Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 144: 144

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Involuntarily, many people's faces showed a trace of vision, a trace of extravagance, and a trace of greed. Even many people were considering whether they could grab this order by their own means. Then they were desperate. The existence of the city Lord's house, jade spirit scattered people and the middle stage of foundation building was not what they could provoke. The only way was to participate in the auction.

However, the starting price of 500 pieces of spirit stones is really frightening. Even if you open your whole body and sell it, you don't know whether you can sell 50 pieces of spirit stones. As for 500 pieces of spirit stones, you can't make money in your life.

Most people soon returned to reality and knew that kouxianling was an extravagant hope for themselves. Instead of thinking nonsense, they might as well quietly watch the excitement nearby. Only a few monks had flashing eyes and seemed to be still calculating all kinds of unrealistic ideas in their hearts.

The quotation began soon. The first one was the casual repair sitting in the hall. Seeing his ordinary appearance, I don't know how to save 500 spirit stones. However, it's hard to say that Yuling city has a mixture of fish and dragons. Maybe there are many rich people hiding in the dark.

Someone opened his head, and other people who had ideas about kouxianling kept up, so before long, the auction price of kouxianling rose steadily, and soon exceeded a thousand spirit stones.

At this time, the casual practitioners sitting in the hall were already unable to do their best. In addition to a few others, they could quote prices occasionally. Everyone else gradually stopped and changed from participants to spectators. The main force of the competition has also shifted to the VIP guests sitting in the private room on the second floor.

After many rounds of fighting, the price of kouxianling has risen to the height of 1300 spiritual stones. More than 1000 spiritual stones are sky high. Let alone ordinary Qi refining friars, even ordinary foundation building friars can hardly take out so many spiritual stones at one time.

Sitting in the hall, the casual practitioners have completely given up the competition. Many small and medium-sized Xiuxian families who think they are unlikely to shoot have also stopped offering prices. The competition is only carried out among several top families in Yuling City, with the participation of Dong family, Liang family, Cao family and so on.

There are several rounds of verbal battles, both overt and covert. You come and go. I don't know how many vertical and horizontal and how many interest exchanges are mixed. Finally, Mrs. Cao of the Cao family photographed the order to knock on the immortal in the demon hall at the high price of 1379 spirit stones.

Although Dong Jiancheng, the owner of the Dong family, was somewhat unwilling, he had no extra financial resources to continue to compete with Mrs. Cao's quotation, so he had to give up reluctantly. Perhaps at the beginning, Mrs. Cao competed with him for the Kaimai pill in order to let the Dong family spend more spiritual stones on it, so that she had no extra financial resources to compete with her in kouxianling.

As the bearded old man on the stage announced the transaction of the order to knock on the immortal, the atmosphere of the whole auction house suddenly exploded again, and the buzzing sound of discussion resounded through the hall. Many monks looked at the private room of the Cao family with extremely complex eyes, including envy, jealousy and hatred.

Luding mountain nearby said while grinding his teeth: "These sanxiu families are so rich that we can't compare them with more than 1000 pieces of spiritual stones. In order to earn a spiritual stone, we often hang our lives around our waist. People born in the Xiuxian family don't have to worry about anything. They have prepared the number of immortal families at home. There is a big gap between people. Look Reincarnation is also a technical job. "

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Qingyang also sighed: "yes, reincarnation is really a technical job, but it's useless to say these now. Since we are one step behind, we must catch up and catch up sooner or later."

"Qingyang Taoist friends are right. Although we are casual practitioners, as long as we don't give up, our future achievements may not be worse than those of their children born in the Xiuxian family." Lu Dingshan nodded.

Perhaps stimulated by the auction, Lu Dingshan was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "It's still a month and a few days before the knock on immortal meeting. I've decided to find a team to break through Yuling mountain recently and try to come back before the knock on immortal meeting. If I happen to get the task items of the immortal gate, everyone will be happy. If I can't get them, I'll think of another way."

The auction was over, and everyone's enthusiasm dissipated slowly with the passage of time. They chatted a few more words, and then they began to leave. When they came to participate in the auction, they not only didn't buy anything, but also each spent a ticket for the Qi Nourishing pill. However, it was worth seeing several families competing for the immortal order.

Thousands of people gathered in the whole auction. Everyone rushed out at this time. The flow of people at the door can be imagined. It is inevitable to stumble. Although everyone is a monk, it is inevitable to be vulgar. From time to time, there are some friars' quarrels and curses.

They were about to turn into a lane when a woman screamed behind them, and then a figure fell down next to them.

The woman is in her twenties. She looks beautiful and graceful. Although she is wearing a coarse cloth dress, it is difficult to hide her beauty. Her cultivation is very low. She only has the second floor of Kaimai territory. Maybe she fell and knocked a little painful just now. The woman lies on the ground and covers one of her legs. Her eyebrows are tight and her mouth sucks cold air, adding a bit of pity.

Yu Mengmiao walked beside the woman. Seeing that she was in pain, he quickly reached out to hold her and asked with concern, "sister, are you okay?"

"Just now, I don't know who hit me in the back. As a result, I accidentally fell down. Now my legs hurt badly." the woman took a breath, then looked up, looked at Qingyang and Luding mountain pitifully, and said, "I can't walk now, but my place is not far from here. Can you help me take me back?"

Yu Mengmiao couldn't answer. He had to turn his head to Qingyang to see what he said. Qingyang frowned and was embarrassed by the woman's request. It was not that he didn't know how to pity and cherish jade, nor that he had any prejudice against the woman. It was really that the other party appeared a little abrupt.

On the second floor of Kaimai realm, although it is the lowest among the monks, it is often despised by other casual practitioners, but compared with ordinary people, it has been barely regarded as a third rate master, and its skill is still relatively agile. How can people stumble unprepared?

Is there a master who molested the woman in the dark? Qingyang looked around. All the passers-by were in a hurry. It seemed that there were no ill intentioned people.

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