Dream of the Eternal Lovers

Chapter 82: Epilogue

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He's so late,” Margaret commented. “How can someone be late to their own birthday party?”
Calm down,” said Wendy. “He likes to look good for formal meetings.”
This isn't that formal. I mean, you're wearing nothing but sweats and a tank top, which by the way, I've never seen you wear such a thing. You usually cover yourself up.”
Oh, yeah... I'm kind of changing things up with myself.”
Is that so?”
Don't look too much into it, okay?”
At this time, Francesca and Hera arrived on the scene. “Hey guys,” Wendy said. “You're finally here.”
We sure are.,” Francesca said.
Hi Wendy,” Hera said. “You sure look different today.”
Don't look too much into it,” Wendy replied. “Anyway, we're still waiting for Johan.”
He's not here? But it's his birthday party.”
He's just running a bit late. I'm sure he just wants to look nice for today. You know how he is. He likes suits.”
Hey, there he is,” Margaret said seeing Johan approaching them wearing a grey coat over a sweater. “Fashionably late, aren't we?”
Johan laughed a bit. “What can I say? I do love my suits.”
You had us waiting for an eternity, Johan.”
It wasn't that long,” Wendy said. “She's exaggerating.”
Oh, Wendy," Johan said, "that's quite the choice of clothing you have there.”
Don't look too much into it, okay?”
At this time, Francesca and Hera approached him. “Hi, Johan,” Francesca said.
Hi. How are you doing?” He responded.

We're doing well. How are you doing?”
I'm doing quite well myself.”
Wow. You seem like a changed man. The last time I heard from you, well...”
Don't tell him, Francesca,” Hera said.
I'm just feeling too guilty to keep it for myself.”
What's going on?” Johan asked.
I'm sorry but I must confess,” Francesca said. “I've had a bad feeling about you, that you don't support our relationship or people like us. I even wanted to throw away the invitation that Wendy gave us, but I wanted to let you know in person. I'm sorry but I truly felt offended by your mannerism toward us.”
I don't blame you. I was quite rude. I was going through some terrible emotions at the time. But now all is clear to me and realized that I was being so judgmental because I was denying myself.”
What do you mean denying yourself?”
Well, Francesca, Hera,” he then turned around, “Wendy, Margaret, I fell in love with a girl but I was pushing her away because I thought I was not allowed to be with her. Everyone kept telling me that I should be nowhere near her, and it was making me miserable and that misery was spreading to everyone around me. The last few friends I have, I almost lost them. It finally dawned on me that something was not right and it was me. I was wronging myself as I was to others. I have accepted myself and realized the error of my ways. Francesca, Hera, I apologize deeply. I now realize that I was being a fool. I am turning a new leaf and will never treat anyone that way ever again. Will you forgive me?”
Oh my, Johan. I never thought you would actually have a change of heart. I can truly feel that you have changed.”
I always knew you had it in you,” Hera said. “You're a good guy deep down and I felt that you were going through some issues. I'm glad that you have learned your lesson. We should never judge a person by what they are but by who they are. I'm glad you learned that lesson.”
Don't thank me. I was being so lousy that I don't deserve your thanks. I'm just glad that I can finally move on with my life.”
Alright, alright already,” Wendy interrupted. “Let's finally get this party started. Let's head on over to the park then.”
Actually, before we go, I have someone I want you guys to meet.” Johan turned around and made a signal with his hand. In the distance, out of his car, someone came out and started running towards them.
The rest of the group was quite surprised to see a girl running towards them. Even more so when her appearance started to become clear.
Guys, I want you to meet a friend of mine.”
His guest was now standing in front of everyone in the group. “Hi. My name is Lucy. Nice to meet you all. Sorry, I'm a bit nervous to finally meet Johan's friends.”
Confusion was now surrounding the group as they all looked at each other. They wanted to say something but they could not find the words to express how they were feeling, nor could they even describe what this feeling was.
Well, hi!” Wendy said with enthusiasm. “Wow, I didn't know you made another friend, Johan?”
Um... hi,” Margaret said with apprehension. “Nice to meet you... Lucy.”
Well, Hello,” Francesca said, a bit nervous. “It's nice to-”

