Lucy laughed. "It felt like I was running for my life."

Johan laughed along with her, "Yeah, but unlike you, I'm not young enough to enjoy the rain. I'm cranking up the heat to dry faster."

Lucy calmed herself down and with a smile on her face, "I had fun today."

"Yeah. So did I."

He reached out his hand to her, which surprised Lucy enough that she started to blush as she grabbed his hand. Her embarrassment was too much that she had to turn her head.

“Lucy,” She could hear a subtle hint of embarrassment coming from his voice. “My keys.”

“Oh!” She nearly shrieked as she let go of him and placed his keys into his hand. The laughter was now even more profound that Johan was having trouble inserting the key into the ignition.

Once he finally managed to turn on the engine. "I guess you can't take the bus now that it's raining."

"Yeah. All part of my plan," she laughed even louder.

Johan nudged her with his hand, "Just tell me where you live, okay?"

The windshield wipers began swaying back and forth as the car backs away from the parking spot. With a smile on their faces and laughter in the air, the car drives off to end their little adventure.

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