Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1379: 1379

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The reason why the Baimei ghost king came in person is that she is the youngest and the worst among the ten hall ghost kings. Other ghost kings are her eldest brother and sister. In particular, the Changmei ghost king, as the oldest of the ten hall ghost kings, had a hard birthday. In order to show respect, the Baimei ghost king should come in person. Of course, the second reason is to help Qingyang.

Seeing Baimei ghost king and others, Changmei ghost King quickly welcomed him. As the first ghost king of the ten kings hall to attend his birthday, Changmei ghost king also showed due respect. He not only sent stewards and disciples to meet him outside, but also took the initiative to come outside the hall.

The Baimei ghost king is also very polite to the Changmei ghost king. He is an old master. His qualification is older than the one horned ghost king in those years. Now he has a 1300 year birthday, almost twice that of Baimei ghost king. How good would it be if he could live to this age?

When the two ghost kings meet, they naturally have to greet each other. Qingyang secretly observes the long eyebrow ghost King behind them. The reason why Qingyang has traveled tens of millions of miles to the depths of the nether world is to find the long eyebrow ghost king. I finally saw him today. Of course, I should have a good observation.

The ghost king with long eyebrows has white hair and beard. Although he is a ghost, his face is very kind. People can't help feeling close. His eyebrows on both sides are very long, almost covering his eyes. As for the long eyebrows that can increase the life span of a hundred years, I don't know where they are hidden.

However, since I saw the long eyebrow ghost king, I've been half successful. The rest depends on what to impress him. Anyway, I have to stay here for several days and find a way slowly.

The two ghost kings exchanged greetings. Changmei ghost King arranged his disciples to take Baimei ghost king to his residence, which is also an underground courtyard, but the conditions are much better than other courtyards. Of course, Baimei ghost King lives in the backyard, while Rongma ghost king and Qingyang live on the left and right sides. The remaining four waiters can only live in the front yard. Of course, one or two need to serve in the backyard occasionally.

The conditions of Qingyang's residence are not too bad, but during this period, Qingyang has always been unable to calm down to practice. On the one hand, it is not a few days since the birthday of the long eyebrow ghost king. On the other hand, he also met the long eyebrow ghost king, which is a step closer to saving Yu Mengmiao. At the same time, Qingyang is also worried about what can be used to move the long eyebrow ghost king.

Since Qingyang couldn't calm down, he didn't stay in the room to practice. Instead, he wandered outside and looked around. However, at this time, the whole ghost King's house of the long eyebrow ghost king was busy, and many places were designated as forbidden areas. Guests like Qingyang couldn't go casually. He could only walk in some places with few restrictions and talk to some friars of the same level.

In the past few days, Qingyang also heard a lot of useful news. It is said that the cultivation of the long eyebrow ghost king is the Ninth level of Yuanying. Although there is still a certain distance from Yuanying's perfection, the long eyebrow ghost king has a unique talent. One eyebrow can increase the life of a hundred years. The life of a few hundred years can be cultivated to Yuanying's perfection, and even try to break through the realm of transforming God.

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Among so many ghost kings in the ten kings hall, the long eyebrow ghost King's qualification is in the downstream, but his situation is special, and he can finally reach a height that others can't reach, which is beyond envy.

The long eyebrow ghost king has old qualifications and high accomplishments. He was originally the best candidate for the first hall Lord. However, he was relatively low-key and impatient to take care of those things, so he gave up the position of the first hall Lord to the giant ghost king. Because of this, the giant ghost King respected the long eyebrow ghost king very much.

However, the giant ghost King's qualification is much better than that of the long eyebrow ghost king. After becoming the Lord of the first hall, he has sufficient resources, and his cultivation ranks first among the latecomers. It is said that he has surpassed the long eyebrow ghost king a few years ago, reaching the level of the ninth floor of the senior Yuanying. Coupled with his powerful spiritual attack secret art, he can be called the first ghost cultivation in the ten kings hall, However, the giant ghost king doesn't have the power of long eyebrow ghost king that can increase longevity yuan. I'm afraid there's no hope of advanced God power in this life.

The giant ghost king has been the Lord of the first hall for more than 170 years, and there is not much life yuan left. He should step down as the Lord of the first hall soon. In fact, the best candidate for the next Lord of the first hall is the Changmei ghost king. According to his life span, he can even be re elected for three or four circles. However, according to the temperament of the Changmei ghost king, I'm afraid he will take the initiative to give way next time.

It's hard to say who will take the position of the first hall Lord he gave up. There is hope for Fuliu ghost king, Huanxi ghost king and big belly ghost king, because they all have the cultivation of the eighth floor of Yuanying. Fuliu ghost King's life experience is the most inspirational. It is said that he was only a casual practitioner at first, but later he practiced to this point with his own qualification and perseverance, Become one of the ten hall ghost kings.

The Huanxi ghost king is best at double cultivation. It is by picking Yin and tonifying yang that he has cultivated all the way to this level. The Huanxi ghost King's double cultivation is different from the Baimei ghost king. Firstly, the Baimei ghost king has a small number of faces, secondly, the Baimei ghost King's face has a certain status, and thirdly, most of the faces the Baimei ghost king is looking for are voluntary, which was somewhat forced by Qingyang before, It was mainly because Qingyang was so excellent that the Baimei ghost king wanted to be dissatisfied.

The happy ghost king is completely different. He can only be regarded as a hungry ghost in color. No one refuses to come. As long as she is a woman he likes, except a few with deep background, almost no other can escape his vicious hand. Moreover, all the female nuns he has picked and made up are more miserable than one, and there is no good end. The happy ghost king has cultivated all the way to this level, Countless nuns have been harmed. I'm afraid the happy ghost king himself can't count them.

If this kind of ghost cultivation were in the fairy realm, everyone would have called for a fight, but this is the nether realm, which is a darker and more predatory place. There will be no other ghost cultivation to take care of these things, not to mention the strength of the happy ghost king, and few people dare to take care of his affairs.

As for the big belly ghost king, he also has an enviable ability. It is said that he has a huge stomach, can eat and digest, has a great appetite, and has a very high absorption efficiency. Many things that others can't chew, or things that others dare not eat, can be digested in his stomach, transformed into his energy or accomplishments, and even swallowed the low-level ghost cultivation.

These three accomplishments are all eight layers of Yuanying. Although they are slightly different from each other, they are not very different. All of them are strong competitors for the next first hall Lord. It's hard to say who can succeed in the end. Maybe these three people are competing in secret.

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