Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1449: 1449

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At that time, the ghost king of Fu Liu took advantage of the chaos and used the dream soul grass. At that time, he didn't even get through the danger completely and didn't encounter the back protection array, let alone found the abandoned medicine garden and found the pregnant divine fruit. At that time, the ghost king of Fu Liu had already started planning and dared to bet on the dream soul grass. Such a deep intention and such a distant plan, It's chilling to think about it.

Now the others were not calm, and the cloth bag ghost king shouted, "so, don't you even plan on us? Help Liu ghost king, do you still plan to catch the whole ten kings hall? How can you deal with so many of us alone?"

The big belly ghost king even said, "well, you help the Liu ghost king. It's really bold for a person to dare to calculate so many of us. Although the strength of the giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost king is limited, there are still us. Now let's kill him together and see how arrogant he is."

When he was in Changmei mountain, he had to vote for the happy ghost king. As a result, he still didn't compete to help the Liu ghost king and let the other party take away the position of the successor of the first hall. He thought he would have no chance in this life. Unexpectedly, the Liu ghost king killed himself and offended the other eight ghost kings with one man's strength. He just took this opportunity to kill him, Since then, if you lose one of your most powerful competitors, maybe the position of the first temple Lord will fall to you in the future.

"Yes, that's right. I just had a mind I shouldn't have. I've been punished. The ghost King Fu Liu dared to plot against so many of us. We must not spare him. At least we should abolish his cultivation and let him know the end of greed." the thousand handed ghost King said.

Before the thousand handed ghost king was arrested for making small moves, he was not only punished, but also did not have the qualification to distribute the harvest. He was unbalanced in his heart. Now he finally has a fellow disciple, and he is more hateful than himself. How can he live up to his punishment?

In the face of the indignation of several other ghost kings, Fu Liu ghost king just looked at them and sneered at them. He didn't speak for a long time. After waiting for all these people to stop, he said, "I think I can do this completely uncertain thing after hundreds of years of practice. Do you really think I can do it alone?"

As soon as Fu Liu ghost king said this, everyone was shocked. Does this guy have an accomplice? That's a bad thing. Under the influence of menghuncao, helping Liu ghost King alone can stop the giant ghost king and Changmei ghost king. If there are more helpers, how can they win?

The other ghost kings were on alert and carefully observed the people around them. Now the situation is unknown. If there were an accomplice of Liu ghost King around them, it would be bad to be attacked secretly.

Just when everyone doubted the people around him, Linglong ghost king suddenly stepped forward and stood by the ghost king of Fu Liu without expression. Seeing this situation, everyone was confused and racked their brains to figure out why it was her. Fuliu ghost king and Linglong ghost king have never met before, nor have they heard of any contact. Even during this trip to Shenying Valley, they have not seen any interaction. How do these two people from completely different worlds come together? Could it be that the ghost King Fu Liu has paid some benefits that are hard to refuse?

Baimei ghost king was also surprised. As the only two female ghost kings in the ten kings hall, she had a good relationship with Linglong ghost king. She often matched her sisters, but she didn't know that Linglong ghost king would have a relationship with Fuliu ghost king. She was stunned and said, "sister Linglong, what are you..."

The Linglong ghost King smiled and said, "nothing. It's just that the husband sings and the woman follows."

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"Husband and wife follow? You... You are... How can this be?" the Baimei ghost king said strangely. She didn't expect that these two people would be husband and wife.

Fu Liu ghost King's face was pleased and said, "we were husband and wife hundreds of years ago. It's just that it's inconvenient to be together for some reasons. However, we still have a lot of private contact. We're just hiding it from you. I didn't expect it to cause such trouble to everyone."

They personally admitted that there was no doubt about this. Supporting Liu ghost king and Linglong ghost king, coupled with the influence of menghuncao, could block at least four or five hall Lord ghost kings. In this way, it would be difficult to fight this battle. Both of them were hall Lord ghost kings in the later stage of Yuanying. If they risked their lives, they would have to pay a big price to win.

Fortunately, there are only two people on the other side. If the remaining people can work together, they still have a good chance of winning. So they all look at Baimei ghost king. Fuliu ghost king is more withdrawn. He has few friends in the ten kings hall, but Baimei ghost king has a good relationship with Linglong ghost king. If he is attracted, things will be difficult to do.

Seeing everyone looking at themselves, Baimei ghost King understood everyone's meaning and said: "although I make friends with Linglong ghost king, I can't see their behavior of betraying the sect and plotting against the same way for their own personal gain. Besides, the giant ghost king is here. The Lord token of the first Hall can order all ghosts in the ten kings hall. As a member of the ten kings hall, I naturally have to obey the orders of the giant ghost king."

We respect the giant ghost king not only because he has the highest strength, but also because he is the Lord of the first hall. As a loose ghost repair alliance, how can the ten king hall have cohesion without a unified order? Therefore, the right of the Lord of the first temple is still great.

Of course, these all depend on self-consciousness. Under normal circumstances, no one will casually violate the order of the first hall Lord, but now the Liu ghost king and the Linglong ghost King clearly want to rob the pregnant God fruit and Shoumei. They have torn their faces with everyone. Naturally, it is impossible to take the order of the giant ghost King seriously.

Fortunately, the Baimei ghost king still knows the overall situation. He didn't ignore the interests of the sect because of a little personal affair. The giant ghost King nodded to the Baimei ghost king and was very pleased.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the happy ghost King laughed twice and said, "I don't have such a noble consciousness as Baimei ghost king. It's true that people don't kill everyone for themselves. Helping Liu ghost king promised me enough benefits. Naturally, I'll help him."

The change of the happy ghost king was so sudden that no one would have thought that when they were in Changmei mountain, they were still dead enemies. They fought for the successor of the first hall, but now they colluded and betrayed the ten king hall at the same time.

The happy ghost king is a senior eight layer friar of Yuanying. His strength is almost equal to that of the Liu ghost king. If he also betrayed the ten king hall, the rest will have no chance of winning.

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