Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1322: 1322

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All the six figures ran towards Qingyang. They didn't recognize Qingyang as the enemy of ghost he immortal and wanted to live before they came to him. They were controlled by ghost he immortal by some means. At this time, as the helper of ghost he immortal, they ran towards Qingyang together.
Before, Qingyang could only see the back of the six people who dug the cave. Now they came together, and the faces of the five or six people were immediately revealed. Among the six people, Qingyang saw two acquaintances, one of whom was naturally the master Shi Han he was looking for this time, and the other was the real ghost Xia who ran away with Qingyang at the ruins.
Two years ago, master Shi Han and real crane cloak fled separately. Master Shi Han still didn't escape the pursuit of magic Jiao after all. Maybe magic Jiao was full of three people before, or immortal Guihe didn't have the labor to dig a cave. He explained in advance. Magic Jiao just hurt master Shi Han and didn't want his life, but was controlled by immortal Guihe.
As for immortal Guixia, immortal Guihe didn't kill her immediately after catching her in the ruins, but took her as a hostage and brought her to Oolong lake. Later, she may feel that keeping her is more effective than killing her, so she has lived to the present. Of course, immortal Guihe hasn't let immortal Guixia or dig a cave in recent years. Most of the things are her efforts.
Not seen in more than 40 years, master Shi Han's accomplishments have been raised to the sixth level of the golden elixir, mainly due to the cold pool in the yin-yang valley. However, immortal Guixia's accomplishments are slightly worse, only five levels of the golden elixir. That is to say, she has only improved one level of accomplishments in the more than 30 years since she separated from Qingyang. It seems that she has suffered a lot in the hands of immortal Guihe in recent years and has not practiced well.
In addition to these two people, the remaining four Qingyang don't know each other. They are either attracted by the vision of Oolong lake, or they inadvertently broke into this place in the past two years and were caught as coolies by immortal Guihe. Their accomplishments are also on the sixth and seventh floors of Jindan. Those with higher accomplishments are rare near Yinyang valley. I'm afraid those with lower accomplishments are all in the mouth of magic Jiao.
The six people also have one thing in common, that is, everyone's face looks blank, as if they don't have any feelings, and their actions are slightly slower than usual. I don't know what means immortal Guihe used to control it. Immortal Guixia and master Shi Han didn't recognize the opposite Qingyang, but took the lead to attack Qingyang, as if they met the enemy of life and death.
No wonder before, immortal Guihe knew that he was not necessarily Qingyang's opponent and spoke so confidently. It turned out that he had these helpers around him. These six Golden elixirs add up to a lot of power. They can help immortal Guihe a lot during the scuffle, especially two of them are Qingyang's acquaintances. Qingyang's strength will certainly be affected under the taboo.
However, this is not the time to consider these. I can see that the six people attack themselves together. Qingyang has no time to display the five element sword array. He can only sacrifice five giant swords at the same time to block the attack of five of them. As for the rest, Qingyang can only stimulate the snake spirit armor to resist hard.

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Qingyang's five giant swords are a complete set of magic weapons, but separately, the material of each giant sword is no less than that of other Jindan friars, and its power is not weak at all. Moreover, Qingyang is now a nine layer friar of Jindan. Even if you don't use the sword array, it's easy to stop the attack of friars in the middle of Jindan with only one sword, Except for the friar who directly hit his snake spirit armor, Qingyang was fighting one against six, but he didn't lose the wind at all.
The six alchemy friars shook their bodies, and all the six magic weapons attacking Qingyang were shocked back. At this time, Qingyang just stepped back a little, and there were no scars on his whole body.
Immortal Guihe was surprised to see it nearby. He didn't expect to see it for more than 30 years. This defeated man has grown to this point. Even immortal Guihe himself can't cope with the siege of six Jindan friars at the same time.
Seeing that this scuffle was impossible to win, immortal Guihe looked cold and uttered a whine again. Those Jindan friars received the order and jumped to immortal Guihe and put a special formation around them to surround him.
At the same time, a strange smell filled the cave. There were seven people in front of Qingyang, but it felt like there was only one person. The momentum of Guihe immortal was also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in an instant it was close to the third floor of Yuanying.
Qingyang doesn't know what kind of skill this is. The cultivation of immortals is vast, and there are many capable and different people. Qingyang doesn't know everything, but it can never change from its sect. There must be gains and losses. If you want to obtain a strong ability, you have to pay a corresponding price. For example, Qingyang's blood burning skill, although its strength has been improved in a short time, it will fall into weakness after the effect, so it can only be slaughtered. But it seems that the skill of immortal ghost he didn't pay any price. He easily improved his strength. I don't know where he came from such a magical skill.
Seeing Qingyang's expression, immortal Guihe knew what he was thinking. Suddenly, he smiled and said: "Boy, haven't you seen my skill? This is a secret skill I learned unintentionally in the ghost Valley, and I spent countless energy to get it together in recent years. After the operation of the Six Harmonies boy skill, the skills of seven people are added to the people in the main array at the same time, which can not only greatly increase my strength, but also have no sequelae. More importantly, the Six Harmonies boy skill Don't be afraid of all the magic formations. I'm afraid your spirit bees are useless. "
I can't help but feel dissatisfied with immortal Guihe. This skill is powerful, but it's cruel to use. Although the people in the main array won't have sequelae, the cultivation of Liuhe boy will regress greatly after each use. Therefore, when he was in ghost Valley, he didn't dare to use it casually for fear of being punished by the sect. Now he has betrayed the ghost valley. It can be said that the sea is wide and the birds fly by leaping high in the sky. He is no longer bound by those constraints. Therefore, in recent years, he calmly selected several monks who are suitable for Liuhe boy and refined the Liuhe boy skill.
After using the Six Harmonies boy skill, immortal Guihe's strength instantly increased to the level close to the third level of Yuanying. Not to mention the difference between the big level of Yuanying and Jindan, he is three higher than Qingyang in the small level. He doesn't believe that with his current strength, he can't defeat Qingyang with only nine levels of Jindan.

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