Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1347: 1347

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Qingyang didn't know the situation here, so he couldn't go ahead with such a black eye, so he stopped in a small town where ghost friars gathered, used yin-yang Xuangong to dress himself up as a ghost friar on the ninth floor of the golden pill and asked them for information.
It's just a small town temporarily made up of ghost friars. The number of friars is only tens of thousands. The highest accomplishment is the completion of foundation building. Facing Qingyang, the elder on the ninth floor of the golden elixir, they are naturally respectful and dare not neglect it. When Qingyang asks, they also know everything and say everything. Without much effort, Qingyang knows the situation here.
Qingyang hasn't deviated from the direction over the years. Now it has indeed reached the scope of the ten kings hall, but it is still in the most marginal area, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the center of the ten kings hall.
In fact, the ten kings hall is a loose alliance of ghost cultivation. Because they belong to the same vein of ghost cultivation and their respective sites are relatively close, they unite to form a force. They are famous in the whole nether world. When facing outsiders, the ten kings hall is a whole. They will work hard for common interests and try their best to support when they encounter things. It can be said that they are like one another.
However, there are not many people walking around each other in the ten kings hall. Except that the ghost king in the first hall has more power as the leader of the alliance and has a token that can mobilize others, others do not belong to each other, and no one will allow others to reach out to their own territory.
Of course, the ten ghost kings are not old and dead. They also have a good relationship. They will contact more frequently in private, but they are all private friends and have nothing to do with the alliance of the ten kings hall.
The ten kings hall is composed of ten ghost kings. Now the first hall is called the giant ghost king. It is said that this head is incomparably large. The diameter of the head is at least twice that of others. It looks like a big bowl on chopsticks from a distance. It looks very funny.
However, no one dared to laugh at him in the whole area of the ten kings hall. The reason why the giant ghost king has such a big head is that he has cultivated a powerful mental attack secret, which is so powerful that his head is many times larger than others. The ghost repair book is good at mental attack, and the giant ghost king is the best among them, so his strength is even stronger, Yuanying has almost no enemy in the realm. It is said that he has to retreat from his spiritual attack, even the great power of God.
Moreover, the giant ghost king is the owner of the first Hall of the ten kings hall. Once the token is issued, he can command all ghosts in the ten kings hall. The power is amazing. In addition, he is the first expert in the ten kings hall. Who dares to provoke such a strong person within the ten kings hall?
No one knows the strength of the giant ghost king, but everyone guesses that it will never be lower than the ninth floor of Yuanying, because at least six of the ten hall owners of the ten king hall are the later ghost cultivation of Yuanying. If the cultivation of the giant ghost king is lower than them, how can we live in the later ghost cultivation of other Yuanying with this cultivation, so as to become the first hall owner of the ten king hall?

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It is said that the giant ghost king has been the Lord of the first hall for more than 170 years. He has great prestige in the ten kings hall. Under normal circumstances, the position of the Lord of the first Hall of the ten kings hall will rotate every three Jiazi, about 180 years, that is to say, before long, the position of the Lord of the first Hall of the ten kings hall will change again. At that time, the giant ghost king will succeed and retire.
Those who can be elected as the leader of the first Hall of the ten kings hall are basically the late ghost cultivation of Yuanying with advanced cultivation. After more than 100 years, either they have little life left and are no longer able to continue to hold important posts, or their cultivation has reached the top. They need to go all out to impact the realm of transforming God, and they have no energy to take care of these chores. It is inevitable to leave office and hand over, even if someone finally becomes the power of transforming God, The position of the Lord of the ten kings' hall has no attraction to them, and it is impossible to meddle in their affairs.
Before the giant ghost king, the first hall owner of the previous term was called the ghost king of Zhetian. When fighting with people, he could release boundless ghost gas and cover the heaven and earth for miles around. Fighting here, the enemy's strength would be greatly limited, and the ghost king of Zhetian took the advantage. Unfortunately, when the ghost king of Zhetian stepped down, his accomplishments were only the ninth floor of Yuanying, and he finally died.
The one horned ghost king, the temple Lord before the sky covering ghost king, is not remembered by many friars in this town, because it has been more than 350 years since then, and the life of friar Jindan is only 400 years, and the foundation period is the highest in this town. It is only 200 years. Time flies and time flies. Who will care about things hundreds of years ago?
In today's ten king hall, in addition to the giant ghost king, the other nine ghost kings are Changmei ghost king, Fuliu ghost king, Huanxi ghost king, big belly ghost king, coffin holding ghost king, Linglong ghost king, cloth bag ghost king, Qianshou ghost king and Baimei ghost king. In the middle of the period, the first six are Yuan Ying's later ghost cultivation, and the last three have reached the cultivation of Yuan Ying's sixth floor, The strength of each hall alone is comparable to that of the external super sects, and the combination is an extremely terrible force. Who dares to provoke.
Ten ghost kings are scattered on the surrounding territory of hundreds of thousands of miles. The area where Qingyang is now belongs to the edge of Baimei ghost King's sphere of influence. If you go further for more than 100000 miles, you can reach Baimei city. This distance is more than half a month for the speed of Qingyang.
Qingyang thought about it. He didn't know anyone here in the ten kings hall. His eyes were almost black. He didn't know where the one horned ghost king was now, and he didn't know what the other party was going to do. If he wanted to help, he might not be able to help. Therefore, the most urgent thing is to understand the current situation first and find out the preferences, habits, temperament and specialties of the ten hall leaders, And their relationship with each other, so that they can help even in the future.
However, these more private things can't be found out by relying on the information of these low-level friars alone. We must contact more high-level friars, and this must deal with the ghost king of the ten kings hall. Therefore, Qingyang decided to go to Baimei city first and see if we can get online with the hall Lord, so as to lay a good foundation for the long eyebrow ghost king to save Yu Mengmiao in the future.
After inquiring about the situation, Qingyang did not delay any more. He directly drove yufenghu towards Baimei city. Qingyang is now completely dressed up as a ghost friar, with a slender figure and a black robe. After running yin-yang Xuangong, Qingyang instantly changed from a natural and unrestrained fairy friar to a cold ghost friar, In addition, he made the wind gourd and the five elements magic weapon transformed by master Shi Han. It is difficult for ordinary people to see through his details.

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