Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1353: 1353

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But what's the problem? Dou Changzai couldn't understand it. Qingyang looked at it inexplicably next to him and asked, "dou Daoyou, is this the best concealed weapon you said?"

Dou Changzai didn't expect to lose such a big face when he couldn't show off. Fortunately, he had a thick skin and just smiled awkwardly. Then he told Qingyang about his experience. Qingyang understood that Dou Changzai was cheated here. Qingyang often encountered this kind of thing when he followed Songhe's old way in the Jianghu. Swindlers would show Feiyang a real thing first, Then give an ultra-low price. At this time, anyone will feel that he has taken a big advantage and was deceived.

When trading, the swindler will use the means of cheating to put fake things into the arms of fat sheep, because it is OK to see things before, and the stolen goods are afraid to be found by others. They will not be checked for the second time, because the front is true. The swindle is only at the last minute, and many people are careless. When they really find that they have been deceived, the swindler has slipped away.

To put it bluntly, he takes advantage of others' greedy psychology. As long as he is not greedy, he will not be deceived. However, this kind of deception is generally popular among ordinary people. He didn't expect to meet with monks today. Unexpectedly, someone was deceived. Qingyang couldn't bear to tell him the reason why Dou Chang was cheated.

In fact, dou Changzai is not stupid, but he has just been cheated. He is so angry that he doesn't think clearly about the reason for it for the moment. When he calms down, he will soon think of the problem. However, it's over now. The liar doesn't know where to go for a long time and can't find it again. This loss is settled. Fortunately, there is not much loss, and two thousand Ming stones can still afford it.

In order to avoid embarrassment, dou Changzai stopped worrying about being cheated. Instead, he asked Qingyan about the hundred Ghost Map. Qingyang didn't hide it. He told him some news he had just heard. Hearing Qingyang talk about the difficulty of the hundred Ghost Map, dou Changzai was also a headache. He was just the son of the owner of a small casual repair town and didn't have much inside information, It was only by chance that I got to this step. I don't have the ability to challenge the higher level at all. However, it has come to this step. This is the only way to see the Baimei ghost King quickly. Whether it works or not, I always have to try.

Then they came to the entrance of the hundred Ghost Map together. Dou Changzai first injected his Ming Yuan into the token. A foggy door outline soon appeared at the entrance of the hundred Ghost Map. Then Dou Changzai took the token and entered the door outline.

Qingyang waited for a moment, followed the same pattern, and walked into the foggy door outline. Then, in a trance, the token in his hand disappeared, and Qingyang also appeared in another space.

It seems to be an underground tomb. It is dark and humid. There is no sunshine all day. Only in the middle of the tomb, there is a rotten coffin. It is quiet around. But the more it is, the more it gives people a feeling of panic, as if there is an extreme danger hidden in the dark.

"Zhiya..." a sudden voice came, which was particularly harsh in the silent space. The role of eyes in the dark space was not big, so they could only be observed with divine thoughts. Qingyang soon judged that the voice came from the coffin in the middle.

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Before he could figure out what was going on, there was another loud bang, and the coffin in the tomb burst open. At the same time, a Golden Shadow rushed towards Qingyang. At this time, Qingyang finally figured out that it was a golden zombie who jumped on himself.

The golden armor zombie is equivalent to the golden elixir among the friars. Zombies have super attack power, especially one mouthful of tusks and two sharp claws. They are especially powerful and have corpse poison. Coupled with their strong defense, they are almost invincible in close combat. They are not opponents, even the level monsters.

The only defect of the golden armor zombie is that the strength of the golden armor zombie is slightly worse, but his sharp attack and defense is like putting a strong hard shell on his golden armor zombie. Under his layers of protection, it is not easy for the enemy to hurt the golden armor Zombie's golden armor zombie.

At present, the golden armor zombie is about equivalent to the five layers of the golden elixir among the friars, but in actual combat, it can play the strength equivalent to the seven or eight layers of the golden elixir, which is not much worse than the nine layers of the golden elixir. Although the friars can defeat the Golden Armor zombie in the end, they won't win too easily after a fierce battle. According to the monks outside, the strength of the first ghost transformed from the ghost map is still the lowest, and the strength of the ghosts behind will only be higher and higher. It can be seen how difficult the ghost map is, and it is almost impossible to pass the customs.

Fortunately, Qingyang is not an ordinary friar. His strength is much higher than that of a friar of the same level. As an old friar who has practiced for more than 100 years, he is not affected by the later environment, nor will he be in a hurry because of the sudden danger, nor will he be afraid of the horror of zombies. When the golden armor zombie rushed over, he was ready and moved, A huge dark red sword suddenly appeared in the air and killed the zombie directly.

In the twinkling of an eye, the Youming Lihuo sword was cut on the golden armor zombie. It was only heard a dull bang. The Youming Lihuo sword was bounced back, but the golden armor zombie on the opposite side screamed and quickly stepped back for several steps. The original sharp attack was immediately interrupted.

At this time, looking at the zombie, there was a half inch deep wound on the shoulder hit by the Youming Lihuo sword, just like burnt wood. It was also steaming, that is, the zombie had deep defense, otherwise it would be enough to cut him seriously.

Jinjia zombie already has a high intelligence. He can feel it. Qingyang's strength is much higher than him. If possible, he is absolutely unwilling to fight against Qingyang, but this is his nest. He has no way back. The only way out is to defeat Qingyang.

The golden armor zombie stood in the distance, staring at Qingyang with two eyes. The expression on his face was very complex. He had both hatred and fear. He wanted to take the initiative to attack, but he was not sure. He had to accumulate strength and think about countermeasures at the same time.

For Qingyang, the attack just now was just a test. Try the power of his single magic weapon and the strength of the ghosts turned out by the ghost map. He didn't expect to hit the golden armor zombies hard. After the move, Qingyang understood the strength of the golden armor zombie and had a bottom in his heart, so he didn't delay time. He thought directly. Another green peach God wooden sword also appeared in the air. Then two giant swords formed a dual sword array and killed the golden armor zombie.

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