Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1445: 1445

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The thousand handed ghost king did what he said, cut off his arm on the spot and threw it in the distance. He even kept the wound from recovering. He stepped back and let the blood drop on the ground.

At the same time, the thousand hand ghost King's heart was also dripping blood. His trip to Shenying valley was really a big loss. He not only consumed a lot of resources, but also lost several confidants. Even he was seriously injured and his strength decreased. I don't know when he can fully recover, but he didn't get anything at last. It can be said that he lost his wife and his soldiers.

But on the other hand, if you think about it, you're seriously injured and your strength is declining. It's good to be able to save your life. How dare you expect anything else? It's better to take the initiative to avoid being plotted in the future. Besides, the purpose of this trip was to help the giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost king find pregnant fruit. They came to broaden their horizons and didn't intend to get any benefits. It's normal to have no harvest.

What's more, apart from the danger, I didn't see anything, and I almost didn't find anything of high value along the way. This big and small pregnant fruit is almost all the harvest. I'm afraid it's the same behind. Instead of waiting until the last minute to divide the three melons and two dates, it's better to be generous and give up directly.

Sure enough, seeing that the thousand hand ghost king was so crisp and agile, others did not pursue anything. The strength of the thousand hand ghost King decreased greatly after breaking his hand, which could not pose a threat to everyone.

After dealing with the thousand hand ghost king, the giant ghost King calmed his mood, turned his head to the long eyebrow ghost king and said, "brother long eyebrow, the pregnant fruit is here. My promise has been completed. I don't know when the long eyebrow you promised me can be fulfilled?"

The long eyebrow ghost king looked at the pregnant God fruit tree in front of him. He couldn't restrain his smile. He said after a long time: "I didn't expect to find the pregnant divine fruit this time. Although this one is still more than 100 years away from maturity, and its efficacy is much less than that of a completely mature pregnant divine fruit, it can be met but can't be asked. It's lucky to find such a one. How dare you expect anything else? There's no problem with the transaction. The long eyebrow promised to you can be given to you now."

After that, the long eyebrow ghost King closed his eyes, and then his whole body suddenly changed. An old man who looked very ordinary suddenly became a peerless strong man. The other ghost kings were caught off guard and took a step backward one after another. Even the giant ghost king was surprised. The long eyebrow ghost King is worthy of being the longest in the ten kings hall. His strength is not even better than himself I'm afraid I would not be his opponent if it were so many decades earlier.

The long eyebrow ghost King exudes a threatening momentum, which makes people dare not look directly. At the same time, the blood in the long eyebrow ghost king is rolling, and the body temperature is also rising. Even the body can't help shaking, and it seems that unknown changes are taking place in it.

Suddenly, as like as two peas, the eyebrows fell from the top, and then the floating eyebrow was still on the front of the long eyebrow king. The eyebrows looked as if they were the same as the others. What seemed to be nothing special, but no one was there to look down on it.

Everyone held their breath, carefully looked at the eyebrow in front, and waited for the next move of the long eyebrow ghost king. Even the atmosphere didn't dare to come out. What if it blew away?

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At this time, the long eyebrow ghost king had opened his eyes, chanted words in his mouth and kept moving on his hands. It was obvious that a layer of sweat gradually appeared on the long eyebrow ghost King's forehead, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to be getting deeper and deeper. It seemed that he was casting some profound magic.

With the passage of time, we can see that there are more unclear things on the front eyebrow. How to say, before, this eyebrow looks no different from other eyebrows. Most people won't notice him, but after the long eyebrow ghost king cast his magic, this eyebrow has more spirituality. Anyone who sees it feels that it is extraordinary.

I don't know how long later, after the long eyebrow ghost King finished casting the spell, a light converged into his eyebrows, and the original white eyebrows turned black. Then the long eyebrow ghost King took out a jade box, carefully packed his eyebrows, took them in his hand and looked at them, saying: "Everyone in the ten kings hall knows that I still have six long eyebrows, but no one knows which six are. I also heard that I must be willing to grow eyebrows to be effective, but I don't know why. In fact, it doesn't hurt to tell you. In fact, the so-called long eyebrows that can increase the life of a hundred years don't grow on my eyebrows, but in my heart. Which one I want is which one, just here You need to cast a spell first. If I'm not willing, it won't work even if you take away all my eyebrows. That's the origin of the rumors outside. "

The words of the long eyebrow ghost king can be regarded as solving the doubts in everyone's mind for many years. Many people have observed his eyebrows before, hoping to see through the particularity. Even some people have moved their mind to rob, but they can't see the clue. They don't dare to do it. Now they know this reason. According to this, as long as the long eyebrow ghost king doesn't want to, it's useless to pull out all his eyebrows.

Then the long eyebrow ghost king used a slightly regretful mouth: "unfortunately, it's not six from today. I don't know if the remaining five eyebrows can support me to break through the God."

The long eyebrow ghost King's words made many people secretly curl their lips and five eyebrows. That's a life span of 500 years. It's not enough to have such an ability against the sky. How can others live?

After the long eyebrow ghost king said that, he handed the jade box in his hand to the giant ghost king. Then he turned around and had to reach out to pick up the pregnant divine fruit that had grown for more than 800 years. After the transaction was completed, the pregnant divine fruit was his own. After taking it off, he added a few flavors of materials and simply refined it. It became the pregnant divine pill that Yuanying friar dreamed of. In this way, it can be preserved for a longer time.

Because there are few other materials added and the efficacy depends on the pregnant God fruit, the refining is very simple and there is almost no possibility of failure. The long eyebrow ghost king can easily do it. With this pregnant God pill and his more than 500 years of life, it is no longer difficult to make a breakthrough. Think that one day he can become the legendary god transforming power, and the long eyebrow ghost king can wake up with a smile.

"Is the long eyebrow ghost King too anxious? Who said that the pregnant fruit must be yours?" when the long eyebrow ghost King's hand was about to touch the pregnant fruit, someone suddenly said in the back.

Hearing this, the long eyebrow ghost king was stunned. At this time, someone dared to grab the pregnant fruit with himself? Is this life impatient? The long eyebrow ghost King snorted coldly, stopped his action and turned his head to see who was so bold.

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