Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 138: 138

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At this time, Qingyang is also a little afraid. It's not a good thing to offend a Qi practicing friar. Although there are city patrolling warriors in Yuling city who are responsible for public security, if you really annoy the Qi practicing Friar and are missed by the other party, you will find a chance to clean up your own sooner or later.

The young wine seller seemed to see the uneasiness in Qingyang's heart, smiled and said, "Taoist friends, don't worry, we won't trouble you. My father is lonely. He seldom deals with people except making wine. He always talks like this. I hope you can understand."

I see. Qingyang is relieved at last. There are thousands of people in the world. There are people with exquisite faces, and naturally there are people who can't speak. Some people talk to you like a spring breeze. They are obviously pitching you, but they make you happy. Some people have no malice, but their words are very stiff. They always turn their eyes when they open their mouth.

Qingyang nodded and said, "are those two jars of wine not for sale?"

The young wine seller said, "these two jars of wine are not for sale, but the price is relatively high. One jar needs five spirit stones. It has been sold for several years. There have been many people asking, but no one has ever bought it. My father is a little impatient about it, so he is a little angry."

Five spirit stones and one jar? Qingyang couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning. This jar of wine topped the fifteen jars of Baihua wine. The five spirit stones, not to mention the open pulse territory friars, can't be taken out even ordinary friars in the period of Qi refining. What wine is so expensive? Can't you break through it directly?

"What good wine? The price is so high?" Qingyang couldn't help asking.

The young wine seller said, "our family has been making wine for more than ten generations. When sorting out an abandoned wine cellar a few years ago, we accidentally found several jars of old wine hoarded a hundred years ago. These two jars are two of them. The jar on the left is called wulingchun, and the jar on the right is the legendary Lingtai old wine."

"Five Lingchun? Lingtai old wine?" Qingyang wondered.

Qingyang has only been in contact with Xiuxian for more than three months. He knows a lot of basic knowledge, not to mention the name of spirit wine which is a little strange to other monks.

Perhaps because of his similar age, the young wine seller took the initiative to explain: "these two wines were used by monks above the Qi refining period in the past, but the brewing method has been lost, and even my father can't brew them.

According to some family records, five Ling Chun is also named as five spirits, which uses five kinds of superior spiritual valley. After many times ferment, it finally gets its essence. The effect is better than that of practicing Qi and monks to upgrade and repair the spirit of Qi. It has been stored for hundreds of years. As can be imagined, the benefits of it are that when my father first drank one of the five spiritual springs, he broke through at one stroke. It has blocked the bottleneck between the early and middle stages of his long practice of Qi. "

Then the young wine seller pointed to Lingtai old wine and said, "this Lingtai old wine is known by its name. It is an extremely rare spirit wine used to restore and nourish God. The rarity is higher than that of the five spirit spring. There is no way to verify the brewing method, but the value must be higher than that of the five spirit spring."

Both wulingchun and Lingtai old wine are excellent things for Qingyang. He wants them. Although wulingchun is not needed now, it can be very useful for cultivation later. If you encounter any bottleneck in the future, maybe a sip of spirit wine will break through.

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As for the Lingtai old wine, it is even more powerful. There are few things to restore and nourish the mind, and the value is very expensive. It is very difficult to buy one when you have money. The drunken bees in the drunken immortal gourd are depressed one by one. They must have suffered a lot of mental damage. This Lingtai old wine may make them recover faster.

The key is that such spirit wine can be met but not sought. If you miss it this time, you may not meet such a good thing when you have a spirit stone in the future.

Buy it or not? If you don't buy it, you'll miss a good opportunity. If you buy it, there are five spiritual stones and one jar. There are not enough spiritual stones on your body. You can only exchange it with the body of the blue eyed red clam.

The only thing to worry about is whether Liang chongtian will know about the use of Biyan Zhu clam corpse trading, which will involve the scattered repair of Kaiyuan mansion. But think about it. There are so many things happening in such a big Yuling city every day that the Liang family can't pay attention to it. As for Liang chongtian, it's even more impossible to inquire about such small things.

Besides, he was traded to the old wine seller instead of directly sold to the store. When the old wine seller traded with others, he would not casually disclose where the monster's body came from, which also reduced the possibility of exposure.

After much consideration, Qingyang still decided to exchange the body of the blue eyed clam for the two jars of wine. The body of the blue eyed clam had to be disposed of sooner or later. It was too wasteful to stay in the drunken Xianhu space. It could be replaced with cultivation resources earlier, and he could be used to improve his cultivation earlier.

After making up his mind, Qingyang said, "they are all good wine, but the price is too expensive. If I buy both jars, can I make it cheaper?"

"Do you really want to buy it?"

When the young wine seller heard Qingyang's words, he couldn't help staring. His face was incredible. How can a monk in Kaimai state afford such expensive spirit wine? He only thought it was rare to meet a friar of the same age and similar accomplishments, so he made a symbolic introduction in order to show off his family background and never felt that Qingyang would buy it.

He never thought that Qingyang was not scared away, but talked about the price with him. Even the old wine seller opened his eyes and looked up and down at Qingyang. His eyes were incredible. This is like a beggar who suddenly breaks into a luxury shop and points to the most expensive things in the shop and says to pack them away. People can't believe it.

The old wine seller stared at Qingyang for a long time and then said, "you are a small monk in the middle of Kaimai territory. Do you have so many spirit stones?"

Qingyang said, "of course I don't have a spirit stone, but I have the body of a first-class monster, blue eyed red clam. If I sell materials, it can be worth at least ten spirit stones. It's more than enough to exchange your two jars of spirit wine. But if you don't reduce the price, I won't buy it."

The old wine seller looked at Qingyang suspiciously and couldn't help wondering. In the middle of Kaimai territory, friars certainly have no ability to kill first-order monsters, but no one can guarantee whether there is anyone behind him. It is common for low-level casual practitioners to deal with high-value things at ordinary times. The public security in Yuling city is OK. Sometimes the Qi friars kill monsters and don't bother to deal with them by themselves. Or if they want to hide their identity, they will find some irrelevant low-level casual practitioners to help them deal with them.

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