Dream of the Eternal Lovers

Chapter 9: Chapter 7

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Had her eyes bulged any further, they would have popped out of their sockets. When she confirmed that the words she read were not an illusion, she covered her mouth and got out of her seat. It only took a few readings for the words to etch themselves into her mind as she mentally repeated them to herself.

Hello, my name is Johan and this is my first blog. I'm not sure how to start this but I was having trouble finding answers to a dilemma I am having. I've searched online many times but could not find an answer that was satisfactory. It's about dreams and I was hoping someone could help me.

Ever since I was young, I've been having very peculiar dreams. What makes them different than any other is that there is a girl that has been constantly appearing in them. Always the same, no matter what the circumstances are in each one, she's always been there. But that's not all as I also dream of a man. He is not me, but I always take their role and they are very much in love. And every single dream where the two try to live together as a couple, something terrible happens and both end up losing their lives.

But the dreams don't end there. Some of them are stranger than usual. I had a dream the other night where I was standing in a strange world that was being torn apart. We were running toward each other while the world around us was being destroyed. Before we could reunite, we were torn apart and thrown into the darkness.

I know about dreams having meaning but none of the explanations online have helped me in figuring out what is going on with me. These dreams feel much more than just visions in my head, like my mind is trying to figure something out, I just don't know what exactly.

I'm hoping someone out there can help me.

Thanks for reading.

She felt her heart beating frantically while pacing around the room. “This can't be real,” she told herself. “But this can't be a trick either. Nobody knows about this. Maybe my old friends...? No, they probably forgot. They didn't even care back when I told them. Besides, I haven't heard from them in weeks and probably never will. So what is this?”

She walked up to the window and placed her hand on the glass. Her own reflection stared back with a melancholic expression. Looking past the dismal display, she concentrated her sight on the emptiness of the night sky. All was clear, not a single object present in the darkness above. Not even the moon showed itself from her vantage point. She had to open the window and poke her head out to find the exception in the form of two dots. Both were specks with one being large and vibrant compared to the other. “A planet and a distant star.” The planet lit so boldly contrasted the tiny star with its faint glow. Despite the distance, they stood side by side, one protecting the other, twinkling in the dark void of space.

She pulled herself back into the room with her mind adrift. She conjured images of pretty dresses, hair knots, and blushes on cheeks. An image of fashionable attire on a dashing young man full of masculine energy, holding her hand gently was welcomed. She hopped on the field of grass and twirled as the dress expanded in the wind. She played a lovely melody on her flute as she and he danced the night away. Both could not help but laugh as they had an amazing experience they never wanted to end.

LUCY, KNOCK IT OFF!” Her mother's yelling startles her back to reality, forcing her to pull the flute's lip plate out of her mouth. “I'M TRYING TO SLEEP AND YOU'RE GOING TO WAKE UP THE NEIGHBORS! KNOCK IT OFF!”

Yeah, okay,” Lucy responded. The yell gave her a shock that caused her heart to beat in a frenzied rhythm. She felt something rolling down her cheek. Pressing her finger on her temple, a single tear was felt. She had no desire to cry nor was she struggling to keep her tears in check as before. Not a hint of sorrow presented itself as a smile was on her face.

Putting the flute back on its case, she ran to her computer, went through the blog, and found Johan's profile. The majority was empty with not even an avatar uploaded as he was using a default profile image. Only one piece of information could be found and it was the one she needed, his email. Copying the address, she opened up Gmail. Like tiny pistons, her fingers tap on the keys as her emotions pour out.


Hello Johan,

My name is Lucy and I just read your blog post. I am completely shocked at what I just read. I couldn't believe it because you have just described what I have been going through. I've also dreamed about a mysterious couple for as long as I could remember. You've mentioned them perfectly. I also dream of a girl and I also take her role. I also dream of a man and they are in love with each other. You even dreamed about that world that gets destroyed. I totally had a dream like that a few nights ago. I felt like I was in a place where everything was falling apart. It feels so unreal.

I really don't know what to say. This is too good to be true, but I can't figure out how else to explain this.

You are reading story Dream of the Eternal Lovers at novel35.com

Please, Johan, can we talk? I really want to know more about you.


This must be a prank of some kind,” was Johan's opinion. “There's no way this is real. I was joking when I thought someone else was having the same dream. In fact, this has to be a joke. I'm sure this Lucy is teasing me.“

His previous state of dismality had now become an annoyed temperament. “I shouldn't be putting my hopes up so easily. After everything that has happened, a joker just had to fool around with me.” Docking the phone back into the charger, he turned the car engine on, grabbed the hand brake, and gripped it. He could feel the phone staring at him, laughing at him, judging him, making him feel insignificant as the little orange light stared back. “I'm tired of all this foolishness. I'm not going to let some troll get the best of me.”

He goes back to the Gmail app, tapped reply, and unleashed his fury.

You are a most rude person to claim that you can be sympathetic with me when I am being genuine in my plight. You madam, or sir, whatever you prefer, are of a most unscrupulous and uncouth nature that I feel sullied that I must live on the same planet as scoundrels such as yourself. Here I am, waiting for answers to my predicament, and you take time out of your day to mock me when you could be using such a time to...

Not another word further as Johan stared back at what he wrote. He sighed, “The faux prose. I keep forgetting to keep the language simple. But I don't want to reduce myself to this charlatan's level.” All that he wrote down was erased. “Imagine the dichotomy this would create should I have sent it. That would probably teach them a lesson on writing properly.”

He laughed a bit at the notion as he read again the hastily made email with its sloppy writing. “So this Lucy wants to make fun of me, huh? What would happen if the tables were turned. How about I have some fun with this person. So, Ms. Lucy, if that is your real name, if you truly are having the same dream as I am, then get a load of this.”

Dearest Lucy,

Thank you for your response. I am quite surprised that your dreams are just like mine. Perhaps you can also tell me about the dream I had earlier today? Since we both share the same dream, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

Waiting to hear from you,


With a smile on his face, he docks the phone on the charger, restarted the engine, and drove off. 'I don't want to condone anything ill to anyone, but I can't deny that I feel better.' A good vibe was upon him as he drove on but remorse continued to linger within him. 'Am I really jealous? I can't believe I acted that way in front of Wendy and their friends. Maybe I should be honest too. But... this isn't the same thing.' The phone's jingle interrupted his thought process. He glanced at the phone to see a response. “Are you kidding? She actually responded?” He smirked as he parks the car.

I'm just being silly at this point. I really shouldn't entertain this troll. But what the heck. It's better than being miserable.” He unlocked the phone and Gmail appeared instantly with a reply from Lucy.

You mean the dream of the girl who was to marry a fat guy named Erick? Yeah, I had that dream earlier this morning. I didn't understand it at first but later in the day I collapsed and had it again. Now it was clear to me and I feel sad when I think about it. The poor girl died trying to save her boyfriend. It makes me feel sad when I think about how that arrow shot her heart.

The phone slipped from his hand and dropped onto his lap.

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