Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1421: 1421

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Shentian wood forest, yellow hills, huangquan River, wood, soil and water are three of the five elements. Do you want to gather the five elements? If so, isn't there still gold and fire behind? Why is there such a strange situation here?

Five elements, there is such a magical place in the depths of the nether world. Qingyang can't think about it. However, it's too late to think about it. He left later than others. He was also slow to travel alone, but he can't delay here. Of course, he was willing to take a risk to come to the divine baby garden for the sake of the pregnant divine fruit. If he went late, he couldn't get anything, Don't worry about others for the time being. How to cross the huangquan river is the most important.

Friar Jindan can fly directly in the air. It's easy to fly directly over the huangquan River, but Qingyang knows that it will never be so easy. The former Shenshen wood forest and yellow hills didn't fight their lives and sacrifice several friars, so the huangquan river will never be as simple as it seems.

As for the problem, Qingyang hasn't seen it yet, and he doesn't dare to try easily. He's the only one here. In case something happens, no one will save him.

What as like as two peas, Qingyang is careful to come to the edge of the Huang Quan River, and let out a careful observation of the gods. It does not find any special places in the river. The river is all yellow water. It is just like the Yellow Valley outside, but it is more numerous and more pure. It is only when we can see so many yellow water here that Qingyang is surprised for a while.

Yellow spring water is the bane of ghost cultivation. It not only does serious harm to the spiritual soul of monks, but also corrodes the spiritual thoughts of monks. After such a short time, Qingyang feels that his spiritual thoughts have been corroded by the Yellow Spring River and almost lost their effectiveness.

In this case, it is almost impossible to find out what the situation is in the huangquan river. There is no danger. Qingyang sends out an alcoholic bee to try to fly to the river. As soon as it reaches the water surface, it falls into the water by a suction force and soon disappears. Qingyang doesn't find anything. It seems that the low-level alcoholic bee can't find the danger of the huangquan river at all.

In desperation, Qingyang had to try it himself. His body flew into the air, and then went in the direction of the river. At first, it was normal. As soon as he got close to the water surface, there was a huge suction, which almost pulled him into the river.

It seems that there are restrictions on the flying of monks in the divine infant garden. Previously, the higher the wind and dust in the yellow hill, the more severe it is. At a certain height, it is the limit. The same seems to be true of the huangquan river. There is a strong attraction in the river. The higher it is, the greater the attraction is.

Qingyang tried. With his current strength, he could only barely control his body to fly to a height of tens of feet. He was unable to go up again. However, this is also good. There is still some buffer room at the height of tens of feet. There is a certain reaction time in case of danger.

Then Qingyang controlled his speed and flew forward slowly. He didn't dare to fly too fast. Now he doesn't have a helper around him. Everything depends on himself. In case of danger, he will be in trouble. At the same time, Qingyang also raised his attention to the highest and paid attention to the river below at any time.

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Although Qingyang's mind can't go deep into the bottom of the huangquan River, it can be vaguely seen that there seems to be a huangquan silk snake swimming in the water. In fact, it's normal to think about it. There are so few huangquan silk snakes in the huangquan Valley outside. How can there be no huangquan silk snake in the tens of miles wide huangquan river? Fortunately, these yellow spring silk snakes can't fly. Otherwise, how can they cross the river?

Sometimes he was really afraid of what to do. Qingyang just thought that the huangquan silk snake could not fly. He was safe for the time being. Suddenly, a huangquan silk snake jumped out of the water. The speed of the huangquan silk snake was very fast, and the height of tens of feet came in an instant, and soon came to his eyes.

The body of the yellow spring silk snake is slightly larger than that of the yellow spring silk snake he had seen before, and its appearance and decoration are more ferocious. However, the strangest thing is that there are two flat bat wings on the back of the yellow spring silk snake. He flew high into the air by relying on these two bat wings.

In huangquan Valley, Qingyang once heard the giant ghost King say that the huangquan silk snake will also be advanced. When its strength reaches a certain level, two flat bat wings will be born on both sides of the body, just like the huangquan silk snake in front of us. Its name is huangquan wing snake.

Huangquan winged snake has higher strength, faster speed and stronger toxicity. Its biggest feature is that it can fly. Relying on the bat wings on both sides of its body, it can fly high into the air like a golden pill friar. Of course, there are disadvantages, that is, the reminder is a little bigger, which is easier to be found.

If Qingyang is in the yellow spring water and encounters a yellow spring winged snake that is more powerful than the yellow spring silk snake in all aspects, he must have been poisoned. Fortunately, this time he flies higher and is tens of feet away from the yellow spring river. Although the yellow spring winged snake is fast, the distance of tens of feet still gives Qingyang time to react. Seeing the yellow spring silk snake flying towards him, Qingyang is moved, Two giant swords flew overhead at the same time to form a dual sword array in front of him.

The huangquan silk snake has strong lethality, but its defense is very poor. Even the huangquan winged snake with a higher level has the same defense as ordinary Jindan friars. Let alone the dual sword array, a huge sword can kill. However, Qingyang still uses the dual sword array to be safe.

The huangquan winged snake may have met a foreign monk for the first time. He didn't expect Qingyang to react so quickly. He just focused on the attack. It was too late when he found the threat of the sword array in front of him. Even if he tried his best, he only had time to retreat to the edge of the sword array. Finally, he was swept by the sword array. His body was suddenly broken into several sections, and then struggled several times and fell into the huangquan river.

Although it was easy to win this time, Qingyang was not easy at all. He even scared himself into a cold sweat. Just now, the speed of the huangquan winged snake was too fast, a few minutes faster than that of the general Yuanying friars, that is, Qingyang had a strong mind and was far away from the river, so he could barely block the opponent's attack. If the speed was a little slower, he might have been poisoned at this time, It seems that it's not easy to cross the river alone. Qingyang shook his head and continued to walk carefully forward.

The more you go to the middle of the huangquan River, the greater the attraction on the river. Qingyang is more and more difficult to control his body in the air. However, he can only reduce the height slightly. In this way, it is more convenient for the yellow spring winged snake to attack. Qingyang must pay twelve points of attention and keep staring at the river to avoid being attacked by the yellow spring winged snake.

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