Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1443: 1443

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The giant ghost King broke his drink. The man in the distance knew he couldn't hide. He had to stand up from the grass and walk slowly towards the people. Who is not Qingyang?

Qingyang hurried all the way and finally came to this area not long ago. At that time, he was far away, and others focused on looking for the pregnant God fruit. No one noticed him. Qingyang hesitated and didn't know whether it was better to show up or not.

If you don't show up, there are many advantages. If you are in the dark and others are in the light, everything is easy to do, and even there is a chance to pick up the leak. However, Qingyang also knows that this is unlikely. There are more than a dozen monks present, almost all of whom have higher accomplishments than him and come from the ten kings hall. The giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost king are relatively strong and will never give others a chance.

If you show up, you can act with everyone. You can trade with these people openly and get some things you want. However, the shortcomings are not small. First of all, it's hard to explain how you survived. Many Yuan Ying friars lost their lives, and even the thousand handed ghost King almost fell. It's really unclear that you, a golden elixir friar, returned smoothly.

Of course, Qingyang can also attribute all this to luck. It's very difficult for these old monks to believe. If someone doesn't let go, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.

In the face of this situation, Qingyang hesitated for a time and decided to have a look first.

As a result, as soon as they hesitated, the giant ghost king and others found the pregnant God fruit, which made Qingyang even worse. At this time, it is easy to be misunderstood. But Qingyang was also the first time to see the pregnant God fruit. He was very curious about this legendary thing and wanted to see it more truly, so he moved his body a little. He tried to be careful, thinking that others could not find it.

I didn't know that the giant ghost King's mind was so powerful. Qingyang was just a little movement. He found it so far away. The giant ghost king is worthy of being a monk on the ninth floor of Yuanying and the first person in the ten king hall. People who practice spiritual attack secrets and make their heads a lot bigger, lock Qingyang with their mind at the first time, and don't even give him a chance to sneak into zuixianhu.

In the final analysis, there is still too much difference in strength between the two. The old Yuanying nine layer friar is already the top figure in the ancient mainland, except for those magical powers that see the Dragon first but not the tail. Can it be compared by Jindan friars like Qingyang?

In this case, he had no other choice. If he hesitated, he would only make the other party suspicious. Fortunately, before coming here, Qingyang had re operated the yin-yang Xuangong and restored the shape of the ghost monk. There were no flaws in him, so he stood up and said, "predecessors, it's me."

Qingyang walked with everyone before. Although he was very low-key, none of the monks present didn't know him. In the eyes of these people, Qingyang should have died for a long time. It's amazing that he should appear here.

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All the people present have experienced all kinds of dangers before. The yellow earth spider in huangchenqiu, the Yellow winged snake in huangquan River, the iron eater in Wanfeng mountain and the red birds in red smoke Valley, no matter which kind, are not what the Jindan friars can cope with. How much did they pay to come here, but the boy is alone. What did he rely on to get here?

They remembered that the Jindan friar was brought by the Baimei ghost king, so they all looked at her. In fact, the Baimei ghost king was also very puzzled. She knew that Qingyang's strength was extraordinary, otherwise she couldn't break through the baigui map, but she didn't expect that Qingyang's strength could reach such a level.

After coming here, Baimei ghost king has thought several times about whether he can arrive here safely alone with his own ability. The final answer is No. huangchenqiu, huangquan River, Wanfeng mountain and ChiYan valley are more difficult and dangerous one by one, not to mention himself. I'm afraid the giant ghost king with the highest strength among the monks present can't do it.

But this boy can. Does he hide his accomplishments and have more real strength than these old hall masters? Of course, that's impossible. As early as when they first met, the Baimei ghost King tested. This boy is a genuine golden elixir. The only explanation is that this boy has an extraordinary origin and many means to protect his life. Thinking of these, the Baimei ghost king can't help thinking of the one horned ghost king. He is worthy of being a person related to his idol. It's so magical.

Thinking of this, the doubt in the heart of Baimei ghost king suddenly disappeared. Seeing everyone looking at herself, she was a little proud. Looking at Qingyang, she said, "I thought you had fallen in huangchenqiu. Unexpectedly, you were still alive. How did you come here smoothly?"

Everyone is waiting for the Baimei ghost king to interrogate Qingyang, but she didn't expect her attitude to be so kind. It seems that Qingyang is not curious about coming here alone? What can this ask? The others were unwilling at once. They helped Liu ghost king to stand up first and said, "Baimei ghost king, he arrived here safely alone. Don't you think it's suspicious?"

Baimei ghost King smiled and said, "help Liu ghost king, do you think too much? It's just good luck or means to come here smoothly. What's suspicious?"

The ghost king Fuliu snorted coldly, "you said he was lucky? Why don't others have such good luck? There are many means? What means can he have as a little golden elixir?"

At the beginning, Baimei ghost King took a total of four people. As a result, Chengen mingzun and chengci mingzun were blocked outside Shenying Valley, Qingyang disappeared in huangchenqiu, and Rongma ghost king also died in Wanfeng mountain. Then there was only Baimei ghost King left, and everything depended on himself.

Although others have taken care of Baimei ghost king, as the least powerful of the nine hall masters, Baimei ghost king always feels that he is alone and has no sense of security. Who knows, Qingyang suddenly came back at this time. This Qingyang was brought in by himself. It is difficult for him to win the trust of others, and his strength is not weak. It can be seen from his ability to successfully pass through the hundred ghosts map that such a person is a natural ally. This is a good time to win him over.

So the Baimei ghost King sneered and said, "I brought this man. Is it because the Liu ghost king is dissatisfied with me? Besides, you can't do what you can't do without proving that others can't do it. There are many capable people and different people in the world. I'm not afraid to tell you. Do you know that someone has cleared the Baimei city's baigui map some time ago? The person who cleared the customs is the one in front of you."

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