Drunk in Douluo

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: System function

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[In case you still don't understand, I will give you an example for your current body right now.]

The system said as a transparent screen popped up in front of Long Rui causing him to think that they really look like those ads that just randomly pops up.


Name: Long Rui

Age: 1yr old 3 months

Martial spirit: Unkown

Spirit Power: Rank 3 Spirit trainee

Cultivation Technique:

Spirit Rings:

Skills:                                                            ]

[Since you have not cultivated yet or awakened your martial spirit it just looks like this.]

' So my Martial spirit is unknown because I have not awakened it yet and is rank 3 spirit trainee my innate spirit power?'

[Yes host, the Unkown will change when you awakened your martial spirit, and the potential of this body is really low since it's only rank 3, but at least you have spirit power tens of thousands of people out there don't even have spirit power.]

[Well moving on the second function is the inventory, which has limitless space you can put anything in here from rewards from the system to the daily necessities outside inside the inventory.]

[Anyway here is what it looks like] 

Another transparent screen replaced the status screen in front of Long Rui.


Novice Gift pack X1]

'How do I access the things from the inventory?'

[Just think about the item that you want to retrieve and it will either appear in your hands if it's small or in front of you if it's big.  If you want to put something inside just touch it and think of putting it inside the space and you will be done.]

[Why don't you open your gift pack to have a try?]

[Open the Novice Gift Pack?

                 Yes/No                     ]

[Just answer yes in your head.]


Long Rui thought and then a bright green light went out of the screen and went into his head. A stream of knowledge flowed into his head, imprinting a cultivation technique inside his memory so that he won't forget it.

'Gaia's Embrace' is the name of the technique, it is a life attribute cultivation technique. Cultivating this technique grants the user a tough body and strong vitality, stamina, and regeneration. It also allows the user to heal others, will be able to upgrade the life attribute to the ultimate level at rank 50, and condense a complete domain at rank 70.

[Host it seems that your martial spirit will be a life element martial spirit. As the gift pack will give a cultivation technique that is the most suitable for the host. That means that the martial spirit of the host is life attribute since it's the most suitable element for the host based on the given technique.]

'Will my martial spirit be a healing spirit since it has life attributes?'

[Host you may have a wrong interpretation of the life attribute. Although it is true that the life attribute can heal it is only a small part of It. The life attribute can also detoxify poison, purify debuff, and the greatest they can also attack and defend with plants.]

'So my martial spirit can be developed like Tang San's blue silver grass?'

You are reading story Drunk in Douluo at novel35.com

[Yes as the wood element is under the life attribute, But I didn't think host that you are that obsessed with Tang San that you want to copy him.]

'I'm not obsessed with Tang San! I'm F*cking straight!!'

[If you say so.] 

The system is not convinced by the excuse.

[Moving on to the third function the Appraisal function.]

'so like a Pokedex?'

[sort of, anyway it shows you the information on the people, spirit beast, things, and tools you want to identify.]

Long Rui tried the Appraisal function by identifying the ceiling.

Another screen popped up and replaced the inventory screen.



  • It's made of wood? What else do you expect?]

'It's very blunt'

[Of course, it's a ceiling that is clearly made of wood? do you expect me to tell you that is made of dragon bones?]

[If you identify the old man earlier it will be presented like this.]


Name: Jack

Age: 67 Yrs/old

Martial spirit: Carrot

Spirit Power: 0

Cultivation technique:

Spirit skills:                                         ]

'It doesn't display skills?'

[well it's the same as the status without skills because this old man doesn't have any skills]

[and if it's a spirit beast that you appraised instead of martial spirit and spirit skills. It just displays what skills you can have if you absorbed the spirit ring.]

'OK, what's the last function?'

[Of course, the last function of the great me is the reason why I am called the fate altering system, the main function is to alter the plot and get rewards from it, such as spirit rings, spirit bones, or items from another world.]

'Can you specify that items from the other worlds?'

[The otherworlds that I spoke of are those that you watch and read in your last life it could be from a novel or from an anime. It's just completely random though.]

[That's all for the functions I have, Now you don't have to say it. I'm really great Aren't I?]

Poor MC is stuck with a narcissistic system HAHAHA.

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