Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1394: 1394

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After that scene just now, the two people on the court became a lot more cautious. When they shot again, they tried their best to use their best means to avoid being caught by the other party. In this situation, it is no use delaying time. In the twinkling of an eye, the two fought together again.
Both of them are eight layer friars of Yuanying, and their strength is almost the same. Although the king of the willow ghost came from behind and his cultivation slightly exceeded that of the king of the joy ghost, the king of the joy ghost also has his strengths, that is, he has longer cultivation and richer combat experience than the king of the willow ghost. In fact, the king of the willow ghost is not much better than the king of the joy ghost, So I'm afraid it's difficult to tell the winner in a short time.
Moreover, there are many unexpected situations in the battle between friars. Low accomplishments are lost to high accomplishments everywhere, and there are not no capsizers in the gutter. Moreover, there is little difference in the real strength of the two on the field. No one can guarantee which side will win at the last moment.
Other ghost kings in the stands seemed to understand this. Everyone was absorbed in watching the game, and no one showed a tendency to be extremely optimistic about anyone. Fighting at this level is rare for many years. This is a rare learning opportunity. Naturally, you should watch it carefully. At least, you can understand the fighting methods and habits of the two people on the field. There is also a competitive relationship between the ghost king. If you encounter it in the future, you won't know anything about the other party.
As for Qingyang, it was the first time for him to see Yuan Ying's later friars fighting, which was more powerful than all the battles he had seen before. Although the fighting mode of ghost friars was slightly different from that of human friars, the strength of both sides was there, so the impact was almost the same.
The battle on the field is becoming more and more intense. Both sides try their best to use not only various magic weapons and treasures, but also various mysteries and auxiliary means, and even attack with mental attack.
Although the square of the long eyebrow ghost king is huge and specially blessed with the array, the battle is too fierce, and there are still battle aftershocks that affect the people in the stands. Fortunately, there are eight ghost kings in front, otherwise the Jindan friars behind will be unlucky.
With the passage of time, the battle on the field has become white hot. The ghost king of Fu Liu and the ghost king of joy have been injured to varying degrees. Only because the ghost repair has strong recovery ability, we can't see how serious the injury is. However, we can see from their pale faces that the impact is not small.
The square in front of the hall, which was originally flat, was already broken and could hardly see the original appearance. Even if the long eyebrow ghost King blessed the array, it was useless. It can be seen how fierce the battle was.
Because it was too late to win, the ghost king of helping the willow also threw himself out. I don't know what means to use. The towering willow behind suddenly increased its momentum, instantly became a green giant and rushed towards the happy ghost king with heavy steps.

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There will not be another woman on the side of the happy ghost king. She looks very similar to the Buddha statue of the happy ghost king before. Her accomplishments have four layers of Yuanying. Although they are much lower than Huanxi ghost king and Fuliu ghost king, when the strength of both sides is similar, the sudden addition of such a person has a great impact on the battle.
Qingyang has been paying attention to the changes on the field. Naturally, he knows that this woman is not a helper pulled by the happy ghost king from the outside, but he has used some kind of magic. In this important battle occasion, the happy ghost king really wants to find a helper from the outside, and the Liu ghost king can't agree.
The happy ghost king also saw that the battle was becoming more and more intense, and he had more and more difficulty in dealing with the Liu ghost king. If he went on like this, he might lose. Only then did he use his means to press the bottom of the box. This woman is not a real person, but a function of his strange Buddha statue. It just has some sequelae. The happy ghost king will not use it easily unless he has to.
The extra woman has quite a tacit understanding with the happy ghost king, just like the same person. With their mutual cooperation, the effect has exceeded the scope of the fourth floor of Yuanying, which is of great help to the happy ghost king. Moreover, in the process of fighting, the woman made some red faced sounds from time to time, just like sound wave attack. With some special effect, she kept drilling into the ears of the Liu ghost king, which could not be shielded, and had a great impact on the Liu ghost king. In this case, the happy ghost King quickly recovered his decline.
In this way, when you come and go, both sides hit a real fire and used their most powerful means. They almost fought their lives for the position of the Lord of the first hall, and the degree of fighting became more intense. They saw dark winds in the square and light, shadow and black fog all over the sky. In the aftermath of the battle, layers of garbage and stones were blown up and smashed outward, This competition almost demolished the ghost King's house of the long eyebrow ghost king. It can be seen how fierce the battle is. If other ghost kings had not sacrificed the Mingyuan shield on the grandstand, the people present might have been buried under the ruins.
Qingyang was secretly frightened when he looked behind. Although he knew that the later monks of Yuanying were very powerful, he was still shocked by their attack power when he really faced them. Their strength was not what low-level monks could imagine. No wonder the one horned ghost king didn't show up when he came to the ten kings hall. I'm afraid he knew that his opponent was too powerful and didn't handle it.
With Qingyang's current strength, it's not a problem to deal with Yuanying's early life. It's more difficult for Yuanying's fourth layer friars to cope with it. If you encounter Yuanying's fifth layer friars, Qingyang will not run away, but defeat is a certainty. Even with iron arm monkeys and alcoholic bees, it's no exception, unless the other party's abilities are restrained by himself.
Although the battle between Yuanying and Qingyang in the later stage is still far away, and even he doesn't understand it very well, he naturally won't miss such a rare learning opportunity. Just like the other eight ghost kings, Qingyang watches carefully and doesn't miss any detail. There's no problem if he doesn't understand it. Remember first now, there will always be a time when he can use it in the future.
Another hour passed in the twinkling of an eye, and the battle on the field was gradually coming to an end. After all, there was still some gap between the two sides. Although the happy ghost king used his own means to press the bottom of the box, he could help the Liu ghost King surpass him in the ranking of the ten kings hall, and he was not a vegetarian. His means were no less than that of the happy ghost king. After withstanding the rush for the first time, Gradually stabilized the situation. When the sequelae of the secret skill of the happy ghost King gradually appeared, his defeat was basically doomed.

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