Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1391: 1391

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The happy ghost King threw a fist at the ghost King present and said tit for tat: "the first hall Lord of the ten kings hall has never had anything to do with anyone. It is all the support and love of the ghost kings that can be elected. Therefore, I beg you to support me as the first Hall Lord for the sake of everyone's friendship. I will remember your kindness and never be disappointed."
The happy ghost King's words were generous and appropriate. They not only refuted the view that the ghost king of Fu Liu belongs to him, but also praised the ghost kings present. At the same time, they also revealed in disguise that if anyone supported him, he would certainly repay in the future, which can be said to give full play to his own advantages.
Although the happy ghost King lacks some personal morality, as a monk, he always respects his strength. Personal morality is never the most important, and the ghost monk doesn't pay much attention to this aspect. Moreover, the happy ghost king is looking for those who have no background and basically haven't harmed the interests of the ghost kings present, so after listening to the words of the happy ghost king, Many people think that choosing him as the Lord of the first hall may also be a good choice.
Just as everyone hesitated, the big belly ghost king also spoke and said: "I agree with you if you like the ghost king. I think the first hall leader is not only the leader of our ten kings hall, but also the representative of our ghost cultivation. I can't just for personal interests. If I become the first hall leader, I will always put the interests of the ten kings Hall first, work hard to expand the strength of our ten kings hall and improve the influence of our ten kings hall Harm my interests. Of course, it's no use saying more now. I hope everyone will support me and give me a chance to show. "
What the big belly ghost king said was very sincere. Many people felt his intention. Indeed, as the Lord of the first hall, he must develop and expand the ten king hall, rather than just focusing on himself. After listening to the words of the big belly ghost king, some ghost kings even changed their mind at this moment.
In the twinkling of an eye, three ghost kings said they wanted to introduce themselves to be the first hall leader. No one recommended others. There were only nine ghost kings on the field. Deduct these three, but there were only six left. If everyone only thought about themselves, the election would be a joke. Seeing that the Linglong ghost King behind was eager to try, he seemed to want to introduce himself. Finally, Liu ghost King couldn't help it, Hurriedly opened his mouth and said, "Linglong ghost king, are you going to recommend yourself?"
"You three have recommended yourself. Why can't I recommend myself?" Linglong ghost king asked.
The king of Liu ghost said, "it's not wise for our friars to have self-knowledge and know that things can't be done. They still have to join the fun. You're only the cultivation of the seventh floor of Yuanying. Even if you recommend yourself to the hall Lord, there can't be a candidate for you. Isn't it a waste of places?"
Fu Liu ghost King's words were harsh. Linglong ghost king immediately became angry and said: "What did the ghost King Fu Liu say? I only have a life span of more than 200 years. If I don't fight for the leader of the first hall this time, there will be only a few decades left in my next term. My accomplishments are beginning to decline. Even if I can fight for the position of the leader of the first hall, how many years will it be? Besides, who stipulates that the seventh floor of Yuanying can't be elected as the leader of the first hall? What do you think If you know me, no one will choose? I have the same sister as Baimei ghost king. Maybe she is ready to support me. "

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The real age of Linglong ghost king is slightly older than that of Fuliu ghost king, and there is only more than 200 years left. The first hall Lord once every 180 years. If she doesn't run this time, she will only have a life of decades next time. She basically has no energy to run again, so this time is her last time. It's really difficult for her to give up the competition.
Fu Liu ghost King naturally understood this truth, but he was too lazy to argue with Linglong ghost king, so he snorted coldly and stopped talking with his arms.
Linglong ghost King hesitated a little and seemed to think that there was some truth in helping Liu ghost king. There were three ghost kings in front who said they wanted to run for election. The possibility of their election was very small. Instead of wasting a quota with others, Linglong ghost king might as well earn a favor. Thinking of this, Linglong ghost king said: "Hum, forget it. I won't argue with you. I won't argue for the position of the first hall Lord, but I can't decide who to choose for the moment. I need to think carefully."
Even the seven layer friars of Yuanying, such as Linglong ghost king, gave up the competition with the Lord of the first hall. The rest of the cloth bag ghost king, Qianshou ghost king and Baimei ghost king only have the cultivation of Yuanying's six layers, so they are even less likely to participate in the competition. With their cultivation, they don't say whether they can be elected or not. Even if they are finally elected, they can't hold others. They won't be roasted on the fire in the future If you give up now, no matter who you ultimately support, you must remember this feeling.
Although they decided not to run, none of the three said who they wanted to support on the spot. As for the excuses, they were the same as those of Linglong ghost king. They said they had to consider for the time being.
In this way, this round of leadership is equivalent to just helping Liu ghost king, Huanxi ghost king and big belly ghost king, who have made it clear that they want to compete for the position of the Lord of the first hall, but none of the remaining six people voted directly. Seeing that everyone is unwilling to make the first statement, the giant ghost king can only say: "As like as two peas in the same hall, we have to vote for the nine members of the first hall." we have to vote directly in the jade bamboo slip. We can see who won the support. "
The comprehensive conditions of the three candidates in this election are too close. No matter who they support, they will offend the other two. It's OK for the people they support to be elected. The other party should always remember this situation. But if the people they support are not elected, they will waste a favor in vain. The elected people may have to wear small shoes for themselves, So in the previous round, everyone didn't express their attitude directly, and the giant ghost king saw the clue, so he didn't force everyone, but came up with the idea of secret ballot.
The giant ghost king gave the steps. Naturally, everyone went down with the trend, so they expressed support one after another. Then the giant ghost King took out nine jade slips and sent them to all the ghost kings present. All the ghost kings hesitated a little with the jade slips, and finally engraved their favorite candidates in the jade slips.
Before long, all the nine jade slips returned to the giant ghost king. The giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost King began to count the votes. The giant ghost king was the former hall Lord, while the long eyebrow ghost king was highly respected. They counted the votes together. We still believe it.

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