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Hold on a minute!” Hera interrupted. “What is this kid doing here?”
I beg your pardon?” Johan responded.
Hey, if you got a babysitting gig, that's fine, but you can't bring her along to an adult party.”
Hera!” Wendy said. “That's quite a rude thing to say.”
Whose being rude? He can't bring a kid out of nowhere without telling us.”
Hera, what's the matter?” Francesca asked concerned.
Look, I'm fine with Johan making new friends, but what's with this kid? This is just weird and creepy.”
There's nothing creepy about her,” Johan said.
No, this is unacceptable. You can't bring a baby to an adult outing. This is completely inappropriate.”
Excuse me,” Lucy spoke up, “but I don't appreciate being talked down upon.”
Hey, who do you think you are, talking to an adult like that?”
Now wait a minute,” Johan said, “where is this coming from?”
I agree,” Margaret said. “I mean, I must confess this is a... surprise to say the least, but you're going over the line, Hera.”
That's right,” Francesca said. “You need to calm down.”
I can't believe what I'm hearing! You're seriously going to bring a child to an adult party? We could go to jail!”
There's nothing inappropriate at the party,” Wendy said. “It's safe for everyone to come.”
You're all crazy! We're going to jail if we bring her along.”
Hera, that's enough!” Francesca said. “Margaret is right, you're out of line.”
Me? I'm the only one making sense here! Besides, I don't want to lower my standards to a snot-nosed brat.”
I am not a snot-nosed brat,” Lucy said.
You're still talking back to an adult? Where are your parents anyway?”
Hera, that's enough!” Johan shouted, shocking everyone. “First off, this is my birthday and I can invite anyone I please. Second, she's my friend and it doesn't matter who it is, I don't want anyone talking back to any of my friends. Third, we just finished having a talk about not judging people, and here you are completely forgetting that lesson. Finally, if you don't like her, that's fine; you can take your leave.”
Hera could only stand there, both stunned and livid, as the veins around her body started popping out. Francesca grabbed her and started pulling her away. “Come on, let's go home.”
Did he just-”
Yes, I know, but let it go already.”
Wendy and Margaret just stood by, momentarily frozen, as they looked at Johan with both shock and amazement. Then towards Lucy.
Well, I guess more room for me then?” Lucy replied with a smile.
It was a weak reply but enough to break the tension as Wendy began to laugh. “Man, she really got Hera worked up.” Walking up to Lucy, “My name is Wendy.”
Oh, you're Wendy. Johan told me a lot about you.”
Oh? Like what? Nice things, hopefully.”
Uh... well... let's just say we should get to know each other... uh...” Lucy's eyes were darting up and down at the figure before her. “Sir... or ma'am?”
They/them,” Johan whispered to her.
Wait, how does that work again?” Lucy whispered back.
Forget the formalities,” Wendy said. “Let's just do what she suggested and get to know each other. Come on, the parties waiting for us.”
Yes, I agree,” Johan said. “We wasted enough time. Let's just have some fun.”
Yeah, I can't wait,” Lucy responded. Johan placed his hand over Lucy's shoulder and both headed towards the park.
Wendy was following before Margaret pulled them back. “Johan's friend.”
Yeah. That's what he said.”
How old is she?”
Wendy scoffed. “Does that even matter? Johan made a new friend. That's all I care about.”
Her name is Lucy.”
Yeah, I heard.” Wendy looked on at the two ahead of them, chatting with each other, and laughing. Johan made a remark that made Lucy blush with embarrassment as she pushed Johan playfully before running back into his arms. Come on, we're here for a party. Let's go join and get to know our new friend, Lucy.”


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