Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1375: 1375

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Baimei ghost king thought she could never think of the one horned ghost king again in her life, but today, when Qingyang suddenly used her once unique secret skill, she couldn't help thinking of the one horned ghost king who had occupied her heart for hundreds of years.
This Qingyang is so similar to him. They are both so talented and arrogant. They are so dismissive of women. Seeing this Qingyang is like seeing the once one horned ghost king, the arrogant man.
Until now, Baimei ghost King found that the gap between himself and the one horned ghost king is not only cultivation, but also status. Everything between them is different. They are not the same kind of people at all. Only people like Qingyang are the same kind as the one horned ghost king.
Only in the face of Qingyang, which is very similar to the one horned ghost king, does Baimei ghost King know that the one horned ghost King she thinks has been forgotten still occupies a very high position in her mind, and she will never forget him. Moreover, in the face of a person who is so similar to the one horned ghost king, she can't do it anyway.
The more Qingyang doesn't give in to her, or the more powerful he is, or the greater the potential Qingyang shows, the more the Baimei ghost king can't do it, because only such a person is similar to the once one horned ghost king in his mind. Only such a person is worthy of her respect, and only such a person is worthy of her memory for a lifetime.
Thinking of this, the coldness in the eyes of the Baimei ghost King gradually disappeared, and the killing heart had long not known where it was lost. Instead, it was appreciation, even a trace of admiration. How can the unique secret skill of the one horned ghost king be left out? How could this boy buy it casually? More coincidentally, there is no trace left? Various signs show that this Qingyang has something to do with the one horned ghost king, but the boy didn't tell the truth.
As one of the ghost kings in the ten halls of the ten kings hall, the Baimei ghost king can't find out what happened to the one horned ghost king that year, but he can guess some secrets according to all kinds of clues, but it's just impossible to prove it. If the one horned ghost king is really plotted, as long as he doesn't die, he will come back to seek revenge sooner or later. In order to hide his whereabouts as much as possible, he certainly won't disclose relevant information casually. Therefore, it's understandable for Qingyang to deliberately leave alone.
Thinking of this, the Baimei ghost king suddenly stopped asking Qingyang again. She slowly put away her charm, the dream space gradually disappeared, and Qingyang reappeared in the previous hall. In addition to Qingyang, there were only three people in the empty hall. Baimei ghost king stood quietly opposite. His expression on his face was very complex. I didn't know what he was thinking.
QIANJIAO ghost king stood at the door from a distance, as if he was used to what had happened before, but Qingyang didn't seem to be confused by the flattering skill of Baimei ghost king, and younger martial sister didn't get the upper hand. Finally, she didn't kill Qingyang who angered her, which was a little surprising.

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As for Dou Changzai, I don't know when he has crawled on the ground, so he lies on the skirt of Baimei ghost king. Looking at his obscene face and drooling, I don't know what beautiful dream he is having. Baimei ghost King's flattery is still very powerful. Qingyang is in a special situation. Dou Chang doesn't have those means. He immediately suffers. At this time, he can't extricate himself from it.
Seeing the Baimei ghost King withdraw his momentum, Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't give in before, he was still under great pressure. After all, the Baimei ghost king is a six layer monk of Yuanying, whose cultivation is much higher than him, and Qingyang is just a golden pill monk. At the same time, the Baimei ghost king is also one of the ten hall ghost kings. He has countless connections with other ghost kings. Qingyang is also worried that if he offends the Baimei ghost king to death, he won't let him go easily. He just needs to talk to other ghost kings a little, It's not so easy for Qingyang to walk in the area of the ten kings hall.
After staring at Qingyang for a long time, Baimei ghost king said again: "and you just used the secret technique of mind attack. Did you really get it inadvertently? Never know the one horned ghost king?"
Without any hesitation, Qingyang shook his head and said, "I don't know who the one horned ghost King mentioned by Baimei ghost king is, and the skill of divine attack is really bought by me inadvertently from a temporary square market, and no one has taught me any secrets."
It seems that Qingyang had long known that Qingyang would answer like this. The king of Baimei ghost said: "I don't know what your relationship is with the one horned ghost king and why you hide your whereabouts for him, but I know you definitely have something to do with him. For his face, I won't be embarrassed with you again. If you need anything, I can try my best to help. I just hope you can only greet him again and say that there is an old friend who always remembers him when he's done Do come and sit down. "
Although Qingyang refused her and insisted that she had nothing to do with the one horned ghost king, Baimei ghost king could judge that these words were false. The more Qingyang kept his mouth shut, the more it proved that the relationship between the two people was not ordinary, and the more it was worth communicating with the one horned ghost king, so Baimei ghost king not only didn't embarrass Qingyang, but was willing to help. Because she still clearly remembered that before Qingyang spent a lot of money to see himself. Now he knows that he is not trying to cling to himself. If he comes to the ghost King's house so hard, he must have asked her.
Hearing that the Baimei ghost King's tone was loose, Qingyang really wanted to leave for a moment. It was really that the Baimei ghost king had put too much pressure on him just now, especially the dream space just now, which frightened Qingyang. He was not afraid of death. He was afraid of what ugly things he would do in that space. Apart from anything else, it looked at Dou Chang's current appearance. Qingyang shuddered when he thought about it.
However, after listening to the other party's words just now, Qingyang couldn't help changing his mind, because he heard an unspeakable feeling from the words of the Baimei ghost king. The one horned ghost king is afraid that he really has some old love with the Baimei ghost king, and the old love seems to be not shallow.
Just in case, Qingyang still didn't let go, and it was the same reason before. If the one horned ghost king felt that Baimei ghost king was trustworthy enough, he would contact her personally and ask her for help. There was no need to connect with her. Therefore, as a friend of the one horned ghost king, what he could do was to keep his secret and never reveal his whereabouts from his mouth.

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