Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1447: 1447

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But it's really possible. In the face of the temptation of pregnant God fruit and the longing for the realm of transforming God, even the thousand handed ghost king, who has greatly lost his strength, dares to move his hands and feet secretly in front of so many people. What else is impossible for the arrogant and used ghost King Fu Liu? Maybe it was greed that lost the mind that made such an incredible thing.
Other people don't want to say anything. The expression of the ghost king of Fu Liu has completely angered the two leaders. At this time, they can't care about their faces any more, so they looked at each other. At the same time, their faces were cold, and they used their own means to attack the ghost king of Fu Liu.
As soon as they made a move, they seemed to have left no way to help the Liu ghost king. It was really because the other party's attitude was too bad, which made both of them want to kill.
The giant ghost King naturally uses the spiritual attack secret skill that makes him famous. The power of this secret skill is amazing. In order to cultivate this, the giant ghost King's head is several times larger than others, which makes him the name of the giant ghost king. This secret skill is almost invincible under the God. Generally, the giant ghost king will not use it easily. This time, he was too angry by the Liu ghost king.
The secret technique of mental attack can be used quickly, and the attack speed is faster. The attack has just started here, and the attack has come there. Several Yuan Ying later friars present can barely keep up. Those with lower accomplishments like Qingyang can't even make any response. Fortunately, the giant ghost king is not Qingyang who attacks, otherwise Qingyang is already lying on the ground at this time.
Fuliu ghost king is better. After all, he is an eight layer friar of Yuanying. He has some mental preparation for this, so he won't be in a hurry in the face of the spiritual attack of the giant ghost king.
Seeing that the spiritual attack was about to close in, the ghost king of Liu Ming Yuan ran and instantly inspired a circular jade amulet in front of his chest. The jade amulet released an invisible shield to block the spiritual attack. Unexpectedly, the round jade talisman turned out to be a treasure of spiritual defense, but the spiritual attack of the giant ghost king was too powerful. The round jade talisman only lasted for one breath, and then broke open. The invisible shield disappeared instantly, and the remaining attacks went straight to help the Liu ghost king.
The Liu ghost king was shocked. He didn't expect that the giant ghost King's strength would be so strong. His carefully prepared spiritual defense treasure would be so vulnerable. His face suddenly changed. However, as a ghost repair, the Liu ghost king was also good at spiritual attack and defense, and made some defense in advance. The giant ghost King's attack was blocked by the round jade amulet, The rest of the attack only broke the defense of the ghost king of Fu Liu, but did no harm to him.
Seeing this, the giant ghost king was stunned. He was still very clear about the power of his move. Under normal circumstances, let alone Yuanying's eight layer friars like Liu ghost king, even Yuanying's perfect friars could not resist. As for the other party's round jade talisman, although magical, it was not enough to block most of the power of his attack, The remaining attacks were enough to inflict heavy damage on the ghost king of Fu Liu, but the current results were somewhat unexpected.
The giant ghost king didn't say what he thought for the moment. After blocking his attack, the ghost king Fuliu didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, and the attack of the long eyebrow ghost king came. The long eyebrow ghost king used the Ghost Head crutch in his hand. It looked ordinary, but it was actually a ghost treasure, which the long eyebrow ghost King spent a lot of energy to get, The power is a little stronger than brushing the sky willow in the hand of the Liu ghost king. The long eyebrow ghost King uses the Ghost Head crutch as soon as he makes a move, which is also very angry in his heart.

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The strength of the long eyebrow ghost king is not much lower than that of the giant ghost king. This time, it was shot with anger. Naturally, the power should not be underestimated. Different from the silent spiritual attack of the giant ghost king before, the attack of the ghost crutch is completely another way. I saw that a huge ghost crutch almost covered the sky and smashed the opposite ghost king Fuliu with great strength. The attack was huge and powerful, which made the friars present secretly frightened. If the long eyebrow ghost King attacked himself this time, I'm afraid it's only for him to be caught, and I don't know how to help Liu ghost king to deal with it.
The people next to him felt this way, not to mention the ghost King Fu Liu who faced the attack of the long eyebrow ghost king. He just felt like a grass facing the storm. He was so helpless and fragile, and he had just suffered the attack of the giant ghost king and had not fully recovered.
However, the ghost king of Fu Liu is still prepared for this. As a Yuan Ying eight layer friar who has practiced for hundreds of years, how can he not consider the consequences before challenging the two big men? So while dealing with the spiritual attack of the giant ghost king, he is already dealing with the long eyebrow ghost king.
Before the devil's walking stick in the air fell, the ghost king of the willow was moved, and a virtual shadow of a willow tree dozens of feet high appeared behind him. The thick trunk was more than three feet long, and the roots were deep into the ground. Thousands of willow branches danced with the wind, as if the world around him were dominated by him.
It seems that this alone is not enough to resist the attack of the long eyebrow ghost king. The Liu ghost king doesn't know what means he used. Just at the moment when the ghost's crutch is about to fall, the willow virtual shadow suddenly changed its momentum, instantly turned into a green giant and blocked in front with his body.
All this is slow to say. In fact, it all happened in an instant. The green giant just appeared here. The ghost crutch had been smashed on the head. I only heard a loud bang. The green giant roared. It collapsed in an instant and turned back to the willow shadow. However, the power of the ghost crutch had been exhausted. As soon as the light converged, it flew back into the hands of the long eyebrow ghost king.
The ghost King Liu shook his body and then stood firm. Although his face was a little pale, it seemed that he was not hurt. The ghost king with long eyebrows grabbed his ghost head crutch and his eyebrows could not help wrinkling. He couldn't believe that even a monk with the eighth floor of Yuanying was not hurt by the fatal blow given by his senior monk with the ninth floor of Yuanying, And when the other party just blocked the giant ghost King's attack, it's really incredible.
Not only the two of them, but also the others all reacted this way. Everyone thought that helping the Liu ghost king was overkill. After the giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost King took action, helping the Liu ghost king must be vulnerable and have no power to fight back. Even if he didn't die this time, at least half of his life would be lost.
But now the results have surprised them. The Liu ghost king not only blocked the repeated attacks of the two leaders, but also seemed to have nothing at all. This is too outrageous. Did the Liu ghost King hide his real strength before, but actually he was a Yuan Ying perfect friar?

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